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A question I have been having a runny stool recently, not diarrhea, but my stool is quite often loose. Recently I have been eating a lot of oatmeal in various forms, and cashew nuts. Would that cause my stool to be loose? I am not sick, feel great, and there is no visible blood in the stool. I don't really want to go to the doctor if it is nothing to be concerned about and just caused by my change if diet.


Oatmeal is high in fiber and would increase the volume and softness of stool but not usually to the point of being watery unless you are really overdoing it.

If it is not watery, just very soft, then I would not worry about it.


Gosh this reminds me once my mother sent me a care package overseas. It contained my favorite shredded wheat cereal. I only had x amount of milk and knew I could get no more safe milk before the cereal went bad so I ate the box over two days. Result? Same as this OP. At least you get a cleanse of sorts. Feel better.


Fiber is your friend.

Here is probably more than you want to know about it:


Fiber comes in two types. The first kind, soluble fiber, forms a gel when
mixed with water and puts the goo in such
foods as oatmeal and lentils. It works like
tiny brooms, grabbing cholesterol from
digestive juices and sweeping it out of our
bodies, said Boston University nutrition
professor Joan Salge Blake.

Oatmeal should do the opposite, from what ive read, as its a source of fibre it should contribute to hardening the stool. The bristol chart can be helpful if you google it.

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