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Israeli academics face growing boycott pressures


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Some world leaders get it:


Australian Foreign Minister --

She also strongly condemned the global anti-Israel BDS movement: “It’s anti-Semitic. It identifies Israel out of all other nations as being worthy of a boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign? Hypocritical beyond belief.”

Exactly. In short: Demonization of Israel. Irrational and hateful.


French Prime Minister --

Addressing a meeting of the Crif, the umbrella group of French Jewish communities, on Monday, Manuel Valls said “French authorities must change their attitude” towards demonstrations that call for a boycott of Israeli products, which he accused of fostering a “nauseating climate” in the country.

It is perfectly obvious how we have shifted from criticism of Israel to anti-Zionism and from anti-Zionism to anti-Semitism,” he added, slamming a recent protest in Paris, staged by the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, which opposes the Israeli “colonisation” of Palestinian land and has grown in popularity as people lose faith in the stalled Mideast peace process.

And now a musical interlude, oldie but goodie:

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As a global boycott movement against Israeli universities gains steam, Israeli professors say they are feeling the pressure from their colleagues overseas.

As well they should.

Already enjoying significant support in the U.K., the academic boycott has chalked up a series of accomplishments in the United States.

In recent years, the Association for Asian American Studies, the American Studies Association, the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association and the National Women's Studies Association have approved boycott measures.

In November, a meeting of the American Anthropological Association overwhelmingly endorsed a motion supporting a boycott of Israeli universities.

Great News!


Alterman said she has begun to feel a "coldness" from some colleagues at conferences that was not there in the past. She said some colleagues refuse to attend conferences in Israel, and editors at professional journals tell her it is difficult to find people willing to review papers by Israeli academics.

The occupiers need to learn that elections have consequences.

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Im really tired of this anti semite rubbish that gets used as an excuse every time Israel is challenged. Its offensive and actually has the effect of diluting the meaning of the word and making people more prone to dismiss anti semitism when it genuinely occurs. Your argument is idiotic and deceitfull. BDS is a direct responce to the actions of the Israeli goverment. It is not a personal vendetta against the jewish people of Israel. It is an attempt to force the Israeli goverment to adress issues which thus far it has deflected and ignored. The tactic of muddying the issues and changing the agenda is simply a way of prolonging the status quo and not having to deal with the problems at hand. Its true that BDS does affect Israely citizens but the fact that some of them are jewish has no bearing on the aims of the movement. Stop crying wolf its a shamefull desperate tactic that is moraly repulsive.

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Im really tired of this anti semite rubbish that gets used as an excuse every time Israel is challenged. Its offensive and actually has the effect of diluting the meaning of the word and making people more prone to dismiss anti semitism when it genuinely occurs. Your argument is idiotic and deceitfull. BDS is a direct responce to the actions of the Israeli goverment. It is not a personal vendetta against the jewish people of Israel. It is an attempt to force the Israeli goverment to adress issues which thus far it has deflected and ignored. The tactic of muddying the issues and changing the agenda is simply a way of prolonging the status quo and not having to deal with the problems at hand. Its true that BDS does affect Israely citizens but the fact that some of them are jewish has no bearing on the aims of the movement. Stop crying wolf its a shamefull desperate tactic that is moraly repulsive.

I could post thousands of links showing that it's the truth, that BDS is deeply infected with Jew hatred. Obviously that truth means nothing to you. Not interested. Turned off. Can't be true. But it IS true.

Antisemitism whenever it genuinely occurs? Dude, wake up.

Antisemitism is as bad now in much of the world as it's been since World War 2.

In France there's open talk that each Jew there needs an armed guard (which is of course impossible).

Some of that antisemitism is expressed at BDS rallies and Palestinian "River to the Sea" genocide rallies.

This Jew hatred-BDS direct connection is recognized by the French PM. That's not chopped liver. That's the French PM.

Sorry, Jews in the past were too quiet when they starting to see the storms rising.

More like there was very little they could really do. Too weak. Didn't think it could be possibly get serious.

Now there is a STRONG Israel and that's good but half of the Jews in the world live outside Israel.

Even in the U.S. these hate filled Jew hating BDS goons are harassing Jewish people, just for being Jews, often at universities.

The BDS goons are usually either "progressives" and/or Islamists. The classical white power/Nazi fascist types usually express their Jew hatred in other ways and aren't really into BDS as they hate Arabs too.

The Jews are a very tiny world minority (would be much larger but due to thousands of years of periodic genocides against them aren't) and may yet get hit again in this era by a wave of the Jew hatred disease, but not without a hell of a fight.

I know many will say typical Jewish paranoia.

But it's not paranoia when they really want to kill you.

When there are rallies all over the world basically chanting "Kill the Jews" in the name of supporting a political movement that indeed wants to kill the Jews ... it would be CRAZY not to take that seriously.

If you actually believe Israel leaving the west bank settlements would satisfy the River to the Sea genocide cheerleaders, I can't help anyone with that level of NAIVETE.

That said, of course like all reasonable people who have looked at this conflict, I can see there is blame to go on both sides and BOTH sides need new leadership to have any hope of moving peace forward.

Israel IS strong and Israel CAN afford to make concessions to a REASONABLE negotiating partner. But there is no reasonable negotiating partner now. Even more moderate and liberal Israeli politicians agree with that, in this time of the Knife Intifada and genocidal Hamas actively building new into Israel invasion tunnels getting ready to provoke a new war, probably this year.

If this "offends" you, that's really not my problem.

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Im really tired of this anti semite rubbish that gets used as an excuse every time Israel is challenged. Its offensive and actually has the effect of diluting the meaning of the word and making people more prone to dismiss anti semitism when it genuinely occurs. Your argument is idiotic and deceitfull. BDS is a direct responce to the actions of the Israeli goverment. It is not a personal vendetta against the jewish people of Israel. It is an attempt to force the Israeli goverment to adress issues which thus far it has deflected and ignored. The tactic of muddying the issues and changing the agenda is simply a way of prolonging the status quo and not having to deal with the problems at hand. Its true that BDS does affect Israely citizens but the fact that some of them are jewish has no bearing on the aims of the movement. Stop crying wolf its a shamefull desperate tactic that is moraly repulsive.

Truer words have never been typed. Great post! thumbsup.gif

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Im really tired of this anti semite rubbish that gets used as an excuse every time Israel is challenged.

I see WAY too many OBVIOUS anti-Semites parroting this line. All you have to do is watch what these people say over a period of time. They are quite happy to lie about it and those who are most guilty complain the loudest. Anti-Semitism is alive and thriving and much of it is directed toward destroying the Jewish state.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Maybe everything developed by Jews and Israel can be boycott especially in Medicine and Science That will teach them that we don't need them we would rather die

I assume that's sarcasm. Even injured Palestinian terrorists accept medical treatment by Jews.

"Even injured Palestinian terrorists accept medical treatment by Jews. "

But Palestinians who aren't terrorists often find it difficult to impossible to get to any medical facility for treatment because of the Bantustan-esque checkpoints manned by those quite content to allow small children, pregnant women and the elderly to wait for hours to pass no matter how dire their need for medical attention.

Restrictions on the freedom of movement of Palestinians have seriously affected their access to medical care, including emergency medical treatment. The ability to reach medical care and healthcare is very uncertain and depends on a number of arbitrary decisions and restrictions.

Soldiers at checkpoints consistently stop ambulances and patients. The Palestinian Red Crescent Society, has reported 112 deaths and 35 stillbirths as a result of preventing medical personnel and patients from crossing checkpoints. The World Health Organization deplores “the incidents involving lack of respect and protection for Palestinian ambulances and medical personnel (…) as well as the restrictions on movement imposed on them by Israel, the occupying power, in violation of international humanitarian law”.

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I wholeheartedly support this boycott. The world needs to get behind this academic boycott and expand it to include sports, Israeli exports and imports, and to turn Israel into the new South Africa, an apartheid state which the civilised world finds totally unacceptable.

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The restrictions on the movements of Palestinians is to stop terrorism. The Palestinians are responsible for these problems that they have caused themselves.

The growing boycott pressures that Israeli academics are facing (you know, the actual topic of this thread wink.png ) is to bring an end to the illegal and immoral actions of the Israeli regime. The Israelis are responsible for these problems that they have caused themselves.

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It is time to for the World Academics to worry about their Muslim Problem in their own countries and forget about little Israels Muslim Problem

Muslims are the Problem that may bring down the West.

Israel does not matter in the Problem or the Solution

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Ain't going to happen. Israel has too much technology the rest of the world needs.

True. A 100 percent boycott ain't gonna happen.

But I do agree with Israeli leadership that BDS is a real threat and a real enemy of Israel.

Israel is fighting back and they should keep working at it.

Even the massive Israel demonization content on Facebook is properly seen as a REAL threat to Israel, just as Hamas is.

Of course a lot of that is related to BDS but usually extremely toxic and often explicitly Jew hating.

Yet again, NOT talking here about NORMAL criticism of Israeli government policies, such as saying you oppose west bank settlements, talking about obsessive Israel demonization which is inseparable from antisemitism.

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If Israeli academics are "feeling the pressure from their colleagues overseas", good. As the brightest and best, perhaps they should speak up more against their government's repression and occupation of Palestinians. Their opinions may carry more weight.

There is no way in the world that BDS can destroy Israel, but it could bring Israel to its senses to make a just peace with its neighbors. Once that happens and Israel's borders are recognized by the entire global community including Palestinians and the Arab World, BDS will no longer have a reason to exist and will disappear into the archives.

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Israel needs to grow up and stop acting like a spoilt child. After endless discusions on how to remedy the situation and Israels clear unwillingness to participate in an honest fashion the rest of the world has got fed up. The current boycotts are a direct result of Israel throwing its toys out of the pram every time it doesnt like whats happening. People are tired of the never ending cycle of violence and Israel playing the poor me why do people hate us card. I feel sorry for jews worldwide who are percecuted as a direct result of zionists in Israel hijacking judaism. Also as a so called bastion of democracy in the middle east they are very quick to shut up and label traitors any Israely citizens that voice opinions that differ from yheir ultra right wing agenda.


They're the result of the organized BDS movement, a movement whose leaders have revealed has as their main goal -- the END of Israel. Just like Hamas and a number of Israel's other enemies. Not a two state solution. The END of Israel. That's why I assert with full confidence the BDS movement is an Israel demonizing, antisemitic movement at its core, though of course many of the naive good hearted people supporting it are not Jew haters themselves.

Can you provide us a link where the leaders make this statement please?

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Israel needs to grow up and stop acting like a spoilt child. After endless discusions on how to remedy the situation and Israels clear unwillingness to participate in an honest fashion the rest of the world has got fed up. The current boycotts are a direct result of Israel throwing its toys out of the pram every time it doesnt like whats happening. People are tired of the never ending cycle of violence and Israel playing the poor me why do people hate us card. I feel sorry for jews worldwide who are percecuted as a direct result of zionists in Israel hijacking judaism. Also as a so called bastion of democracy in the middle east they are very quick to shut up and label traitors any Israely citizens that voice opinions that differ from yheir ultra right wing agenda.


They're the result of the organized BDS movement, a movement whose leaders have revealed has as their main goal -- the END of Israel. Just like Hamas and a number of Israel's other enemies. Not a two state solution. The END of Israel. That's why I assert with full confidence the BDS movement is an Israel demonizing, antisemitic movement at its core, though of course many of the naive good hearted people supporting it are not Jew haters themselves.

Can you provide us a link where the leaders make this statement please?


Finkelstein is a very famous and aggressive CRITIC of Israeli government policy, so especially interesting:

Finkel­stein, who caused quite a stir in anti-Israel cir­cles last year when he claimed that the BDS (Boy­cott, Divest­ment and Sanc­tions) move­ment has char­ac­ter­is­tics of a “cult” and seeks to destroy Israel, began the dis­cus­sion by argu­ing that Israel is a state rec­og­nized under inter­na­tional law with respon­si­bil­i­ties, oblig­a­tions AND rights. He chal­lenged the latent hypocrisy within the anti-Israel move­ment (and his co-panelists), which con­stantly points to inter­na­tional law to jus­tify its agenda while ignor­ing the fact that inter­na­tional law estab­lished Israel as a Jew­ish state. “How does one pro­pose to win sup­port for the Pales­tin­ian cause based on inter­na­tional law yet not sup­port two states? That just doesn’t make any sense to me,” he said.

He con­tin­ued to assault com­mon objec­tives of anti-Israel activists. He specif­i­cally took issue with the BDS movement’s claim of being “rights-based” while again not rec­og­niz­ing Israel’s right to exist, say­ing, “That’s pure unadul­ter­ated hypocrisy. And, speak­ing per­son­ally, I don’t want to have any­thing to do with it. And speak­ing polit­i­cally, it won’t go anywhere.”


One state sought by BDS leader:

BDS demo, ONE state (Palestine) sought, against two states:

Antisemitic BDS propaganda at Columbia University (New York City).

(See previous comments from high government officials of Australia and France) --


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They're the result of the organized BDS movement, a movement whose leaders have revealed has as their main goal -- the END of Israel. Just like Hamas and a number of Israel's other enemies. Not a two state solution. The END of Israel. That's why I assert with full confidence the BDS movement is an Israel demonizing, antisemitic movement at its core, though of course many of the naive good hearted people supporting it are not Jew haters themselves.

Can you provide us a link where the leaders make this statement please?


Finkelstein is a very famous and aggressive CRITIC of Israeli government policy, so especially interesting:

Finkel­stein, who caused quite a stir in anti-Israel cir­cles last year when he claimed that the BDS (Boy­cott, Divest­ment and Sanc­tions) move­ment has char­ac­ter­is­tics of a “cult” and seeks to destroy Israel, began the dis­cus­sion by argu­ing that Israel is a state rec­og­nized under inter­na­tional law with respon­si­bil­i­ties, oblig­a­tions AND rights. He chal­lenged the latent hypocrisy within the anti-Israel move­ment (and his co-panelists), which con­stantly points to inter­na­tional law to jus­tify its agenda while ignor­ing the fact that inter­na­tional law estab­lished Israel as a Jew­ish state. “How does one pro­pose to win sup­port for the Pales­tin­ian cause based on inter­na­tional law yet not sup­port two states? That just doesn’t make any sense to me,” he said.

He con­tin­ued to assault com­mon objec­tives of anti-Israel activists. He specif­i­cally took issue with the BDS movement’s claim of being “rights-based” while again not rec­og­niz­ing Israel’s right to exist, say­ing, “That’s pure unadul­ter­ated hypocrisy. And, speak­ing per­son­ally, I don’t want to have any­thing to do with it. And speak­ing polit­i­cally, it won’t go anywhere.”


One state sought by BDS leader:

BDS demo, ONE state (Palestine) sought, against two states:

Antisemitic BDS propaganda at Columbia University (New York City).

(See previous comments from high government officials of Australia and France) --


Finkelsteing does not promote the destruction or anihilation of Israel, you know this, the only problem with him is that he doesn't like the Settlements, segregation of Arabs living in Israel...and having is family deported give him more weight than regular israel critics.

The other ones does not want the destruction of Israel neither, you would know that if you have taken the time to listen to their speech

The last picture you added is a ridiculous photoshopped picture with the upper part being a clear racist sign and the lower part a picture of 2 pages of the BDS ...you can do better than this poor propaganda...

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The other ones does not want the destruction of Israel neither, you would know that if you have taken the time to listen to their speech

The last picture you added is a ridiculous photoshopped picture with the upper part being a clear racist sign and the lower part a picture of 2 pages of the BDS ...you can do better than this poor propaganda...

You rebut assertions about Finklestein I didn't even make about him. I have had communication issues like that with you so many times, I can't really tell if it's because you're not a native English speaker or intentional. Repeatedly you have accused me of asserting all criticism of Israel is antisemitism and I have corrected you repeatedly that I never said that, instead only DEMONIZATION of Israel is that. But you keep saying it, so I assume your tactics are probably intentional.

In any case, I can't be bothered with communicating with people who aggressively demand something (which was legit so I responded), are supplied it, and then divert in absurd, irrelevant ways.


Welcome to my large ignore list.

In any case, regarding the actual topic, I fully stand with my assertion, agreeing with high officials in France and Australia that the BDS movement is a deeply antisemitic, massively HYPOCRITICAL movement.

Also as well, the true goals of BDS cult is the end of Israel as a Jewish state and all of the land that is now Israel to be Palestine. One state, Palestine, not two states side by side, Israel AND Palestine. As far as the charge of genocide INTENTION, that's implicit in the typical BDS River to the Sea chants and true intentions of ONE STATE PALESTINE. Israelis will NEVER let that happen, so if the enemies of the existence of Israel, including the anti-semitic BDS movement actually ever do achieve their horrific goal, the only way would be through a massive genocide of the Jewish people.

Of course genocide intentions are not the same as genocide actualities, and happily the Jewish people are much better prepared this time to resist the dark forces of that most severe manifestation of the ancient mental disease of Jew hatred.

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OP reveals academic BDS campaign from USA. It also mentions some duped Israeli anthropologists and traffic engineers.

Reality is a little bit different. The non-aggressive BDS campaign is based on boycott of Israeli technical universities who are directly sponsored by Israeli weapons industry. Example : Haifa university Technnion and Elbit drone systems.

Technion received 18M of EUR in funding from the EU, while they provided academic assistance to optimise drone performances. During 2014 summer invasion, more than 164 children died from IDF drones...

OP is pure deflection to discuss non military projects and subjects.

The Italian scholars join more than 1,500 of their colleagues in the United Kingdom, Belgium, South Africa, Ireland and Brazil who have endorsed similar pledges in recent months.

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On the question of BDS, which yes, is an antisemitic movement and at it's core opposes the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish state, sometimes there is really no point in talking at all.

This explains this much better than I ever could:


When It Comes to the Haters, Time To Stop Talking

Both JVP and Vilkomerson are ardent supporters of the BDS movement, which I, like many—arguably, most—Jews, see as inherently anti-Semitic. Singling out the Jewish state alone for opprobrium can hardly be explained by anything save for sheer, blind prejudice; the same is true for the call, central to the BDS movement’s and Vilkomerson’s beliefs alike, for the dissolution of the Jewish state and its replacement with a binational republic. But here was Ms. Vilkomerson, expecting to be treated with civility, and here was I, completely at a loss. It wasn’t that I disagreed with my guest. It wasn’t even that I found her views odious. The differences between us were more profound than mere differences in taste. One of us believed that Jews, like all the world’s nations, had the right to self-determination and a sovereign state; the other did not. How, I thought as I stared at my microphone, do you debate with someone who denies you this most basic right?
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On the question of BDS, which yes, is an antisemitic movement and at it's core opposes the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish state, sometimes there is really no point in talking at all.

This explains this much better than I ever could:


When It Comes to the Haters, Time To Stop Talking

Both JVP and Vilkomerson are ardent supporters of the BDS movement, which I, like many—arguably, most—Jews, see as inherently anti-Semitic. Singling out the Jewish state alone for opprobrium can hardly be explained by anything save for sheer, blind prejudice; the same is true for the call, central to the BDS movement’s and Vilkomerson’s beliefs alike, for the dissolution of the Jewish state and its replacement with a binational republic. But here was Ms. Vilkomerson, expecting to be treated with civility, and here was I, completely at a loss. It wasn’t that I disagreed with my guest. It wasn’t even that I found her views odious. The differences between us were more profound than mere differences in taste. One of us believed that Jews, like all the world’s nations, had the right to self-determination and a sovereign state; the other did not. How, I thought as I stared at my microphone, do you debate with someone who denies you this most basic right?

Nonsense. the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign is neither anti Semitic nor does it oppose the right of Israel to exist.
BDS uses non-violent punitive measures against Israel until it complies with international law.
Its goals are
"1. Ending its occupation and colonization of all Arab lands and dismantling the Wall;
2. Recognizing the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality; and
3. Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN Resolution 194."
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On the question of BDS, which yes, is an antisemitic movement and at it's core opposes the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish state, sometimes there is really no point in talking at all.

This explains this much better than I ever could:


When It Comes to the Haters, Time To Stop Talking

Both JVP and Vilkomerson are ardent supporters of the BDS movement, which I, like many—arguably, most—Jews, see as inherently anti-Semitic. Singling out the Jewish state alone for opprobrium can hardly be explained by anything save for sheer, blind prejudice; the same is true for the call, central to the BDS movement’s and Vilkomerson’s beliefs alike, for the dissolution of the Jewish state and its replacement with a binational republic. But here was Ms. Vilkomerson, expecting to be treated with civility, and here was I, completely at a loss. It wasn’t that I disagreed with my guest. It wasn’t even that I found her views odious. The differences between us were more profound than mere differences in taste. One of us believed that Jews, like all the world’s nations, had the right to self-determination and a sovereign state; the other did not. How, I thought as I stared at my microphone, do you debate with someone who denies you this most basic right?

Nonsense. the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign is neither anti Semitic nor does it oppose the right of Israel to exist.

BDS uses non-violent punitive measures against Israel until it complies with international law.

Its goals are

"1. Ending its occupation and colonization of all Arab lands and dismantling the Wall;

2. Recognizing the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality; and

3. Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN Resolution 194."


Interested in buying a bridge?

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The MIT professor said that he differentiates between attempts to shun Israeli entities linked to its policies beyond the Green Line and efforts to ostracize Israelis with no connection to “the occupation.”

"Just as I do not suggest boycotting Harvard University and my own university, even though the United States is involved in horrific acts," he said. "You might as well boycott the United States."


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I see no point to quote pro-right wing Jewish magazine to advocate the boycott movement is antisemitic...
It is like quoting the Pravda newspaper to tell the USA hate Russia...

There is still no quote from the creators of the boycott movement which advocate the destruction of Israel...

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