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Udon teens blame 'GTA' for beating elderly westerners


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What a response from the police: check and control Game shops. NO do not check game shops... do your job patrol the streets and protect people.

What is wrong with the general public double standard

Bridge to a Thai is an illegal gambling game, where betting on fighting cocks is not.

Fighting Crime is not putting up fences!!! its more educating people and nipping it at the root. For those who break the law. Then its not a pat on the back or blaming a game developer. but putting the individual in prison and drilling basic law into him. These are people who have grown up like grass, no proper upbringing, excused on wrong doings with no consequence and thats how they live their lives to...never taking responsibility. Someone else has to pay.

I would suggest begin at home being honest and then teach it in the schools and honour it in public.

Not tolerate tee money and back hand deals as "normal" no its not its CHEATING.... CHEATING HAS NO STANDARDS AND CANNOT TEACH ANY EITHER

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I have always believed this, desensitizes the knuckleheads, what game did they learn kicking someone's head in by 6 or more, even the girls are using this tactic, by some of the videos on FB, a Disgrace, should be Banned these games, sure some can handle it without acting out, but u have these imbeciles who cannot control themselves...

These types of idiots will ALWAYS do some thing like this, before games it was movies fault, before movies it was musics fault.

Society is always looking for an easy scapegoat for its problems.

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I have just read the Telegraph report on banning the game in Thailand. The report states that the game encourages gamers to steal in order to find the funds to play the game, if this is true then I am amazed that posters here can criticise Thailand when this utterly criminal game is a product of their own culture.

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I have always believed this, desensitizes the knuckleheads, what game did they learn kicking someone's head in by 6 or more, even the girls are using this tactic, by some of the videos on FB, a Disgrace, should be Banned these games, sure some can handle it without acting out, but u have these imbeciles who cannot control themselves...

I agree ban the games and all major religions too. Help stop the thugs and extremists.
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To me, video games are the hallmark of a very small mind.

I have a nephew that loves GTA. He's completely worthless in all aspects of life.

That's your brother or sisters fault then. Blaming the game is the easy route.

I have played video games since I was 5 and have turned into a productive member of society.

Stop blaming outside factors for inside shortcomings.

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oooh the Irony!

The same ones praising freedom of speech and ranting toward the Thai Junta censorship and yet they want a game banned.

Why not start by actual weapons, movies, books,where violence is described?

A game is a game. I played numerous games where you can act violently, yet i never wanted to shoot or kick anyone's ass.

Bet those teenagers know exactly what they were doing and try to find an escape by blaming a game.

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Back to blaming video games and movies -_- Who are young people more likely to emulate: fictional characters (cartoon people nontheless in terms of video games) or real people in their immediate evironments?

Video games don't instill morals, parents do. My parents taught me to respect people regardless race or religion, treat others in a way that I would want to be treated and that thoughtless violence was unacceptable. This means that as much as I enjoy blowing shit up on my computer, I don't do it in real life ;)

Now some may say, ''What if they can't tell the difference between reality and the game?'' Good question...here's my answer: If a person can't tell the difference between a game and reality, that person is bat-shit crazy and should be in an institution. Also, such a person would be just as likely to immitate their local so dogs fighting or go around hitting cats with frying pans due to being ''influenced'' by Tom n Jerry.

So should we blame GTA or their parents?

Looks like they were under age as well which doesn't help.

I'm pretty certain there are other bad media influences as well as this one game. I've travelled by bus to Bangkok from Mahasarakham many times and I've been shocked by some of the films they've shown. There was a Tony Jaa film although I can't remember which one, which seemed pretty violent and another which I thought was Headshot but may not have been. In that there was a scene where a guy tied to a table had hot wax dripped on his genitals. Out of shot fortunately. But most if not all of these dubious films are Thai. I don't watch them but apparently Thai soaps can be a bit aggressive. Of course GTA is foreign so it fits the bill as far as Thai authorities are concerned as the best thing to blame.

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It has been shown in many studies and experiments that impersonal video games do have an effect. However that is no excuse for the behavior, and that should not be allowed as any basis of a defense.

Agreed, it is no defence, but it is of value as a much needed explanation of what the hell is going wrong in these kids minds.

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It has been shown in many studies and experiments that impersonal video games do have an effect. However that is no excuse for the behavior, and that should not be allowed as any basis of a defense.

That is correct, no excuse, HOWEVER makers of GTA must be in the dock as well if connection shown - as accessories before the fact.

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The only Knuckleheads are the ones that think that video games can be blamed for this. You might wanna check yourself and realise that this is not the 80s and moral panic over video games and video nasties is absolute nonsense. If you want to lump yourself in the same category as the Thai cultural police doo so by all means and enjoy living in centuries gone by.

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Wow, the Thai bashers are in full swing today. Boys will be boys. As a teenager I did some bad things that now I think back were pretty terrible. The Thais didn't make this game up, it was probably the Americans.

In some ways Thai kids are actually better than their western counterparts. Most "civilized western countries" cities are covered in graffiti and vandalism against public property is rife. Don't see that much of it here. I also find their manners better GENERALLY speaking.

Apologists: Defending the indefensible since time immemorial...

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I have always believed this, desensitizes the knuckleheads, what game did they learn kicking someone's head in by 6 or more, even the girls are using this tactic, by some of the videos on FB, a Disgrace, should be Banned these games, sure some can handle it without acting out, but u have these imbeciles who cannot control themselves...

I recall watching a DOC on desensitization a while ago, showing a class of KINDERGARTEN KIDS 20-25 years ago watching a stick-figure cartoon clip depicting a giant foot suddenly descending and crushing a cute little Bambi...the gasp of the youngsters was audible, and several started crying.

The same clip was shown to a similar audience recently, bringing the youngsters to laughter.

When I hear "authorities" say violent vids have no effect, I hear "These videos bring in multi-millions to my stockholders."

Watched my adult son enjoying a game of assault-weapon mass-murder with blood gushing everywhere...and grieved about how I raised a stranger

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Many years ago , in England there was a case where a young boy , I think 11 years old killed another boy after watching a violent video , not a game. He explained in court he wanted to kill after watching the video .,

My point is that young people can get influenced by video games , we see it all the time. Even if most people understand the difference between a game and the real world.

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Someone, the police, the press, the TAT, someone has very successfully changed the narrative of the discussion of these events from

a vicious assault on elderly Westerners from members of an Asian culture where respect is supposed to be afforded to older members of society (think : very bad publicity)


a discussion of the relationship between video games and violent crime. (think : neutral topic)

And all the noddies on here lap it up.

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To me, video games are the hallmark of a very small mind.

I have a nephew that loves GTA. He's completely worthless in all aspects of life.

Rubbish, I love video games and have a Master's degree.

'small mind'

Bullshit, video games are part of modern culture, they are revevent and are far for people with small minds.

I think people who have that view are very small minded and must live shallow and sad lives.

Culture takes many forms, art, music, sculpture etc., video games comes into this category, like it or not.

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Someone, the police, the press, the TAT, someone has very successfully changed the narrative of the discussion of these events from

a vicious assault on elderly Westerners from members of an Asian culture where respect is supposed to be afforded to older members of society (think : very bad publicity)


a discussion of the relationship between video games and violent crime. (think : neutral topic)

And all the noddies on here lap it up.

Amusing isn't it?

A game like GTA and other 'violent' games have sold in their millions. If you believe the idiots on here that it is a direct cause of this type of behavior then there would be millions of kids and adults a like out on the streets car jacking people and beating up pedestrians.

It doesn't suit then narrative when the above just doesn't happen. whistling.gif

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"police said they would tighten up control of games shops to prevent underaged youths from visiting the shops."

What is the age limit for playing video games in Thailand in general?

Somehow I don't see the sophistication existing to rate foreign language games aside from nudity. I know by seeing Thai TV and newspapers that no level of violence is censored.

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Always "great" to see how the Thais find someone or anything else, or some secondary circumstances to blame for their own wrongdoing. A country full of irresponsible kids in adult clothing doesn't deserve democracy, nor does it deserve being taken seriously by any other nation, nor does it deserve foreign investors.

Edited by MockingJay
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It's got nothing to do with video games you morons. If that's the case why weren't you all beating the sh*t out of each other after watching tom and jerry? Narrow minded fools. If they are prone to violence, games or films are not going to make the person do what they are predetermined to do anyway.

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....in a coma....

...so nothing will be done to them.....

...and 'they will start inspecting internet shops'.....

...ANY shop that I had the ill fortune of visiting CLEARLY had underage patrons....

...as for the violent criminals....who beat and robbed....3 (?)....maybe more.......ONLY (?) foreigners.....

...the poor innocents....

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Nothing to do with the game and everything to do with the fact these teens are worthless scum.

Who brought them up ?? son at home has free style, worshiped by Mama can never do wrong---WHY ?? in most rural cases he will bring in to the home drink money for papa---and gamble money for mama when he starts work. He therefore loves mama because he had the freedom to do as he wished--------Here is the result of that. Spoken from rural area, and alongside what happens here. (NOT ALL)

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easy target - some elderly falang out walking the dog, what next ? a police raid on a group of harmless innocent pensioners playing a game of Bridge.........oooops

well it's all good in the land of ?

Exactly, let's not pick on anyone young enough to resist and kick the shit out of us.

Unfortunately in such a senario any witnesses would likely say it was the youths who were attacked first.

Are you out of your mind, paranoid or what?

Almost always witnesses in such a scenario would not say what you write. How long have you bee in Pattaya, 3 weeks?

I've lived in Udon for 30 years - please don't judge it by your experience in some tourist hovel.

Please allow me to disagree! I'm sure the fine people of Udon would never do such a thing, the people in the rest of LOS will absolutely point the finger at the farang if it involves one of their "b'loved sons" ! Are you blind to the spoilt, selfish little cretins that start their antics in kindergarden and continue to "adulthood"? They will steal, lie and beat up anybody with the cheek to question their actions!

I suppose you can guess that I really don't like what passes for "Men" in this country! sad.pngbah.gifwai.gif

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