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Redshirt leader Jatuporn detained at army barracks


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How does a person boycott a draft constitution?

We can boycott by not going to an event, or by not buying an item or service.

I think what they are getting at is that the reds are going to actively oppose it and urge others to the same which is a different thing entirely

There is no way Thaksin wants this new charter and agencies it empowers as it will effectively end any aspirations he has of coming to Thailand under an amnesty deal, it closes all the doors, he will never be able to return without facing the remaining charges and going to jail, it also makes it harder for people like him to buy elections - so basically he is shafted and the redshirt movement is left without a sponsor, bye bye to the lot of them

...only in the canyons of your mind!!

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If ever there was an example of a individual being born to a fitting station in life

this man demonstrates it. Born incompentent, went thru the physical stages of becoming a grown up /adult, but has remained incompentent throughout his life and shows no indication of doing more than improving on his achievements to date.

Otherwise expect absolutly nothing good nor productive from him nor any product from his loins. Its too bad they do not make rubbers big enough for a pri... of the size of this man and his kind. It would make a great tourist attraction.

Sounds like you are talking about yourself!

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Well its good that jutaporn has a fan or so as everyone needs someone at sometime during their life. Its too bad he

does not give like consideration to his dear mother. She told news reporter she had not heard from or seen the boy in

several years. She also mentioned something about he should be working at a real job not dabing in politics.

There are many people who conside that mothers know best, unfortunately its normally their own children who

think they know more than the parents and do not out grown this as do most normal children.

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While I do detest the heavy handed nature of this junta I find Jatuporn to be an absolute cretin.

The thing is both sides will need to break bread for true reconciliation but it will just never happen.

How does that work?

You have one sise that wants to eat all the bread and another...well to be honest I don't know what the other side wants.

Thai politics is so confusing and cloak and dagger.

At least in other developed democractic countries you have proper checks and balance so that doesn't matter what party wins you can be assured they don't blatantly abuse their power without repercussion.

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Surely, if they do not want this constitution they should vote against it rather than boycott the referendum.

LOL. Do you believe that the vote will be fair, that the question and options, will be anything other than the choice of 1) Give the military more power, or 2) We agree?

I would think this will trigger more International condemnation of you know who.

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If ever there was an example of a individual being born to a fitting station in life

this man demonstrates it. Born incompentent, went thru the physical stages of becoming a grown up /adult, but has remained incompentent throughout his life and shows no indication of doing more than improving on his achievements to date.

Otherwise expect absolutly nothing good nor productive from him nor any product from his loins. Its too bad they do not make rubbers big enough for a pri... of the size of this man and his kind. It would make a great tourist attraction.

I understand what you're saying but still that's not a way to describe General Prayuth.He may be everything you say but he's trying hard and as that great political commentator Mr Frankie Howerd once said " one shouldn't mock the afflicted".

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Good to see that the TVF folks are just as divided as Thai society! If us farangs can't reconcile, how the hell can we expect Thais to reconcile?

Having said that, does anyone know how the referendum vote is structured? If it requires a majority vote of 'eligible' voters, then there is a purpose in boycotting the referendum and makes it a bit more difficult to manipulate the vote when people don't vote. Is there any enlightened soul here than knows the answer?

For the record, I condemn the heavy handed tactics of the junta.

Edited by pookiki
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How does a person boycott a draft constitution?

We can boycott by not going to an event, or by not buying an item or service.

I think what they are getting at is that the reds are going to actively oppose it and urge others to the same which is a different thing entirely

There is no way Thaksin wants this new charter and agencies it empowers as it will effectively end any aspirations he has of coming to Thailand under an amnesty deal, it closes all the doors, he will never be able to return without facing the remaining charges and going to jail, it also makes it harder for people like him to buy elections - so basically he is shafted and the redshirt movement is left without a sponsor, bye bye to the lot of them

I'm very puzzled. Do you know more about the new charter?

Do you have details? Or did I miss any publication in a newspaper?

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The wife once heard him say "burn......".


We will mobilise an army........


We will divide the country.......

In her view enough to lock him up for quite a long time.

He is still on bail on his terrorism charges case.

But, like many of his friends, still believes he is above and beyond the law.

Wonder if all those admirers still give him expensive gifts which explains his sudden wealth?

Judging from the fact that he is rounded up, he quite clearly isn't above and beyond the law. As opposed to your buddies at the NCPO who are not only above the law, they ARE the law.

Now maybe we should find out about those expensive gifts mere army generals seem to be getting, or is that not of interest ? After all they are the good people right ?

Edited by sjaak327
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its a shame that putting the names of Prayut, Abhisit and Shinawatra on a piece of paper and asking folk to place a tick in the appropriate box is too simple for Thailand. And yet that is how it is done in the majority of countries. This majority of countries are prepared to take the risk of getting a Sarah Palin or a Donald Trump into power. That is a risk worth taking in my view. But in the long run it is better for the people to make that choice. Let the Thai people decide, of course we would need to have a referendum on what exactly is a Thai person ( they would of course need a Bangkok Street address), such referenda are unnecessary in other states.

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While I do detest the heavy handed nature of this junta I find Jatuporn to be an absolute cretin.

The thing is both sides will need to break bread for true reconciliation but it will just never happen.

Wrong, there is no reconciliation with the junta, true or otherwise. That is just smoke and mirrors.

If there were a democracy in Thailand, then the voters could send Jatuporn packing.

As it is, the junta is just making him more important in the eyes of his supporters.

PTP as a political party which follows Thaksin is not the future for Thailand. Red Shirts who want a better future need new leadership and their own party.

The one point where Weng and Jatuporn are right is that accepting this constitution would be a huge mistake.

I too hope that the awoken masses have realised that Thaksin is not their savior. They of course already know that the power base in Bangkok cares not a jot for them either.

Thailand desperately needs a fresh young leader free from all the feudalistic clap trap. This leader would have a hell of a task breaking the current status quo though,

We can only hope....

I think that there is some hope of that. It is still a problem/issue, though, in part because he has money and a network.

But I am hopeful that Thaksin continues to fade. If you hear and read how red shirts feel about Thaksin, it's pretty interesting. Yingluck is IMO more popular than her brother.

But in my opinion, she missed the boat. She could have come out on May 22nd and made the point that the coup is a violation of the constitution. Then she could have sat at home rather than report to the NCPO. She could have politely, but firmly resisted every step of the way. In fact she could have brought a law suit against the NCPO immediately for treason. The point is, the junta could not have done anything too violent or harsh against her. She f-d up big time when she missed that opportunity.

So any way, yes, young (or old) and certainly fresh democratic leadership is needed. Back to the hopeful part, I think that the junta has done a good job at bringing together community activists and political activists in a common cause against the abuses of the junta. This could be very important to forming that new leadership...

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is it only me that finds it exceedingly funny when leaders of the Redshirts PTP and Thaksin affilliates point the finger at something being undemocratic..........seriously, these are the people that resort to murder and terroism when things aren't going their way (including the murder of children and gloating about it on stage)

yeah, it's only you... cheesy.gif

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This terrorist and hate monger Jutaporn should have been behind a long time ago. Best news of the day.

If Thailand is ever going to see peace and happiness then many more people like him should be locked up too.....and yes, I mean both yellow and reds, so don't even get started you red apologists.

People need to be shown that they will be held accountable for their wrongdoings in this country.

This is something that is lacking in Thailand both in, and out of politics. Too many people get away with murder here, literally.

There is certainly one murdering wrongdoer who needs to be held accountable, but unfortunately he has written himself an amnesty.

Yes, but thankfully the Senate rejected it after his wholly owned party voted 314-0 for it; and his sister failed to scam it through whilst lying it had been withdrawn.

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The results of the referendum for the 2007 Constitution was based on number of votes actually cast. The Constitution passed by a majority of 56-59%. But in terms of total registered voters, the Constitution only passed by about a minority of one-third!

There is no accounting for absent votes. Complacency, protest and/or political obstructionist actually favors passage of the Constitution as it is more likely that the minority pro-royalists (generally aligned with the Democrats, BJT, Chartthaipattana) will vote than frustrated majority non-royalists (generally aligned with the PTP, Chart Pattana Puea Pandin). It appears that the EC will again only consider the majority of votes cast.

So Jatuporn is wrong to ask people to boycott the referendum.

The military will again suffer if necessary the embarassment of a low turnout as it is only the appearance of a vote being allowed that matters. The image of democracy is much less riskier than the practice of democracy.

Rather than playing the obstructionist, Jatuporn should be educating the electorate literally door-to-door (NCPO permitting) on the importance of voting on the referendum, albeit currently cannot advocate voting against it as that is a crime against the NCPO.

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While I do detest the heavy handed nature of this junta I find Jatuporn to be an absolute cretin.

The thing is both sides will need to break bread for true reconciliation but it will just never happen.

Wrong, there is no reconciliation with the junta, true or otherwise. That is just smoke and mirrors.

If there were a democracy in Thailand, then the voters could send Jatuporn packing.

As it is, the junta is just making him more important in the eyes of his supporters.

PTP as a political party which follows Thaksin is not the future for Thailand. Red Shirts who want a better future need new leadership and their own party.

The one point where Weng and Jatuporn are right is that accepting this constitution would be a huge mistake.

I too hope that the awoken masses have realised that Thaksin is not their savior. They of course already know that the power base in Bangkok cares not a jot for them either.

Thailand desperately needs a fresh young leader free from all the feudalistic clap trap. This leader would have a hell of a task breaking the current status quo though,

We can only hope....

I think that there is some hope of that. It is still a problem/issue, though, in part because he has money and a network.

But I am hopeful that Thaksin continues to fade. If you hear and read how red shirts feel about Thaksin, it's pretty interesting. Yingluck is IMO more popular than her brother.

But in my opinion, she missed the boat. She could have come out on May 22nd and made the point that the coup is a violation of the constitution. Then she could have sat at home rather than report to the NCPO. She could have politely, but firmly resisted every step of the way. In fact she could have brought a law suit against the NCPO immediately for treason. The point is, the junta could not have done anything too violent or harsh against her. She f-d up big time when she missed that opportunity.

So any way, yes, young (or old) and certainly fresh democratic leadership is needed. Back to the hopeful part, I think that the junta has done a good job at bringing together community activists and political activists in a common cause against the abuses of the junta. This could be very important to forming that new leadership...

I think Yingluck missed the boat when she wantonly allowed her brother to simply take total control, making sure his mates and cronies were there to watch she did as told,

Would've been very hard for her, but she'd have had the thanks of a grateful nation if she'd proved to be independent and strong enough.

Popular as a pretty with a nice smile who was kept away from things. But, never did anything or stood up for what's right either.

Reminds me of Lady Jane Grey - used and abused by others far more ruthless, cunning and self interested.

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This terrorist and hate monger Jutaporn should have been behind a long time ago. Best news of the day.

If Thailand is ever going to see peace and happiness then many more people like him should be locked up too.....and yes, I mean both yellow and reds, so don't even get started you red apologists.

People need to be shown that they will be held accountable for their wrongdoings in this country.

This is something that is lacking in Thailand both in, and out of politics. Too many people get away with murder here, literally.

There is certainly one murdering wrongdoer who needs to be held accountable, but unfortunately he has written himself an amnesty.

Yes, but thankfully the Senate rejected it after his wholly owned party voted 314-0 for it; and his sister failed to scam it through whilst lying it had been withdrawn.

Actually PT only had 265 seats in parliament. So the bill actually had other democratically elected MP's voting in favor. Not like the current amnesty enjoyed by precious few, that one had the backing of zero democratically elected MP's. And no senate to block it either.

I doubt the one you responded to was referring to Thaksin, he never at any time had written amnesty for himself. Your buddies at the NCPO did.

As to Yingluck lying it had been withdrawn, you keep forgetting she dissolved the house, making it politically impossible to "scam it through".

Unless of course the electorate would have voted here back in, which for me would be fine, that's how democracy is supposed to work, plain and simple.

Edited by sjaak327
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its a shame that putting the names of Prayut, Abhisit and Shinawatra on a piece of paper and asking folk to place a tick in the appropriate box is too simple for Thailand. And yet that is how it is done in the majority of countries. This majority of countries are prepared to take the risk of getting a Sarah Palin or a Donald Trump into power. That is a risk worth taking in my view. But in the long run it is better for the people to make that choice. Let the Thai people decide, of course we would need to have a referendum on what exactly is a Thai person ( they would of course need a Bangkok Street address), such referenda are unnecessary in other states.

When money choose for people..... whistling.gif

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The wife once heard him say "burn......".


We will mobilise an army........


We will divide the country.......

In her view enough to lock him up for quite a long time.

He is still on bail on his terrorism charges case.

But, like many of his friends, still believes he is above and beyond the law.

Wonder if all those admirers still give him expensive gifts which explains his sudden wealth?

Judging from the fact that he is rounded up, he quite clearly isn't above and beyond the law. As opposed to your buddies at the NCPO who are not only above the law, they ARE the law.

Now maybe we should find out about those expensive gifts mere army generals seem to be getting, or is that not of interest ? After all they are the good people right ?

Ah the reading and comprehension skills of the Shin fans. It is what we say, not what you wrote.

He thought he was above the law, untouchable as one of the boss's chosen boys. But looks like he thought wrong, although he's been pushing it in his quest to be a "martyr" and thirst to be in the news.

The NCPO are not my buddies, don't know a single one, although strangely enough I do know two former PTP ministers. Maybe Jatoporn is your buddy?

This thread is about him, and what others have done or not done is not an excuse for him.

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This terrorist and hate monger Jutaporn should have been behind a long time ago. Best news of the day.

If Thailand is ever going to see peace and happiness then many more people like him should be locked up too.....and yes, I mean both yellow and reds, so don't even get started you red apologists.

People need to be shown that they will be held accountable for their wrongdoings in this country.

This is something that is lacking in Thailand both in, and out of politics. Too many people get away with murder here, literally.

There is certainly one murdering wrongdoer who needs to be held accountable, but unfortunately he has written himself an amnesty.

Yes, but thankfully the Senate rejected it after his wholly owned party voted 314-0 for it; and his sister failed to scam it through whilst lying it had been withdrawn.

Actually PT only had 265 seats in parliament. So the bill actually had other democratically elected MP's voting in favor. Not like the current amnesty enjoyed by precious few, that one had the backing of zero democratically elected MP's.

I doubt the one you responded to was referring to Thaksin, he never at any time had written amnesty for himself. Your buddies at the NCPO did.

Ah, you mean the other MPs who joined the "co-alition" took the boss's shilling so to speak. So all these MPs voted for a bill that at the time was being pilloried by vast numbers of the electorate. Obviously there to govern not represent.

And then we had all those amendments, done in conflict to parliamentary rules. And who do you think made sure of the wording of the one that favored Thaksin? Clue he's a convicted criminal fugitive who used to chair Man City. Interesting that when it became evident vast swathes of the electorate were protesting and would simply not accept the contrived whitewash, Yingluck said they'd all been withdrawn, killed off. But she lied, and forgot to mention the one favoring her brother wasn't.

I'm sure the one I responded to wasn't referring to Thaksin too as he's another frequent Shin apologist and fan boy.

The NCPO aren't my buddies.

And, yes Thaksin did try and write a whitwash Amnesty for himself, his little sister and all their family, friends, cronies and lackeys.

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