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i need your opinion !


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i decide that i won't ever drink any more alcohol ever...... Don't ask me a reason..There is none...i just intend to be really serious on that matter.....

Thai love to drink..and with my experience they won't take it so good to see me refuse a drink ....

everyone i know in thai do drink .... at least two beer a day seem to be the minimal .....esarn zone ..south zone..or even BKK .....

Personally i find this challenge very exciting and i would like to have some opinion from you on the subject

Were you in that situation ? how did you handle the situation with the local ?

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The Thais I know are teetotalers or very seldom drink. If you want, we can swap friends.

On a more serious note, if you have a problem refusing a drink with your Thai acquaintances, then don't go out with them anymore or simply don't go to venues where alcohol is served.

It really shouldn't be/isn't a big issue.

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You can't really go to a drinking session if you're not drinking. If it's a dinner or something where alcohol is not the main activity,than just do like Nancy Reagan and say no. You may end up with a new group of friends if you stick with it.

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Around where I live I have attended many parties where I'm the only Farang. The locals all like a drink, and it is difficult not to join in. I feel like I have caused an international incident if I have an empty glass! They all need to chink glasses and say cheers, not just once but over and over again. It's a tricky situation because I'm not really a big drinker and have balance being polite with not having a bad head the next morning.

So good luck with your plan OP. I don't think it would work for me.

Edited by Dmaxdan
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I rarely drink.

It doesn't cause any concern with my local friends.

Initially the bottle collection man was a little suprised,the foriegner didn't drink copious amounts of beer, but got over it.

On the other hand had a very enjoyable evening,whilst visiting Petchabun got absolutely legless with some long haul lorry drivers.

Maybe don't give up to start with just go the occasional route,sometimes having a drink just fits the moment.

Obviously your choice.

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Hedghog post # 9.

I rarely drink.

It doesn't cause any concern with my local friends.

Initially the bottle collection man was a little suprised,the foriegner didn't drink copious amounts of beer, but got over it.

On the other hand had a very enjoyable evening,whilst visiting Petchabun got absolutely legless with some long haul lorry drivers.

Maybe don't give up to start with just go the occasional route,sometimes having a drink just fits the moment.

Obviously your choice.

A man after my own heart if the occasion fits let's play!!!

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I rarely drink.

It doesn't cause any concern with my local friends.

Initially the bottle collection man was a little suprised,the foriegner didn't drink copious amounts of beer, but got over it.

On the other hand had a very enjoyable evening,whilst visiting Petchabun got absolutely legless with some long haul lorry drivers.

Maybe don't give up to start with just go the occasional route,sometimes having a drink just fits the moment.

Obviously your choice.

appreciate your advice ! Thanks

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You won't last the week!

thanks for the support....but honestly i think i can do it !!!!

Well I was thinking no problem. But now when you say you think you can do it that tells me it is a problem. You might try not hanging around bars. Contrary to popular belief not all Thais drink.

If it looks grim try the I drink to much forum.

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You can't really go to a drinking session if you're not drinking. If it's a dinner or something where alcohol is not the main activity,than just do like Nancy Reagan and say no. You may end up with a new group of friends if you stick with it.

You might even wind up being President of the United States.

Sorry I just couldn't resist it.

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i can stop drinking that's not the problem...

Thanks all for your advice .... i will try to have the proper attitude around the regular friend of mine who does drink...and a lot......

can't have too much vices right guys ...... just trying to be a better human being.... its a daily challenge ........

I would become addict to the ชาเย็น.... sabai sabai .....


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If youve got a drinking problem, then by all means stick to your guns. But if its just a health decision or something, then I suggest being flexible. Sharing food and drink is a very important bonding experience in Most cultures, but especially in Thailand. Having a sip now and then will greatly improve relations for you.

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I am never in the company of Thai guys, but I have met different nationalities out here in Thailand, and as a lifelong non drinker, I have never had a problem with

any of them, I always get asked to go to gatherings regularly with them.

Contrast that with back in Scotland, I have lost a few so called friends throughout my adult life because I would not stand my round. All of them heavy drinkers.

I have a particular good friend back in Scotland who is a moderate drinker, never drunk, who always asks me to his house from time to time, and he admits he won't take

me to a drinking place because he knows I will not stand my round, and it will not go down well with his drinking buddies.

I do not know about Thai drinkers, but I hate this Scottish custom of when a group of guys get together for a drink they all have to stand their round.

It means that a light drinker who only wants a couple of pints, meets up with a few more guys at the pub and ends up having about seven or eight pints instead of the two he only wanted to have.

So many guys back in Scotland take umbrage when you refuse their offer of a drink, even when they know you are a non drinker.

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my point is that i won't drink ever...its a promise to myself and i will keep it..Period.

In thailand... its funny..previous comment seem like to be easy to do not have any problem about your non alcoholic situation...i didn't pay attention cause i was a seinkier... i guess its going to be a new challenge ......

Thanks for participate in my topic...

Trying to be a monk without being a monk..new challenge lol whistling.gif

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OP I agree with many people here. I go to various functions where alcohol is plentiful. If you just simply say that you can not drink it will not be a problem the other thing to do at functions is get a glass of coke and put a napkin around it and sip it like you would a wiskey and coke.

In Pakistan the good islam hiso do the reverse.

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When you change a behavior and wish to succeed, you must be willing to change friends.

especially with booze .. listen to the song from the old American sitcom "Cheers"

If you can not give up going to a place "where everybody knows your name" .. sorry to say ... you will be "just having one" by the end of the week.

Problem is "One is too many, and six is not enough"


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Become a Buddhist and tell them it's one of the 5 precepts to avoid alcohol and your just trying to be a good Buddhist.

I would advise against this as there is implication they are not good Buddhists.

I rarely have a drink. If someone offers me a drink, I say this:

"Sorry, I don't drink alcohol." Simple

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Thais buying drinks for you??

How often do you think this will happen?

Ummm .. Every time I go out?

And free drinks from the bar tender occasionally.

Give that some thought for a moment please.

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