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What is an Appropriate age difference in Thai/farang Relationships?

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Slow sunday??

1 year?

5 years?

20 years?

It doesn't matter?

A man is as old as the woman he feels.

Never heard that before. Oh wait a minute, yes I have, like a thousand times.

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We married in our 30s, are university educated and have similar outlooks on life as I think it should be a relationship based on societal norms in your own countries to prove robust, meaningful and long lasting.

What I've seen here would rather suggest it is what the fat, old farang can afford to pay for sex / what she will subject herself to for his momey.

A pitiable comment on. ageing, male sexual impotency and the exploitation of relative poverty institutionalising prostititution.

Disgusting and Disgraceful.

55555 my girl is red hot your girl is doodlely squat


You are actually asking the wrong people...you should be asking the Thais...and be sure and ask why?

When a girl reaches the age of 18...she is not likely to care what you or anyone else thinks about her choice of a significant other...

Easy up with the judgemental filtering of relationships...

Not your business...


Constant debate? People should just mind their own business, ignore things that don't affect them and get on with their own life. Huh, some people?


I think there is no one true answer. The age difference has a lot to do with a persons wealth, expectations, and ability to forgive cultural differences. Each lady is different and each guy is different and for me each relationship has been different. we

I have always tried to not lose too much more than I gained,


Is this question a joke? Thailand or anywhere else it is up to the couple. Why do you care what anyone else thinks. It's your life, your both adults. Do what makes you feel good and screw everyone else.


My UK wife was 17 years younger than me, together 25 years, sadly her hormones kicked in, so that was that..sad.png

Don't you mean her hormones shut down?


We married in our 30s, are university educated and have similar outlooks on life as I think it should be a relationship based on societal norms in your own countries to prove robust, meaningful and long lasting.

What I've seen here would rather suggest it is what the fat, old farang can afford to pay for sex / what she will subject herself to for his momey.

A pitiable comment on. ageing, male sexual impotency and the exploitation of relative poverty institutionalising prostititution.


Obviously, the university education was wasted on you when you have such bigoted views.


Half ones age plus seven is a good rule of thumb. So if a person is 50 they should not bother with anyone below 32.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

a brain surgeon scientific formula ? dude you must be with a old old lady .


At least thirty years. That way you kill two birds with one stone. You'll have a partner whose physical charms won't fade until you too old to care, plus somebody still young and strong enough to change your adult diaper in your dotage.

Another big bonus of having younger wife is not having to trade her in for a newer model later, which could be very traumatic for her as well as costly for you.

But I'm only telling you all what you already know. If our Thai missus' were asked the same question, do you reckon their replies (assuming they were honest) would be as predictable?

Seems to be constant debate over this

And you thought this thread would resolve the debate for all times?

I guess if both parties have a pulse, that seems to be the only barrier ... and even that may not be an absolute rule.


Depends what you feel comfortable with, Im 56 girl friend 35 and I would not go lower then that,

I would not feel comfortable walking around with a 20 Yo, and I don't think we would have the same

mind set.

But that's just me, everyone is different.


Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones. Michael is 69 and Catherine is 44. Age Gap: 25 years.

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. Johnny is 51 and Amber is 28. Age Gap: 23 years.

Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart. Harrison is 72 and Calista is 49. Age Gap: 23

Sam Taylor-Johnson and Aaron Taylor-Johnson. Sam is 47 and Aaron is 24. Age Gap: 23 years.

Jason Statham and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley. Jason is 47 and Rosie is 27. Age Gap: 20 years.

Dominic Purcell and AnnaLynne Mccord. Dominic is 44 and AnnaLynne is 27. Age Gap: 17 years.

george Clooney and Amal. 17 years

Charlize Theron and Sean Penn. Charlize is 38 while Sean is 53. Age Gap: 15 years.

So Again! I never heard or read in any press that euww she is too young for him etc. You only hear that from people JEALOUS that you have had that opportunity.

Im 45 and my gf 25 so i fit nice in this category haha.


depends on yourself. If you are happy to have a "daughter" at your side? And like to go out for parties, disco, dancing and feel well within a group of "youngsters"? Why not? However....make sure you understand Thai language....cheesy.gif so you could understand their jokes....


Why does it matter to you, or anyone else other than the two people involved?

It is a public forum, the OP asked a question, and people are entitled to their own opinions.

I, personally, think large age gaps look stupid, and a lot of people would agree with me, some would disagree.

With you, it has obviously hit a nerve.

I agree. I could care less what age gap there is between consenting adults, but when I see someone who is clearly much older with someone clearly much younger then I (naturally?) think there is a financial arrangement going on.

Although even then, it's their life.

I usually shake my head not so much because of the age gap, but more at the fact I'm seeing another overweight old white bloke with a dirt poor farmer's daughter.


For me she should be 28.....

When I was 18 I wanted a 28 year old; when I was 24 I had a 28 y/o; when I was 33 I married a 28 y/o...

After I divorced at 47, I had 28 y/o tgf, and now at 55 I have a new 28 y/o...

but it's a bugger to have to keep changing them.... LOL smile.png


Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones. Michael is 69 and Catherine is 44. Age Gap: 25 years.

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. Johnny is 51 and Amber is 28. Age Gap: 23 years.

Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart. Harrison is 72 and Calista is 49. Age Gap: 23

Sam Taylor-Johnson and Aaron Taylor-Johnson. Sam is 47 and Aaron is 24. Age Gap: 23 years.

Jason Statham and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley. Jason is 47 and Rosie is 27. Age Gap: 20 years.

Dominic Purcell and AnnaLynne Mccord. Dominic is 44 and AnnaLynne is 27. Age Gap: 17 years.

george Clooney and Amal. 17 years

Charlize Theron and Sean Penn. Charlize is 38 while Sean is 53. Age Gap: 15 years.

So Again! I never heard or read in any press that euww she is too young for him etc. You only hear that from people JEALOUS that you have had that opportunity.

Im 45 and my gf 25 so i fit nice in this category haha.

As I pointed out previously, there is complete acceptance of an aging rock/movie star/celebrity dating or marrying a much younger woman, but because guys in Thailand are doing the same thing, they are considered either dirty old men or exploiting poor, gullible village girls from Isaan. Some of the members here have a definite ageist agenda and miss no opportunity to ridicule mature age group retirees. At the end of the day they can huff and puff and point fingers, but it ain't going to change a thing. There's more than enough to go around, so no need to think the old guys are taking it all, OK?


Half ones age plus seven is a good rule of thumb. So if a person is 50 they should not bother with anyone below 32.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

this is a great rule. pick an age and try it, seems to work pretty well.

i went more conservative and had kids with one my age plus 1.


There's no such thing as an appropriate age. It's whatever the particular couple are comfortable with.

Having said that, at age 72 I would not hook up with a 25 year old for purely practical reasons, no matter how hot she is. Firstly because we would be a complete mismatch in life experiences. Secondly because with her biological clock running, I don't feel any desire to be fathering children. Been there, done that.


.... and what should be the relative height differences. Jeez ..!

Or inside leg measurement, or chest size or, or , or. This topic has been done to death so many times in different guises. Really cannot understand the almost morbid fascination of this topic for some.

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