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PM urges people to learn more about economic systems


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PM urges people to learn more about economic systems

Supawadee Wangsri

BANGKOK, 13 February 2016 (NNT) – Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha said Thailand needs to take steps to reduce risks which might possibly affect the enhancing of the country’s economic potentials.

The premier said one needs to keep abreast with the world situation, evaluate it and prepare plans to comply with changes in the world. Thailand has already made plans in line with possible future changes with respect to global warming, natural disasters, drought and war.

He said all people need to learn and disseminate information as well as understand economic systems involving export, import, taxation, revenues and business dealings. The country's current economic conditions are yet to be improved, he said.

-- NNT 2016-01-14 footer_n.gif

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The asking of the population to look ahead in business prospects as well as changing climatic conditions is nigh on impossible to get into gear if the government keeps bailing out industries that are not viable, wasting tax payers money on failed produce that is over produced world wide appeases the few and penalises the rest, Rubber being the latest,

why the government did not go and make the farmers cut down the trees and remove those excess from the system, sure pay them out some compensation money, get the farmers to look at alternatives , by leaving those trees standing has not defused the amount produced, so what was the point,? It sure was not good money management on the governments behalf, we keep having these knee jerk reactions to situations and clear through processes seems to go out the window, I would strongly suggest the PM needs to shake out some of his advisors, who are inept.

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Understand economic systems and potentials?

You would first need to remove protectionism from your existing system and get the people off their butts before they would engage brains...

One needs a education of a suitable standard don't you think to be able to engage anything !!

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When the standard Thai response to reduced demand is to put up prices to maintain profit, or, protest to the government about world-wide prices slumping in basic commodities and expecting them to do something, then there really is no hope.

Edited by KarenBravo
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Understand economic systems and potentials?

You would first need to remove protectionism from your existing system and get the people off their butts before they would engage brains...

One needs a education of a suitable standard don't you think to be able to engage anything !!

Its not required to engage in stupidity or to become PM.

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Maybe he could give some insight into the economic model he and his cronies have adhered to all these years, you know the ones where a person on a public servant's salary can accumulate multi million dollar fortunes in only a couple of decades.. Am sure people would be very interested to hear about how that works

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Thats a great idea. Once the people learn how the money system works they will realise that they are slaves to a financial system in which the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and then they will stop wanting a democracy because they will know its all pointless.

Edited by technologybytes
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Understand economic systems and potentials?

You would first need to remove protectionism from your existing system and get the people off their butts before they would engage brains...

One needs a education of a suitable standard don't you think to be able to engage anything !!

You sure? Bar girls with little or no education speaking television English get engaged with foreigners every day...sometimes to three or four foreigners each.

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According to the little general's economy playbook--keeping mind that he's never had to balance a budget and has for his entire adult life been funded by public monies--when you are unhappy with banks, creditors, the courts, and the economy in general, simply overthrow them all and seize power over them militarily.

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Remove all the calculators from the Mom & Pop shops & see what happens. CHAOS!!!

Most can't add 2+2 in their heads.

I can usually do the math of most purchases I make in my head long before they can get done banging on their calculators.

I once took a moto taxi ride for 80 baht one way & asked him to wait 1 minute as I ran inside and did something real quick, so he could take me home.

You should have seen the poor guy struggle trying to add 80+80 in his head.

I only asked him how much at the end of the ride to watch this phenomenon. I think his helmet is the only thing that kept his head from exploding.

I gave him 200 and told him to keep the change.

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Understand economic systems and potentials?

You would first need to remove protectionism from your existing system and get the people off their butts before they would engage brains...

One needs a education of a suitable standard don't you think to be able to engage anything !!

Spot on. Education is the foundation stone of any country development. Acquiring good knowledge and life lesson in schools are lacking in Thailand education system to make the quantum economic leap.

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The country's current economic conditions are yet to be improved

Almost two years in absolute control of the nation's economic policies and this is the best that Prayut can produce - NOTHING?

But NOW Prayut decides to "take steps to reduce risks which might possibly affect the enhancing of the country’s economic potentials."

But first he has to insure that the next elected government will be powerless to alter Prayut's 20-year economic plans.

Perhaps Prayut should understand more about the economic damage he has done to the nation before putting the public at further risk.

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Uncle Too's "Government for Dummies" 101:

"all people need to learn and disseminate information as well as understand economic systems involving export, import, taxation, revenues and business dealings."

When and where do you come up with these amazing revelations? After two years in.

What a child... facepalm.gif

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I have noticed a pattern. The PM talks about the topics that have been raised recently, as if he just took a short course on the subject.

It is no great surprise. He was not well prepared to be PM, and he is "winging it". In a few more years he could be well versed. In the meantime...

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I have noticed a pattern. The PM talks about the topics that have been raised recently, as if he just took a short course on the subject.

It is no great surprise. He was not well prepared to be PM, and he is "winging it". In a few more years he could be well versed. In the meantime...

Heard of the phrase "learning on the job". Prime example he and his other general ministers. Without the technocrats as perm sec, they will be totally lost.

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Wow, I guess evil former PM's at least had a understanding of all this stuff, even if to only serve their own purposes.

and in other news Thailand gets ready for war.

"Russia says new cold war with West. Points nukes at NATO forces."

"What NATO?"

"Not sure, I think football team."

"OK. Invite to Thailand. Big money."

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"Thailand has already made plans in line with possible future changes with respect to global warming, natural disasters, drought and war."

These things have nothing to do with Thailand's declining economy. The coup frightened investors away, exports are continally declining because the baht is to high, and tourist revenues are declining because Thailand has encouraged its cheap neighbours from the north. The economy is in a mess, with the PM seemly believing that very non esential mega projects will revive the ailing economy. Farming needs to be promoted, not demoted back to the buffalo days. Thai airways is bankrupt, it has 10 brand new planes that have never seen service, and it is a state enterprise. How can buying 50 soviet tanks possibly help the economy for instance?

Many, many clothes factories have now relocated to Cambodia, and more companies are set to follow. The empire is crumbly while the PM dithers around trying to suppress and force feed the Thai population. He has no interest in human rights. He is the queen ant protected by the soldiers who make sure all the worker ants comply. But the public are not worker ants and thus refuse to do the biding of their so called masters. Public opposition is everywhere, and the noise is getting louder. Thais do not want to go back 100 years in time, as this government will learn.

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and when has Richard Potato ever studied Economics?

but he does know a thing or 2 about setting up offshore tax havens to do dodgy land deals;

"In tracing the transaction of land sale by General Prayuth Chan-ocha, as disclosed in the NACC’s assets declaration list, Prayuth indicated that his father sold nine plots of land in Bang Bon district on 9 May 2013 to the 69 Property Co. Ltd. for 600 million baht. Isra’s investigative report revealed that the “major shareholders” of the company also have registered another company with the address in the British Virgin Islands and linked this company to ThaiBev tycoon Charoen Sirivadhanabhakdi. 69 Property Co. Ltd. was apparently established only 7 days before purchasing the pieces of land from Prayuth’s father."

Edited by waitforusalso
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