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Can't stop acting like a dick.


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My Makro staff loves me. I always say hello to the security guard at the entrance whom everyone else ignores. He lights up when he is acknowledged. I also, as far as I can tell, am the only guy who either returns the shopping cart to the row of carts or hand delivers it to the guy collecting carts. I figure if one less car gets dented I did my good deed for the day. The guys are always appreciative and a little surprised. I literally bought 2 things at Makro today and could have whizzed past the people waiting for their full carts to be checked by the exit staff. I decided it was more important that I respect the girl working there and wait until she acknowledged me and waved me through. I figure if she is willing to get up in the morning to put on a uniform and stand there all day doing a task that quite frankly should not need to be done for a paycheck that likely is peanuts, the least I can do I show a little respect for her efforts. Treat working people with respect and kindness. What they do with it is up to them.

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My Makro staff loves me. I always say hello to the security guard at the entrance whom everyone else ignores. He lights up when he is acknowledged. I also, as far as I can tell, am the only guy who either returns the shopping cart to the row of carts or hand delivers it to the guy collecting carts. I figure if one less car gets dented I did my good deed for the day. The guys are always appreciative and a little surprised. I literally bought 2 things at Makro today and could have whizzed past the people waiting for their full carts to be checked by the exit staff. I decided it was more important that I respect the girl working there and wait until she acknowledged me and waved me through. I figure if she is willing to get up in the morning to put on a uniform and stand there all day doing a task that quite frankly should not need to be done for a paycheck that likely is peanuts, the least I can do I show a little respect for her efforts. Treat working people with respect and kindness. What they do with it is up to them.

You get 2 thumbs up from me. That's how I like to spend my day. Being polite as guest in this country and you get smile in return. You be rude and obnoxious and you get a finger in return.

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I just can't understand the grumpy old gentleman that feel they must defend the 'LAND'...the op was awesome., funny and then the grumpiness.... Relax...


It is their land ,they have morphed into Thai people.*


I think I am closer to finding out what you call a bunch of dicks.

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It is their country you play by their rules and have the courtesy to learn a little Thai It isn't that hard. Oh and by the way, you might try and learn to spell English and even grasp the basics of capitalisation.

I wanted to buy a slowcooker in the makro last week or so but fast. It wasn't for sale there but i bought some frozen stuff...with the bags on my arms i wanted to walk out (after paying ofcourse) and those 2 came to me to check. They couldn't speak a word english and i had no idea what they wanted from me.

They wanted to see all i bought but i told them to hurry up because it was all frozen goods and cold on my arms. Then they didn't check me at all and i could go my way.

It was not busy at all that time so why didn't they just go stand at the cashiers and check it there while i paid? And why didn't they learn to speak english if they want a public function? There was nobody at the cashiers and only 2 were open.

My response to why didn't they learn to speak English is aaaarrrrrrggggghhhhh. Why don't you learn Thai? It is after all THAILAND, not England.

It's their job to check it all, regardless of your desire for speed ( probably let you go unchecked because you were making a fuss and embarrassing them ), and you could have left your goods in the trolley, like everyone else does till you get outside.

Why should they go to check your goods at the cashier? It's not their job to run around after individual customers. Perhaps you don't realise Makro is a wholesale outlet for businesses, not a normal retail outlet.

I'm sure Big C or similar would provide a more satisfying shopping experience for you in the future.

Perhaps you don't realise that i DO have a Makrocard although a foreign one. And i had that card allready before those kids were even born.

Is it too hard to learn the only english senctence one needs to do his job? Hello sir, can i check your goods please? Then they should go back to school instead of finding themselves an easy job in aircon at the Makro.

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Well, if your name is Richard it explains it all. BTW, I would have done the same. Hiso means nothing to me. I leave it to Thais to kowtow and be impressed. Hisos eat, sleep, and poop just like everyone else. Nothing special.

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I wanted to buy a slowcooker in the makro last week or so but fast. It wasn't for sale there but i bought some frozen stuff...with the bags on my arms i wanted to walk out (after paying ofcourse) and those 2 came to me to check. They couldn't speak a word english and i had no idea what they wanted from me.

They wanted to see all i bought but i told them to hurry up because it was all frozen goods and cold on my arms. Then they didn't check me at all and i could go my way.

It was not busy at all that time so why didn't they just go stand at the cashiers and check it there while i paid? And why didn't they learn to speak english if they want a public function? There was nobody at the cashiers and only 2 were open.

Why don't they learn English if they want a what? Maybe they don't really want a "public function" whatever that is.

Why can't you speak Thai. Were you in England or Thailand.? Do the English supermarket workers in England learn Thai so they can speak to the Thai customers? Why not?

And to the OP you are a dick. Why cause problems for people who are just doing their jobs?

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I wanted to buy a slowcooker in the makro last week or so but fast. It wasn't for sale there but i bought some frozen stuff...with the bags on my arms i wanted to walk out (after paying ofcourse) and those 2 came to me to check. They couldn't speak a word english and i had no idea what they wanted from me.

They wanted to see all i bought but i told them to hurry up because it was all frozen goods and cold on my arms. Then they didn't check me at all and i could go my way.

It was not busy at all that time so why didn't they just go stand at the cashiers and check it there while i paid? And why didn't they learn to speak english if they want a public function? There was nobody at the cashiers and only 2 were open.

Why don't they learn English if they want a what? Maybe they don't really want a "public function" whatever that is.

Why can't you speak Thai. Were you in England or Thailand.? Do the English supermarket workers in England learn Thai so they can speak to the Thai customers? Why not?

And to the OP you are a dick. Why cause problems for people who are just doing their jobs?

Every Thai has the opportunity to learn English at school, it is taught to them as a second language.

Those that learn to speak it to a high level tend to have better employment opportunities later in life.

However, with the education system in place here, they are all given a pass mark in the subject, regardless of their ability, or inability, to speak it.

I do not know of any schools in the UK where it is compulsory to learn Thai as a second language.

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Had a similar encounter at Tesco Lotus. I think it now opens at 8am. There's a half decent Japanese bakery concession there. Kamakazi or summit, can't remember the name exactly. OK for a morning loaf.

It's handy, after signing my name at work, turning around then going back home to bed for a bit of the wholesome stuff with the missus.

It's just after eight, no one about, and the car parks empty. I stop my motorbike next to the delivery entrance to the bakery. Taking due care not to impead any possible delivery truck.

Over zealous security guard / car park guy claims I can't park there as it's a car parking space. He wants me to park the bike in the space provided for motorbikes. Fair enough, but it's 8 am. And the bike parks right over yonder.

I offer a polite, who cares, under the circumstance. And say, in perfect Thai 'I'll be two minutes, going to buy some bread, old bean'

Well, he's right put out. After all he's there for a reason. Wouldn't want confusion and delay, no sir, not on his watch.

I ignored him. Bought my bread and went off home to enjoy another day getting paid for doing sweet fa.

It haunts me to this day at what a cock I'm.

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I'm old school. If I shop in a store, make my selections, and PAY for them, my obligation to that store is COMPLETE. Done & done. The store has no right to detain me unless I've stolen something. So if they attempt to detain me forcefully, they'd better be right! And they won't be.

If they want to employ checkers at the door, that's fine, but if he/they take so long that a queue is forming, then that's on them. Train the checkers better or employ more of them. MY obligations were complete when I paid the tab. I owe nothing more.

Once back in the states I bypassed a longish line waiting for a checker at a certain well known electronics store. One of 'em shouted at me & said they'd call the police. I pointed to my car and shouted back that they'd best hurry up. ...and kept walking. One wait in a checkout line is enough; and my limit.

Edited by hawker9000
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I wanted to buy a slowcooker in the makro last week or so but fast. It wasn't for sale there but i bought some frozen stuff...with the bags on my arms i wanted to walk out (after paying ofcourse) and those 2 came to me to check. They couldn't speak a word english and i had no idea what they wanted from me.

They wanted to see all i bought but i told them to hurry up because it was all frozen goods and cold on my arms. Then they didn't check me at all and i could go my way.

It was not busy at all that time so why didn't they just go stand at the cashiers and check it there while i paid? And why didn't they learn to speak english if they want a public function? There was nobody at the cashiers and only 2 were open.

My response to why didn't they learn to speak English is aaaarrrrrrggggghhhhh. Why don't you learn Thai? It is after all THAILAND, not England.

It's their job to check it all, regardless of your desire for speed ( probably let you go unchecked because you were making a fuss and embarrassing them ), and you could have left your goods in the trolley, like everyone else does till you get outside.

Why should they go to check your goods at the cashier? It's not their job to run around after individual customers. Perhaps you don't realise Makro is a wholesale outlet for businesses, not a normal retail outlet.

I'm sure Big C or similar would provide a more satisfying shopping experience for you in the future.

Perhaps you don't realise that i DO have a Makrocard although a foreign one. And i had that card allready before those kids were even born.

Is it too hard to learn the only english senctence one needs to do his job? Hello sir, can i check your goods please? Then they should go back to school instead of finding themselves an easy job in aircon at the Makro.

Well..You are right. You are a dick.

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Had a similar encounter at Tesco Lotus. I think it now opens at 8am. There's a half decent Japanese bakery concession there. Kamakazi or summit, can't remember the name exactly. OK for a morning loaf.

It's handy, after signing my name at work, turning around then going back home to bed for a bit of the wholesome stuff with the missus.

It's just after eight, no one about, and the car parks empty. I stop my motorbike next to the delivery entrance to the bakery. Taking due care not to impead any possible delivery truck.

Over zealous security guard / car park guy claims I can't park there as it's a car parking space. He wants me to park the bike in the space provided for motorbikes. Fair enough, but it's 8 am. And the bike parks right over yonder.

I offer a polite, who cares, under the circumstance. And say, in perfect Thai 'I'll be two minutes, going to buy some bread, old bean'

Well, he's right put out. After all he's there for a reason. Wouldn't want confusion and delay, no sir, not on his watch.

I ignored him. Bought my bread and went off home to enjoy another day getting paid for doing sweet fa.

It haunts me to this day at what a cock I'm.

It's probably going to haunt us all, at a guess.

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Don't worry too much mate - as Socrates said:

"He who realizes he is a dick, can nevermore truly be a dick."

I'm not sure that quote is quite accurate?

I thought he said:

“The only true wisdom is in knowing you are a dick.”


And he also wrote the Thaivisa motto:

“When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.”


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sincerely hope there are no limits to your dickishness. I'm looking forward to reading a futureTVF post by you from back home in Fulham. Maybe the title will be "Experience of a Dick in Thai Immigration Office", with special reference to, or chapters covering Extension/Visa refused, Detention Centre Cuisine and Deportation Process.

Congratulations. Of all the dicks here you've taken the biscuit for being the biggest dick of all.

I would say welcome but you're in a league of your own. Well done again and keep up the complete knobish cock like behavior...cock.

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