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Syria ceasefire more likely to fail than succeed, says Russian FM


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Syria ceasefire more likely to fail than succeed, says Russian FM

By Keith Walker


Russia’s foreign minister said a Syrian ceasefire set to start next week is more likely to fail than succeed.

Sergey Lavrov was speaking at a security conference in the German city of Munich on Saturday (February 13), one day after the International Syria Support Group (ISSG) agreed to a “cessation of hostilities.”

Lavrov warned against demonising Syria’s president Bashar Assad. He said that Syrian opposition forces had besieged thousands of civilians.

“My point is, you should not demonise [syrian President Bashar] Assad, you shouldn’t demonise anyone except terrorists in Syria, and the humanitarian issues must be resolved through co-operation. Mind you, to say unless all humanitarian problems are over, unless violence stops completely, we are not going to negotiate, is a road to nowhere. It’s a blunt provocation.”

International divisions over Syria resurfaced at the German conference where Russia rejected French accusations that it was bombing civilians.

US Secretary of State John Kerry said Moscow must change its targets to respect the ceasefire.

“The vast majority — in our opinion — of Russia’s attacks have been against legitimate opposition groups,” said Kerry. “And to adhere to the agreement that has been made, we think it is critical that Russia’s targeting changes. And the entire ISSG, including Russia, has agreed to work to make that happen.”

Euronews reporter James Franey reported from Munich: “There are still many disagreements between the United States and Russia, none more so than the future of President Bashar Assad.
It’s left some Western diplomats here wondering whether Thursday’s deal to cease hostilties in Syria is even worth the paper it’s written on.
It leaves the prospect of success for any future peace talks looking very unlikely indeed.”

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-14

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It won't succeed because Russia's involvement that was touted as being a threat to ISIS has turned out to be nothing more than a proxy war using Russian air power to bolster Assad's troops

If it were the US that was bombing innocent civilians there would be a hugh and cry but Russia has been getting away with this crap ever since they decided that their Navy base in Syria is more important than ending a civil war or taking on ISIS

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The West and its media lap dogs are managing the "appearance" of the Syrian debacle with much the same finesse- and deceit- as the Ukrainian overthrow they last orchestrated. If anyone thinks this moment in time could have ever yielded a Syrian "peace" of any measure, with or without Russia, they are deluded. Of course not. But the salivating media offer this US/West peace proposal/cease fire and when that which could never have worked does not work they offer that Russia is the obstacle... please. This is the continuation of war outside the battlespace and into the perception/mindspace. The public mindspace has consistently proven the most fertile battle land for the West to work its foul-play because opinion molding is now art form.

People have to be stupid not consider the context leading up to this "cease fire" effort. The US started the war in Syria as an extension of the agent provoked Arab Spring. The US motivated, formed, molded, funded, trained, sustained, ran interference, and led Assad rebel groups with their local dog pecker gnats. Under the cover of the Import/Export front known as FSA, the US built an entire army called DAESH. When Russia enters the fray because

1. They are still reeling from the deceit and destruction of Ukraine and counteracted their encirclement

2. They are tired of watching regional US actors like Turkey crush their ally Assad, and threaten their naval interest... then the US wants "peace."

Is anyone really so stupid? The feign toward peace is a military move under diplomatic cover. It coincides with the public announcement of the US patsies that they are

a. Mobilizing air-force to launch attacks (SA),

b. Mobilizing their army for ground attacks (SA),

3.Preparing for ground attacks (Turkey), and

4. Russia reading all this military feign and projecting its power out into Forward Operating Bases.

The US is taking the battle out of the ground and into the diplomatic space but its not to reach a diplomatic solution, its to leverage an outcome that divides Syria and enhances DAESH- not a status quo, as peace seekers may wish temporarily- the US is seeking to modify facts on the ground by virtue of the appeal to peace.

Be very cautious of the Obama call or move to peace or ceasefire. Inherent in this movement is granting legitimacy to the Obama creation, DAESH. It was always going to be through such mechanisms that a caliphate was granted interim or de facto legitimacy.

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Where in the ceasefire agreement, if indeed it exists for more than a day or so, has the US Administration endeavoured to create legitimacy for Daesh. All parties to the ceasefire have excluded "Daesh [iSIS] and al-Nusra, and any other terrorist organizations designated by the security council".

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