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US teacher traveled to Thailand for sex tourism, feds say


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Him and hundreds of thousands of other teachers over the decades here to exploit children, hardly news. I have a friend with a US Army security clearance and he will not travel on vacation to SEA as it is seen to be the norm male holiday makers will engage illegal prostitutes- women and men. Transvestites are particularly a practice which would affect future clearances. Big security issue having a tranny gf blackmailing them. What it must be like to be a citizen of a nation renowned as he world's (cheap) brothel.

I can tell you from personal experience that the overwhelming majority are oblivious to it. As everything else outside of planet Thailand. And that's just the way the thieves (refuse to refer to them as 'elite') running the show like it.

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Ok, now the secrete is out that Thailand is a mecca for sex tourism... what a shame, and I thought I was

the only one to know about it... millions of horney guys are making a beeline to this country sex spots

to indulge in each to his own sensual preferences, and seem that the feds have been in a deep sleep

to something that is known world wide.....

Abusing a child and "sex" slavery is not sex. It is abuse. Consenting adult prostitution is an altogether different topic. Do not mix the two.

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Never any specificity when using the term "sex tourism". If you mean PEDOPHILE.....then SAY pedophile. Taking an adult bargirl out of a bar violates no US law that I am aware of. I should add that if there is a way to prosecute a man for having sex in Thailand with a perfectly legal adult woman, then the USA has probably figured out how to do it. Another issue is WHY that Thailand has to wait on the USA to take action against pedophiles. This activity is illegal here as well. The problem is lack of enforcement on the local level and the ease of exchanging "tea money" for a "get out of jail free" card.

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Perhaps the Thai authorities need to do an investigation and seek his extradition for trial and incarceration in Thailand.

I have much more faith in the US system properly convicting and imprisoning this guy.

Too easy for him to slip past the authority here.

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Never any specificity when using the term "sex tourism". If you mean PEDOPHILE.....then SAY pedophile. Taking an adult bargirl out of a bar violates no US law that I am aware of. I should add that if there is a way to prosecute a man for having sex in Thailand with a perfectly legal adult woman, then the USA has probably figured out how to do it. Another issue is WHY that Thailand has to wait on the USA to take action against pedophiles. This activity is illegal here as well. The problem is lack of enforcement on the local level and the ease of exchanging "tea money" for a "get out of jail free" card.

You're correct. The USA won't prosecute Americans paying for sex abroad with legal age (in the U.S.) sex workers.

But here's an interesting detail.

The legal age is based on U.S. federal law which is 18.

Some U.S. states have a legal age of consent under 18 but even for Americans traveling from those states, the legal age abroad is still 18.

If the age of consent is under 18 in the abroad nation, doesn't matter, so Americans sometimes think they are doing something legal locally, but actually it's not legal for them, as Americans.

Of course the USA is aggressive in going after Americans engaging in underage sex abroad, whether paid or not.

To add, isn't there at least one SCANDANAVIAN nation that DOES criminalize engaging LEGAL AGE sex workers abroad? I'm pretty sure there is.

Anyway, I agree you need to separate these issues in general, sex tourism is one thing, sex tourism to commit pedo crimes is another.

Others might add that pedo crimes (like when the victims are age 10) are not the same thing as underage sex when the underage person is 16 or 17, but that's such a CAN OF WORMS that I won't comment further. Except strictly speaking, having sex with someone well past puberty who is 16 or 17 really isn't technically pedophilia (just look it up).

Edited by Jingthing
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So what is new? Thauland has been promoting the sex trade for years. It is even promoted right here on Thai Visa.

This is about the underage sex trade.

Unfortunately the headline does not point that out, inferring it is about sex tourism in general, which despite the desires of some on TV is not illegal in Thailand, and don't come the old myth that "prostitution" is illegal in Thailand, as if it was there would be millions of farangs being prosecuted, and there ain't.

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Ok, now the secrete is out that Thailand is a mecca for sex tourism... what a shame, and I thought I was

the only one to know about it... millions of horney guys are making a beeline to this country sex spots

to indulge in each to his own sensual preferences, and seem that the feds have been in a deep sleep

to something that is known world wide.....

I know of at least 6 gay relationships including my neighbor. The boys seem to be over the age of consent.
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The FBI is many things, not all of them prize-winning, but they are hardly asleep when it comes pedophiles, especially information technology teachers who seem to have no problem broadcasting their exploits in emails for a decade without realizing (as Hillary Clinton now understands) that emails can come back to haunt you.

... whether it involves commercial or non-commercial sex acts, the FBI—in conjunction with our domestic and international law enforcement partners—investigates U.S. citizens and permanent residents who travel overseas to engage in illegal sexual conduct with children under the age of 18. Since 2008, our Child Sex Tourism Initiative has employed proactive strategies to address the crime, including working with foreign law enforcement and non-governmental organizations to provide child victims with support services and to investigate and prosecute individuals engaging in child sex tourism.

That last quote is important. Many years ago, England (and I believe the US) realized that people would travel overseas, engage in this illegal activity, then return to their home country - out of reach of the authorities overseas and untouchable by the local government (since the crime took place in another country) without extradition, which is expensive and complicated.

So, England (and I believe the US) passed laws stating that if you commit the crime of under-age sexual exploitation overseas, they can prosecute and imprison you locally, thus not requiring extradition to the country where the crime took place and prosecution there. I am not sure how complicated/difficult it is to accomplish this prosecution, but at least they no longer get a free ride, and cannot feel comfortable upon their return.

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Build it and they will come, the strange thing is; they will then post it on the internet - not much of an IT expert, sh!t for brains will have close company soon. His pedaphilic behaviour being frowned a pone by those in authority, he'll not be surviving long as a pin cushion.

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Build it and they will come, the strange thing is; they will then post it on the internet - not much of an IT expert, sh!t for brains will have close company soon. His pedaphilic behaviour being frowned a pone by those in authority, he'll not be surviving long as a pin cushion.

Yeah, it appears his life is over, maybe not literally, but may as well be.

But to be fair, under the U.S. system, innocent until proven guilty.

Edited by Jingthing
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Ok, now the secrete is out that Thailand is a mecca for sex tourism... what a shame, and I thought I was

the only one to know about it... millions of horney guys are making a beeline to this country sex spots

to indulge in each to his own sensual preferences, and seem that the feds have been in a deep sleep

to something that is known world wide.....

You are leaving out a very important distinction. The fact that millions of guys come here for sex is perfectly fine. There is nothing immoral about that. As long as the women are willing, and of legal age. But, to prey on under age kids, now that is a complete different story. It is a very important distinction.

Who cares about it being a mecca for sex tourism? Does that hurt you in any way? Who does it hurt? Kids are a whole separate thing. That is definitely not right. That man should be punished. He will be very popular in prison. And prison he will go. The feds take this kind of thing very seriously, and they need very little evidence to get a conviction on statutory rape charges.

Edited by spidermike007
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Arrested without any charge seems a bit suspect.

Do Americans no longer have any rights?

Is evidence no longer required?

Is a complainant not required?

I could claim to be God ....... but that doesn't make it true!

(or former SAS/Special Forces who shot hundreds of Iraqi insurgents)

Boasting in emails or online is not a crime, not matter how distasteful the claims.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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The headline is definitely misleading.

But I reckon the majority of the U.S. public would conflate the things anyway (sex tourism and pedo sex tourism).

Especially when referring to THAILAND, which is usually the butt of jokes on this topic in U.S. movies and t.v.

Just the way it is.

Edited by Jingthing
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Perhaps the Thai authorities need to do an investigation and seek his extradition for trial and incarceration in Thailand.

Yes, it seems a trial might be a fair thing, before the requested hanging.

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Perhaps the Thai authorities need to do an investigation and seek his extradition for trial and incarceration in Thailand.

Yes, it seems a trial might be a fair thing, before the requested hanging.

Yes, seems that many on TV are so psychic that they can determine from an article posted on the internet as to the guilt of an individual without any trial.

However, the guy does seem more than a bit dim to have bragged about it on public websites.

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Arrested without any charge seems a bit suspect.

Do Americans no longer have any rights?

Is evidence no longer required?

Is a complainant not required?

I could claim to be God ....... but that doesn't make it true!

(or former SAS/Special Forces who shot hundreds of Iraqi insurgents)

Boasting in emails or online is not a crime, not matter how distasteful the claims.

If boasting online was a crime, some TV posters would be in deep doo-doo.........

Edited by bazza40
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