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Udon teens blame 'GTA' for beating elderly westerners


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They don't know reality from fiction.. all same same to them.... I wonder did the <deleted> in the video game get caught too??

I guess not,, well they did change the end of the game, but not intentionally.... maybe now they know the difference from a game and reality ???

maybe, maybe not !!!

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I personally know many people who walk around this park in the morning and evening, most are a similar age to myself late 60's to 70's, many stroll alone. While reading the accounts relating to this story, it is a crock of poo, these youths ( being kind here ) deliberately and with manner aforethought set out to steal by any means money, the fact that one is still in a hospital I believe in a coma ( last info I had ) , means that the attack was not some punch but an action that deserves to go before a court and the offenders dealt with. Compromise in any form should not even be considered and all medical bills met by the families on these boys.

Any slap on the wrist and okay do not do it again is NOT acceptable and if the Police / Families do not like it. That is just tough, let us see what a civil court will make for compensation .

Foreigners have money. How long will it be before someone has a whip round and pays £300 to have one of them battered into a wheelchair?

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Not sure that jail time for a thirteen year old is appropriate. Surely GTA has an adult certificate so the game shop should take some responsibility for allowing it to be played by children on their premises. Lack of proper parenting is a considerable factor but nothing much you do about that.

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I have just read the Telegraph report on banning the game in Thailand. The report states that the game encourages gamers to steal in order to find the funds to play the game, if this is true then I am amazed that posters here can criticise Thailand when this utterly criminal game is a product of their own culture.

No, the game doesn't encourage to steal in real life. So, no, it's not true- if you read the quote from the article below, then stick the phrase "in the game" at the end and it makes more sense. Also it's nonsense anyway because the game doesn't have points but, hey, lazy journalism.

Police said the teenager had become incensed when he could not afford to play the game, which encourages gamers to kill and steal cars in order to accrue points.

Blaming the games for social behaviour is lazy and tiresome (and that's not directed at you tgeezer- it's a general thing). People will always find something to blame- in the 50s it was comics and rock n' roll, it's been heavy metal, it's been rap, it's been video nasties, it's now computer games... anything to actually avoid dealing with the social issues at the root of all this.

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Here we go again Thais blaming their actions on something else, never admit their guilt. Send the little scum brats to UK an bang em up in Wormwood scrubs for 5 Yrs.

Let's see how brave they are against our teen criminals in there.

Edited by Sooo Upto Me
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Not sure that jail time for a thirteen year old is appropriate. Surely GTA has an adult certificate so the game shop should take some responsibility for allowing it to be played by children on their premises. Lack of proper parenting is a considerable factor but nothing much you do about that.

UH,, so what is appropriate for a 13 year old the beats the shit out of some old guy, robs him and leaves him in a coma ????

(no more video games for a week and go to bed by 2 am ??)

The word is a whole lot different than when laws were made, saying 13 is underage and a minor,, now days 13 year olds know more about life, than what I did, when I was 18 years old !! they are not kids now days ....

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I carried an ASP in each hand like dumb bells walking Lumpini and later 'the Massage Mogul park' luckily I never had to use them, and I've been an old fart for years (haha) If the other two had somthing to defend themselves with, the perps would have beat feet - they are cowards, especially when a couple bones get broken. thumbsup.gif

ASP: Extendable weighted baton

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Not sure that jail time for a thirteen year old is appropriate. Surely GTA has an adult certificate so the game shop should take some responsibility for allowing it to be played by children on their premises. Lack of proper parenting is a considerable factor but nothing much you do about that.

God Bless America where we can treat an 11 year old as an adult in a murder case - I hope the victim in a Coma recovers...........11 yo or 35 yo, punishment should be the same.

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Not sure that jail time for a thirteen year old is appropriate. Surely GTA has an adult certificate so the game shop should take some responsibility for allowing it to be played by children on their premises. Lack of proper parenting is a considerable factor but nothing much you do about that.

God Bless America where we can treat an 11 year old as an adult in a murder case - I hope the victim in a Coma recovers...........11 yo or 35 yo, punishment should be the same.


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Blame the game, blame the game I suppose the game will be punished...How so very STUPID

No, the stupidity lies in a video 'game' being produced where someone gets beaten the shit out of. And 'players' enjoy playing it. Where would that come on Hare's Checklist for sociopathic behaviour do you think?

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I believe the tipping point as to whether the culture is to blame or that it is simply a worldwide problem will lie squarely in how these little thugs are dealt with. If it's severe punishment or the usual slap on the wrist and don't do it again will decide whether or not this country is indeed the world's idiot child with no hope of redemption, that some deem it to be. Looking forward to the denouement. My money's on the latter.

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I carried an ASP in each hand like dumb bells walking Lumpini and later 'the Massage Mogul park' luckily I never had to use them, and I've been an old fart for years (haha) If the other two had somthing to defend themselves with, the perps would have beat feet - they are cowards, especially when a couple bones get broken. thumbsup.gif

ASP: Extendable weighted baton

It's a couple of hundred baht fine. Probably worth it.

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Basically the Thai state has two choices, hasn't it?

1) Smash these kids to atoms such that none would ever contemplate doing anything similar ever again.

2) Kiss goodbye to a ton of hard currency.

Before the Rumble in the Jungle Mobuto destroyed some career criminals as a warning to the rest: behave when the visitors are here or I'll end you all. He knew on which side his bread was buttered. The Thai state needs to understand just how easy it would be to allow a handful of people to completely bugger up the economy. A few island murders, the odd botched bomb investigation a couple of unpunished attacks in the parks, and suddenly you're screwed.

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To me, video games are the hallmark of a very small mind.

I have a nephew that loves GTA. He's completely worthless in all aspects of life.

Everything has an influence on everything....means u see something hear something and there is the influence on your lot...when u act anytime (and u do thousan dof times a day ) u withdraw from your lot inside your mind...is it full of good thoughts ideas and feelings well ur actions will be accordingly, same for the opposite....

these negative minds that got transported with these games / movies /etc.is multibillion business worldwide...sure a ban will increase popularity.....

those who play may start from a low point and sink furthermore....so if anyone wantt o make a different should show their nephewes young ones neighbourkids etc a world beside computergames in the nature /outside enviroment w here they can be supplied with the attention love and acceptance

that obviously they are lacking....sure it does not excuse these crimes on innocent victims....but if in the forefield positive energys acceptance love etc. is supplied these negativ immages are likly not to brought up and acted out even these games are played..so its all up to us how we treat the younger ones...give them a chance life is rouh enough even if all runs smooth on the surface....when we look at our own minds it is there to see....

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This isn't the problem, it's about cause and effect. A non-violent person playing GTA will not go out and suddenly do drive-bys. An already violently predisposed person will turn violent from any trigger, be it movies, alcohol, GTA or being provoked on the street. The problem isn't GTA, the problem is knuckle-dragging mouth-breathing neanderthals that still roam freely in our society and cause havoc. Just consider that Scottish guy who went berserk in Pattaya, he didn't play GTA to turn violent, he got drunk. So did others without causing a disturbance.

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There is no research to support the claim that violent video games have caused or will cause adolescents or children to engage in similar acts of violence, specifically, brutal assaults or killing.

None of the studies ever stated this. If one takes the time to read the conclusions carefully, when there is the conclusion that there will be an impact, it is limited to family and peer interpersonal relationships. In the good old days of Television, it was called the Three Stooges Effect.

The fact is, the kids knew right from wrong. They chose to be violent. Using video games as an excuse, allows responsible parties to shirk responsibility. I played GTA religiously for many years and often would kill hundreds in any given day. I found new ways to kill and maim. To date, I have not attacked anyone. None of my friends who have played GTA have engaged in violence. No one wants to address the embarrassment of poorly managed kids, kids of limited intelligence and poor parenting.

I have always believed this, desensitizes the knuckleheads, what game did they learn kicking someone's head in by 6 or more, even the girls are using this tactic, by some of the videos on FB, a Disgrace, should be Banned these games, sure some can handle it without acting out, but u have these imbeciles who cannot control themselves...

Please go read the actual studies. There isn't any demonstrable effect in respect to killing or violent assaults.

It has been shown in many studies and experiments that impersonal video games do have an effect. However that is no excuse for the behavior, and that should not be allowed as any basis of a defense.

If you are attempting to draw a link between murder and violent assaults and video game, you are incorrect. Can you cite any peer reviewed acceptable studies that has not been refuted?

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I have always believed this, desensitizes the knuckleheads, what game did they learn kicking someone's head in by 6 or more, even the girls are using this tactic, by some of the videos on FB, a Disgrace, should be Banned these games, sure some can handle it without acting out, but u have these imbeciles who cannot control themselves...

You didn't really think through what you wrote, not very uncommon on TV.

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To me, video games are the hallmark of a very small mind.

I have a nephew that loves GTA. He's completely worthless in all aspects of life.

Rubbish, I love video games and have a Master's degree.

Only have bachelor degree in computer science and i love computer games as well but i would bet that most people against "computer games" barely made it ouf of junior high school and struggle with their shoe laces.

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Wow, the Thai bashers are in full swing today. Boys will be boys. As a teenager I did some bad things that now I think back were pretty terrible. The Thais didn't make this game up, it was probably the Americans.

In some ways Thai kids are actually better than their western counterparts. Most "civilized western countries" cities are covered in graffiti and vandalism against public property is rife. Don't see that much of it here. I also find their manners better GENERALLY speaking.

It's a British game actually. If there's any blame to go round we don't want those Americans grabbing it for themselves

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I have always believed this, desensitizes the knuckleheads, what game did they learn kicking someone's head in by 6 or more, even the girls are using this tactic, by some of the videos on FB, a Disgrace, should be Banned these games, sure some can handle it without acting out, but u have these imbeciles who cannot control themselves...

This obscene game; Grand Theft Auto: GTA, was/is officially banned in Thailand................No enforcement once again:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_banned_video_games#Thailand.........Grand Theft Auto series Banned likely due to high impact violence, cruelty and sexual content. For reasons unknown, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas had since been made available via Steam ever since the PC version of Grand Theft Auto V was launched, which itself is openly available on Steam from the debut.

At 63, I have no interest in gaming but before wifi I used to regularly use Thai internet cafes which were packed with kids playing games. I was truly shocked to see the content of the games being played by kids on the PCs next to me, and I have since learned the main culprit was GTA. Gaming is addictive, and anyone addicted to this game or just playing it regularly is likely to be conditioned to enjoy killing and inflicting extreme violence on others. It is beyond me how any country could allow this game to be released and circulated for adults let alone children.

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Many years ago , in England there was a case where a young boy , I think 11 years old killed another boy after watching a violent video , not a game. He explained in court he wanted to kill after watching the video .,

My point is that young people can get influenced by video games , we see it all the time. Even if most people understand the difference between a game and the real world.

...and it is NOT the vault of the video!

Why was the kid watching a violent video?

Where were the parents?

Also: no one watches a video and turns into a killer!

Usually there are psychological issues at hand and a video etc. may trigger something- but is not the sole and only reason for an 11 year old ,going on a killing- spree!

When a mentally unhinged person killed someone back in the dark ages (and god knows, there was a lot of killing then) what did they blame it on? Poems of Shakespere?

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I have always believed this, desensitizes the knuckleheads, what game did they learn kicking someone's head in by 6 or more, even the girls are using this tactic, by some of the videos on FB, a Disgrace, should be Banned these games, sure some can handle it without acting out, but u have these imbeciles who cannot control themselves...

Then wouldn't the "solution" be to teach them how to control themselves, responsibility, consequences.......

No just ban everything, If one "Fred Smith" hadn't run over a kid drunk I would still be able to drink and drive....... whistling.gif

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Udon Teens Blame 'GTA' for Beating Elderly Westerners

By Teeranai Charuvastra

Staff Reporter


Image from ‘Grand Theft Auto V.’

UDON THANI — Five youth claim they were imitating an infamously violent video game when they attacked three European retirees in Udon Thani on Wednesday, police said.

The five suspects – the youngest of whom is 13 – reportedly blamed their brutal assault of elderly men, one of whom is now in a coma after being attacked in a park, on Grand Theft Auto, though police said Thursday they are unconvinced by the explanation.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1455182720&typecate=06&section=


-- Khaosod English 2016-02-12

these little degenerates

the narrow minded anti-game people will have a field day with this.

only punks would go on a golf course with a baseball bat and a collarless shirt !

. Narrow minded would be gamers...

Video games don't kill people... people kill people !!! opps heard that before, or something similar...

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easy target - some elderly falang out walking the dog, what next ? a police raid on a group of harmless innocent pensioners playing a game of Bridge.........oooops

well it's all good in the land of ?

Exactly, let's not pick on anyone young enough to resist and kick the shit out of us.

Unfortunately in such a senario any witnesses would likely say it was the youths who were attacked first.

Are you out of your mind, paranoid or what?

Almost always witnesses in such a scenario would not say what you write. How long have you bee in Pattaya, 3 weeks?

I've lived in Udon for 30 years - please don't judge it by your experience in some tourist hovel.

Thailand is for Thais (National Anthem - daily brainwashing). If a Thai EVER says to you 'This not your country" <deleted>!!!

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