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Health care for 70 year old father


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Hi all!

My father is planning on spending more time with me in Bangkok (3 months a time). Recently he has undergone cancer treatment (melanoma), and knee surgery, but is still a tough cookie.

Can anyone recommend comprehensive insurance for older travels? Some of his friends have mentioned they got insurance, at a price, but need more details.

Coverage, access to Bangkok Hospital/similar are most important. Price not the biggest concern, willing to pay a lot to spend more time with him.

Would only be based on Bangkok, Thonglor/downtown area.

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I suspect that very few insurance companies will insure against pre-existing medical conditions.

Those that do will certainly require very large premiums.

His age will be heavily weighted against him as well.

Edited by billd766
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I would check with Bupa. They would require an annual plan and would not cover any existing ailments, but they should give you a quote.

You might get by not admitting to the existing ailments.

I did an online quote last month and a couple of days later I had a phone call from the company in Scotland.

They were reasonably happy until I mentioned that I had 2 stents put in 10 years ago and an arthroscopy on my left knee and while they might have insured me they would not cover me for much and the cost was very very high. It also precluded heart and knee problems.

The problem with not admitting any previous ailments is that if you do go to a hospital and they find out that you have had this problem before the insurance will be cancelled on the spot and you will be liable for the total hospital bill yourself.

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You would be best advised to contact an insurance broker who will search the market on your behalf.

If coverage can be provided expect it to exclude all preexisting conditions and be expensive.

If your father has friends of a similar age who obtained insurance he should ask them for details.

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I would check with Bupa. They would require an annual plan and would not cover any existing ailments, but they should give you a quote.

You might get by not admitting to the existing ailments.

Of course you can lie on the question form. Just take into account that you'll be expelled on the spot as soon as they find out without any coverage.

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I'm over 70 and went to BUPA to find what kind of coverage they would offer. Short answer is "0". They would not even consider opening an account for anybody past 70. Even existing accounts have difficulty renewing once past 70.

I remember several years ago, a friend in his early 60's applied for BUPA. In his interview, he mentioned he took a prophylactic dose of Lipitor as a precaution even though his cholesterol levels were within acceptable limits. The BUPA rep immediately declared he would not be covered for ANY cardiac related issues as even the cautionary dose of Lipitor was enough to invoke Pre-existing cardiac conditions.

For the OP, I think the only real option will be travel insurance. Most policies have a six month limit per trip but it might turn out to be cost effective for him to return home, then come back on a new itinerary.

In the USA, the AARP (American Assoc. of Retired Persons) offers a variety of insurance policies. Is there a similar organization in your dad's home country? Might be worth checking out.

At the end of the day, the fact is that insurance companies are in business to make money and actuarial tables do not favor people over 70. Maintaining existing coverage is tough enough, establishing a new policy that is actually worth anything is damn near impossible.

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I'm over 70 and went to BUPA to find what kind of coverage they would offer. Short answer is "0". They would not even consider opening an account for anybody past 70. Even existing accounts have difficulty renewing once past 70.

I remember several years ago, a friend in his early 60's applied for BUPA. In his interview, he mentioned he took a prophylactic dose of Lipitor as a precaution even though his cholesterol levels were within acceptable limits. The BUPA rep immediately declared he would not be covered for ANY cardiac related issues as even the cautionary dose of Lipitor was enough to invoke Pre-existing cardiac conditions.

For the OP, I think the only real option will be travel insurance. Most policies have a six month limit per trip but it might turn out to be cost effective for him to return home, then come back on a new itinerary.

In the USA, the AARP (American Assoc. of Retired Persons) offers a variety of insurance policies. Is there a similar organization in your dad's home country? Might be worth checking out.

At the end of the day, the fact is that insurance companies are in business to make money and actuarial tables do not favor people over 70. Maintaining existing coverage is tough enough, establishing a new policy that is actually worth anything is damn near impossible.

"Even existing accounts have difficulty renewing once past 70".

Sorry dddave but this just isn't true. Their is no problem renewing your policy after 70. I will be 72 in July and I just got my renewal notice a few days ago. I didn't like the rate increase. Check a thread I started a few days ago for other details, BUPA $$

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Sorry dddave but this just isn't true. Their is no problem renewing your policy after 70. I will be 72 in July and I just got my renewal notice a few days ago. I didn't like the rate increase. Check a thread I started a few days ago for other details, BUPA $$

I did not say "could not renew existing policies", I said persons over 70 have "difficulty" renewing. Huge increases in annual premiums to maintain a policy seems to me to represent a significant difficulty for anybody living on a fixed income.

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As Lopburi said in post #3, the answer to the OP's question, and what options are available to him and his father, depends a lot of what kind of residency the father's going to have.


If he's going to be living in BKK basically full-time except for visa-run type trips outside, then he pretty much going to be looking at Thailand-based regular health insurance policies either from Thai companies or international ones that offer coverage here.


On the other hand, if the father's only planning to spend 3 months here, and then go back to wherever his otherwise home is, that would open the avenue for travel coverage policies that include medical, which are likely to be considerably less expensive. But of course are only going to cover the period of his travel away from whatever is his home country.


For Thai regular health insurance policies being new policies being applied for by someone 70 and older, the options are going to be VERY limited, and VERY expensive if any.


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Here's what I found in terms of regular medical insurance policies the last time I researched this topic back in 2015. The last two items on this list might be applicable to the OP's father:


--Pacific Cross Insurance (which used to be LMG International) will write new health insurance only up to age 65, and then for existing policy holders, will renew up to age 90.


--BUPA Platinum would allow new policyholders before age 66. But if you joined at that age, they'd only renew up to and including age 70. (If you joined before age 60, they'd renew for life), according to my insurance agent.


--the Pattaya Expats Club had a members group plan through AXA that members can enroll in up to the age of 65, and then can be renewed up to age 75.


--NZI/Safety Insurance Co. says they will accept new policy holders up to age 74, and then no cutoff for existing policyholders. www nzi co th/en/healthcare


--HealthCare International (www healthcareinternational com) would write new policies for people under age 75.


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