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Udon teens blame 'GTA' for beating elderly westerners


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Asked whether the assaults will hurt tourism in Udon Thani, Peerapong said people know that children do bad things everywhere.

“I don’t think there will be any impact because even the farangs understood these are just kids. They didn’t think about their actions,” he said.

yes even the sub human buffalo farangs understood these are just kids. even the farang in a coma understands.

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I personally know many people who walk around this park in the morning and evening, most are a similar age to myself late 60's to 70's, many stroll alone. While reading the accounts relating to this story, it is a crock of poo, these youths ( being kind here ) deliberately and with manner aforethought set out to steal by any means money, the fact that one is still in a hospital I believe in a coma ( last info I had ) , means that the attack was not some punch but an action that deserves to go before a court and the offenders dealt with. Compromise in any form should not even be considered and all medical bills met by the families on these boys.

Any slap on the wrist and okay do not do it again is NOT acceptable and if the Police / Families do not like it. That is just tough, let us see what a civil court will make for compensation .

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Wow, the Thai bashers are in full swing today. Boys will be boys. As a teenager I did some bad things that now I think back were pretty terrible. The Thais didn't make this game up, it was probably the Americans.

In some ways Thai kids are actually better than their western counterparts. Most "civilized western countries" cities are covered in graffiti and vandalism against public property is rife. Don't see that much of it here. I also find their manners better GENERALLY speaking.

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To me, video games are the hallmark of a very small mind.

I have a nephew that loves GTA. He's completely worthless in all aspects of life.

Rubbish, I love video games and have a Master's degree.

I play FSP games such as Battlefield, Call of Duty, etc. regularly and never had the inclination to go out and shoot someone. BTW, I work in particle and quantum physics for three decades and multiple degrees <and no, I'm not making that up>. smile.png

I also enjoy FPS games, but unlike you I regularly get the inclination to go out and shoot someone. This has, however, nothing to do with the gamestongue.png

If you have worked with particle and quantum physics and have multiple degrees what on earth are you doing working for TV??biggrin.png

BTW, have recently discovered the online game WOT - recommended!

TV is a hobby for me, gives me a break from the real world. tongue.png BTW, I had been looking into WOT as it keeps popping up as an ad on YouTube videos.

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They play the same games in Korea and Japan, yet don't hear of this sort of crap from them. What this does show (once more) is total unwillingness (or even the idea of) taking responsibility for one's actions. Always blame some other factor. Like kid who kills parents and begs judge "Have mercy on me. I'm an orphan"

That's correct. And it's because kids in Japan and Korea are much smarter than Thai kids and understand responsibility & what's right from wrong !

And you guys read the local Korean and Japanese press on a daily base, so you know it doesn't happen there. Right? coffee1.gif

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This is shocking and the teens should be punished accordingly. This happens a lot in the West unfortunately where minorities such as Asians are the victims of racist bashings and verbal abuse. There was one recent example on the Central Coast of NSW in Australia. Typically, the racist police swept the incident under the rug and did not declare it a racist attack.


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Hmm....Thai males bashing up foreigners by outnumbering them then all jumping in like the moronic little cowards they are.

This could be taxi drivers, security guards anything. This is typical Thai behaviour.

White guys never do this against minorities in the West do they? What an utter hypocrite.

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To me, video games are the hallmark of a very small mind.

I have a nephew that loves GTA. He's completely worthless in all aspects of life.


At 45 I was one of the first generation of gamers.

The result - an avid interest in software that saw me programming at 13 years old. I now sell my own software products on line and am free to work, sleep and enjoy life to my own schedule.

My 13 year old son is a gamer. He also does well at school, helps out at home and is an avid drummer.

Computer games are just a form of entertainment. Nothing more. These kids suffer from poor parenting. My guess would be the lack of a father figure at home.

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It has been shown in many studies and experiments that impersonal video games do have an effect. However that is no excuse for the behavior, and that should not be allowed as any basis of a defense.

Before computers they used to blame too much violence on TV and in films for teen bad behavior. When the film, Clockwork Orange was released in 1972 copycat violence by youths and gangs impersonating the characters in the film was rife, just to name but one and there were many. These days they blame anti social behavior on computer games and non censorship online. I watched violent films as a teen but was never influenced by them to go out and commit a crime or violence.

There seems to be always an excuse for these youths, abused as children, drug or alcohol addition or influenced by games, TV and films. But why not just admit that these youths are a bad lot and treat them like adults, throw the book at them is the only way.

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Thai society could start, by telling these young boys from an early age, you ain't sh++. You have much to prove. Your sister is way better than you. She works harder, she is honest, she has personality, and she has compassion. You have a long ways to go, to just get to parity with her. Most girls are better than you. You are nothing special, on any level. Being a boy means nothing. You have to prove yourself in this world. When are you going to begin doing that?

These little punks are coddled from day one. They are made to feel special, and that training is based on NOTHING. Much needs to be done to improve the training the boys get here, in Thailand. They are raising a crop of highly inferior kids, who have bad attitudes, and it does not bode well for the future of the nation.

Whether they learned this creepy and sadistic behavior from video games or not, in a society where the kids are well taught (not sure where that is, these days!) the kids can differentiate right from wrong. These monkeys just act out. That is what the young boys here do. They just act out. Nobody tells them what their limits are. People are forgetting the art of parenting. Nobody slaps these punks around, like they used to, in past generations. They can get away with anything. And in the rare instance they are arrested, the courts continue the coddling, with a slap on the wrist, if their family is wealthy or influential, and a very light sentence, or a suspended sentence, if they are not. Put these kids away. Get the trouble makers off the street. Lock them up.

Edited by spidermike007
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The teenagers "did wrong" and. so did the game designers and distributors.

Q: What kind of people design games that include violence?

A: Those that consider violence a game! A bunch of sickos.

The answer to your question is, those that want their games to sell, and want alot of cash. There is little to no consideration given to the level of violence in video games.

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To me, video games are the hallmark of a very small mind.

I have a nephew that loves GTA. He's completely worthless in all aspects of life.

Rubbish, I love video games and have a Master's degree.

I play FSP games such as Battlefield, Call of Duty, etc. regularly and never had the inclination to go out and shoot someone. BTW, I work in particle and quantum physics for three decades and multiple degrees <and no, I'm not making that up>. smile.png

I also enjoy FPS games, but unlike you I regularly get the inclination to go out and shoot someone. This has, however, nothing to do with the gamestongue.png

If you have worked with particle and quantum physics and have multiple degrees what on earth are you doing working for TV??biggrin.png

BTW, have recently discovered the online game WOT - recommended!

WOT is awesome...very conplex but easy to just play. I'm always looking for a local platoon mate

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Nothing to do with the game and everything to do with the fact these teens are worthless scum.

Sadly my experience of the teen Thai male is born out by this attack....The young males seem almost to be a protected species and get away with murder..sometimes literally. Sadly this situation won't change till the whole culture changes and that's not going to happen any day soon....And as someone else said sadly there's no decent role model available to them either. When I lived in Thailand with my ex wife I saw first hand from her son and his friends everything that was wrong with the way there brought up..
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Back to blaming video games and movies sleep.png Who are young people more likely to emulate: fictional characters (cartoon people nontheless in terms of video games) or real people in their immediate evironments?

Video games don't instill morals, parents do. My parents taught me to respect people regardless race or religion, treat others in a way that I would want to be treated and that thoughtless violence was unacceptable. This means that as much as I enjoy blowing shit up on my computer, I don't do it in real life wink.png

Now some may say, ''What if they can't tell the difference between reality and the game?'' Good question...here's my answer: If a person can't tell the difference between a game and reality, that person is bat-shit crazy and should be in an institution. Also, such a person would be just as likely to immitate their local so dogs fighting or go around hitting cats with frying pans due to being ''influenced'' by Tom n Jerry.

So should we blame GTA or their parents

I think watching Tom and Jerry proved to me that violence is justified. What a very bad cat and needed some 'attitude adjustment'. Although, jerry mouse is very old now and probably not even able to chew his cheese.

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I have always believed this, desensitizes the knuckleheads, what game did they learn kicking someone's head in by 6 or more, even the girls are using this tactic, by some of the videos on FB, a Disgrace, should be Banned these games, sure some can handle it without acting out, but u have these imbeciles who cannot control themselves...

.. or.. even MORE likely.. think they have an excuse for their violent, stupid, non-sensical, dumb-ass (etcetera ad nauseum ad infinitum!!) when they get caught!!! As a kid, we used to 'play WAR'..'pa-pa-pow!!' etc.. never actually thought it was real nor that it would be something to wish to apply to our 'real' worlds!! These games should be banned, for sure.. but the 'kids' who use them as an excuse to fulfil the horrible deeds depicted are probably of the ilk that they'd be doing such things.. and probably blaming circumstance and/or alchol!!.. anyway!!! There's always been bad/ evil/ thoughtless/ immoral (or ammoral) people about, but nowadays it is really NOT a very pleasant world we live in, I reckon.

Take good care of yourselves, all... wai.gif

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Has more to do with no positive male role models in their lives. A bunch of punks...unfortunately in Thailand they will be scolded and then coddled as long as they say they won'r do it again, they will walk free soon enough. A Wai and a Khor Tod Khrap later they will be back at it.

Thailand can not jail a minor.

These boys were 13 to 17 years old.

They will walk spot free after interrogation by the RTP and they will be back in the game shop before you even can imagine.


Besides that, the victims where FOREIGNERS.

They don't belong here in the first place and the boys did the population of Thailand a good service by beating up these foreigners.

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Wow, the Thai bashers are in full swing today. Boys will be boys. As a teenager I did some bad things that now I think back were pretty terrible. The Thais didn't make this game up, it was probably the Americans.

In some ways Thai kids are actually better than their western counterparts. Most "civilized western countries" cities are covered in graffiti and vandalism against public property is rife. Don't see that much of it here. I also find their manners better GENERALLY speaking.

That is sarcasm, isn't it?

Please tell me it is!

Otherwise, this must be the dumbest post, I have read in a loooong time and I read some pretty dumb posts on other threads!

Boys will be boys?


Going out in to a park and clubbing some old age pensioneer into a coma?

You have done similar things, when you were young?

...and for the rest of your post: what a steaming pile of BS!

The mind boggles!blink.pngbah.gif

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"police said they would tighten up control of games shops to prevent underaged youths from visiting the shops"

How about instead of this pointless act, they actually insure that these thugs are punished.. They have left someone in a coma FFsake.

Doing just this does not act as a deterrent for other thugs to do the same in future.

I also think the parents are largely to blame, but in a country where many parents are absent or couldn't care less what their kids do, this type of thing is to be expected.

As usual, it's a case of the blind leading the blind, and everyone envolved (apart from the victims), looking the other way.

Truly pathetic.

Edited by Darbar
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It has been shown in many studies and experiments that impersonal video games do have an effect. However that is no excuse for the behavior, and that should not be allowed as any basis of a defense.

That's totally BS and gen Y excuse for everything. You could use TV or any form of medium available to the public as excuse for anything.

At end of day the parents should be held accountable for actions of their children.

Bad parenting and not being aware whom their children hang out with results in trouble teens period.

Charge the parents strike 1,2 and strike 3 jail the teens.

Edited by bkk75
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What is wrong with all those Idiots? One blames Drugs for killing someone ,next day some mongrels blame a game for nearly killing someone,,,If they had a brain and knew how to use it they would be dangerous to society,,,and would be millionaires,,,but hey this will never happen,,,

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