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My EP SS have an assignment. Listen to an audio book to find the answers to predetermined quiz questions. Then answer a sample of the questions in a class quiz, sometimes individual and sometimes in teams.

I noticed some SS with a screen shot of the answers on their 'smart phones' while doing the quiz.

Although their cheat was obvious, I'm exacerbated somewhat to the lengths they go to to avoid studying.

Every assignment provokes them to find a way to cheat.

I'll make them pay. But they keep on doing it.

Edited by Snackbar
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I hope your being "exacerbated" is the fault of your autocorrect rather than your English skills.

I'm exasperated by it all too laugh.png

On the point of cheating....yes it happens...a lot. Just continue on with it. Mark the homework without giving it a grade. If I give a grade it will be for submission (part of their behaviour grade) Then test them at the end of the week. Those who didn't do the work will fail. Let them fail....then retest them at the end of the semester for their 50% thumbsup.gif

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Yes it's predictive text. Stop trolling.

They always find a way to cheat. I remember a little bit of cheating at a UK university. But not as bad as it seems here.

Mid term next week. They'll have to write a synopsis of the audio book. May help to identify the culprits.

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I hope your being "exacerbated" is the fault of your autocorrect rather than your English skills.

I'm exasperated by it all too laugh.png

On the point of cheating....yes it happens...a lot. Just continue on with it. Mark the homework without giving it a grade. If I give a grade it will be for submission (part of their behaviour grade) Then test them at the end of the week. Those who didn't do the work will fail. Let them fail....then retest them at the end of the semester for their 50% thumbsup.gif

Me too, not to mention that I have got 'the sh..ts'.

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It has been happening for decades so they see nothing wrong with cheating. Why not surprise them use a different text hence new questions that they wont have the answers for. By the way when they fail who's fault will be? Clue; TEA##ER.

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Why bother, they won't pay you any more.

Just let them cheat if they want to.

I was taught that on my first teaching practice in the Uk ...... 40 years ago.

The older teacher who was mentoring me pointed out it only leads to complaints from parents.

Which will annoy the school head, your head of Dept., their head of year.

You are just causing grief for yourself later.

Nobody cares.

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....a survey last year indicated the majority of teachers...and students....said 'cheating is okay'....

...other than that...since you will not be able to up their level of proficiency.....nor the country's....I don't see how you will 'make them pay'....

...besides....they have to pass......

...also....English generally is a low priority.....

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It has been happening for decades so they see nothing wrong with cheating. Why not surprise them use a different text hence new questions that they wont have the answers for. By the way when they fail who's fault will be? Clue; TEA##ER.

Agreed! And if you do decide to grade them poorly you may end up looking for a new job in a couple of months when your contract expires.
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It's not cheating .. It's using your initiative.

Most of the kids don't know it's cheating.

You can assimilate it to queue jumping, that's a local using their initiative to just get out of 7-11 faster, it's not impolite. If you say anything, you are the one with the 'hot heart'

If you say anything to a Thai teacher, you will get a sigh and a 'yes those little rascals' and a chuckle. So just ride it out and keep calm.

In a reciprocal way you can also cheat, change the score yourself - just don't get caught.

If your school allows it, award extra points for attitude to study or a cheating index score

One thing that TT's do is to or award a score for tucking their shirt in or ability to wear their shoes properly.

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It has been happening for decades so they see nothing wrong with cheating. Why not surprise them use a different text hence new questions that they wont have the answers for. By the way when they fail who's fault will be? Clue; TEA##ER.

Agreed! And if you do decide to grade them poorly you may end up looking for a new job in a couple of months when your contract expires.

It depends on the school. While noone in this country 'fails', I can give straight "1" GPA to a whole class if I want to. I'm estimating I will give about half of my grade 10 class a GPA of one in maths this term...simply because they do not put in the effort and fail most of my quizzes. Perhaps I can get away with it as I have been in this school nearly 15 years laugh.png Nevertheless, only my top students get a 4 GPA.

Having said that, many students don't care about their GPA, as they ALL will get into a university here, as long as they can pay (says a lot about the quality of tertiary education in LoS). Only the top universities are selective.

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Yes it's predictive text. Stop trolling.

They always find a way to cheat. I remember a little bit of cheating at a UK university. But not as bad as it seems here.

Mid term next week. They'll have to write a synopsis of the audio book. May help to identify the culprits.

well you edited your post and did not pick up the mistake(s). This suggests your either can't spell (or perhaps comprehend) or paying attention to detail is not one of your strengths. Lol. PS-the standard of your writing resembles that of a non-native of an English speaking country. True?[emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
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You do understand that no1 fails in school here.. So if cheating or not they all pass. You are only here to take a salary. if you want to feel that you achieved something for your students then Thailand isnt the right spot for you..

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Why bother, they won't pay you any more.

Just let them cheat if they want to.

I was taught that on my first teaching practice in the Uk ...... 40 years ago.

The older teacher who was mentoring me pointed out it only leads to complaints from parents.

Which will annoy the school head, your head of Dept., their head of year.

You are just causing grief for yourself later.

Nobody cares.

Sad but true. IMHO of course

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Sad but true. My wife has been approached many times to complete papers for students to submit. cheating is rampant. Recently my son was asked by 2 of my staff to do projects in english .

A few years back the wife was asked to help with an english exam for the police and military where as it started she noticed about 50 percent were cheating and insisted to cancel the exam. Found out after questioning the students they paid a high ranked officer for the answers.


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It's not cheating .. It's using your initiative.

Most of the kids don't know it's cheating.

You can assimilate it to queue jumping, that's a local using their initiative to just get out of 7-11 faster, it's not impolite. If you say anything, you are the one with the 'hot heart'

If you say anything to a Thai teacher, you will get a sigh and a 'yes those little rascals' and a chuckle. So just ride it out and keep calm.

In a reciprocal way you can also cheat, change the score yourself - just don't get caught.

If your school allows it, award extra points for attitude to study or a cheating index score

One thing that TT's do is to or award a score for tucking their shirt in or ability to wear their shoes properly.

As Einstein said "Never remember anything you can look up in a book"

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The problem here is a difference in cultural attitude. We, who come from the West come from an individualist society. We are, buy our cultural upbringing and norms, loners. We are expected to be able to work alone, think creatively and critically and be problem solvers whenever we see a problem.

Asians, where I have taught and lived for 11 years (5 years in Laos and 6 years in Korea) are from a collectivist culture. They are taught from the earliest ages that you do everything in groups, you help each other and thinking and acting outside the group - being an individual - and thus showing creative and critical thought processes, does not show you are a free thinker. It shows you do not wish to belong within the group. You feel you are an outsider: better than them, different in some way more or less.

Asians do not look at cheating in the same way Westerners do. They look at it as simply helping one another do better so the entire group looks better.

I completely disagree with it because I am a Westerner. But I have long ago since given up on trying to change these people. I have yet to meet one, one single person, here in Asia, who does not 100% willingly admit they cheated in school. High school, university, medical school, you name it, they've cheated.

That's just one reason why Asian hospitals scare the hell outta me! I know the doctors and nurses have all cheated at some point. Was it a very important point? That's the $64,000 question isn't it?

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Thais will always take the line of least resistance -anything that contributes toward putting in a minimum effort, must be a good thing. Cheating is not seen as a bad thing in a culture with no guilt. I'm not saying that's a good thing or a bad thing. It's just the way things are....

Edited by millwall_fan
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