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Confusion and Anger at Pattaya Bridge Club Raid

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It will get thrown out of court. The unfortunate thing is they will have to wait 90 days to get their bail money back

More likely they'll proceed with the prosecution, and then the court will sentence them to life imprisonment if they plead guilty. And then they'll be shackled 24/7 for the many years while the appeals process is taking place.

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I have to admit I do get a chuckle when the Thais are exposed to the world for their lack of common sense and sophistication...gigglem.gif

Delicately put ggt. Ridiculous, pathetic and stupid were my first thoughts.bah.gif


The Police dont know their own laws

Luckily, someone more educated stepped in and explained to them what their laws are

It seems the the information from the "snitch" bypassed any "due diligence" and simply acted upon, since investigating the information would have been to laborious!

But its too late and the Police will get some face slapping from the world now...


A Bridgeclub and KLM canceled their trip to Phuket (Puke it) for 128 members for coming Sunday and another 128 a week later.

That is 256 HIGH QUALITY tourists from Holland less this month. They're going to Mexico in stead. My parents included !!!

I received an email yesterday evening from my father (an 81 years old retireree with brains) yesterday evening, telling me that the Bridgeclub canceled the trip and tournament. An all inclusive Riu resort in Puerto Vallarta is the winner of this 40,000,000 THB worth 10 day trip. And I am not going to Mexico to see my parents this year.


I have to admit I do get a chuckle when the Thais are exposed to the world for their lack of common sense and sophistication...gigglem.gif

Delicately put ggt. Ridiculous, pathetic and stupid were my first thoughts.bah.gif

What is more of a concern is the blind obedience to authority and orders given from up the military gravy train. It's this attitude, recently reinforced by the PM, that stops Thailand advancing out of a feudal state into a free democracy. And more to the point in this particular situation is the refusal to admit they acted on false information, in order to save face.


This story actually made it to the BBC World News, along with video of the raid (including amused and bewildered looking pensioners). I don't quite that. We've got Syria, refugees, US primaries, Zika, sagging economy, etc etc and this gets a long spot on the international news?

likely to feature in the Olympic Games in the future,

Should make for some exciting viewing on the Television.

Can Olympic Gardening be far behind? cheesy.gif



Where are the UK diplomatic staff in this farce? My guess is not wanting to upset international relations instead of taking those concerned to task for treating its citizens in such a way...

Exactly - sycophantic, toadies that they all are. As they refused to throw any weight behind the farcical trial of the Burmese lads after the murders on Koh Tao, they're even less likely to intervene in any shape or form in this matter. What a heap of dog poo they are.


This story actually made it to the BBC World News, along with video of the raid (including amused and bewildered looking pensioners). I don't quite that. We've got Syria, refugees, US primaries, Zika, sagging economy, etc etc and this gets a long spot on the international news?

Good grief. This is much more important news. Even more important than Katie Price's daughter and Eastenders.


A Bridgeclub and KLM canceled their trip to Phuket (Puke it) for 128 members for coming Sunday and another 128 a week later.

That is 256 HIGH QUALITY tourists from Holland less this month. They're going to Mexico in stead. My parents included !!!

imbeciles running the asylum do not care

Where are the UK diplomatic staff in this farce? My guess is not wanting to upset international relations instead of taking those concerned to task for treating its citizens in such a way...

i will translate the gobbledygook written above ....they sold out their fellow citizens...the police and army frighted the be-gibbers outta them . cheesy.gif


A Bridgeclub and KLM canceled their trip to Phuket (Puke it) for 128 members for coming Sunday and another 128 a week later.

That is 256 HIGH QUALITY tourists from Holland less this month. They're going to Mexico in stead. My parents included !!!

Good for them Fred. I hope lots and lots of potential tourists do the same. This country deserves a total boycott until it gets it's act together.

A proper return to democracy, a complete rehash of the whole of the RTP - top to bottom + some senior figures in the police and army sent to jail as an example for any future potential miscreants.


Funny that the police do not appear to understand the laws they are paid to enforce.

they were blinded by the possibility of extor......ehhh accepting a very large tea donation ...................


AP, as reported in the Guardian newspaper, says the blame lies with the military, not the police:

Police know that bridge is a sport because a similar case happened before, but this time it was military and district officials who initiated the raid and they probably didnt know, Chaiyut Assanaiyarat, the bridge leagues manager, told AP."

So funny. The playground finger-pointing already started. What children. As if there were actually any face left to be saved. The whole world is rolling in laughter.

Maybe a special ribbon for the braves who actually participated in the raid...


32 players * 5000 baht = 160,000 baht. Actually * 31 good on the old lady who didn't pay. This is the only reason for the raid, especially knowing the Farlangs will pay.... Easy money for a mornings work...

The sad part of this gambling is illegal in Thailand thing is that this statement is not actually true...

On every 2nd Sat you can go to the track on Ratchadamri Rd and gamble till your hearts content on the ponys. I used to watch them from my room every 2nd Saturday when I rented at the Grand Centrepoint Ratchadamri..

Finally the curiosity beat me so I attended one Saturday. Bookies, betting windows the whole box n dice.. If you can handle the heat and only being able to see half the track its an interesting day out...You have never seen 10 of the most unfittest horses in the world struggling down the straight till you've been. It's priceless... I even won on a horse called Chicago.. Take your passport if you want a seat in the members area...

At 5000 baht a pop the police could have pulled millions the day I was there..

Strange, strange country indeed..


It's a good thing they weren't playing "Old Maid", they would have been charged with human trafficking, as well. wink.png

I'm waiting for the day they bust an International School and arrest all the pre-schoolers and cart them off to jail for 12 hours for playing "Go Fish".

Chutes and Ladders next on the target of immoral activities.


Next, Monopoly playing...

Dear God, I hope not! Monopoly is just another of many bumps on the slippery slope to gaming addiction that many weak-willed individuals find themselves on. Like a run-away train, once aboard it's almost impossible to get off...

It starts with 'Canasta'--a seemingly innocuous game but usually leads to...

'Gin Rummy'--which is a bit more exciting but soon loses it's 'kick' and then the hapless punter progresses to...

'Bridge'--which is the stage these reprobates had reached when they were apprehended...

If the Army & Police had not intervened at this level then who knows how far these degenerates would have descended to? 'Spades'? 'Mah Jong'?

The authorities should be commended (instead of criticized) for saving these thrill-seekers from themselves...

Remember, just like drugs, games such as 'Old Maid' & 'Go Fish' might be considered 'harmless' but are, in fact, "Gateway Games" which lead to the final, shameful end...



A simple reflection of Thai culture itself.

i.e: If people are in possession of playing cards, they are naturally gambling.

"...he was given verbal confirmation from the Police that the case will likely be dropped and the 5,000 Baht bail money each of the players paid will be returned."

A bunch of mia noi's are going to be disappointed on Valentines Day... giggle.gif


"Regarding the law, Khunying Chodchoy stated that an amendment to the Gambling Laws in 1960 allowed for such games, where money was not changing hands, to be played without any form of license or authorization from the Police or Government."

That statement is interesting in itself. One would have to ask why this hadn't been cited earlier to the authorities by those arrested considering the length of time the bridge club has been operating and assuming those running the club knew (and you would expect this, knowing the rules, especially with anything to do with gaming here).

Perhaps it was cited, and that would be the reason why they dredged for the 'more than 120 cards' regulation. That said though, if bridge is legal, amended by law, how can the 120 card rule apply to a legalized game?

So much for "Canasta" night with the neighbors (4 decks, 216 cards)

  1. Load gun
  2. Point at foot
  3. Pull trigger
  4. Rinse
  5. Repeat

Why rinse a gun? Seriously, it's so true as to be more than just ridicule, but normal behaviour.


  1. Load gun
  2. Point at foot
  3. Pull trigger 6 times
  4. Eject spent shell casings
  5. Reload
  6. Repeat biggrin.png

I can't think of an obvious way TAT will be able to spin any 'positives' from this shameful fiasco. On the other hand, maybe there'll be an amazing upsurge in the number of 'lost' valuables returned to foreign tourists by taxi drivers etc, with the appropriate high profile press coverage to show what a caring, thoughtful and honest place LOS really is.


I would not risk playing monopoly, the residence would be raided and the occupants arrested for possession and distribution of counterfeit money. tongue.png

Not to mention that it's illegal for foreigners to own properties...

Nor could you play The Game of RISK. You'd be charged with conspiring to overthrow the world, and of course, conspiring to own properties in direct violation of the Thai Land Code Act.


I would not risk playing monopoly, the residence would be raided and the occupants arrested for possession and distribution of counterfeit money. :P

and dont even think about a game of cludo they will do you for planning a murder

32 players * 5000 baht = 160,000 baht. Actually * 31 good on the old lady who didn't pay. This is the only reason for the raid, especially knowing the Farlangs will pay.... Easy money for a mornings work...

The sad part of this gambling is illegal in Thailand thing is that this statement is not actually true...

At 5000 baht a pop the police could have pulled millions the day I was there..

Strange, strange country indeed..

Betting has always been legal at the tracks on race day. There's nothing strange about about it. Anyone saying that all forms of gambling are illegal in Thailand is simply misinformed.

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