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Crazed Scot attacks Pattaya City Security Officer on Walking Street

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Perhaps his girlfriend wasn't really his girlfriend biggrin.png

Although she was "drunk"...it didn't take her long to figure out that her payday was not going to happen anytime soon.


Cant be a real Scotsman.....it's only taking 3 people to restrain him in the picture!

the bloke at the back is giving him a wedgie (slows em down all the time as its part of their mating ritual)


Is that a farang police volunteer helping to restrain him? If so, notice he's also go the para wings on his shirt.

Those "Para Wings" are not to be confused with the wings worn by UK Forces etc for jumping out of an aircraft...there"s are for riding in one, to a mission, as I was informed by a Thai.....


Cant be a real Scotsman.....it's only taking 3 people to restrain him in the picture!

But in fairness at least two of them (& one passive observer) appear to be paratroopers


If he is deported he will be home for the haggis season - it starts on 31st February this year.

Bit impossible, there's only 29 days in February

Where woz u educated Glasgow?


People shouldn't drink if it makes them aggressive.

It is absolutely the most popular time to be aggressive, start fights and do all kinds of offensive things.

Reduced inhibitions, impaired judgement, impaired senses...


Is it just me or has anyone else noticed?.

The picture in the main link is this guy being detained in broad daylight. Yet the other picture is obviously nighttime.

When they say early hours - how early?.

Maybe they just keep file photo's of crazy westerners being restrained. facepalm.gif

Electric lights turning night-time into day-time since 1878 (Joseph Swan).


Poor laddie must have lost 5 baht. Upset because he couldnt find it.

We all know abouts Scots being tight with money.

He will be losing much more than 5 baht in the next 24hrs, more like 50,000b


If he is deported he will be home for the haggis season - it starts on 31st February this year.

Bit impossible, there's only 29 days in February

Where woz u educated Glasgow?

Thanks for the correction. I was looking at next year's calendar by mistake.

The haggis hunting season actually starts on 1st April this year.


Poor laddie must have lost 5 baht. Upset because he couldnt find it.

We all know abouts Scots being tight with money.

are you saying that scots have short arms and deep pockets !


Strange thing about Scots, I've had lots of Scottish mates over the years, but they nearly all tended to get aggressive when they'd had a few drinks, especially spirits.

Good guys without Alcohol in them, but totally transformed when under the influence even turning on their own mates for no reason, then all apologetic the next day, it's mind boggling how smoking a joint can end you up in Jail and Alcohol with all the problems it causes is legal, funny old world.

When he's sober he'll feel a right pratt, be very apologetic and return to the good guy that he normally is, till his next trip to a bar where he may end up glassing an unfortunate innocent guy doing no harm, sad thing is, the drug that turns many good people into a danger to society is totally legal and you can buy as much as you want.

It's not just Scots of course that get aggressive when drunk, but in my experience they are more unpredictable when on whisky especially, shame, there was a well known Scottish guy in Pattaya who was the same, good guy but when drunk would turn on the guys he was with, his friends, he ended up with no real friends of course, when sober, a nice guy.


... there was a well known Scottish guy in Pattaya who was the same, good guy but when drunk would turn on the guys he was with, his friends, he ended up with no real friends of course, when sober, a nice guy.

No, no.... I'm still here.


It can only happen in pattaya. That used to be a very nice place to go to, but not any more.

Actually it's not bad- have lived here many years in Jomtien - have been to walking street once- when a Thai friend wanted to see the infamous street .

If you avoid all the dodgy areas, it can be OK.

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