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British-led Card Room raided by officials in South Pattaya


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50 old people who lead a peaceful life and spend lots of money..... None were wearing a vest and had tattoos I bet !!

if it is against law....what is the problem? Eveb old peple have to follow law. You don't agree?

It was not against the law , Bridge is a recognized sport in Thailand. No money were involved.

The police did not do their home work .

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Thank you, Pattaya governor, crime busters and Thai police! I suddenly feel much safer walking the streets of Pattaya now that these vicious gangsters are under lock and key.


Safer now that Bridge 'Contracts' have been taken off the street. Whew!!!

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Shouldn't British and Australian Governments be performing some sort of diplomatic function? At the very minimum I hope they got off their fat rumps to get involved somehow as it is an international incident that needs their intervention and IMMEDIATE attention before granny and grampy get tossed into the big house and have the key thrown away for playing bridge??

There is no rational thought process with the host government about how laws will be enforced. Weak laws can be misinterpreted and misunderstood and this is a prime example of an irrational application of law being enforced by a buffoon somewhere up the ladder to send the storm troopers in!

Edited by rudy h
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The video did not show a heavy handed raid by 50 army and police personnel.- more a stroll through the room to look and learn what was going on, by a handful of people.

The 5,000baht was bail. Since the case has been dropped, the bail money will be returned (most likely by cheque though ) as is par for the course.

Dont blame the police or army -they were only carrying out orders. Blame the instigator.

Instigator of the orders - or instigator of the bridge club ?..... your post isn't clear on that.

Instigator is in the sentence that follows orders. Perfectly clear my dear Watson!!!!!!

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I for one am grateful to the RTP.

Finally I can now leave my house again to get drunk, have sex with prostitutes and ride my motorbike home without a helmet and not be put at risk by these foreign animals who put us all at risk with their behaviour.

Thank God! 50 cops tied up arresting and processing Bridge players. Real criminals had a free pass for hours.

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50 old people who lead a peaceful life and spend lots of money..... None were wearing a vest and had tattoos I bet !!

if it is against law....what is the problem? Eveb old peple have to follow law. You don't agree?

It was not against the law , Bridge is a recognized sport in Thailand. No money were involved.

The police did not do their home work .

No, I doubt it. Another member even mention a special section....Matbe thet "stretched" the law, but I'm convinced the action is backed by law.

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I actually hope this story is reported abroad in newspapers and on the television. Thailand needs to be shamed and scoffed for this silly use of law enforcement. Especially when scores of murders, assaults, and rapes go unsolved due a lack of effort and interest.

Honestly, do you actually think it would make any difference? It would just focus attention on people spreading videos. The concept of being shamed OUTSIDE THAILAND, I don't think that registers. What does register? THE CASH REGISTER.

Seems to me Thais don't like to lose face. From reading the post from someone "rounded up" and

detained for 7 hours until 3 am and made/advised to sign a confession to gambling if they wanted to

be released I would highly doubt any one will be getting there 5k baht bail back let alone an apology.

One woman who refused to sign a full confession admitting to gambling has not been seen since

and is in all probability sitting in jail waiting for the reported huge backlog of criminal cases (600+)

to be cleared. This could take months if not years. "Sign a confession, or spend years in jail"

Sign a confession and pay 5000 baht and you will be released. This is a fantastic money maker

for the police. I doubt the Thai citizen fine would exceed 100 baht judging from the freelancer fines

from the round-ups on beach road. At least that is what the fines are reported to be in the newspapers.

The Thai Bridge Association should be immediately suspended and all players suspended from

international tournaments to stop all future violations of Thai law by The Thai Bridge Association.

and its members. coffee1.gif

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I have a feeling this is going to make more than the national Thai news.

Yes, it would reassure all those potential tourists, who fear Thailand for its rape, murder, road accidents, boat accidents, and corrupt police. At least they are protected from card wielding grannies!!!

Safe from the card carrying, Bridge-playing, geriatric mafia.

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50 old people who lead a peaceful life and spend lots of money..... None were wearing a vest and had tattoos I bet !!

if it is against law....what is the problem? Eveb old peple have to follow law. You don't agree?

It was not against the law , Bridge is a recognized sport in Thailand. No money were involved.

The police did not do their home work .

No, I doubt it. Another member even mention a special section....Matbe thet "stretched" the law, but I'm convinced the action is backed by law.

Again I will ask, since you want to persist with this inane line of dialogue:

If playing organized bridge is against the law and it is sponsored by some of the largest corporations in Thailand,is it your position that the executives of these corporations be charged with sponsoring criminal activity?

I'd think carefully about your answer.

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I thought playing cards either for money or not was illegal. Someone should send this to the Daily Mail…they would have a field day with it. Don't you think that with all the crime going on in Thailand that breaking up a bridge club was one of the lower priorities. Who sets the priorities for the BiB anyway, if it politicians then we need to look at the quality of the politicians, and if it is the BiB commanders then we need to replace them.

I thought prostitution was illegal too.

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i think some nasty person must have informed the police since there was no money on any of the tables they cannot be accused of gambling but this is thailand why the police have waited till now is something else to ponder over since this game has been played in thailand from 1994 onwards i think the thais should be enlightened as to what card games constitute gambling. my candid opinion is the junta and the police are intent on stopping people from enjoying themselves especially the farangs this is an example and they are not winning any friends .

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The video did not show a heavy handed raid by 50 army and police personnel.- more a stroll through the room to look and learn what was going on, by a handful of people.

The 5,000baht was bail. Since the case has been dropped, the bail money will be returned (most likely by cheque though ) as is par for the course.

Dont blame the police or army -they were only carrying out orders. Blame the instigator.

Instigator of the orders - or instigator of the bridge club ?..... your post isn't clear on that.

Instigator is in the sentence that follows orders. Perfectly clear my dear Watson!!!!!!

Confused now smile.png .... are we saying "Don't blame the police or army" because they weren't the instigators of the raid ?

Who was the instigator - have I missed something ?

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Is a Coffee Morning breaking the Law ? how many cups are you allowed to have on the table ?

Partners going to the normal 6 monthly School Re-union is that against the Law ? last time was about 60 people aged 45 and 46 year old.

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Looks like the Army made the decision to raid since they were there to enforce the 120 card law? Wonder if any of the pensioners have friends in higher places???

It's getting more press around the world and it is being classified as weird news since there are so many other blatant laws regarding morality being broken in plain sight.

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Shouldn't British and Australian Governments be performing some sort of diplomatic function? At the very minimum I hope they got off their fat rumps to get involved somehow as it is an international incident that needs their intervention and IMMEDIATE attention before granny and grampy get tossed into the big house and have the key thrown away for playing bridge??

There is no rational thought process with the host government about how laws will be enforced. Weak laws can be misinterpreted and misunderstood and this is a prime example of an irrational application of law being enforced by a buffoon somewhere up the ladder to send the storm troopers in!

Like the British embassy cares about its citizens cheesy.gif They will get all mealy mouthed and come over all unnecessary (which they are). Good on the Russian embassy for sending a chartered plane to fly one of their citizens to hospital in Bangkok after he got his leg cut off by a speed boat, the British would have said,''we are helping the relatives at this difficult time'' and that would be it.

So Grand dad and Grand ma save your breath.

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It was not against the law , Bridge is a recognized sport in Thailand. No money were involved.

The police did not do their home work .

No, I doubt it. Another member even mention a special section....Matbe thet "stretched" the law, but I'm convinced the action is backed by law.

Again I will ask, since you want to persist with this inane line of dialogue:

If playing organized bridge is against the law and it is sponsored by some of the largest corporations in Thailand,is it your position that the executives of these corporations be charged with sponsoring criminal activity?

I'd think carefully about your answer.

I can't agree with you, unless all facts are on the table and we have a statement by police.

At present we know only what is published so far.

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It was not against the law , Bridge is a recognized sport in Thailand. No money were involved.

The police did not do their home work .

No, I doubt it. Another member even mention a special section....Matbe thet "stretched" the law, but I'm convinced the action is backed by law.

Again I will ask, since you want to persist with this inane line of dialogue:

If playing organized bridge is against the law and it is sponsored by some of the largest corporations in Thailand,is it your position that the executives of these corporations be charged with sponsoring criminal activity?

I'd think carefully about your answer.

I can't agree with you, unless all facts are on the table and we have a statement by police.

At present we know only what is published so far.

ABC news is reporting:


The card players' plight was eased after the president of the Contract Bridge League of Thailand, Chodchoy Sophonpanich — a civic activist who is a member of Thailand's most prominent banking family — went to Pattaya on Thursday morning to advise police that bridge was treated under the law as a sport rather than gambling.

"Police know that bridge is a sport because a similar case happened before, but this time it was military and district officials who initiated the raid and they probably didn't know," said Chaiyut Assanaiyarat, the bridge league's manager.

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So, now one can't play bridge unless there are less than 120 cards in the room. I am so glad the police have enforced the law. No reason to enforce the law on jet ski scams; assault on farangs by bar staff; lady boys assaulting people; theft of tourists personal property; ATM skimming; murder, rape; etc etc. Thanks to the police- the real criminals have finally been caught. I am awaiting the re-enactment and the television coverage which should be sent around the World. Excuse me while I go the bathroom.

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Sorry to spoil your fun but my wife called me to the TV this morning to watch this news item. A LOT of money was found on the premises which is why there were 50 friends and helpers investigating.

Its a restaurant, they sell food and drink. Most of any money would be theirs.

The rented space would contain no money related to the bridge players since its duplicate bridge, played by almost every country in the world, where there is no gambling involved.

There might have been a small amount that is collected before the game from each player to pay expenses.

I imagine (and hope) that you are correct. The fact remains that there must be a compelling reason for over 50 police to have turned up.

"Over 50 officers stormed the premises and found 8 tables and 32 foreign nationals, consisting of 26 men and 6 women who were playing the popular card game “Bridge”."

Compelling Reason = 32 x 5000 baht = 160,000 baht

Nuff said?

The money was for bail and will be returned.

I thought playing cards either for money or not was illegal. Someone should send this to the Daily Mail…they would have a field day with it. Don't you think that with all the crime going on in Thailand that breaking up a bridge club was one of the lower priorities. Who sets the priorities for the BiB anyway, if it politicians then we need to look at the quality of the politicians, and if it is the BiB commanders then we need to replace them.

I thought prostitution was illegal too.

Technically, but actually regulated under the law. Raids on girls soliciting and bars not following the regulations are frequent.

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