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What is an Appropriate age difference in Thai/farang Relationships?

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I would say:

  • The woman can be up to 5 years older (any more than that and sexual compatibility is likely to become a problem)
  • The man can be up to 10 years older (any more than that and her desire to be with you is more likely to be based on security, rather than attraction)

Of course, there will be exceptions to this, but I think this is a decent guideline.

You could maybe add 5 years to each other those in some cases, but not more than that, except in rare cases.

The reason why a man can be a little older is due to the fact that women are attracted to different things in men, than men are i women.

Women are attracted to strong leaders, who are mature and confident, and who have a good social standing and are respectable. Being able to provide and protect also comes into it. Often, older guys have more of these qualities than younger guys. Our appeal can actually increase as we age.

Men, on the other hand, are only looking for the most fertile female. Hence, why most of us love long hair, big boobs and curvy hips. And hence why we aren't sexually attracted to a 90 year-old women...ever wonder why that is? A woman's appeal generally goes down as she ages. This is why women get insecure about there age, whereas men don't.

We have been wired this way since the caveman days. We look for the best mate. For men, it is simple: fertility. Women look for more complex things, so age comes into it less, but it is still a factor (to all of you guys who are old enough to be your wife's father).

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Well there is 25 years age difference between Rupert Murdoch and Jerry Hall, Gerorge Soros has 42 years age difference with his wife.....2 of the most successful business people on the planet.......surprise, surprise

Sure and do you think that if those wives had a choice.. the money without the guy or the money and the guy what it would be ?

Why do you think ever so often you read about older foreigners getting murdered by their wives (who are a lot younger)

Are there genuine big age gap relations out there.. sure. Do I think that more of them are about money as love.. yes. Do I care.. NO its their choice.

Personally I would not want a too big age gap unless it was just for sex otherwise I would not have anything in common with my partner. But that is not something all guys want that is just a thing I want.

Many guys just want a wive to have sex with clean their house and do their cooking and then they go out have fun with their mates. Their choice in those kind of relations its far less of a problem. Then both parties have their own separate lives something that was quite normal in my fathers time. You see that a lot less in my generation


The same question pops up time and time again as regular as clockwork,it's up to the couple concerned,why anyone should be bothered with some one elses

business, and choices in life, I hope he can come to terms with his problem soon! I could venture some explainations,but that could be interpreted as flaming,so I

won't venture down that road!

Who has a problem?

It's about what people see as age appropriate, not anyone in particular


the OP's question should read:

What amount of money do you think is acceptable, for your daughter to marry someone older than yourself ?

I didn't specify it had to be a male female relationship

the OP's question should read:

What amount of money do you think is acceptable, for your daughter to marry someone older than yourself ?

I didn't specify it had to be a male female relationship

Well, I would say the same is applicable to those who 'bat for the other side', so to speak.


I try to believe it doesnt matter what others think, but I just cant accept that 100%. Whenever I see women with older men (more than 12 to 15 years of difference), I cant help but think it looks ridiculous. And when its me in that situation, I cant help but think theres something wrong with a girl that loves a man old enough to be her uncle, or her father. I guess I can only judge myself though. To each his own.


Personally, I wouldn't go much lower than 10 years younger, because I'd have little in common with anyone that age.

But you could. I wouldnt say its a blanket rule. In fact, depending on your lifestyle, you might have more in common with a younger girl. But still, Id say the connection would more likely than not be temporary. Eventually the older person would grow up and a long-term relationship would be damaging for one or both parties.


My dad married my step mum more than 35 years ago. There was a 15 year difference in age. I don't know of anyone who thought it was ridiculous, and this was in the UK.


First, the lady or guy should be of legal age.

Second, it is ok to be old enough to be her father, or grandfather but not her great grandfather.... So I guess up to 40 years difference is not a problem, but up to them !

Live and let live ! You can't please everyone so you got to please yourself :)


Whatever age the two involved in the relationship are ok with. It's none of your or our business in any way whatsoever.


Why do some guys like small petite girls and others like super size girls. Personal choice.

Or, maybe its just what you can afford.


My dad married my step mum more than 35 years ago. There was a 15 year difference in age. I don't know of anyone who thought it was ridiculous, and this was in the UK.

Things were different back then.

The men being older was more common in the west, as it is here now.

My grandparents only had a 9 year age gap. No big deal. And it probably wouldn't turn too many heads now (in the west), though it would be uncommon to see a 20 year-old with a 29 year-old.

But imagine if a 20 year-old married a 35 year-old? A few people would be gossiping about that. Or a 25 year-old and a 40 year-old?

It depend where they are in life too. Once you get past 30 and definitely 40, there ain't much difference in 15 years, unlike when you are still a teenager or in your early 20s.

My GF is 10 years older. Did my family gossip? Well, not too me. I dunno. But my GF, being Thai, has aged more gracefully and is younger-at-heart than the average British girl 10 years older than myself, with whom i wouldn't be seen dead with.

Most of my family said, they couldn't believe she was that much older, and that she appeared a more similar age to myself. I would agree.


Half ones age plus seven is a good rule of thumb. So if a person is 50 they should not bother with anyone below 32.

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When I'm 80, my wife will be half my age + 7.smile.png

Despite the age difference we have had a great life together.


Half ones age plus seven is a good rule of thumb. So if a person is 50 they should not bother with anyone below 32.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

When I'm 80, my wife will be half my age + 7.smile.png

Despite the age difference we have had a great life together.

If I follow your 33-year age difference example my wife is now 10. Daddy's waitin!
In Thailand it is very easy to build a lasting relationship with a beautiful young woman if they have the means to support herself and her immediate family.

The couple's life on this basis win / win is usually pleasant. But...

- If you are very old it will be a little harder recess

- If you are ugly and unhealthy this will be more difficult

- If you are arrogant and cynical it will be even harder.

- If your understanding of life is primary and humorless it will also be much more difficult.

For those who combine these qualities the bet is lost in advance. There is fortunately good catch-up solution: You can reach the dream team criticizers of this country, take all opportunity to overwhelm Thais and their customs and for example participate in every Koh Tao thread to show how your extraordinary abilities are higher than these natives.

What a wonderful life !


Well..... we've worked hard to get rid of racism, sexism, classism, anti-Semitism, etc., etc. But it seems we still have Ageism....

I figure, having traveled a bit... that as long as they are both adult age... the only thing that matters is... are they happy together and love each other ? ?

If they are both adult age and happy together.. it's no one else's business to be critical of the age difference between them even if there is forty or fifty years between them.


Wife's Thai niece is 20.

Niece's thai Husband is 58.

There son is one year old.

Makes no diffrence what nationality you are.

Agreed, nationality has no bearing on this.. Most Thai men I know and have met over the years all want younger women.. Most farang have no idea and think it's a farang Thai thing..


Half ones age plus seven is a good rule of thumb. So if a person is 50 they should not bother with anyone below 32.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

When I'm 80, my wife will be half my age + 7.smile.png

Despite the age difference we have had a great life together.

If I follow your 33-year age difference example my wife is now 10. Daddy's waitin!

Well.... you have to at least wait until she is adult age... No one wants sick pedophiles. The girl must at least be legal adult age.


Financial considerations, not withstanding, a plus or minus 7-10 year age difference, maintains the compatible values of the generational bridge, especially within cross-cultural marriage relationships.

That foundation standard provides for a mature level of stability, required for building solid "partnerships", particularly within the Western male/Asian female relationship.

BS I have known girls in Thailand and in the west that are in their 30's and 40's and act as they are in their 20's. I've also know girls in their 20's that are very mature for their age.

So it all depends on the girl, her upbringing etc.


We married in our 30s, are university educated and have similar outlooks on life as I think it should be a relationship based on societal norms in your own countries to prove robust, meaningful and long lasting.

What I've seen here would rather suggest it is what the fat, old farang can afford to pay for sex / what she will subject herself to for his momey.

A pitiable comment on. ageing, male sexual impotency and the exploitation of relative poverty institutionalising prostititution.


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