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Sanders transforms into contender, still pitches revolution


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Oh please your killing me. Voter Suppression Laws are the typical modus operandi of the Republican Right Wing. If they can't win fairly they will do any underhanded trickery to rig the system in their favor and of course make it look like they are the good guys just protecting the democratic system from the sinister evil doers. Voter Suppression Laws impact on minorities, the elderly and the disabled. They are sponsored by the Republican Party because they give them an advantage. Pure and simple and it fools absolutely no one. You can't win fair and square no problem rig the system.

Since you are a Brit, let me inform you of a few places where a photo ID is required in the US.

Cashing a government welfare check.

Cashing a personal check.

Applying for food stamps.

Applying for unemployment benefits.

Applying for Aid for Dependent Children.

Registering a child into a new school system.

Applying for earned Social Security benefits.

Applying for Social Security Disability benefits.

Purchasing alcoholic drinks if one is youngish looking.

Opening a bank account.

Entering all federal buildings.

Providing proof of identity if involved in a routine traffic stop.

Boarding a commercial airliner at an airport.

Renting or purchasing a house.

Renting a car.

Getting married.

Purchasing a gun.

Renting a hotel room in many places,

Obtaining a hunting or fishing license.

Picking up a prescription at a pharmacy.

Applying for a license to stage a protest.

Donating blood.

Registering in a hospital.

These are just a few examples of where a photo ID is required.

And they are all, seemingly, more important than guaranteeing the integrity of an election.

Chuckd we know why Right Wingers advocate Voter Suppression Laws because it advantages Republican candidates. So please don't think you are fooling anyone. Typical deceitful conduct of the Republican Party and fair minded people wont have a bar of it. Want to make money from wars - invent weapons of mass destruction, can't win an election - obstruct Congress, can't get their way on abortion law - shut down clinics, can't get nasty legislation through - sneak it through with appropriation Bills, hate environment protections - de-fund EPA. Look at the candidates the Republican Party attracts to run for President. Have you ever seen a worse lineup. The reason why they are so bad is because at their very core they have to cover up their lack of honesty and the fact that they are lap dogs for Corporate America and the wealthy elite and they have to engage in deceit. Not a scintilla of moral character amongst them.

One thing that stuck in my mind was when Cruz went to give his daughter a kiss and she reeled back in horror. The last thing she wanted is that nasty, creepy man anywhere near her. Obama's daughters absolutely adore him. They see him as a man of strength and character, someone to admire and look up too. Proud to stand by his side. As it should be. I think one of the reasons Republican candidates support 'carry laws' is because, don't worry about the disgust of family members, if the family dog gets hold of them it will be a case of shoot to kill.

As is often the case with responses, you seem to completely avoid addressing the point here and instead move the discussion to your favorite subject - those evil, racist republicans and some kind of silly, nonsensical conclusion about Cruz's daughter. Edited by SpokaneAl
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Oh please your killing me. Voter Suppression Laws are the typical modus operandi of the Republican Right Wing. If they can't win fairly they will do any underhanded trickery to rig the system in their favor and of course make it look like they are the good guys just protecting the democratic system from the sinister evil doers. Voter Suppression Laws impact on minorities, the elderly and the disabled. They are sponsored by the Republican Party because they give them an advantage. Pure and simple and it fools absolutely no one. You can't win fair and square no problem rig the system.

Since you are a Brit, let me inform you of a few places where a photo ID is required in the US.

Cashing a government welfare check.

Cashing a personal check.

Applying for food stamps.

Applying for unemployment benefits.

Applying for Aid for Dependent Children.

Registering a child into a new school system.

Applying for earned Social Security benefits.

Applying for Social Security Disability benefits.

Purchasing alcoholic drinks if one is youngish looking.

Opening a bank account.

Entering all federal buildings.

Providing proof of identity if involved in a routine traffic stop.

Boarding a commercial airliner at an airport.

Renting or purchasing a house.

Renting a car.

Getting married.

Purchasing a gun.

Renting a hotel room in many places,

Obtaining a hunting or fishing license.

Picking up a prescription at a pharmacy.

Applying for a license to stage a protest.

Donating blood.

Registering in a hospital.

These are just a few examples of where a photo ID is required.

And they are all, seemingly, more important than guaranteeing the integrity of an election.

Chuckd we know why Right Wingers advocate Voter Suppression Laws because it advantages Republican candidates. So please don't think you are fooling anyone. Typical deceitful conduct of the Republican Party and fair minded people wont have a bar of it. Want to make money from wars - invent weapons of mass destruction, can't win an election - obstruct Congress, can't get their way on abortion law - shut down clinics, can't get nasty legislation through - sneak it through with appropriation Bills, hate environment protections - de-fund EPA. Look at the candidates the Republican Party attracts to run for President. Have you ever seen a worse lineup. The reason why they are so bad is because at their very core they have to cover up their lack of honesty and the fact that they are lap dogs for Corporate America and the wealthy elite and they have to engage in deceit. Not a scintilla of moral character amongst them.

One thing that stuck in my mind was when Cruz went to give his daughter a kiss and she reeled back in horror. The last thing she wanted is that nasty, creepy man anywhere near her. Obama's daughters absolutely adore him. They see him as a man of strength and character, someone to admire and look up too. Proud to stand by his side. As it should be. I think one of the reasons Republican candidates support 'carry laws' is because, don't worry about the disgust of family members, if the family dog gets hold of them it will be a case of shoot to kill.

As is often the case with responses, you seem to completely avoid addressing the point here and instead move the discussion back to your favorite subject - those evil, racist republicans and some kind of silly, nonsensical conclusion about Cruz's daughter.

Edited by SpokaneAl
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Chuckd we know why Right Wingers advocate Voter Suppression Laws because it advantages Republican candidates. So please don't think you are fooling anyone. Typical deceitful conduct of the Republican Party and fair minded people wont have a bar of it. Want to make money from wars - invent weapons of mass destruction, can't win an election - obstruct Congress, can't get their way on abortion law - shut down clinics, can't get nasty legislation through - sneak it through with appropriation Bills, hate environment protections - de-fund EPA. Look at the candidates the Republican Party attracts to run for President. Have you ever seen a worse lineup. The reason why they are so bad is because at their very core they have to cover up their lack of honesty and the fact that they are lap dogs for Corporate America and the wealthy elite and they have to engage in deceit. Not a scintilla of moral character amongst them.

One thing that stuck in my mind was when Cruz went to give his daughter a kiss and she reeled back in horror. The last thing she wanted is that nasty, creepy man anywhere near her. Obama's daughters absolutely adore him. They see him as a man of strength and character, someone to admire and look up too. Proud to stand by his side. As it should be. I think one of the reasons Republican candidates support 'carry laws' is because, don't worry about the disgust of family members, if the family dog gets hold of them it will be a case of shoot to kill.

As is often the case with responses, you seem to completely avoid addressing the point here and instead move the discussion to your favorite subject - those evil, racist republicans and some kind of silly, nonsensical conclusion about Cruz's daughter.

What avoidance my point is clear. Republicans can't win fairly so they cheat. Can't get what you want then cheat. Game the system. People really are over it. It goes to character and principles and values and that is exactly what Republicans lack. Cruz as a politician, hated by all even his own political colleagues , a miserable failure and he is running for nomination? Personally I think the Republican Party is finished and drivel like Voter Suppression Laws is just one of the many deceitful activities that Republicans get caught out on time after time. They simply are not fooling anyone. They think they are smart but it comes back to bite them.

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Roosevelt would have a pink fit if he returned to Washington now. He would see Bernie's policies identical to his own true Republican principles and values and wonder where on Earth the neo Republicans and Democrats had wondered off too, and what on earth are they thinking.

The Roosevelt you're probably thnkng of was Frankln, a Democrat. The Republcan was Teddy a distant relative. An amalgamation of the two, would IMO be the perfect president.
Very briefly, both Roosevelts came from the 1% although Teddy had his financial issues from some bad financial decision making. T. Roosevelt fought vigorously against corruption, especially the corrupt Democratic party of the State of New York and Tammany Hall, ironically, in retrospect, supported by immigrant groups. Franklin, the Democrat, realized that with the populism of the various progressive, how shall we say, socialist movements in both the US and Europe realized that to survive the 1% had to make some serious concessions to the populist movement or a risk revolution in the US. This was a time when the US was bordering between a workers revolt or a 1% business revolt and military coup (Google General Smedley Butler). FDR was in effect the Nick Hanauer of his time (see here: http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/06/the-pitchforks-are-coming-for-us-plutocrats-108014#.VcDTh_mSfYg) and the 1% wisely listened and prospered. Alas the 1% today has no sense of history and even less understanding of economics. Money always percolates upwards and never trickles down. Both the neo-Republicans as well as the neo-Democrats have been conned by the absolute stupidity of neo-liberal economics which is neither new nor liberal but is simply nonsense.

As for Al, well he comes from the great Inland Empire of Eastern Washington where they like to talk the talk of small government but where they are all the biggest welfare queens on the planet, totally dependent upon the government for their infrastructure as well as the economic livelihood of the dominant agricultural sector of that region. Hey Al, want to privatize BPA too? That he would believe in the baseless myth of voter fraud is no surprise.

I "come from" the inland empire of WA? - you know what they say when you assume.

I'll take this opportunity to apologize for my earlier comment on the other thread about Spokane, Al. You know how it is, I think we can all agree at least that we hate the Oregon Ducks.

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Roosevelt would have a pink fit if he returned to Washington now. He would see Bernie's policies identical to his own true Republican principles and values and wonder where on Earth the neo Republicans and Democrats had wondered off too, and what on earth are they thinking.
The Roosevelt you're probably thnkng of was Frankln, a Democrat. The Republcan was Teddy a distant relative. An amalgamation of the two, would IMO be the perfect president.
Very briefly, both Roosevelts came from the 1% although Teddy had his financial issues from some bad financial decision making. T. Roosevelt fought vigorously against corruption, especially the corrupt Democratic party of the State of New York and Tammany Hall, ironically, in retrospect, supported by immigrant groups. Franklin, the Democrat, realized that with the populism of the various progressive, how shall we say, socialist movements in both the US and Europe realized that to survive the 1% had to make some serious concessions to the populist movement or a risk revolution in the US. This was a time when the US was bordering between a workers revolt or a 1% business revolt and military coup (Google General Smedley Butler). FDR was in effect the Nick Hanauer of his time (see here: http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/06/the-pitchforks-are-coming-for-us-plutocrats-108014#.VcDTh_mSfYg) and the 1% wisely listened and prospered. Alas the 1% today has no sense of history and even less understanding of economics. Money always percolates upwards and never trickles down. Both the neo-Republicans as well as the neo-Democrats have been conned by the absolute stupidity of neo-liberal economics which is neither new nor liberal but is simply nonsense.

As for Al, well he comes from the great Inland Empire of Eastern Washington where they like to talk the talk of small government but where they are all the biggest welfare queens on the planet, totally dependent upon the government for their infrastructure as well as the economic livelihood of the dominant agricultural sector of that region. Hey Al, want to privatize BPA too? That he would believe in the baseless myth of voter fraud is no surprise.

I "come from" the inland empire of WA? - you know what they say when you assume.

I'll take this opportunity to apologize for my earlier comment on the other thread about Spokane, Al. You know how it is, I think we can all agree at least that we hate the Oregon Ducks.

I really like their football uniforms.

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This is not some Republican conspiracy, even Jimmy Carter took part in a study that found that some of the concerns are valid

This is really just common sense..

Although it is up to the states to determine these requirements and not all yet have such laws

But important to note that even those that do have voter ID laws do NOT turn people away at the polls.

They allow people to fill out a provisional ballet then go and get an ID . They will have a number of days to go get the photo ID and then comeback and show their ID and then their vote is added into the rest



A 2005 report by Former President Jimmy Carter and Former Secretary of State James Baker concluded that concerns of both those who support and oppose strengthened voter ID laws were legitimate.

Below are just a few examples:

of alleged voter fraud have surfaced across the nation. In 2013, state election officials in North Carolina found at least 81 dead voters and 765 voters who appear to have cast ballots in multiple states.[29] Multi-state voters were matched based on first names, last names, dates of birth, and the final four digits of their Social Security numbers.[30] In 2013, 92 dead voters were identified in Oregon.[31] Of the 6,000 dead people registered to vote in Nassau County, NY in 2013, 270 of them had cast ballots at some point since their deaths, though county officials blamed many of the fraudulent votes on clerical errors.[32]


Also states with strict voter ID laws require that a copy of ID to be sent with absentee ballots

Although their is also the added protection in absentee ballots that it is sent only to the registered address of the voter

You also have to sign the ballot and they can check signature against the signature on the voter registration

You can't just grab an absentee ballet at the post office fill it out with any voters details you want and turn it in

This is not an issue trying to prevent any citizens trying to vote .. It's just a common sense and easy way to help prevent voter fraud

Edited by CWMcMurray
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This is not some Republican conspiracy, even Jimmy Carter took part in a study that found that some of the concerns are valid

This is really just common sense..

Although it is up to the states to determine these requirements and not all yet have such laws

But important to note that even those that do have voter ID laws do NOT turn people away at the polls.

They allow people to fill out a provisional ballet then go and get an ID . They will have a number of days to go get the photo ID and then comeback and show their ID and then their vote is added into the rest



A 2005 report by Former President Jimmy Carter and Former Secretary of State James Baker concluded that concerns of both those who support and oppose strengthened voter ID laws were legitimate.

Below are just a few examples:

of alleged voter fraud have surfaced across the nation. In 2013, state election officials in North Carolina found at least 81 dead voters and 765 voters who appear to have cast ballots in multiple states.[29] Multi-state voters were matched based on first names, last names, dates of birth, and the final four digits of their Social Security numbers.[30] In 2013, 92 dead voters were identified in Oregon.[31] Of the 6,000 dead people registered to vote in Nassau County, NY in 2013, 270 of them had cast ballots at some point since their deaths, though county officials blamed many of the fraudulent votes on clerical errors.[32]


Also states with strict voter ID laws require that a copy of ID to be sent with absentee ballots

Although their is also the added protection in absentee ballots that it is sent only to the registered address of the voter

You also have to sign the ballot and they can check signature against the signature on the voter registration

You can't just grab an absentee ballet at the post office fill it out with any voters details you want and turn it in

This is not an issue trying to prevent any citizens trying to vote .. It's just a common sense and easy way to help prevent voter fraud

WA state is 100% absentee balloting and signatures are matched with the voter registration signature. I had a ballot that was rejected because my signature did not match - rather than have my ballot forwarded to me in Thailand, I asked my son to complete the ballot per my choices and mail it in. His signature did not match mine.

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This is not some Republican conspiracy, even Jimmy Carter took part in a study that found that some of the concerns are valid

This is really just common sense..

Although it is up to the states to determine these requirements and not all yet have such laws

But important to note that even those that do have voter ID laws do NOT turn people away at the polls.

They allow people to fill out a provisional ballet then go and get an ID . They will have a number of days to go get the photo ID and then comeback and show their ID and then their vote is added into the rest



A 2005 report by Former President Jimmy Carter and Former Secretary of State James Baker concluded that concerns of both those who support and oppose strengthened voter ID laws were legitimate.

Below are just a few examples:

of alleged voter fraud have surfaced across the nation. In 2013, state election officials in North Carolina found at least 81 dead voters and 765 voters who appear to have cast ballots in multiple states.[29] Multi-state voters were matched based on first names, last names, dates of birth, and the final four digits of their Social Security numbers.[30] In 2013, 92 dead voters were identified in Oregon.[31] Of the 6,000 dead people registered to vote in Nassau County, NY in 2013, 270 of them had cast ballots at some point since their deaths, though county officials blamed many of the fraudulent votes on clerical errors.[32]


Also states with strict voter ID laws require that a copy of ID to be sent with absentee ballots

Although their is also the added protection in absentee ballots that it is sent only to the registered address of the voter

You also have to sign the ballot and they can check signature against the signature on the voter registration

You can't just grab an absentee ballet at the post office fill it out with any voters details you want and turn it in

This is not an issue trying to prevent any citizens trying to vote .. It's just a common sense and easy way to help prevent voter fraud

More ridiculous 'examples'. Why not be honest and just say 'look it's a sneaky way we rig elections in our favour'. At least you would get a little respect. The primary purpose is to make it as difficult as possible for certain people who vote Democrat to cast their vote. Another institution corrupted by Republicans.

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This is not some Republican conspiracy, even Jimmy Carter took part in a study that found that some of the concerns are valid

This is really just common sense..

Although it is up to the states to determine these requirements and not all yet have such laws

But important to note that even those that do have voter ID laws do NOT turn people away at the polls.

They allow people to fill out a provisional ballet then go and get an ID . They will have a number of days to go get the photo ID and then comeback and show their ID and then their vote is added into the rest



A 2005 report by Former President Jimmy Carter and Former Secretary of State James Baker concluded that concerns of both those who support and oppose strengthened voter ID laws were legitimate.

Below are just a few examples:

of alleged voter fraud have surfaced across the nation. In 2013, state election officials in North Carolina found at least 81 dead voters and 765 voters who appear to have cast ballots in multiple states.[29] Multi-state voters were matched based on first names, last names, dates of birth, and the final four digits of their Social Security numbers.[30] In 2013, 92 dead voters were identified in Oregon.[31] Of the 6,000 dead people registered to vote in Nassau County, NY in 2013, 270 of them had cast ballots at some point since their deaths, though county officials blamed many of the fraudulent votes on clerical errors.[32]


Also states with strict voter ID laws require that a copy of ID to be sent with absentee ballots

Although their is also the added protection in absentee ballots that it is sent only to the registered address of the voter

You also have to sign the ballot and they can check signature against the signature on the voter registration

You can't just grab an absentee ballet at the post office fill it out with any voters details you want and turn it in

This is not an issue trying to prevent any citizens trying to vote .. It's just a common sense and easy way to help prevent voter fraud

More ridiculous 'examples'. Why not be honest and just say 'look it's a sneaky way we rig elections in our favour'. At least you would get a little respect. The primary purpose is to make it as difficult as possible for certain people who vote Democrat to cast their vote. Another institution corrupted by Republicans.

in your biased, nobody but Sanders knows the way opinion, of course.
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Oh please your killing me. Voter Suppression Laws are the typical modus operandi of the Republican Right Wing. If they can't win fairly they will do any underhanded trickery to rig the system in their favor and of course make it look like they are the good guys just protecting the democratic system from the sinister evil doers. Voter Suppression Laws impact on minorities, the elderly and the disabled. They are sponsored by the Republican Party because they give them an advantage. Pure and simple and it fools absolutely no one. You can't win fair and square no problem rig the system.

Since you are a Brit, let me inform you of a few places where a photo ID is required in the US.

Cashing a government welfare check.

Cashing a personal check.

Applying for food stamps.

Applying for unemployment benefits.

Applying for Aid for Dependent Children.

Registering a child into a new school system.

Applying for earned Social Security benefits.

Applying for Social Security Disability benefits.

Purchasing alcoholic drinks if one is youngish looking.

Opening a bank account.

Entering all federal buildings.

Providing proof of identity if involved in a routine traffic stop.

Boarding a commercial airliner at an airport.

Renting or purchasing a house.

Renting a car.

Getting married.

Purchasing a gun.

Renting a hotel room in many places,

Obtaining a hunting or fishing license.

Picking up a prescription at a pharmacy.

Applying for a license to stage a protest.

Donating blood.

Registering in a hospital.

These are just a few examples of where a photo ID is required.

And they are all, seemingly, more important than guaranteeing the integrity of an election.

Chuckd we know why Right Wingers advocate Voter Suppression Laws because it advantages Republican candidates. So please don't think you are fooling anyone. Typical deceitful conduct of the Republican Party and fair minded people wont have a bar of it. Want to make money from wars - invent weapons of mass destruction, can't win an election - obstruct Congress, can't get their way on abortion law - shut down clinics, can't get nasty legislation through - sneak it through with appropriation Bills, hate environment protections - de-fund EPA. Look at the candidates the Republican Party attracts to run for President. Have you ever seen a worse lineup. The reason why they are so bad is because at their very core they have to cover up their lack of honesty and the fact that they are lap dogs for Corporate America and the wealthy elite and they have to engage in deceit. Not a scintilla of moral character amongst them.

One thing that stuck in my mind was when Cruz went to give his daughter a kiss and she reeled back in horror. The last thing she wanted is that nasty, creepy man anywhere near her. Obama's daughters absolutely adore him. They see him as a man of strength and character, someone to admire and look up too. Proud to stand by his side. As it should be. I think one of the reasons Republican candidates support 'carry laws' is because, don't worry about the disgust of family members, if the family dog gets hold of them it will be a case of shoot to kill.

I see your lack of perceptiveness missed the point completely.

My point is that business as usual in the US requires citizens to have photo IDs. All this flailing around by you liberals about disenfranchising the poor minority voters is just so much BS. The huge majority of the minorities already have photo IDs.

What the Democrats have done and are still doing is making it much easier for non-citizens to vote in elections...and since the US is currently housing between 11 and 20 million of them, it is a serious problem.

And that is the main goal of the liberals and Democrats. Stealing elections has been a hallmark of the Democrat party for years.

And you support it from afar.

How about providing a link to the horror struck Cruz child reeling back in terror from her father. That I would love to see, but I don't intend wasting any more time looking up the veracity of your baiting comments.

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Voter fraud is at best a myth and in truth is a lie. Voter suppression is very real and even the right wing Republicans have admitted that they do it and why. 5 minutes of research, read it and weep:

Voter suppression in the United States includes various techniques, legal and non-legal, used to deny eligible voters the ability to exercise their right to vote. Voter suppression varies by state, local government, precinct, and election.
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Oh please your killing me. Voter Suppression Laws are the typical modus operandi of the Republican Right Wing. If they can't win fairly they will do any underhanded trickery to rig the system in their favor and of course make it look like they are the good guys just protecting the democratic system from the sinister evil doers. Voter Suppression Laws impact on minorities, the elderly and the disabled. They are sponsored by the Republican Party because they give them an advantage. Pure and simple and it fools absolutely no one. You can't win fair and square no problem rig the system.

Chuckd we know why Right Wingers advocate Voter Suppression Laws because it advantages Republican candidates. So please don't think you are fooling anyone. Typical deceitful conduct of the Republican Party and fair minded people wont have a bar of it. Want to make money from wars - invent weapons of mass destruction, can't win an election - obstruct Congress, can't get their way on abortion law - shut down clinics, can't get nasty legislation through - sneak it through with appropriation Bills, hate environment protections - de-fund EPA. Look at the candidates the Republican Party attracts to run for President. Have you ever seen a worse lineup. The reason why they are so bad is because at their very core they have to cover up their lack of honesty and the fact that they are lap dogs for Corporate America and the wealthy elite and they have to engage in deceit. Not a scintilla of moral character amongst them.

One thing that stuck in my mind was when Cruz went to give his daughter a kiss and she reeled back in horror. The last thing she wanted is that nasty, creepy man anywhere near her. Obama's daughters absolutely adore him. They see him as a man of strength and character, someone to admire and look up too. Proud to stand by his side. As it should be. I think one of the reasons Republican candidates support 'carry laws' is because, don't worry about the disgust of family members, if the family dog gets hold of them it will be a case of shoot to kill.

I see your lack of perceptiveness missed the point completely.

My point is that business as usual in the US requires citizens to have photo IDs. All this flailing around by you liberals about disenfranchising the poor minority voters is just so much BS. The huge majority of the minorities already have photo IDs.

What the Democrats have done and are still doing is making it much easier for non-citizens to vote in elections...and since the US is currently housing between 11 and 20 million of them, it is a serious problem.

And that is the main goal of the liberals and Democrats. Stealing elections has been a hallmark of the Democrat party for years.

And you support it from afar.

How about providing a link to the horror struck Cruz child reeling back in terror from her father. That I would love to see, but I don't intend wasting any more time looking up the veracity of your baiting comments.

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Voter fraud is at best a myth and in truth is a lie. Voter suppression is very real and even the right wing Republicans have admitted that they do it and why. 5 minutes of research, read it and weep:

Voter suppression in the United States includes various techniques, legal and non-legal, used to deny eligible voters the ability to exercise their right to vote. Voter suppression varies by state, local government, precinct, and election.

Perhaps it is my limited technological abilities that are the problem, but I cannot get any of your links to work.

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This is not some Republican conspiracy, even Jimmy Carter took part in a study that found that some of the concerns are valid

This is really just common sense..

Although it is up to the states to determine these requirements and not all yet have such laws

But important to note that even those that do have voter ID laws do NOT turn people away at the polls.

They allow people to fill out a provisional ballet then go and get an ID . They will have a number of days to go get the photo ID and then comeback and show their ID and then their vote is added into the rest



A 2005 report by Former President Jimmy Carter and Former Secretary of State James Baker concluded that concerns of both those who support and oppose strengthened voter ID laws were legitimate.

Below are just a few examples:

of alleged voter fraud have surfaced across the nation. In 2013, state election officials in North Carolina found at least 81 dead voters and 765 voters who appear to have cast ballots in multiple states.[29] Multi-state voters were matched based on first names, last names, dates of birth, and the final four digits of their Social Security numbers.[30] In 2013, 92 dead voters were identified in Oregon.[31] Of the 6,000 dead people registered to vote in Nassau County, NY in 2013, 270 of them had cast ballots at some point since their deaths, though county officials blamed many of the fraudulent votes on clerical errors.[32]


Also states with strict voter ID laws require that a copy of ID to be sent with absentee ballots

Although their is also the added protection in absentee ballots that it is sent only to the registered address of the voter

You also have to sign the ballot and they can check signature against the signature on the voter registration

You can't just grab an absentee ballet at the post office fill it out with any voters details you want and turn it in

This is not an issue trying to prevent any citizens trying to vote .. It's just a common sense and easy way to help prevent voter fraud

More ridiculous 'examples'. Why not be honest and just say 'look it's a sneaky way we rig elections in our favour'. At least you would get a little respect. The primary purpose is to make it as difficult as possible for certain people who vote Democrat to cast their vote. Another institution corrupted by Republicans.

Yes your right it's my sneaky way to get Bernie Sanders Elected..

I voted for Bernie in the primary and would vote for him in the fall if he makes it

Don't be ridiculous

I'm not a part of a republican conspiracy and neither is Jimmy Carter

People can have opinions and ideas that differ from you without being a part of a right wing conspiracy

It's crazy things like this that give democrats a bad name and make people think we are all nuts

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Chuckd we know why Right Wingers advocate Voter Suppression Laws because it advantages Republican candidates. So please don't think you are fooling anyone. Typical deceitful conduct of the Republican Party and fair minded people wont have a bar of it. Want to make money from wars - invent weapons of mass destruction, can't win an election - obstruct Congress, can't get their way on abortion law - shut down clinics, can't get nasty legislation through - sneak it through with appropriation Bills, hate environment protections - de-fund EPA. Look at the candidates the Republican Party attracts to run for President. Have you ever seen a worse lineup. The reason why they are so bad is because at their very core they have to cover up their lack of honesty and the fact that they are lap dogs for Corporate America and the wealthy elite and they have to engage in deceit. Not a scintilla of moral character amongst them.

One thing that stuck in my mind was when Cruz went to give his daughter a kiss and she reeled back in horror. The last thing she wanted is that nasty, creepy man anywhere near her. Obama's daughters absolutely adore him. They see him as a man of strength and character, someone to admire and look up too. Proud to stand by his side. As it should be. I think one of the reasons Republican candidates support 'carry laws' is because, don't worry about the disgust of family members, if the family dog gets hold of them it will be a case of shoot to kill.

I see your lack of perceptiveness missed the point completely.

My point is that business as usual in the US requires citizens to have photo IDs. All this flailing around by you liberals about disenfranchising the poor minority voters is just so much BS. The huge majority of the minorities already have photo IDs.

What the Democrats have done and are still doing is making it much easier for non-citizens to vote in elections...and since the US is currently housing between 11 and 20 million of them, it is a serious problem.

And that is the main goal of the liberals and Democrats. Stealing elections has been a hallmark of the Democrat party for years.

And you support it from afar.

How about providing a link to the horror struck Cruz child reeling back in terror from her father. That I would love to see, but I don't intend wasting any more time looking up the veracity of your baiting comments.

Why, I'm surprised the child welfare people haven't already taken action against that child beating Ted Cruz.

I can certainly see how that would deserve the description you provided of it...

"One thing that stuck in my mind was when Cruz went to give his daughter a kiss and she reeled back in horror. The last thing she wanted is that nasty, creepy man anywhere near her."

Now it appears you have psychic skills where you can tell the family dynamics of any given moment by watching a 14 second video clip.
Perhaps, just perhaps, the young lady wanted an ice cream cone and Daddy told her to wait until he got through. So she penalizes him by rejection. Thirty seconds later it's all over.
Maybe she was tired and wanted to go rest.
Maybe, maybe, maybe...the list is endless and none of them lead to the conclusion you jumped on with such fervor and so very mistakenly.
Edited by chuckd
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Oh please your killing me. Voter Suppression Laws are the typical modus operandi of the Republican Right Wing. If they can't win fairly they will do any underhanded trickery to rig the system in their favor and of course make it look like they are the good guys just protecting the democratic system from the sinister evil doers. Voter Suppression Laws impact on minorities, the elderly and the disabled. They are sponsored by the Republican Party because they give them an advantage. Pure and simple and it fools absolutely no one. You can't win fair and square no problem rig the system.

Since you are a Brit, let me inform you of a few places where a photo ID is required in the US.

Cashing a government welfare check.

Cashing a personal check.

Applying for food stamps.

Applying for unemployment benefits.

Applying for Aid for Dependent Children.

Registering a child into a new school system.

Applying for earned Social Security benefits.

Applying for Social Security Disability benefits.

Purchasing alcoholic drinks if one is youngish looking.

Opening a bank account.

Entering all federal buildings.

Providing proof of identity if involved in a routine traffic stop.

Boarding a commercial airliner at an airport.

Renting or purchasing a house.

Renting a car.

Getting married.

Purchasing a gun.

Renting a hotel room in many places,

Obtaining a hunting or fishing license.

Picking up a prescription at a pharmacy.

Applying for a license to stage a protest.

Donating blood.

Registering in a hospital.

These are just a few examples of where a photo ID is required.

And they are all, seemingly, more important than guaranteeing the integrity of an election.

Chuckd we know why Right Wingers advocate Voter Suppression Laws because it advantages Republican candidates. So please don't think you are fooling anyone. Typical deceitful conduct of the Republican Party and fair minded people wont have a bar of it. Want to make money from wars - invent weapons of mass destruction, can't win an election - obstruct Congress, can't get their way on abortion law - shut down clinics, can't get nasty legislation through - sneak it through with appropriation Bills, hate environment protections - de-fund EPA. Look at the candidates the Republican Party attracts to run for President. Have you ever seen a worse lineup. The reason why they are so bad is because at their very core they have to cover up their lack of honesty and the fact that they are lap dogs for Corporate America and the wealthy elite and they have to engage in deceit. Not a scintilla of moral character amongst them.

One thing that stuck in my mind was when Cruz went to give his daughter a kiss and she reeled back in horror. The last thing she wanted is that nasty, creepy man anywhere near her. Obama's daughters absolutely adore him. They see him as a man of strength and character, someone to admire and look up too. Proud to stand by his side. As it should be. I think one of the reasons Republican candidates support 'carry laws' is because, don't worry about the disgust of family members, if the family dog gets hold of them it will be a case of shoot to kill.

I see your lack of perceptiveness missed the point completely.

My point is that business as usual in the US requires citizens to have photo IDs. All this flailing around by you liberals about disenfranchising the poor minority voters is just so much BS. The huge majority of the minorities already have photo IDs.

What the Democrats have done and are still doing is making it much easier for non-citizens to vote in elections...and since the US is currently housing between 11 and 20 million of them, it is a serious problem.

And that is the main goal of the liberals and Democrats. Stealing elections has been a hallmark of the Democrat party for years.

And you support it from afar.

How about providing a link to the horror struck Cruz child reeling back in terror from her father. That I would love to see, but I don't intend wasting any more time looking up the veracity of your baiting comments.

"And that is the main goal of the liberals and Democrats. Stealing elections has been a hallmark of the Democrat party for years. "

That's pretty rich considering the GOP effectively stole the precidency a few years ago and are notorious election district riggers.

Edited by MZurf
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More ridiculous 'examples'. Why not be honest and just say 'look it's a sneaky way we rig elections in our favour'. At least you would get a little respect. The primary purpose is to make it as difficult as possible for certain people who vote Democrat to cast their vote. Another institution corrupted by Republicans.

Yes your right it's my sneaky way to get Bernie Sanders Elected..

I voted for Bernie in the primary and would vote for him in the fall if he makes it

Don't be ridiculous

I'm not a part of a republican conspiracy and neither is Jimmy Carter

People can have opinions and ideas that differ from you without being a part of a right wing conspiracy

It's crazy things like this that give democrats a bad name and make people think we are all nuts

I think these sneaky tactics embarrass fair minded Republican supporters more. If Democrats were engaged in this type of skulduggery I'd call them out without hesitation. Not my kind of thing.

Deep down Chuckd is a Bernie supporter. He is is the 'denial phase' and desperately hanging on to his flawed Right Wing ideology but he'll come around. I am a great believer in people's ability to eventually allow their better selves to come to the fore.

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Chuckd we know why Right Wingers advocate Voter Suppression Laws because it advantages Republican candidates. So please don't think you are fooling anyone. Typical deceitful conduct of the Republican Party and fair minded people wont have a bar of it. Want to make money from wars - invent weapons of mass destruction, can't win an election - obstruct Congress, can't get their way on abortion law - shut down clinics, can't get nasty legislation through - sneak it through with appropriation Bills, hate environment protections - de-fund EPA. Look at the candidates the Republican Party attracts to run for President. Have you ever seen a worse lineup. The reason why they are so bad is because at their very core they have to cover up their lack of honesty and the fact that they are lap dogs for Corporate America and the wealthy elite and they have to engage in deceit. Not a scintilla of moral character amongst them.

One thing that stuck in my mind was when Cruz went to give his daughter a kiss and she reeled back in horror. The last thing she wanted is that nasty, creepy man anywhere near her. Obama's daughters absolutely adore him. They see him as a man of strength and character, someone to admire and look up too. Proud to stand by his side. As it should be. I think one of the reasons Republican candidates support 'carry laws' is because, don't worry about the disgust of family members, if the family dog gets hold of them it will be a case of shoot to kill.

I see your lack of perceptiveness missed the point completely.

My point is that business as usual in the US requires citizens to have photo IDs. All this flailing around by you liberals about disenfranchising the poor minority voters is just so much BS. The huge majority of the minorities already have photo IDs.

What the Democrats have done and are still doing is making it much easier for non-citizens to vote in elections...and since the US is currently housing between 11 and 20 million of them, it is a serious problem.

And that is the main goal of the liberals and Democrats. Stealing elections has been a hallmark of the Democrat party for years.

And you support it from afar.

How about providing a link to the horror struck Cruz child reeling back in terror from her father. That I would love to see, but I don't intend wasting any more time looking up the veracity of your baiting comments.

"And that is the main goal of the liberals and Democrats. Stealing elections has been a hallmark of the Democrat party for years. "

That's pretty rich considering the GOP effectively stole the precidency a few years ago and are notorious election district riggers.

This has only been in the public domain for over 14 years. It's along read so let me give you the first three sentences...

Both parties gerrymander. You really need to wake up and smell the roses.


EXAMINING THE VOTE: THE OVERVIEW; Study of Disputed Florida Ballots Finds Justices Did Not Cast the Deciding Vote
Published: November 12, 2001
A comprehensive review of the uncounted Florida ballots from last year's presidential election reveals that George W. Bush would have won even if the United States Supreme Court had allowed the statewide manual recount of the votes that the Florida Supreme Court had ordered to go forward.
Contrary to what many partisans of former Vice President Al Gore have charged, the United States Supreme Court did not award an election to Mr. Bush that otherwise would have been won by Mr. Gore. A close examination of the ballots found that Mr. Bush would have retained a slender margin over Mr. Gore if the Florida court's order to recount more than 43,000 ballots had not been reversed by the United States Supreme Court.
Even under the strategy that Mr. Gore pursued at the beginning of the Florida standoff -- filing suit to force hand recounts in four predominantly Democratic counties -- Mr. Bush would have kept his lead, according to the ballot review conducted for a consortium of news organizations.
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The level of political argument on this thread is conclusive evidence of how the US could even think of nominating someone like Donald Trump......the entire nation is in a state of global embarassment

This thread is about Sanders, not Trump.

I would agree that Sanders is a global embarrassment, if that helps you out.

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The level of political argument on this thread is conclusive evidence of how the US could even think of nominating someone like Donald Trump......the entire nation is in a state of global embarassment

This thread is about Sanders, not Trump.

I would agree that Sanders is a global embarrassment, if that helps you out.

American politics may have its problems; it is convoluted, complex, peaceful and sometimes even downright ugly, and since it is ultimately based on compromise few are 100% happy with the results, but it beats having a military standing by and ready to step in when it and only it decides as a self appointed, unquestionable, authoritarian arbiter.

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The level of political argument on this thread is conclusive evidence of how the US could even think of nominating someone like Donald Trump......the entire nation is in a state of global embarassment

This thread is about Sanders, not Trump.

I would agree that Sanders is a global embarrassment, if that helps you out.

Far from it. Bernie is highly regarded throughout the world. Republican candidates are a little bit of a laughing stock. Chuckd you have to understand the policies that Bernie is advocating are not even slightly radical in other developed countries they are basic rights for all citizens and have been for decades.

The debate really isn't whether Republicans can win the election it is whether the Republican Party is going to survive into the future. Head to Head polling is showing that not one Republican candidate could beat Bernie in a General Election.

It is becoming obvious that Hillary will take the election easily. The Democrats have rigged the system in favor of Hillary so Bernie doesn't really get a shot. Personally if it was Trump (I) vs Hillary (D) vs Bernie (I) vs Cruz ®. Bernie would have a very good chance of winning. That is a possibility. Trump loses his ego would dictate he runs Independent. Although I don't think he has the money he says he has to fund the campaign. Could Bernie raise the billion dollars needed I am not sure.

I'd love to see it and in the end I reckon you would vote for Bernie comrade.

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The level of political argument on this thread is conclusive evidence of how the US could even think of nominating someone like Donald Trump......the entire nation is in a state of global embarassment

This thread is about Sanders, not Trump.

I would agree that Sanders is a global embarrassment, if that helps you out.

and there you have it! a classic example of what I was talking about!

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Some people have made a thing about Bernie being a Jew but only about 10 percent of Americans say they wouldn't vote for someone just based on being a Jew.

But he has too MUCH BIGGER political problems.

A very large percentage of Americans will never vote for an atheist.

Also, a very large percentage of Americans will never vote for socialist.

Bernie recently "came out" as not associating himself with religiosity which is short of saying he's an atheist, but it's close enough.

People, forget this guy.

It's hopeless!

Those two things are simply insurmountable going into the general election, if he's nominated.

Will be a miracle if Sander is nominated by the Dem party. Also will be a miracle if Trump get the nomination when the Rep party will do everything to avoid that. If Trump get the nomination, running against Clinton, he will have a big chance to win the election, but if he have to face Sanders, anything can happens. The only way for Clinton to win will be with Sanders support and campaigning for her, but that may not happens.

Unfortunately, Trump or Clinton are very bad choices for the Presidency of the United States.

Nothing will change, probably getting worst.

Edited by umbanda
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The level of political argument on this thread is conclusive evidence of how the US could even think of nominating someone like Donald Trump......the entire nation is in a state of global embarassment

This thread is about Sanders, not Trump.

I would agree that Sanders is a global embarrassment, if that helps you out.

and there you have it! a classic example of what I was talking about!

It is good to know that you speak about American politics on behalf of the entire world.

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The level of political argument on this thread is conclusive evidence of how the US could even think of nominating someone like Donald Trump......the entire nation is in a state of global embarassment

This thread is about Sanders, not Trump.

I would agree that Sanders is a global embarrassment, if that helps you out.

and there you have it! a classic example of what I was talking about!

It is good to know that you speak about American politics on behalf of the entire world.

again - QED...

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The level of political argument on this thread is conclusive evidence of how the US could even think of nominating someone like Donald Trump......the entire nation is in a state of global embarassment

This thread is about Sanders, not Trump.

I would agree that Sanders is a global embarrassment, if that helps you out.

Far from it. Bernie is highly regarded throughout the world. Republican candidates are a little bit of a laughing stock. Chuckd you have to understand the policies that Bernie is advocating are not even slightly radical in other developed countries they are basic rights for all citizens and have been for decades.

The debate really isn't whether Republicans can win the election it is whether the Republican Party is going to survive into the future. Head to Head polling is showing that not one Republican candidate could beat Bernie in a General Election.

It is becoming obvious that Hillary will take the election easily. The Democrats have rigged the system in favor of Hillary so Bernie doesn't really get a shot. Personally if it was Trump (I) vs Hillary (D) vs Bernie (I) vs Cruz ®. Bernie would have a very good chance of winning. That is a possibility. Trump loses his ego would dictate he runs Independent. Although I don't think he has the money he says he has to fund the campaign. Could Bernie raise the billion dollars needed I am not sure.

I'd love to see it and in the end I reckon you would vote for Bernie comrade.

" Chuckd you have to understand the policies that Bernie is advocating are not even slightly radical in other developed countries they are basic rights for all citizens and have been for decades."

And what you can't seem to comprehend is this election is about the US and the policies of the rest of the world are immaterial, unnecessary and not germane to this election.

If you Europeans are upset about it, so what?

It likely makes no difference to the vast majority of US voters what the liberals in Europe think.

"I'd love to see it and in the end I reckon you would vote for Bernie comrade."

And I reckon you're overloaded with an excess dose of verbal diarrhea. thumbsup.gif

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