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Really Bad Dentist Experience In Pattaya


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I can't believe you didn't speak up when it was apparent that she was going to work on your teeth without anaesthesia. I learnt on my first visit to a dentist in Thailand that you must tell them you require an anaesthetic, or they will often proceed without administering one. All you would have had to do was ask.

I went to a dentist on Pattaya Tai, just past Tukcom, heading away from central Pattaya, on the left. My wife went before me and had a couple of fillings without anaesthetic. As soon as I sat in the chair I made the dentist aware that I would require anaesthetic and I made sure she had gave me a decent dosage and didn't skimp on it. I'm not going to go through a painful drilling without it just to save a few baht.

My wife has lived in the UK with me for about 9 years now and she too has become used to anaesthesia during dental work. I think they naturally don't use it in Thailand to save the client money.

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Why is the business not named?

I certainly do not wan to go there, if I knew where *there* was.....

Unfortunately the forum is paranoid about libel/defamation charges, which biggrin.png are common in Thailand, where the truth is no defense (TIT), so we can't name and shame bad businesses. This makes it even more important to find good referrals from other expats, as naming good establishments is not against forum rules.

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I can't believe you didn't speak up when it was apparent that she was going to work on your teeth without anaesthesia. I learnt on my first visit to a dentist in Thailand that you must tell them you require an anaesthetic, or they will often proceed without administering one. All you would have had to do was ask.

I went to a dentist on Pattaya Tai, just past Tukcom, heading away from central Pattaya, on the left. My wife went before me and had a couple of fillings without anaesthetic. As soon as I sat in the chair I made the dentist aware that I would require anaesthetic and I made sure she had gave me a decent dosage and didn't skimp on it. I'm not going to go through a painful drilling without it just to save a few baht.

My wife has lived in the UK with me for about 9 years now and she too has become used to anaesthesia during dental work. I think they naturally don't use it in Thailand to save the client money.

My dentist always administers anesthetic (without it being requested), but I've only ever been to one dentist. One time I told him it wasn't necessary.

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Can't say I've had the same problems in Chiang Mai, although none of the female dentists could be called pretty.

My female dentist at Rajavep dental clinic ( in the hospital ) is good. If she thinks a job is too complex for her, she'll refer me to the dental clinic at Pantip.

You get what you pay for. Clinics with 20 year old gear will be less expensive than one with state of the art equipment.

For anyone having implants, be advised those clinics advertising same day implants have a failure rate of 40-50%. A properly done implant takes 4 - 6 months.

For those people bitching about the cost of dental work here, go to Australia or the USA if you really want something to complain about.

For example, the cost of two implants done here was AUD5000 total. The cost for ONE implant quoted in Australia was AUD8500.

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Plenty of good dentists in Pattaya and many of them do a better job than some dentists in my home country. I had a root canal done for 10000 baht incl crown . Very professional work with a dentist educated in the US. Maybe you should check the credentials of the dentist next time.

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Absolutely pointless to post this unless you can tell us which dentist it was. Of course, THEN....you expose yourself to defamation charges. You could have at least narrowed down the area so we could figure it out for ourselves. coffee1.gif

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Absolutely pointless to post this unless you can tell us which dentist it was. Of course, THEN....you expose yourself to defamation charges. You could have at least narrowed down the area so we could figure it out for ourselves. coffee1.gif

How much more narrowing do you need? I think the description possibly rules out perhaps 75% or more of the possible dentists in Patts. Thai defamation laws which are possibly unique to Thailand in their scope, prevent publication of absolute ID.

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Tramadol works well with toothache and such, most pharmacies have 50mg capsules, always some generic name, take 2-3 and pain goes away.

How did she remove limestone, with a little sandblaster thingy, yes? Then it's gonna hurt maybe even 3 days. Go get Tramadol!

Since Jan 1st 2016, Tramadol has become a controlled substance that needs to be prescribed and purchased in a hospital. Still a few pharmacies that have stock they are selling out though.

Thank you for pointing this out!

In Bangkok most pharmacies stopped selling Tramadol about 1 year ago. The reason is silly but very typical here, a Thai teenager attempted suicide by swallowing several capsules. He did not die of course but it made news in Thai press. So what's more sensible than stop selling it alltogether over the counter lol. Had this teenager taken any pills that contain Paracetamol, and ton of pills do such as Tylenol, Ibuprofen contain it, often 500mg per pill, he would have succeeded, would pharmacies stop stocking all these? Actually they should, Paracetamol is truly dangerous drug, only 4g can cause fatal liver failure. Yet Tylonol is all over the place, people pop it without thinking.

They always over react badly here, ladyboys use Alprazolam to spike drinks - lets ban it! Ladyboys moved on to use Diazepam, that got banned too. Now Tramadol, pretty much the only non addictive, non opiate but very effective pain killer.

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I'm now seeing the wisdom of that sentiment.

Teeth don't grow anymore, they only wear away.

Whatever you have is all you have.

Last time I did it your way cost me 20,000 peso in the Philippines - a total waste of money for a gold inlay which later required repair by another dentist, and then later on again replacing by Dr Warin Leekpai here in Pattaya.

Use this expat forum well - it can save you a lot of pain.., and don't chew ice LOL... something I used to do too.

Yes, Warin is my dentist too; recommended by a mate who has lived in Pattaya for 9 years .. no bullshizer bloke, no fart-arseing around, plumping the time spent and billing accordingly

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Tramadol works well with toothache and such, most pharmacies have 50mg capsules, always some generic name, take 2-3 and pain goes away.

How did she remove limestone, with a little sandblaster thingy, yes? Then it's gonna hurt maybe even 3 days. Go get Tramadol!

Since Jan 1st 2016, Tramadol has become a controlled substance that needs to be prescribed and purchased in a hospital. Still a few pharmacies that have stock they are selling out though.

Thank you for pointing this out!

In Bangkok most pharmacies stopped selling Tramadol about 1 year ago. The reason is silly but very typical here, a Thai teenager attempted suicide by swallowing several capsules. He did not die of course but it made news in Thai press. So what's more sensible than stop selling it alltogether over the counter lol. Had this teenager taken any pills that contain Paracetamol, and ton of pills do such as Tylenol, Ibuprofen contain it, often 500mg per pill, he would have succeeded, would pharmacies stop stocking all these? Actually they should, Paracetamol is truly dangerous drug, only 4g can cause fatal liver failure. Yet Tylonol is all over the place, people pop it without thinking.

They always over react badly here, ladyboys use Alprazolam to spike drinks - lets ban it! Ladyboys moved on to use Diazepam, that got banned too. Now Tramadol, pretty much the only non addictive, non opiate but very effective pain killer.

Maybe off topic but maybe not since pain meds would be an important component of a serious dental procedure.

I bought Tramadol and Codiene yesterday no problem. Get off the major streets to a pharmacy and it seems no problem.

But they always seem to go into the backroom stash to get it.

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I think that Thai dentists are good. but if you happen to have a bad experience. Law enforcement is much worse than in the EU. known in EU ,states in eastern europe where they are still relatively cheap and very professional dentist.

Tramal is analgesic opioid

Tramal or tramadol is highly addictive legal drug. can cause ONLY in just 1-2 weeks physical dependence(!!!). What's worse than methamphetamine and all other similar compounds or drgs...........
I recommend not to take as long as you do not have.
I had to take only once in live when I had a problem of enormous pain in my back-sciatica. after i take im really do not feel anything(!). no pain no hunger.. etc... What it was scary or frightening for me. never ever
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I had to take only once in live when I had a problem of enormous pain in my back-sciatica. after i take im really do not feel anything(!). no pain no hunger.. etc...

No pain? Good! That's the point!

Nope, not addictive for me, so maybe it is individual.

According to web boards everything is super addictive, people share their horrific addiction stories, and even if the topic is Aspirin, sooner or later you will read horror stories of Aspirin withdrawal.

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"Tramal is analgesic opioid

Tramal or tramadol is highly addictive legal drug. can cause ONLY in just 1-2 weeks physical dependence(!!!). What's worse than methamphetamine and all other similar compounds or drugs..........."

This is the first time I have ever heard of Tramadol being described as addictive. My physician in the USA told me specifically it was NOT addictive, which was the reason he prescribed it for back pain rather than other medications. Very puzzling, but I tend to trust the doctor on this one.

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Anyone has an address or a phone number for the good Dr Warin Leekpai ? Thanks in advance!

Dental Care Centre - about 150/200 metres on the left on Pattaya Klang as you go towards the sea after Third Road

038 720079

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I think that Thai dentists are good. but if you happen to have a bad experience. Law enforcement is much worse than in the EU. known in EU ,states in eastern europe where they are still relatively cheap and very professional dentist.

Tramal is analgesic opioid

Tramal or tramadol is highly addictive legal drug. can cause ONLY in just 1-2 weeks physical dependence(!!!). What's worse than methamphetamine and all other similar compounds or drgs...........
I recommend not to take as long as you do not have.
I had to take only once in live when I had a problem of enormous pain in my back-sciatica. after i take im really do not feel anything(!). no pain no hunger.. etc... What it was scary or frightening for me. never ever

I had the same experience!

I was prescribed Tramadol once for what I could not remember but I never took it.

Ten years later I picked up chicken pox from an electrician who came to do some work (this was outside of Thailand) - he apparently had an episode of shingles.

By the end of the week I had to go see a doctor who told me what I came down with and prescribed the antiviral.

I was fine during the day as I occupied myself but at night when I relaxed to go to sleep the aches and pains were overwhelming.

I was desperate for something and found the Tramadol, by then outdated.

I took one and I must say, it could only be described as a religious experience.

All the trouble just went away and peace came over me and this was in my head:

It was so wonderful that I never took it again.

I was afraid that I would like it too much.

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I was desperate for something and found the Tramadol, by then outdated.

I took one and I must say, it could only be described as a religious experience.

All the trouble just went away and peace came over me and this was in my head:

It was so wonderful that I never took it again.

I was afraid that I would like it too much.

That's nothing! For true out of body psychedelic experience drop some Aspirin! I saw sounds!!

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Of the various opioids, I think that Tramadol has one of the lower possibilities of addiction. When I need to take it, I seem to need 150 mg to kill the pain. When the pain is gone, I have no desire to take it again.

FWIW, the doctor who performed my root canal and seemed unfocused has a graduate degree in dentistry from Harvard. The hospital where her dental clinic is one that I have patronized for many years and received mostly very good care.

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Some people don't get hooked on heroin either. I have taken many different pain meds due to back pain.

Tramadol is extremely addicting. It is a controlled substance opiod. Take it for a few days no.

Take it for 2 weeks and stop and withdrawals kick in big time.

Worse than Vicodin withdrawls for me.

Edited by bkk6060
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Arcoxia works very well for pain.

Is Arcoxia available over the counter??

Yes, most drugs in Thailand can be bought without a prescription .

Etoricoxib (Arcoxia) has helped me to reduce pain , I always take them for 5 days when I have pain .

The generic brand is Etovex , a lot cheaper but its not sold in Thailand.

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  • 2 years later...
On 2/2/2016 at 4:34 AM, DogNo1 said:

Of the various opioids, I think that Tramadol has one of the lower possibilities of addiction. When I need to take it, I seem to need 150 mg to kill the pain. When the pain is gone, I have no desire to take it again.

FWIW, the doctor who performed my root canal and seemed unfocused has a graduate degree in dentistry from Harvard. The hospital where her dental clinic is one that I have patronized for many years and received mostly very good care.


I went to a dental clinic in Issan for a root canal.     It stands out as the most modern clinic I've personally  ever seen.   That goes for  both the office and equipment.     The dentist who worked on me specialized in root canals.

He initially told me the process would require 3 visits and cost 9K THB.


I never felt he hurried the process but at the conclusion of the second visit he said it was completed.   


Final charge was 8K THB.    That was three years ago.   


It's a Forrest Gump kind  of thing with the box of chocolates.

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2 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

You may end up sending a PM to the proprietor of the business in question, or at least someone who then makes the PM public.

BTW, the thread is almost 3 years old.


Thanks for your concern.


OK if I simply send you a name without any other information attached to it whatsoever, I can't see how that could be construed as harmful. 


How does the date of the post matter to anyone?     It's still an active thread, or at least it is at this time

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9 minutes ago, watcharacters said:


I went to a dental clinic in Issan for a root canal.     It stands out as the most modern clinic I've personally  ever seen.   That goes for  both the office and equipment.     The dentist who worked on me specialized in root canals.

He initially told me the process would require 3 visits and cost 9K THB.


I never felt he hurried the process but at the conclusion of the second visit he said it was completed.   


Final charge was 8K THB.    That was three years ago.   


It's a Forrest Gump kind  of thing with the box of chocolates.

Where in Issan is the dentist?


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