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On-line Studying.


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A recent change in pattern has freed up most evenings and I wanted to make use of the time. I have been looking into on-line studying and wanted to know if anyone had any experiences.

I understand that Chula and Ramkamhang universities have courses available.

So, in a nut shell, is it taking an on-line course?

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Yes it is but you have to make sure you do an online course from a university that has some accreditation and credibility. Also the course you are doing matters a great deal too and you need great discipline to not only want to learn and to put the effort in but to also be able to work things out for yourself because you don't necesaily have the beneift of other students to bounce ideas off.

I am doing a Masters of Law Degree in IT and technology law via on-line study so know the process reasonably well but to do one from a university in thailand... hmmmm I am not convinced the quality is there.

The key for me is having someone on the other end who not only responds when I expect them to but also provides me with the latest information in a timely and reasonable manner to learn from.

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May I suggest that you take a look at Deakin University (Australia)?

I am doing a Masters online and completed part of my undergraduate degree there two decades ago. Deakin and UNE are the most experienced & longest-standing Australian online education providers. Deakin has won awards in the field. Teaching quality and resources are excellent. Does not come cheaply though.

You can check out Deakin at www.deakin.edu.au

or UNE at www.une.edu.au

good luck and PM me if you require further info.

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May I suggest that you take a look at Deakin University (Australia)?

I am doing a Masters online and completed part of my undergraduate degree there two decades ago. Deakin and UNE are the most experienced & longest-standing Australian online education providers. Deakin has won awards in the field. Teaching quality and resources are excellent. Does not come cheaply though.

You can check out Deakin at www.deakin.edu.au

or UNE at www.une.edu.au

good luck and PM me if you require further info.

I met someone who did an online at LSE; another friend dida surveyor diploma - that is the sort of course you want to do, unless the course is inherently practical; reputation of the school matters.

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You wouldn't get through the door or our organization with an qualificaiton from an 'Online Course'.

I'm not saying that is always right, but you'd be far better off enroling with a recognized distance learning university - For example the UK's 'Open University'.

Even then you've got to get a reputable university.

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You wouldn't get through the door or our organization with an qualificaiton from an 'Online Course'.

I'm not saying that is always right, but you'd be far better off enroling with a recognized distance learning university - For example the UK's 'Open University'.

Even then you've got to get a reputable university.

But an 'Online Course' can be nice complement to a general master : If you have a master in Economy , an online course on Microeconomy applied to management can be interresting. Or if oyu have a master of Electrotechnic, on online course on the nstallation of transformateurs in SEA can also be not only nice but necesary (not the same system as in France).

That is why I am asking.

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You wouldn't get through the door or our organization with an qualificaiton from an 'Online Course'.

I'm not saying that is always right, but you'd be far better off enroling with a recognized distance learning university - For example the UK's 'Open University'.

Even then you've got to get a reputable university.

Guesthouse: a clarification. The "online" university courses mentioned in my earlier post

- UNE and Deakin University in Australia -

offer precisely what you have mentioned: distance learning through universities with good reputations.

The mode of teaching is a via DVD, online-delivered lectures/podcasts, and resources distributed via airmail packages - FREE of charge to enrolled students.

Library resources are available via electronic databases and FREE airmailed packages, which can also be returned FREE of charge.

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The Open Univesity. I remember the TV shows of beared men in brown shirts at 2.am.

Is that seen as a good modern option these days? I am from the UK so I would feel happy with signing up with the O.U if it is a respected operation.

See your point Guesthouse, but in my case it is more that I want to study something interesting rather than practical. Rather like a hobby.

Fruitbatt, I will be looking into your suggestions as soon as I get a chance. May even PM you. Hope that's ok.

Your input is great, but I am somewhat surprised at the limited number of posts. I expected many ex-pats to be doing something similar.

Like a randy teenager I thought I'd be the only one NOT doing it.

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I have a BA from the OU , and I'm 2 years away from completing a BSc (Hons) , in my experience the OU degrees carry enough weight to open most doors. The fact that you are ( usually) working in a full time job whilst studying tends to impress your future employers. It shows a willingness to motivate yourself, and also the ability to multi-task. The degree requires 300 points for a BA , or 360 for a BA (Hons) .Each point is equivalent to 10 hours study time.

There are exams at the end of the year , residential courses and a weekly tutorial, which is optional.

Overall I would say it is an excellent set up , with a very good reputation worldwide.

I just completed this module's exam, in Oxford University's Exam Halls no less..... :o:D

The beauty of the OU courses is the fact that you can do a separate subject each year, learning different skills , you can combine the modules to gain extra qualifications ( Diplomas, Certificates etc ) along the way.

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The Open Univesity. I remember the TV shows of beared men in brown shirts at 2.am.

Is that seen as a good modern option these days? I am from the UK so I would feel happy with signing up with the O.U if it is a respected operation.

See your point Guesthouse, but in my case it is more that I want to study something interesting rather than practical. Rather like a hobby.

Fruitbatt, I will be looking into your suggestions as soon as I get a chance. May even PM you. Hope that's ok.

Your input is great, but I am somewhat surprised at the limited number of posts. I expected many ex-pats to be doing something similar.

Like a randy teenager I thought I'd be the only one NOT doing it.

I suspect there are several others, but perhaps they are too busy to read ThaiVisa as theses/exam deadlines loom! Griffin, you can PM me. My sister is also doing Honours (Criminology/Social Science) off-campus from UNE. Huge "menu" of courses from both unis.

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Well I was hoping to get some answers, precise answers, but maybe my questions were not precise enought.

Let say the followings :

one of my 3 masters is electrotechnic. Earned in France obviously. One problem I could faced if one day I decide to find a related job will numerous ways to proceed in France (in half of the world) are not those used in SEA (and the other half of the world). I do precise for those who are not in that field the international norm reconise both way. I already gived an exemple with the tranformator, the ground network (yellow green cable) is another one.

I also do understand those online univeristies will be able to give me the missing knowleges.

But, in that case, will my initial diplomw(master) will be recognised, and for exemple I will have the capacity to do a 'complementary' master in one year (the normal cursus in France in 4 years, I suppose it must be comparable in anglo saxon countries). Does the diploma I will get wfter my studyings with an online university will be recognised as an official diploma worldwide by other educational system, or be simply considered. As for exemple, if I do a master of electrotechnic with an online university where I will learn the way to do for the otherhalf, will it be reconise by Chula if after I dare to try a Phd. Will I have to still show my french master to explain why I was able to get a master in one year if I am trying to get a job with top company in SEA?

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The Open University (UK version) is about to make its course materials freely available on the web so that you will be able to investigate what's on offer before you have to pay anything. I read in the Times that it's some time this week. The website is:


Well that is a great thing.

But in my case it's a bit useless, I am not looking to learn what I already learned, but I am looking to validate (sanctionner in french official language) those learnings. Let say the diplomas(masters) I do have tell that I can be usefull under certain conditions (NF 1500), assuming mathematic and electrical laws apply everywhere the only interesting thing for me would be a diploma of the same level (master) stating I am also usefull under the other set of conditions.

If electricity is not your field, I can explain the same related to economy (another master here). We constantly refer to statistical data provided by the INSEE. Obviously, if I try to get a job in a financial firm in SEA, it would simply be understood I am able to understand and use a certain set of data, and to apply the related models. As obviously also INSEE deliver datas, rules and model for a certain part of the world but not worldwide, it could be interesting for me in case of job hunting to have a diploma of same level (master) stating I am also able to understand and efficiently process datas delivered by the corresponding organisation in SEA. Here as in electricity we can assume raws datas are the same everywhere (numbers related to some economic activities), but the choice of datas delivered, the way to understand them and the way to process them (econometric models) is quite difference here and there.

So the question is not really related on how I could aquire the knowledge, but more on how I can officially show I do have the capicity to apply this knowledge (I also do understand 10 years of international experience would do it just fine, but I do not have it ... )

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The Open Univesity. I remember the TV shows of beared men in brown shirts at 2.am.

Is that seen as a good modern option these days? I am from the UK so I would feel happy with signing up with the O.U if it is a respected operation.

See your point Guesthouse, but in my case it is more that I want to study something interesting rather than practical. Rather like a hobby.

Fruitbatt, I will be looking into your suggestions as soon as I get a chance. May even PM you. Hope that's ok.

Your input is great, but I am somewhat surprised at the limited number of posts. I expected many ex-pats to be doing something similar.

Like a randy teenager I thought I'd be the only one NOT doing it.

Griffin, I understand you completely. Although my background and work are in IT, I have done distance learning in Art History and Cinema (from Open University and U. of Exeter). These were very enjoyable, and although the studies have completed, have provided hours of pleasure afterwards; whether in an art museum, watching a film, or simply sitting at home reading art books.

Pursue and enjoy ! :o

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Since you want to find a university where you can not only do work online, but also have access to the facilities, you are better off doing a distance learning degree like some here have recommended.

I don't know if they have this option in Thailand or not, but here in the States, you can do this at just about any university or college. You are doing the work at generally the same pace as any normal sit down class, but you are doing it off campus. You get your "home work" via e-mail or online postings and once completed, you e-mail the work to your professor. The only time you really need to be in class is when it's time to take the exam(s)...something to look in to...

Edited by Jamie
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Questions :

1) Which serious university offer a Master in IT laws ?

2) What are the requirement in general to apply for a master online (a real one)?

3) How long it takes?

Thanks in advance

Two reasonable universities I am aware of that offer IT law are: Queen Mary University of London and University of Strathclyde although the former is the better of the two. Usually requirements for entry are an LL.B. however if you have good experience and or another masters degree then the chances are you will get accepted onto the program.

The length of time is usually two years.

I am doing the one at Queen Mary University of London and I have to say it is excellent and is opening my eyes to issues I never really considered before.

Hope that helps.

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Folks in the US there there has been a "blooming" of on-line programs, from very prominent Universities.

My wife recieved her MA on-line from University of Texas (UT), it makes me tear up just to think my wife got a degree from such a college. Her diploma does not even mention the fact that her program was recieved via the net.

We decided on line would be best for her/us because at the time we only had one car. Although the couses were more expensive (unjustly so) the expeses were off set due to the fact we did not have to purchase, insure, maintain and fuel another car.

NMSU (New Mexico State Univ), Univ of Houston are some other Univ. that have on-line programs. That is just a sprinkle of what is offered.

As another poster mentioned, you darns sure want to make sure the school is legitimate, otherwise you will be throwing away your money, time and reputation.

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Good point about reputation and if anyone is in doubt about quality programmes being offered as 'on line' courses should consider this:

Both Cambridge and Oxford Universities in England (Current rank 2 and 3 in the world with Harvard being number 1) are now offering on line degree courses in select subjects.

It's the new boom in education and the key as always with university education is to pick a quality program at a quality university.

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