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US teacher traveled to Thailand for sex tourism, feds say


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My children know better than to be alone with anyone (except close family), anywhere.

Most Thais play the game exactly the same way.

My teen daughter knows better than to get on a Songtaw or school bus, if it's just her and the driver.

And I remember when I was first employed as a school teacher in the UK.

Our head of department said, please ensure you are never alone with any of the kids, makes for an easy life.

He was right,

Teachers shouldn't put themselves in a position where they can be accused.

Children shouldn't put themselves in a position where they can be abused.

There's safety in numbers.

"My children know better than to be alone with anyone (except close family), anywhere..."

Wish that worked in my extended family.

My sister-in-law's husband was boffing his 12 year old step-daughter (her daughter, my niece, and the SOB is in jail); and

My sister-in-law's uncle was boffing his 6 year old niece (her daugher, my niece, and the SOB is in jail - so may they both rot - but that's not the way law works in the West). Yeah, both of my sister-in-law's daughters were sexually abused by older family members. Talk about sick bastards!

So safety within families is a little overrated. Even in the civilized Western 'republic' of the United States and other Western bastions of morality.

Now education? Like scream your head off the minute you think you're being touched in an inappropriate manner? Screammmmmm! I have no use for pedophiles. Society shouldn't either. But then again, how many pedophiles are in the upper echelon of our 'republic?' Slick Willie? Jeffrey Epstein and Pedophile Island. Don't take my word for it, Google it. It's public record. Sick F88ks!!!

Oh, wait a minute. Now 'non-progressive-liberal of me'. The victims were 'asking for it.' Yeah. I forgot.

Trafficked underage children presumably cost a lot to procure, and certainly need a lot of influence to keep from being exposed etc, so I would expect that in the west, it is mainly in the "upper echelons" of society that they are being used, while in LOS it's only the sad little men that get caught. Perhaps all those baying for his blood should be looking at their own countries first.

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The USA should drop a bomb on Pattaya. Oh wait a minute, they were responsible for it. All Pattaya hotels should do background checks on the guests to prevent pedophilia

Have you ever been to Pattaya? If you have, you should know there are thousands of small guest houses in the back sois, and how the h*** would you expect them to comply with that sort of thing? Many don't even notify the authorities that they have a farang staying with them.

Besides, do you think it only goes on in Pattaya? You'd need to expand your checks to the entire world.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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All those getting excited at the prospect of injuring a paedo should go to Lebanon. It's legal in parts of that country to marry a 9 year old girl with parents permission- so much for your "moral" indignation, or is it only if it's a boy involved that gets the blood boiling?


I've also noticed that there are no calls for cutting nuts off and other tortures on the thread about an immigrant from a ME country that raped a 10 year old boy. I guess the outrage is selectively confined to western paedos.

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I can understand the US prosecuting him for breaking US laws. The evidence seems pretty firm. But I don't quite understand the part in the article that says part of the complaint was that he traveled to a foreign country to engage in illicit acts. Is planning to travel to a foreign country against the US law?

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Well, if the idiot would have said he wanted to go to Thailand to have sex with luscious, smooth-skinned, brown Thai women, 18 years of age or older, I guess he's have no problem now.

Sex between consenting adults? That's one thing. But 'boys'. Throw him in jail. Throw away the keys.

Best to stick to a sex partner 30 or older. No way to 'mistake' your partner as 'underage'. Idiot.

Rubbish. It's underage that counts not the gender of the child.

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Perhaps the Thai authorities need to do an investigation and seek his extradition for trial and incarceration in Thailand.

Actually let him get tried in US sentence there is life no parole or pardons allowed and he will do actual time With BUBBA.

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  • 2 years later...
On 2/12/2016 at 9:12 AM, Moonsterk said:

Him and hundreds of thousands of other teachers over the decades here to exploit children, hardly news. I have a friend with a US Army security clearance and he will not travel on vacation to SEA as it is seen to be the norm male holiday makers will engage illegal prostitutes- women and men. Transvestites are particularly a practice which would affect future clearances. Big security issue having a *transvestite* gf blackmailing them. What it must be like to be a citizen of a nation renowned as he world's (cheap) brothel.

Sometimes, even being a resident or a visa extension holder here creates interesting questions from family & friends back home.

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On 2/12/2016 at 1:22 PM, FourAces said:

Arresting someone for sex tourism and having porn in Thailand, is just like arresting riders at the Moto GP for speeding.facepalm.gif

The journos love to use the "Sex Tourism" thing because it makes good headlines.  It is just B.S in this case.   He is being investigated for having sex with 9 to 15 year olds!!!!!   If it was a 19 year old bar girl  (or boy) he would not be in trouble.

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  • 1 month later...
On 2/12/2016 at 2:12 AM, Moonsterk said:

Him and hundreds of thousands of other teachers over the decades here to exploit children, hardly news. I have a friend with a US Army security clearance and he will not travel on vacation to SEA as it is seen to be the norm male holiday makers will engage illegal prostitutes- women and men. Transvestites are particularly a practice which would affect future clearances. Big security issue having a *transvestite* gf blackmailing them. What it must be like to be a citizen of a nation renowned as he world's (cheap) brothel.

The US military started sex tourism in Pattaya and Bangkok. Recently due to the recruitment of Lesbian and feminists into the US military stupid, puritanical  codes of behavior have been introduced . GIs can now be court marshalled for people trafficking if found with a Thai girl. Thus during operation Cobra Gold the miltary are confined off shore and not allowed RnR shoreleave!  Pathetic. You talk lies and nonesense about child exploitation and even more rubbish about the USA armed forces and transvestites. The USA military have an equal opportunities policy on transsexuals. Nothing you write is true.

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