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Southern Thailand Violence Raises Fears of Insurgent Escalation


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Southern Thailand Violence Raises Fears of Insurgent Escalation

Ron Corben

BANGKOK—Attacks across Thailand’s southern border provinces have raised fears of an escalation in insurgent violence, even as the Thai government has stepped up security operations and reports progress in its efforts to hold peace talks. Human-rights advocates are calling for an investigation into claims of torture against detainees, including a death in custody.

Outbreak of violence

The outbreak of violence in Thailand’s southern provinces of Yala and Pattani on Friday included the roadside bombing of a military patrol providing security for local school teachers, drive-by shootings and arson attacks.

Full story: http://www.voanews.com/content/southern-thailand-violence-raises-fears-of-insurgent-escalation/3188312.html

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The problem with the continuing separatist insurgency is that the Thai military defines peace as socio-economic stability. The insurgents define peace as an ideological state of mind. The military rejects nationalism as the issue and has persued policies that focus not on autonomy but on complete absorption of the Malay-Thais into the Thai Buddhist culture and society.

The military "reports progress in its efforts to hold peace talks." But those so-called efforts are nonproductive because the military refuses to resort to political mechanism and negotiations demanded by the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation. The military refuses to nationalize the peace talks, refuses autonomy, refuses insurgents demand that foreign independent third parties monitor and facilitate peace talks, and requires a complete cessation of all insurgent violence before it will actually discuss specifics of any peace plan.

So yes, the military truly believes IT is making progress in its efforts. Unfortunately, its perception of progress is only one-sided.

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i am still surprised ( but also very happy ) that they didnt start going after thailands cashcow number 1 aka the tourists so far.

just a handfull of well placed bombs in tourist areas would halt and cripple tourism for years and really really hurt the thai economy ( never forget all in tourism accounts for around 20% of the Thai GDP ).

and it doesnt matter how hard the military tries to stop them it is pretty much impossible to stop a determinded and skilled bomber for blowing up what he wants to blow up so they cant be stopped really.

and you dont need big teams , much money or such to run a effective bombing campain because all you need ia a single not even that big bomb every few month at some touristplace thats weak on security in that moment.

a single guy/girl could do that all alone and if he isnt talking about it and just doing it nice and quiet noone will catch him for a long long time.

and after 20 years of killing down there i am sure there is some people that have lost family and have the skills required but so far not the idea or will to run a effective terror campaign.

noone cares if they blow up another military checkpoint or school but if a tourist place goes up in flames all will look there.

for me thats just matter of time till they start to do that because they really cant win a open fight versus the army and sooner or later they will see that.

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Pssst...not an outbtreak..but a chronic issue... a daily way of life..

The headline and slug line correctly say escalation and it is indeed chronic.

Jihadist violence by muslim extremists is likely to take hold next is in the north/northeast where Thai votes have been taken away repeatedly by Bangkok elites and their little coup general.

Oppression of human and civil rights creates fertile ground for powerless citizens to embrace such things as communism and radical Islam.

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Well the attacks of the teachers are kept quiet and down... the separatist target on the local levels.. some soldier did something so the returns come. Families don't dare do anything... the separatist way of taking care of the whole family strikes fear...

Interplay the business, drugs, govt, military, and separatists supported and rogue...plus of course the history and the feeling of we are not Thai..then we have that mess down there.

Pulo has been quiet and we don't hear about this.. BKK POST has been paid...

Actually, about 15 years ago, I was down in the lower three... not much of a situation, people poor and getting along the best they could.

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Pssst...not an outbtreak..but a chronic issue... a daily way of life..

The headline and slug line correctly say escalation and it is indeed chronic.

Jihadist violence by muslim extremists is likely to take hold next is in the north/northeast where Thai votes have been taken away repeatedly by Bangkok elites and their little coup general.

Oppression of human and civil rights creates fertile ground for powerless citizens to embrace such things as communism and radical Islam.

Not wishing to argue with you but how do you relate "Jihadist violence by muslim extremists" with the North East?

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Pssst...not an outbtreak..but a chronic issue... a daily way of life..

The headline and slug line correctly say escalation and it is indeed chronic.

Jihadist violence by muslim extremists is likely to take hold next is in the north/northeast where Thai votes have been taken away repeatedly by Bangkok elites and their little coup general.

Oppression of human and civil rights creates fertile ground for powerless citizens to embrace such things as communism and radical Islam.

Not wishing to argue with you but how do you relate "Jihadist violence by muslim extremists" with the North East?

Perhaps he thinks Thaksin's spent so long in Dubai he'll convert to Islam and his loyal Red Shirts will follow!

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Pssst...not an outbtreak..but a chronic issue... a daily way of life..

The headline and slug line correctly say escalation and it is indeed chronic.

Jihadist violence by muslim extremists is likely to take hold next is in the north/northeast where Thai votes have been taken away repeatedly by Bangkok elites and their little coup general.

Oppression of human and civil rights creates fertile ground for powerless citizens to embrace such things as communism and radical Islam.

Not wishing to argue with you but how do you relate "Jihadist violence by muslim extremists" with the North East?

Remember now, this article was written in the BP by a Thai writer with an agenda...clap2.gifthumbsup.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...

Pssst...not an outbtreak..but a chronic issue... a daily way of life..

The headline and slug line correctly say escalation and it is indeed chronic.

Jihadist violence by muslim extremists is likely to take hold next is in the north/northeast where Thai votes have been taken away repeatedly by Bangkok elites and their little coup general.

Oppression of human and civil rights creates fertile ground for powerless citizens to embrace such things as communism and radical Islam.

Not wishing to argue with you but how do you relate "Jihadist violence by muslim extremists" with the North East?

Remember now, this article was written in the BP by a Thai writer with an agenda...clap2.gifthumbsup.gif

Something a little different, chatting up a friend, discussing the lower three province and activities..then suddenly... the writer stopped.. stated father told him to stop writing..and then used the phone...odd. Or just

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