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Sanders transforms into contender, still pitches revolution


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Stupid 'gotcha questions' well done Bernie.

Bernie simply does not suffer fools lightly.

More dopey questions - that's a wrap moron. lol

Mess with the Bernster then 'feel the Bern' Comrade

"Bernie simply does not suffer fools lightly."

I might disagree with this.

He seems to gladly accept lots of support from fools, both American and non-American.

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Stupid 'gotcha questions' well done Bernie.

Bernie simply does not suffer fools lightly.

More dopey questions - that's a wrap moron. lol

Mess with the Bernster then 'feel the Bern' Comrade

"Bernie simply does not suffer fools lightly."

I might disagree with this.

He seems to gladly accept lots of support from fools, both American and non-American.

Are you doing an imitation of the interviewer Chuckd? You sound just like him.

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OMG, where the hell did anyone ever get the idea of eliminating the IRS? They can't do their job now due to Republican budget cuts. Yes, the tax code needs to be reworked so that the rich and corporations pay their fair share, no argument there. Without the IRS, tax dodgers, i.e. the rich and corporations would never pay a penny. The US has not had a deficit crisis, it has a revenue crisis. Nobody really likes the IRS, hell I had to pay out the butt because my ex-wife wouldn't turn over her income for tax returns, they were cooked books. Not the IRS fault, mine for not leaving the bitch yrs. earlier. Yes, simply refine the code, no loopholes, no tax inversions, no breaks for hedge fund profiters. I believe that is in Bernie's agenda. It will never be in any of the other candidates.

The rich have tax attorneys and accountants and avoid paying taxes legally. Dont like that....then change the tax code. They won't though because Congressmen win when the rich win....and that ain't the exclusive domain of the GOP.. Bernie is apparently not running to win the nomination but rather to make his point.. Fine...back to business as usual after the summer.. Sure, you need some bureaucrats to process forms but likely not a quasi gestapo force used for intimidation.

The con man Trumps and the tax-dodger fat cats get audited by IRS. Trump's been hollering he's been audited each year the past 12 or so years, I don't remember the number exactly but Trump is busy hollering about audits.

IRS gets more bang for the taxpayer buck by auditing almost exclusively the big bucks people of the economy, society.

Auditing me for instance will cost IRS a lot more than they would ever get if they ever found something. Auditing me year after year, or several times over an extended period of years is a cost-efficiency loser of the first magnitude. My few personal dealings with IRS over a half century have been by phone and pleasant.

IRS has recently gone after US taxpayers who hide their stash in Swiss banks. No IRS have come after me for my Thai bank account nor have IRS even heard of me and my Thai accounts.

It's the old Chinese saying that it is the thief who is the first to holler stop thief.

Republicans and other rightwhingers.

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It's over and the DNC won't have to pull the "superdelegate" scam to get rid of him.

Should turn Independent just to pizz Clinton off

Bernie Sanders is an Independent, been one all his life, hasn't ever belonged to either major political party.

He's elected as an Independent US Senator from Vermont where he'd been the state's one US Rep in the House, also of course as an Independent, and before that the well known and very popular nominally Independent mayor of Burlington.

Prior to all of that however the Bern spent decades in the political wilderness as a chronically obscure loser for elective office belonging to one fringe political party or another. Vermont btw is such a lightly populated countryside state, all it takes to win an election in most instances is getting several hundred votes.

If Bernie belonged to a major party he wouldn't know where to begin. He'd probably say he's a Democratic Socialist.

He caucuses with the Democratic party in the Senate, meaning he participates in their meetings to discuss issues and voting. He votes with the D's most of the time, in return for which they assign him to some senate committees, otherwise the Independent from Vermont wouldn't have any committees to sit with cause committee assignments to members of each party are determined by the respective party leaders in each the Senate and the House.

Bernie and Benito are indeed outsiders from opposite ends of the political spectrum -- and of human civilisation. Trouble for Trump is that he's a Republican which means he presently doesn't belong to an organized or coherent political party. Bernie running as a Democrat has cheerfully left thoze dayze in his distant past.

After Hill gets nominated the Bern will campaign for her. After she's elected Potus Bernie will return to the Senate as the Independent he is to resume caucusing and voting with the D party. If the D leadership considers Bernie merits further committee assignments in the next congress, he'll get 'em.

It's called government and politics.

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Thank you, I don't follow American politics much and was just wondering.

As for the reply of "does it matter"- apparently it does with all the talk of Obama being non Christian and the candidates pandering to the religious groups.

But your witty reply regarding the pope was as unimaginative as it was unfunny, keep up the good work you literary guru.

The evangelical right whingenuts, not the mainstream regions and their established denominations.

The candidates are indeed "pandering to the religious groups" however the candidates doing this are the Republicans and the religious groups are the evangelical and other extreme crackpot right.

Leave the majority of us in the United States out of your green eyeshade political and cultural accounting. Bernie and Hillary don't have the time of day for the religious crackpot right.

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Why is this thread still going about the loser Bernie? It should change to the loser Hillary.


Are you still seeing the new posts on this thread? I thought you had blocked everyone except you fellow right wing nutters.

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Why is this thread still going about the loser Bernie? It should change to the loser Hillary.


Are you still seeing the new posts on this thread? I thought you had blocked everyone except you fellow right wing nutters.

Nope. I have exactly six people on my ignore list and some of them don't post any more. Yes, you can see when someone you have ignored posted but not the post.

I have to read at least something that's posted by you left wing nutters or I wouldn't get my humor for the day.


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Thank you, I don't follow American politics much and was just wondering.

As for the reply of "does it matter"- apparently it does with all the talk of Obama being non Christian and the candidates pandering to the religious groups.

But your witty reply regarding the pope was as unimaginative as it was unfunny, keep up the good work you literary guru.

My other alternative was does a bear sh*t in the woods, but there was no religious connection thus, there ya go! Cheers and all the best wink.png GOM

does a bear sh*t in the woods

Ah but there is a direct rhetorical connection of Christian Republican extremist lunatics and Republican political candidate extremist lunatics.

Papal Bullshit.

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You can kill this topic. Sanders is done. Toast. The hag swept him tonight.

HRC took her magic broom and swept the board.

Her broom! Her Broom!! The only means of transportation she has!! Glad you reminded us!!

You forgot the felon stuff.

Slipping up I see in the chaos and commotion of the campaign. Don't fall too far behind or you might mix up your x's to vote for HRC in November.

Then what would you do to yourself....

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Why is this thread still going about the loser Bernie? It should change to the loser Hillary.


Are you still seeing the new posts on this thread? I thought you had blocked everyone except you fellow right wing nutters.

Nope. I have exactly six people on my ignore list and some of them don't post any more. Yes, you can see when someone you have ignored posted but not the post.

I have to read at least something that's posted by you left wing nutters or I wouldn't get my humor for the day.


Good to see you have a sense of humor. You will need it during the next eight years with HRC as president.

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Bernie is not a Socialist

Sure he is. He started out as a member of the Socialist Youth Party back in the day which generated no traction nor interest and, as a result, has since attempted to modify his positions to gain more support.

So now he calls himself a Socialist Democrat.

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Bernie is not a Socialist

Sure he is. He started out as a member of the Socialist Youth Party back in the day which generated no traction nor interest and, as a result, has since attempted to modify his positions to gain more support.

So now he calls himself a Socialist Democrat.

Correct Bernie is a Social Democrat not a Socialist. Two VERY different species.

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Bernie is not a Socialist

Sure he is. He started out as a member of the Socialist Youth Party back in the day which generated no traction nor interest and, as a result, has since attempted to modify his positions to gain more support.

So now he calls himself a Socialist Democrat.

Correct Bernie is a Social Democrat not a Socialist. Two VERY different species.


Also if we are being honest, we are all Socialists .. The only difference is to what degree

Social security, Medicare, Medicaid , VA disability , SSI disability, unemployment benefits, welfare, WIC, etc ...

Along with many other services provided by government

So Socialism really shouldn't be a 'Dirty word'

Also as the world economy is changing and the increases in technology leads to huge increases in wealth to the top.. We have to decide what type of society we want to be

One that helps those less well off or those that let them fall to the wayside and die in the ditches

I don't believe rich people are evil or trying to steal from society (in many cases) but it is the way of the modern economy that wealth will move to the top more and more so

So just believe at some point, some level of socialist policies are needed just to allow those with less opportunity survive...

Especially when they get older and can no longer work or if genuinely disabled and can no longer work

The below is an interesting article .. The middle class will never completely disappear but in modern economy there are far less middle class jobs and more low paying jobs

Then with outsourcing factories overseas, this also leads to even further decrease in middle class jobs

So take to its logical end... The trend is for smaller and smaller middle class opportunities and larger and larger working poor class, but at same time a small % of super wealthy getting more and more wealthy

Is it really wrong to ask these supper wealthy to help give back to society to help ensure all are cared for to minimum survival level?


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Would just like to add that if you look at the economy 50 years ago...

Then the Republicans had it right.

Rich invest in new businesses , creating new opportunities for new middle class jobs in America.. Leading to continued growth and opportunities and wealth for all

The problem is that the world has changed...

The above is no longer true

Some of that investment is into Tech improvements that eliminate some middle class jobs

True that tech also may create a few middle class jobs, but you loose many times as many than are gained.. So a net loss

And a large portion of that investment is in factories overseas, which again does not create middle class jobs in the US

So the Politicians need to update their thinking to the modern world

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Hillary was and still is a neocon right winger. That evidence is all available, but it will never be published by the right, oops lame, oops main stream media. She was with Bill all the way on the disastrous bills passed that helped make blacks and marginal whites poorer, with less chance of getting out of poverty and the school to prison pipeline. Bernie should have been hammering her on those bills as he has to some degree on Glass-Steagall repeal which was very much responsible for the crash.

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Hillary was and still is a neocon right winger. That evidence is all available, but it will never be published by the right, oops lame, oops main stream media. She was with Bill all the way on the disastrous bills passed that helped make blacks and marginal whites poorer, with less chance of getting out of poverty and the school to prison pipeline. Bernie should have been hammering her on those bills as he has to some degree on Glass-Steagall repeal which was very much responsible for the crash.

Hillary is Machiavellian in the worst possible meaning of the word

If Bernie looses to Hillary, what a disaster, a choice between the really bad and the really really bad. Either way , we are screwed

Then I will hope for a third Party Candidate, Perhaps if Bernie don't win the Democratic nomination, can make a run as an Independent.

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America does need a 3rd party, maybe even a 4th. An independent run by Bernie would split the vote and give it to a megalomaniac proto-fascist con man. A run by a right wing independent would assure the Democrats of victory. You are right, victory by either Hillary or the Donald will accelerate America's down hill slide into the pages of history's failed empires.

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America does need a 3rd party, maybe even a 4th. An independent run by Bernie would split the vote and give it to a megalomaniac proto-fascist con man. A run by a right wing independent would assure the Democrats of victory. You are right, victory by either Hillary or the Donald will accelerate America's down hill slide into the pages of history's failed empires.

Perhapse a moderate that does not have to stick to the Party talking points

One that would really say it as it REALLY is

Social programs, sure we need them , an Educated American gets a good job , pays taxes

and makes America competitive, an uneducated American consumes resources and is a drag on the country. So yes, extend High school , to college.

Illegal immigration is a race to the bottom, let's resolve the problem amicably, let's go after those who hire illegals. No illegals will come if it is impossible for them to get jobs

Then let's deal with the ones that are already here, realizing that we all have contributed to the problem.

Edited by sirineou
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America does need a 3rd party, maybe even a 4th. An independent run by Bernie would split the vote and give it to a megalomaniac proto-fascist con man. A run by a right wing independent would assure the Democrats of victory. You are right, victory by either Hillary or the Donald will accelerate America's down hill slide into the pages of history's failed empires.

Chances are low... But if the Republicans some how manage to give the nod to some one other than Trump...

Then a 4 way election with both Sanders and Trump as independents..

Now that would be an interesting election and think Sanders would have a good chance in such a race.

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It's really not a mystery.

Would venture those African American leaders that many look to for guidance on what candidates would be best for the African American community...

May be more interested in maintaining the big money and status quo that has

Made them wealthy and powerful rather than actually helping those in their communities

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