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NLA, NRSA whips meet to discuss work integration

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NLA, NRSA whips meet to discuss work integration
NNT News

BANGKOK, 10 February 2016 (NNT) – A joint whip meeting has been convened between the National Legislative Assembly (NLA) and the National Reform Steering Assembly (NRSA), with an aim of driving their work in the same direction.

NLA Vice President Surachai Liengboonlertchai stated that discussions during the meeting between NLA and NRSA whips mostly concerned their cooperation in laying down work plans for national reforms and avoiding duplication of work. The two bodies agreed to jointly design new laws in support of the reform process and consider making internal adjustments in order for their operations to go hand in hand with those of the government.

The NLA and the NRSA are ready to continue to meet on a regular basis and submit the minutes to the other main administrative bodies for acknowledgement.

As regards the compilation of public feedback and suggestions on the new charter, Mr Surachai expected the NLA to conclude the process within tomorrow before forwarding the information to the Constitution Drafting Commission.

Source: http://thainews.prd.go.th/website_en/news/news_detail/WNPOL5902100010014

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making internal adjustments in order for their operations to go hand in hand with those of the government.

The government being Prayut's regime which along with the NRSA, CDC and NLA are subservient to the NCPO led by Prayut.

Nice to see the Family coming together for the sake of the empire.

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