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Udon teens blame 'GTA' for beating elderly westerners


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5 youths who copy a robbery scene from VDO game are arrested


UDON THANI: -- Five youths were arrested by police in Udon Thani province today for allegedly robbing and assaulting two foreign tourists at a park on Wednesday.

Police said the youths, aged from 13-17, knew one another at a video game shop and ganged up together in the same fashion as one of the games they have been playing named “GTA”.

According to the game, the gang plays games at a shop and when they run out of money they will rob their victims at public parks.

Police said the gang robbed two tourists and beat them up as they were strolling in Nong Sin park in Muang district.

After the incident, police said they would tighten up control of games shops to prevent underaged youths from visiting the shops.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/150598

-- Thai PBS 2016-02-12

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Udon Teens Blame 'GTA' for Beating Elderly Westerners
By Teeranai Charuvastra
Staff Reporter

Image from ‘Grand Theft Auto V.’

UDON THANI — Five youth claim they were imitating an infamously violent video game when they attacked three European retirees in Udon Thani on Wednesday, police said.

The five suspects – the youngest of whom is 13 – reportedly blamed their brutal assault of elderly men, one of whom is now in a coma after being attacked in a park, on Grand Theft Auto, though police said Thursday they are unconvinced by the explanation.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1455182720&typecate=06&section=

-- Khaosod English 2016-02-12

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I have always believed this, desensitizes the knuckleheads, what game did they learn kicking someone's head in by 6 or more, even the girls are using this tactic, by some of the videos on FB, a Disgrace, should be Banned these games, sure some can handle it without acting out, but u have these imbeciles who cannot control themselves...

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Udon Teens Blame 'GTA' for Beating Elderly Westerners

By Teeranai Charuvastra

Staff Reporter


Image from ‘Grand Theft Auto V.’

UDON THANI — Five youth claim they were imitating an infamously violent video game when they attacked three European retirees in Udon Thani on Wednesday, police said.

The five suspects – the youngest of whom is 13 – reportedly blamed their brutal assault of elderly men, one of whom is now in a coma after being attacked in a park, on Grand Theft Auto, though police said Thursday they are unconvinced by the explanation.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1455182720&typecate=06&section=


-- Khaosod English 2016-02-12

these little degenerates

the narrow minded anti-game people will have a field day with this.

only punks would go on a golf course with a baseball bat and a collarless shirt !

Edited by manarak
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Udon Teens Blame 'GTA' for Beating Elderly Westerners

By Teeranai Charuvastra

Staff Reporter


Image from ‘Grand Theft Auto V.’

UDON THANI — Five youth claim they were imitating an infamously violent video game when they attacked three European retirees in Udon Thani on Wednesday, police said.

The five suspects – the youngest of whom is 13 – reportedly blamed their brutal assault of elderly men, one of whom is now in a coma after being attacked in a park, on Grand Theft Auto, though police said Thursday they are unconvinced by the explanation.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1455182720&typecate=06&section=


-- Khaosod English 2016-02-12

these little degenerates

the narrow minded anti-game people will have a field day with this.

only punks would go on a golf course with a baseball bat and a collarless shirt !

. Narrow minded would be gamers...
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Has more to do with no positive male role models in their lives. A bunch of punks...unfortunately in Thailand they will be scolded and then coddled as long as they say they won'r do it again, they will walk free soon enough. A Wai and a Khor Tod Khrap later they will be back at it.

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Has more to do with no positive male role models in their lives. A bunch of punks...unfortunately in Thailand they will be scolded and then coddled as long as they say they won'r do it again, they will walk free soon enough. A Wai and a Khor Tod Khrap later they will be back at it.

Throw in a few tears to at appropriate times.

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Nothing to do with the game and everything to do with the fact these teens are worthless scum.

Sadly my experience of the teen Thai male is born out by this attack....The young males seem almost to be a protected species and get away with murder..sometimes literally. Sadly this situation won't change till the whole culture changes and that's not going to happen any day soon....And as someone else said sadly there's no decent role model available to them either. When I lived in Thailand with my ex wife I saw first hand from her son and his friends everything that was wrong with the way there brought up..

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easy target - some elderly falang out walking the dog, what next ? a police raid on a group of harmless innocent pensioners playing a game of Bridge.........oooops

well it's all good in the land of ?

Exactly, let's not pick on anyone young enough to resist and kick the shit out of us.

Unfortunately in such a senario any witnesses would likely say it was the youths who were attacked first.

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easy target - some elderly falang out walking the dog, what next ? a police raid on a group of harmless innocent pensioners playing a game of Bridge.........oooops

well it's all good in the land of ?

Exactly, let's not pick on anyone young enough to resist and kick the shit out of us.

Unfortunately in such a senario any witnesses would likely say it was the youths who were attacked first.

Are you out of your mind, paranoid or what?

Almost always witnesses in such a scenario would not say what you write. How long have you bee in Pattaya, 3 weeks?

I've lived in Udon for 30 years - please don't judge it by your experience in some tourist hovel.

Edited by Johnniey
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Back to blaming video games and movies -_- Who are young people more likely to emulate: fictional characters (cartoon people nontheless in terms of video games) or real people in their immediate evironments?

Video games don't instill morals, parents do. My parents taught me to respect people regardless race or religion, treat others in a way that I would want to be treated and that thoughtless violence was unacceptable. This means that as much as I enjoy blowing shit up on my computer, I don't do it in real life ;)

Now some may say, ''What if they can't tell the difference between reality and the game?'' Good question...here's my answer: If a person can't tell the difference between a game and reality, that person is bat-shit crazy and should be in an institution. Also, such a person would be just as likely to immitate their local so dogs fighting or go around hitting cats with frying pans due to being ''influenced'' by Tom n Jerry.

So should we blame GTA or their parents?

Edited by SABloke
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easy target - some elderly falang out walking the dog, what next ? a police raid on a group of harmless innocent pensioners playing a game of Bridge.........oooops

well it's all good in the land of ?

Exactly, let's not pick on anyone young enough to resist and kick the shit out of us.

Unfortunately in such a senario any witnesses would likely say it was the youths who were attacked first.

Are you out of your mind, paranoid or what?

Almost always witnesses in such a scenario would not say what you write. How long have you bee in Pattaya, 3 weeks?

I've lived in Udon for 30 years - please don't judge it by your experience in some tourist hovel.

And please don't jump to totally erroneous presumptions in your rush to insult. I'm not in Pattaya, read my profile, and have been here a lot longer than 3 weeks.

My comment was based on a couple of personal experiences of seeing Thai completely ignore the truth when another Thai was in the wrong and a foreigner in the right. I used the word ' likely ' which does allow for something else to happen and you used ' almost always ' which allows for the same.

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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Replying to Udon teens blame 'GTA' for beating elderly westerners

What nonsense,it's the usual story when you are too immature to accept responsibility for your own actions then blame the first thing that comes along.

GTA Has sold millions of games worldwide,and I may be wrong but this is the first time i have heard of a personal attack that has been made responsible for this


Edited by MAJIC
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It was already banned for sale in Thailand in 2008 after a copycat murder - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/thailand/2504016/Thailand-bans-Grand-Theft-Auto-after-copycat-murder.html. Guess they were able to torrent it.

Bans don't really solve anything, nutcases are gonna be nutcases.

Not the same game. Same series, yeah, but not the same game. GTA V has never been banned in Thailand.

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Thai people do not respect each other, we should not expect them to respect foreigners. Just the way it is. Young males are coddled all their lives, ironically the females that get treated like crap by adult males will raise their sons the same way. The cycle continues. I have however, met a few fine young men in Thailand who obviously are being raised differently.

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I have always believed this, desensitizes the knuckleheads, what game did they learn kicking someone's head in by 6 or more, even the girls are using this tactic, by some of the videos on FB, a Disgrace, should be Banned these games, sure some can handle it without acting out, but u have these imbeciles who cannot control themselves...

Lets do the same for alcohol (I am sure there are those who can handle it but many get aggressive)

Lets do the same for cars ( I am sure some people drive decent but others change behind the wheel)

Lets ban.... ect.

I like the cops am unconvinced.

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To me, video games are the hallmark of a very small mind.

I have a nephew that loves GTA. He's completely worthless in all aspects of life.

Rubbish, I love video games and have a Master's degree.

Me too. I saw GTA played by one of my wife's nephews several years ago. He wanted me to play with him. I did for about 5 minutes until the object became beating up an old lady for money. I was shocked.

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I believe most of the things wrong with this subject have been mentioned above, let's get real it appears to be the norm these days to blame anything or anyone other than accepting the fact that they did wrong & have been caught; here in Thailand the main excuses are either they were high on drugs (again against the law so not an excuse) or other such excuses as this one, when are the parents & police going to wake up and realise that they are the ones who should be teaching the younger generation how to behave.

The problem these days is if parents chastise their children the tree huggers complain, time to stop molly coddling and teach them some respect for other people or indeed others property.

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