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Sanders transforms into contender, still pitches revolution


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Hillary and Bernie can pander to minorities and spout their other soon to be broken promises, but Americans are going to vote against illegal immigration and job losses due to free trade especially with China. Count on it.

If they turn out to be 'broken promises' then it will be because Reps in congress continue to drag their feet as they're so adept at doing.

Speaking of 'losing jobs to China, etc.' There was a segment on David Letterman where Trump was peddling his ties and other clothing, while interjecting how 'We need to keep jobs in the US'. Letterman asked to see one of the ties and asked Trump where they were made. Trump said he didn't know. (how could he not know where his clothing lines were being manufactured?). Letterman then looked closely at the tie, and saw a tiny indication: "MADE IN CHINA." He asked Trump about that. Trump grinned, squirmed in his seat, and tried to change the subject. Yet another of the conveyor belt of inconsistancies coming out of Trump's big mouth. If that's the best the Republican Party can dredge up, then it's a sad state of affairs for them. I almost feel sorry for the Republicans. It's kinda like watching a fat squat kid at a swimming meet, having to compete with sleek buffed competitors.

The US system of government is based on a checks and balances adversarial relationship. Just because someone running for president makes promises does not guarantee cart Blanche acceptance from the other side of the aisle. "Dragging their feet" or whatever you wish to call it means the same in congress and it does here on this thread - we have a significant disagreement on the problems and the best solutions.

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The old 'entitlement' chestnut. A favourite 'call to arms' for Conservatives the world over. Those filthy poor, elderly, injured and handicapped people. You know the people least able to defend themselves. Even the most hardened, hateful person would brush a few scraps off the table to a starving dog. However, Right Wing Conservatives would put the boot in. If you are poor or handicapped or injured or elderly you somehow are not human and despised. I expect the hatred wells up from a sense of entitlement that the small amount, quite rightly and humanely paid to the less fortunate are funds that could be transferred into the wealthy elite and Corporate America's tax free offshore Bank accounts. It must keep them awake at night. I am starting to think that far Right Wing Conservative is an illness that all the money in the world cannot cure.

You should take a good hard look at yourself Pimay1. Using the poor and disadvantaged to further your political agenda. Shameful.

Wow, looks like I pushed all your guys button. Sgtsabai the gun is a S&W .357 magnum. And no I don't think it makes me anything. I just happen to collect guns all the way back to the civil war area. I have this gun in my collection. I am happy to hear about your prowess with gun fighting and long range. Quite an accomplishment and I'm also happy that you are better than me, congratulations. No matter how good we are, there is always someone better. I couldn't agree with you more about SS, food stamps, Medicare and veteran benefits. My sister was laid off from her job a few years ago and had to depend on food stamps for a few weeks. I can assure you that in my fifty one year working career I paid my fair share. We will have to agree to disagree about my signature. Have a nice day.

Sirinoeu how did you obtain my college transcripts? smile.png

Up2u2 what is this with "Those filthy poor, elderly, injured and handicapped people"? Talk about embellishing on a post. Using the poor and disadvantaged to further your political agenda? You are really out in left field with this one.

The entitlement class I was referring to are the people who are fully capable of working but choose not to do so because they think you and I owe them a living and are just too lazy to work. Also in that category are the third and fourth generation welfare recipients who leech off of you and me by having five or six children out of wedlock in order to receive ADC.

It is unconscionable to deny assistance to the poor, elderly, injured and handicapped people. No one in their right mind would advocate this.

It appears that you guys have let hatred and politics blind you to to the fact that just because someone doesn't have the same opinion as you that this person doesn't have a right to their opinion. Where is your tolerance, open-mindedness and forbearance of of other people. All three of you guys immediately launched personal attacks on me without having any discussion in order to discern the true meaning of my post. I am above personal attacks and will let yours slide.

Have to confess I did take cover under the table when Sarge started 'waiving' his guns around. lol

A helping hand to your sister to ensure she is okay and in a position to get back on her feet after losing her job is the very least a society can offer. I would also extend, health care, counselling, accommodation assistance, travel and relocation assistance. Being out of work is terrible for people. That is what SS is all about people caring for each other.

I may have 'over egged the pudding' slightly on poor people but that is exactly how you come across.

How many people in this 'entitlement class' that can work but don't? Two fifths of bugger all.

Oh, here we go, the ubiquitous unmarried mother with a litter of children. Really? just beggars belief. The very same Right Wing lunatics that deny women access to sex education, access to abortion, access to tuition free education system then turn around and point the finger at the outcome of their own ignorance and meddling interference. They mount up on their moral 'high horse' and demand she be dragged down the street 'tarred and feathered' and publicly shamed. Please your killing me. Old white rich man syndrome. Only by the grace of good fortune you have managed to steer a course.

"It is unconscionable to deny assistance to the poor, elderly, injured and handicapped people. No one in their right mind would advocate this." Well thank Buddha for that. I was starting to think you had no soul whatsoever.

I have absolutely zero tolerance for peoples who hold political ideology that is simply hateful and uncaring or racist or set upon those who cannot defend themselves or are the result of the very evangelical bigotry they endorse and promote or seeks to divide a society with half-truths.

The fact is once your far Right Wing half truths. like the Socialist, unmarried mothers, SS 'boogie men' are put aside and we drag you out from under the bed you really are a Bernie voter. No doubt in my mind.

"Feel The Bern" Comrade

Edited by up2u2
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The old 'entitlement' chestnut. A favourite 'call to arms' for Conservatives the world over. Those filthy poor, elderly, injured and handicapped people. You know the people least able to defend themselves. Even the most hardened, hateful person would brush a few scraps off the table to a starving dog. However, Right Wing Conservatives would put the boot in. If you are poor or handicapped or injured or elderly you somehow are not human and despised. I expect the hatred wells up from a sense of entitlement that the small amount, quite rightly and humanely paid to the less fortunate are funds that could be transferred into the wealthy elite and Corporate America's tax free offshore Bank accounts. It must keep them awake at night. I am starting to think that far Right Wing Conservative is an illness that all the money in the world cannot cure.

You should take a good hard look at yourself Pimay1. Using the poor and disadvantaged to further your political agenda. Shameful.

Wow, looks like I pushed all your guys button. Sgtsabai the gun is a S&W .357 magnum. And no I don't think it makes me anything. I just happen to collect guns all the way back to the civil war area. I have this gun in my collection. I am happy to hear about your prowess with gun fighting and long range. Quite an accomplishment and I'm also happy that you are better than me, congratulations. No matter how good we are, there is always someone better. I couldn't agree with you more about SS, food stamps, Medicare and veteran benefits. My sister was laid off from her job a few years ago and had to depend on food stamps for a few weeks. I can assure you that in my fifty one year working career I paid my fair share. We will have to agree to disagree about my signature. Have a nice day.

Sirinoeu how did you obtain my college transcripts? smile.png

Up2u2 what is this with "Those filthy poor, elderly, injured and handicapped people"? Talk about embellishing on a post. Using the poor and disadvantaged to further your political agenda? You are really out in left field with this one.

The entitlement class I was referring to are the people who are fully capable of working but choose not to do so because they think you and I owe them a living and are just too lazy to work. Also in that category are the third and fourth generation welfare recipients who leech off of you and me by having five or six children out of wedlock in order to receive ADC.

It is unconscionable to deny assistance to the poor, elderly, injured and handicapped people. No one in their right mind would advocate this.

It appears that you guys have let hatred and politics blind you to to the fact that just because someone doesn't have the same opinion as you that this person doesn't have a right to their opinion. Where is your tolerance, open-mindedness and forbearance of of other people. All three of you guys immediately launched personal attacks on me without having any discussion in order to discern the true meaning of my post. I am above personal attacks and will let yours slide.

Have to confess I did take cover under the table when Sarge started 'waiving' his guns around. lol

A helping hand to your sister to ensure she is okay and in a position to get back on her feet after losing her job is the very least a society can offer. I would also extend, health care, counselling, accommodation assistance, travel and relocation assistance. Being out of work is terrible for people. That is what SS is all about people caring for each other.

I may have 'over egged the pudding' slightly on poor people but that is exactly how you come across.

How many people in this 'entitlement class' that can work but don't? Two fifths of bugger all.

Oh, here we go, the ubiquitous unmarried mother with a litter of children. Really? just beggars belief. The very same Right Wing lunatics that deny women access to sex education, access to abortion, access to tuition free education system then turn around and point the finger at the outcome of their own ignorance and meddling interference. They mount up on their moral 'high horse' and demand she be dragged down the street 'tarred and feathered' and publicly shamed. Please your killing me. Old white rich man syndrome. Only by the grace of good fortune you have managed to steer a course.

"It is unconscionable to deny assistance to the poor, elderly, injured and handicapped people. No one in their right mind would advocate this." Well thank Buddha for that. I was starting to think you had no soul whatsoever.

I have absolutely zero tolerance for peoples who hold political ideology that is simply hateful and uncaring or racist or set upon those who cannot defend themselves or are the result of the very evangelical bigotry they endorse and promote or seeks to divide a society with half-truths.

The fact is once your far Right Wing half truths. like the Socialist, unmarried mothers, SS 'boogie men' are put aside and we drag you out from under the bed you really are a Bernie voter. No doubt in my mind.

"Feel The Bern" Comrade

I totally disagree with your forth paragraph describing the Right Wing lunatics but we can agree to disagree.

I have absolutely zero tolerance for peoples who hold political ideology that is simply hateful and uncaring or racist or set upon those who cannot defend themselves or are the result of the very evangelical bigotry they endorse and promote or seeks to divide a society with half-truths. I totally agree with you on this one.

I don't know what you are referring to by the "SS boogie men" comment. I paid into it all my working years and am now receiving the benefit of paying into it. As for my socialist and unmarried mother comments, I think you will find the facts back me up. Contrary to your belief I am not a Right Winger. I am a Libertarian and form my opinions on common sense and facts. We all can't think alike. If so everyone would have wanted my ex-wife which I might add might have been a good thing.

"and we drag you out from under the bed you really are a Bernie voter. No doubt in my mind." Good one my friend I like that. thumbsup.gif

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Hillary and Bernie can pander to minorities and spout their other soon to be broken promises, but Americans are going to vote against illegal immigration and job losses due to free trade especially with China. Count on it.

If they turn out to be 'broken promises' then it will be because Reps in congress continue to drag their feet as they're so adept at doing.

Speaking of 'losing jobs to China, etc.' There was a segment on David Letterman where Trump was peddling his ties and other clothing, while interjecting how 'We need to keep jobs in the US'. Letterman asked to see one of the ties and asked Trump where they were made. Trump said he didn't know. (how could he not know where his clothing lines were being manufactured?). Letterman then looked closely at the tie, and saw a tiny indication: "MADE IN CHINA." He asked Trump about that. Trump grinned, squirmed in his seat, and tried to change the subject. Yet another of the conveyor belt of inconsistancies coming out of Trump's big mouth. If that's the best the Republican Party can dredge up, then it's a sad state of affairs for them. I almost feel sorry for the Republicans. It's kinda like watching a fat squat kid at a swimming meet, having to compete with sleek buffed competitors.

The US system of government is based on a checks and balances adversarial relationship. Just because someone running for president makes promises does not guarantee cart Blanche acceptance from the other side of the aisle. "Dragging their feet" or whatever you wish to call it means the same in congress and it does here on this thread - we have a significant disagreement on the problems and the best solutions.

I agree about 'checks and balances.' It's just that Reps have become so adept at constipating government processes. They even admitted it, like a Greek chorus, yesterday: "We cannot let Obama put forth a nominee for supreme court justice." BTW, that's against the constitution, but we won't let some sentences written on a piece of hemp paper get in the way of garnering senatorial salaries & perks.

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Absolutely not. As Vladimir Lenin stated "the goal of socialism is communism". Socialism grows directly out of capitalism. It is the first form of the new society. Communism is a further development or "higher stage" of socialism. So how about the first statement of my OP?

Are you serious? Do you really believe Lenin's rhetoric as he was justifying his party's takeover of his country? Well, Lenin said it, so it must be true. Are you saying that communist plotters are preparing to takeover Norway, the UK, and Canada any day now? Next, socialist Canada will be sending tanks across the border to crush the evil American capitalists.

So, if we followed your Leninist advice, should the USA dismantle such socialist programs as social security, medicare, medicaid, food stamps, etc? After these senior citizens, the disabled, the poor, etc. have their much needed funds cut off, we'll explain that we are concerned about Lenin's threat. "Sorry that you cannot buy the medicine that keeps you alive, because Lenin's warned us of an eventual communist takeover."

You do know that Lenin died and the USSR no longer exists, right?

Thanks for the discussion and the offer to continue it with you, but I am due back to the planet Earth.

You're welcome for the discussion and you do have a wild imagination that's for sure. Have a good trip and on the way maybe you can figure out how much of my salary you deserve.

It was not part of my imagination that the USSR collapsed, as did your very overly simplistic and wholly unsubstantiated analysis of economics and politics that you never can defend.

By the way, isn't China moving more and more to capitalism despite Chairman Mao? They must not have studied your theories.

What is going on in China has ZERO relationship to Capitalism. It is dictatorship coupled with cronyism and corruption. None of those clowns would have got rich in a genuine Capitalist society.

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Ahem, capitalist doesn't come with capitals unless it is the beginning word of a sentence. And what is going on in China has a lot to do with today's version of capitalism. Those clowns are vicious, cutthroat people that fit right in with America's plutocrats. It is all called make the money and screw the working person that makes it for you, no matter what the official form of government is. And you don't think the US has crony capitalism? America is a plutocracy coupled with cronyism and corruption, top to bottom. Nobody is saying do away completely with capitalism, what Bernie is saying is regulate it, reinstate Glass-Steagall, make the rich/corporations pay their fair share, stop the bribery of Congress etc. and make the country work for the people, not just the rich. Perhaps you should stop watching faux (not the) news and listening to Koch (John Birch Society) traitor brothers.

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What is going on in China has ZERO relationship to Capitalism. It is dictatorship coupled with cronyism and corruption. None of those clowns would have got rich in a genuine Capitalist society.

Au contraire, China demonstrates that capitalism is not dependent upon democracy, human rights, or any other such non-economic irrelevancies. Capitalism can coexist with cronyism and corruption (and even a degree of totalitarianism) just as easily in China as within the US. Alas, capitalism, even within the Chinese scenario, will consume itself, as Marx predicted, without government regulations to, metaphorically speaking, resist the dark side of the force. China is about to experience an economic setback and we will just have to wait and watch as it plays out as their private debt load deleverages.

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"The politicians are put there to make you think you have freedom of choice...."

Nihilists are put here to make you think everything means and amounts to nothing.

Except of course for their meaningful statements that everything means nothing.

Edited by Publicus
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Absolutely not. As Vladimir Lenin stated "the goal of socialism is communism". Socialism grows directly out of capitalism. It is the first form of the new society. Communism is a further development or "higher stage" of socialism. So how about the first statement of my OP?

Are you serious? Do you really believe Lenin's rhetoric as he was justifying his party's takeover of his country? Well, Lenin said it, so it must be true. Are you saying that communist plotters are preparing to takeover Norway, the UK, and Canada any day now? Next, socialist Canada will be sending tanks across the border to crush the evil American capitalists.

So, if we followed your Leninist advice, should the USA dismantle such socialist programs as social security, medicare, medicaid, food stamps, etc? After these senior citizens, the disabled, the poor, etc. have their much needed funds cut off, we'll explain that we are concerned about Lenin's threat. "Sorry that you cannot buy the medicine that keeps you alive, because Lenin's warned us of an eventual communist takeover."

You do know that Lenin died and the USSR no longer exists, right?

Thanks for the discussion and the offer to continue it with you, but I am due back to the planet Earth.

You're welcome for the discussion and you do have a wild imagination that's for sure. Have a good trip and on the way maybe you can figure out how much of my salary you deserve.

It was not part of my imagination that the USSR collapsed, as did your very overly simplistic and wholly unsubstantiated analysis of economics and politics that you never can defend.

By the way, isn't China moving more and more to capitalism despite Chairman Mao? They must not have studied your theories.

What is going on in China has ZERO relationship to Capitalism. It is dictatorship coupled with cronyism and corruption. None of those clowns would have got rich in a genuine Capitalist society.

Talking about capitalism in the CCP China is like talking about teats on a bull. Talking about CCP dictatorship at a Bernie Sanders thread is absurd and diversionary. Neither has any relationship to the other. Capitalism in the CCP China is minor and illegal, dependent on the shadow banking system as the state banks which are all banks can lend only to state corporations that anyway don't make a profit. Bernie Sanders and his views have nothing to do with corporate communism-socialism or dictatorship in the CCP China. The most successful capitalists in the CCP China were educated in the US or Canada and that's where they are now while others of 'em soon will be.

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Are you serious? Do you really believe Lenin's rhetoric as he was justifying his party's takeover of his country? Well, Lenin said it, so it must be true. Are you saying that communist plotters are preparing to takeover Norway, the UK, and Canada any day now? Next, socialist Canada will be sending tanks across the border to crush the evil American capitalists.

So, if we followed your Leninist advice, should the USA dismantle such socialist programs as social security, medicare, medicaid, food stamps, etc? After these senior citizens, the disabled, the poor, etc. have their much needed funds cut off, we'll explain that we are concerned about Lenin's threat. "Sorry that you cannot buy the medicine that keeps you alive, because Lenin's warned us of an eventual communist takeover."

You do know that Lenin died and the USSR no longer exists, right?

Thanks for the discussion and the offer to continue it with you, but I am due back to the planet Earth.

You're welcome for the discussion and you do have a wild imagination that's for sure. Have a good trip and on the way maybe you can figure out how much of my salary you deserve.

It was not part of my imagination that the USSR collapsed, as did your very overly simplistic and wholly unsubstantiated analysis of economics and politics that you never can defend.

By the way, isn't China moving more and more to capitalism despite Chairman Mao? They must not have studied your theories.

What is going on in China has ZERO relationship to Capitalism. It is dictatorship coupled with cronyism and corruption. None of those clowns would have got rich in a genuine Capitalist society.

So, there aren't any authoritarian governments that have a capitalist system with various degrees of cronyism and corruption? Don't be naive.

What the heck is a "genuine [c]apitalist society"? It's an economic system affected by human society and governments, not a diamond. There are various degrees of capitalism, socialism, etc. It's not about black and white, it's about a spectrum and various degrees.

Speaking of "genuine," I am not too sure if they have a "genuine dictatorship," if there is such a thing. There seem to have had different presidents or paramount leaders, or whatever you may call them, every so many years. I don't think it is the same as, say, Franco of Spain. By the way, didn't he fight a war against the communists and later install his own version of a capitalist system?

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Ahem, capitalist doesn't come with capitals unless it is the beginning word of a sentence. And what is going on in China has a lot to do with today's version of capitalism. Those clowns are vicious, cutthroat people that fit right in with America's plutocrats. It is all called make the money and screw the working person that makes it for you, no matter what the official form of government is. And you don't think the US has crony capitalism? America is a plutocracy coupled with cronyism and corruption, top to bottom. Nobody is saying do away completely with capitalism, what Bernie is saying is regulate it, reinstate Glass-Steagall, make the rich/corporations pay their fair share, stop the bribery of Congress etc. and make the country work for the people, not just the rich. Perhaps you should stop watching faux (not the) news and listening to Koch (John Birch Society) traitor brothers.

Ahem, most sites on the first page of google's response to capitalism disagree with you. Capitalism, like Socialism can be spelled with either capital or small letter.

Fox doesn't give news, they are entertainment and one shouldn't confuse the two.

Don't think I've ever listened to Koch brothers, whoever they are.

Wasn't talking about the US, it was about China.

Work for the people

Which people are they? Rich people are people too, and do you really want to "work" for the lazy and the criminal?

No work, no pay, IMO.

Socialism is the best system, but unfortunately it's been hijacked by the PC and the loonies that want to give everything to the lazy and the undeserving.

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You're welcome for the discussion and you do have a wild imagination that's for sure. Have a good trip and on the way maybe you can figure out how much of my salary you deserve.

It was not part of my imagination that the USSR collapsed, as did your very overly simplistic and wholly unsubstantiated analysis of economics and politics that you never can defend.

By the way, isn't China moving more and more to capitalism despite Chairman Mao? They must not have studied your theories.

What is going on in China has ZERO relationship to Capitalism. It is dictatorship coupled with cronyism and corruption. None of those clowns would have got rich in a genuine Capitalist society.

So, there aren't any authoritarian governments that have a capitalist system with various degrees of cronyism and corruption? Don't be naive.

What the heck is a "genuine [c]apitalist society"? It's an economic system affected by human society and governments, not a diamond. There are various degrees of capitalism, socialism, etc. It's not about black and white, it's about a spectrum and various degrees.

Speaking of "genuine," I am not too sure if they have a "genuine dictatorship," if there is such a thing. There seem to have had different presidents or paramount leaders, or whatever you may call them, every so many years. I don't think it is the same as, say, Franco of Spain. By the way, didn't he fight a war against the communists and later install his own version of a capitalist system?

Authoritarian is not the same as dictatorship. Singapore has an authoritarian government, but it is a democracy.

Dictators have the power of kings and can kill you if you stand against them. China appears to have a committee dictatorship, but they'll still kill you if they want.

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You're welcome for the discussion and you do have a wild imagination that's for sure. Have a good trip and on the way maybe you can figure out how much of my salary you deserve.

It was not part of my imagination that the USSR collapsed, as did your very overly simplistic and wholly unsubstantiated analysis of economics and politics that you never can defend.

By the way, isn't China moving more and more to capitalism despite Chairman Mao? They must not have studied your theories.

What is going on in China has ZERO relationship to Capitalism. It is dictatorship coupled with cronyism and corruption. None of those clowns would have got rich in a genuine Capitalist society.

Talking about capitalism in the CCP China is like talking about teats on a bull. Talking about CCP dictatorship at a Bernie Sanders thread is absurd and diversionary. Neither has any relationship to the other. Capitalism in the CCP China is minor and illegal, dependent on the shadow banking system as the state banks which are all banks can lend only to state corporations that anyway don't make a profit. Bernie Sanders and his views have nothing to do with corporate communism-socialism or dictatorship in the CCP China. The most successful capitalists in the CCP China were educated in the US or Canada and that's where they are now while others of 'em soon will be.

Well, I think most people would think the economic reforms in China from the days of Mao are larger than a "teat." Bear in mind that the original point of this line of discussion had to do simply with trends and whether they are fixed in one certain direction only. I sense that you don't know that. That's okay. I think the point has been made and too much time has been spent on it. Originally, it was about Sanders. Yet now, you are right that this has digressed too far from discussing Sanders and the OP's article.

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What is going on in China has ZERO relationship to Capitalism. It is dictatorship coupled with cronyism and corruption. None of those clowns would have got rich in a genuine Capitalist society.

So, there aren't any authoritarian governments that have a capitalist system with various degrees of cronyism and corruption? Don't be naive.

What the heck is a "genuine [c]apitalist society"? It's an economic system affected by human society and governments, not a diamond. There are various degrees of capitalism, socialism, etc. It's not about black and white, it's about a spectrum and various degrees.

Speaking of "genuine," I am not too sure if they have a "genuine dictatorship," if there is such a thing. There seem to have had different presidents or paramount leaders, or whatever you may call them, every so many years. I don't think it is the same as, say, Franco of Spain. By the way, didn't he fight a war against the communists and later install his own version of a capitalist system?

Authoritarian is not the same as dictatorship. Singapore has an authoritarian government, but it is a democracy.

Dictators have the power of kings and can kill you if you stand against them. China appears to have a committee dictatorship, but they'll still kill you if they want.

As I understand it, "authoritarian" is a broad term which is why I chose it. This includes dictatorships and, yes, other forms of governments.

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Ahem, capitalist doesn't come with capitals unless it is the beginning word of a sentence. And what is going on in China has a lot to do with today's version of capitalism. Those clowns are vicious, cutthroat people that fit right in with America's plutocrats. It is all called make the money and screw the working person that makes it for you, no matter what the official form of government is. And you don't think the US has crony capitalism? America is a plutocracy coupled with cronyism and corruption, top to bottom. Nobody is saying do away completely with capitalism, what Bernie is saying is regulate it, reinstate Glass-Steagall, make the rich/corporations pay their fair share, stop the bribery of Congress etc. and make the country work for the people, not just the rich. Perhaps you should stop watching faux (not the) news and listening to Koch (John Birch Society) traitor brothers.

Ahem, most sites on the first page of google's response to capitalism disagree with you. Capitalism, like Socialism can be spelled with either capital or small letter.

Fox doesn't give news, they are entertainment and one shouldn't confuse the two.

Don't think I've ever listened to Koch brothers, whoever they are.

Wasn't talking about the US, it was about China.

Work for the people

Which people are they? Rich people are people too, and do you really want to "work" for the lazy and the criminal?

No work, no pay, IMO.

Socialism is the best system, but unfortunately it's been hijacked by the PC and the loonies that want to give everything to the lazy and the undeserving.

Yes, the capitalization of economic terms by writers has not been consistent. Maybe you find the upper case on the first page of Google because such writers are pushing an agenda, whether hidden or not. Otherwise, as I recall, the trend is not to capitalize unless the term is derived from a proper noun, e.g., Marxism. I recall that's Webster's recommendation.

After just a quick check on Google, I found the following from the University of Illinois' site for writing style:

"Unless they are derived from proper nouns, do not capitalize words for political and economic philosophies. Examples: democracy, capitalist, communism, Marxist."

Here's the site:


Thanks for your interesting point!

Edited by helpisgood
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Capitalism in China manifests by Chinese undercover agents grabbing some book store managers and forcibly taking them to a cold locked room far away, then forcing them to call their wives and say, 'everything is fine. Don't worry. I just had to take an impulsive trip to Qingdong. Don't know when I'll be back home, but I'll bring you a little gift, a packet of MSG or something.'

Now, what was the topic.....?

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Which, unfortunately means Bernie is going to have to step up the pace. Don't forget the so-called "super delegates" are for the main committed to Hillary, although not publicly, yet. Alan Grayson isn't and he is a "super delegate". I think the "firewall" is pretty firm in SC and Hillary will be bringing out more and more of the "goon squad". Included in the "goon squad" is the main (lame) stream media which has and will continue to do everything in it's power to keep Bernie's message from the public. No, I don't include faux (not the) news, that is just far right wingnut bull, lies and propaganda. The longer they stay close, the dirtier Hillary will fight, while denying, denying, denying. The more cherry picking, lies etc. will be coming from her surrogates. Oh wait, that is just the same as a Republican campaign. There is a lot of real dirt on Hillary, unlike all the crap in the pointy head right wing tin foil conspiracy nuts little pea pickin' brains. Bernie is just going to have to tell the truth. The Clinton's have never and will never fight fair, hell they fight almost as dirty as I fight in a street fight. Bernie can win, his message is the correct message and his plans are correct. The right wing buffoon car is a true disaster for what is left of America. Make no mistake about it, Hillary is barely, and I do mean barely, the lessor of 2 evils and I do mean evils.

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Here is a perfect example of how the Hillary "good squad" handles things and how the "1st strike" works. Friedman (Clinton supporter) was correct when he ran the numbers of Bernie's economic plan. It's a bit long but well worth the read for two reasons, first and foremost it explains how the plan will benefit the US and second it exposes the "good squad". https://ourfuture.org/20160223/the-sanders-economic-plan-controversy?utm_source=progressive_breakfast&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=pbreak

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She has already gone to the left, (not hard to do considering how far right she is) using Bernie's populism and stealing from him. He knows it and has called her on it. She will never shift left. She is a Republican "lite", neocon/neoliberal tool of Wall Street criminals and banksters. She will claim the populist stance, and as soon as she is in the White House, do the same as Obama, screw all those that were foolish enough to believe her. Bought and sold. It's all in her history. http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2016/02/22/sanders-claims-archrival-hillary-clinton-is-cloning-the-bern/ http://www.politico.com/story/2016/02/hillary-clinton-health-care-bernie-sanders-219643

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Missed the "click on link" while computer was crashing, damned Windows Exploder...lol. This one should work: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/02/hillary-clinton-health-care-bernie-sanders-219643 She was part and parcel of the war on working people, the end of Glass-Steagall (still supports that), the pipeline from school to prison for mostly blacks and other minorities, NAFTA the disaster for the middle/working class and will immediately push for TPP, and all the rest of the secret corporate coup "trade" (not) deals if electe. Hillary may be better than any of the buffoon car, but when picking the lessor of 2 evils, she barely makes the grade. She will continue to start wars, give the profits to the 1% and destroy the working/middle class, perhaps a minute or 2 slower than the buffoon car would. That bunch is all evil. Bernie stands mountains tall above all.

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