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George W. Bush: From South Carolina cameo to starring role


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George W. Bush: From South Carolina cameo to starring role

GREENVILLE, S.C. (AP) — George W. Bush won a bruising South Carolina presidential primary on his way to the Oval Office, as his father did before him.

Now it's his brother's turn, and for Jeb Bush, the most consequential foreign policy decisions of his brother's time in office are suddenly front-and-center of his bid to keep alive his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination — thanks to Donald Trump.

The former president had already announced plans to campaign for his younger brother on Monday in South Carolina, marking his most direct entry into the 2016 race to date, when the GOP front-runner used the final debate before the state's Feb. 20 primary as an opportunity to excoriate George W. Bush's performance as commander-in-chief.

The former president, Trump said, ignored "the advice of his CIA" and "destabilized the Middle East" by invading Iraq on dubious claims that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

"I want to tell you: they lied," Trump said. "They said there were weapons of mass destruction, there were none. And they knew there were none."

Trump didn't let up as Bush tried to defend his brother, dismissing his suggestion that George W. Bush built a "security apparatus to keep us safe" after the 9/11 attacks.

"The World Trade Center came down during your brother's reign, remember that," Trump said, adding: "That's not keeping us safe."

The onslaught — which Jeb Bush called Trump enjoying "blood sport" — was the latest example of the billionaire businessman's penchant for mocking his rival as a weak, privileged tool of the Republican Party establishment, special interests and well-heeled donors.

But the exchange also highlighted the former Florida governor's embrace of his family name and history as he jockeys with Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Ohio Gov. John Kasich to emerge from South Carolina as the clear challenger to Trump, who won the New Hampshire primary, and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, the victor in Iowa's caucuses.

The approach tacks away from Bush's months-long insistence that he's running as "my own man," but could be a perfect fit for South Carolina. Noted South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, who ended his GOP presidential campaign in December and endorsed Jeb Bush in January, said: "The Bush name is golden in my state."

George W. Bush retains wide appeal among Republicans, from evangelicals to chamber of commerce business leaders and retired members of the military. All are prominent in South Carolina, with Bush campaign aide Brett Foster going so far as to say that George W. Bush is "the most popular Republican alive."

After the debate, some Republicans again suggested Trump had gone too far. Bush wasn't alone on stage leaping to his brother's defense, with Rubio coming back to the moment to say, "I thank God all the time it was George W. Bush in the White House on 9/11 and not Al Gore."

The attack on George W. Bush carries risk for Trump, given the Bush family's long social and political ties in South Carolina and the state's hawkish national security bent, bolstered by more than a half-dozen military installations and a sizable population of veterans who choose to retire in the state.

Trump has repeatedly defied predictions that his comments might threaten his perch atop the field. And as he jousted Saturday with Trump, Jeb Bush said, "this is not about my family or his family."

But the Bush family does have a history in the state that's hard to overlook. In 2000, George W. Bush beat John McCain in a nasty contest, marred by rumors that McCain had an illegitimate black child. McCain adopted a child from Bangladesh. Exit polls showed George W. Bush won nearly every demographic group.

George H.W. Bush, the 41st president, won twice here, beating Bob Dole in 1988 and demolishing Pat Buchanan in 1992.

One of the elder Bush's top strategists, Lee Atwater, hailed from South Carolina and remains a legend in GOP campaign annals. Last week, Jeb Bush touted the endorsement of Iris Campbell, the widow of former South Carolina Gov. Carroll Campbell, a national co-chairman of previous Bush presidential campaigns.

Yet even as he defended his brother's presidency at Saturday's debate, Jeb Bush found a way to distance himself from George W. Bush's business affairs and to criticize Trump at the same time. The issue: eminent domain.

Before entering politics, George W. Bush was part-owner of the Texas Rangers, and their home city of Arlington, Texas, used eminent domain to take private land and build a stadium for the team. Trump has defended such uses of eminent domain as a way to foster economic development.

Retorted Bush, who argued eminent domain should be reserved for public infrastructure projects, "There is all sorts of intrigue about where I disagree with my brother. There would be one right there."

Bustos reported from Miami.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-02-15

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This begs the question, where on earth has Tiny George II been? In my lifetime, I never remember a president hiding out like this guy has been, other than Nixon. Many presidents such as Carter and Clinton establish a real legacy after their time in office, traveling the world, setting up foundations, doing charity work, etc. What has this guy been doing? Is he really as popular as this post suggests? I have been seeing some polls that suggest he is more popular than at any time since he left office. Perhaps it took a decade for the collective memory to erode?

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This begs the question, where on earth has Tiny George II been? In my lifetime, I never remember a president hiding out like this guy has been, other than Nixon. Many presidents such as Carter and Clinton establish a real legacy after their time in office, traveling the world, setting up foundations, doing charity work, etc. What has this guy been doing? Is he really as popular as this post suggests? I have been seeing some polls that suggest he is more popular than at any time since he left office. Perhaps it took a decade for the collective memory to erode?

Georgie spends his days painting. Supposedly. Maybe trying to allay the memory of the horrors he brought to so many people. But of course we know he orchestrated nothing but was merely the front man for the evil cabal that runs US policy.
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This begs the question, where on earth has Tiny George II been? In my lifetime, I never remember a president hiding out like this guy has been, other than Nixon. Many presidents such as Carter and Clinton establish a real legacy after their time in office, traveling the world, setting up foundations, doing charity work, etc. What has this guy been doing? Is he really as popular as this post suggests? I have been seeing some polls that suggest he is more popular than at any time since he left office. Perhaps it took a decade for the collective memory to erode?

Georgie spends his days painting. Supposedly. Maybe trying to allay the memory of the horrors he brought to so many people. But of course we know he orchestrated nothing but was merely the front man for the evil cabal that runs US policy.

It does not matter, as the front man, he was the face of the neocon goons. He was the face of such morons as Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, Cheney, and many other super freaks, who were promoting an extreme and frightening agenda. It has taken a decade to rehabilitate his reputation. My guess is that a fortune has been spent in doing so. As far as the painting BS goes, that is merely the work of a PR agency, who were paid $50k. That guy could not paint a cartoon. That is all it takes to get a story like that out there. The media ate it up. George the gentle artist. Yeah right. This man has the blood of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians on his hands. And I would go so far as to accuse him and his cronies of stealing billions during both administrations. What ever happened to the $30 billion that went missing from the money they sent over to get people to talk and rat out the extremists? Pallets full of cash. What ever happened to 50% of the treasures that were never relocated from the Iraqi National Museum, which was the greatest museum of Mesopotamian art the world has ever seen? Over 3,000 works are still missing, many of which are either priceless, or worth millions each. The Golden Harp of Samaria was never relocated. It is probably worth $40 million, or more. Who wants to bet it is in the living room of one of Cheney's chateaus in Switzerland?

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This begs the question, where on earth has Tiny George II been? In my lifetime, I never remember a president hiding out like this guy has been, other than Nixon. Many presidents such as Carter and Clinton establish a real legacy after their time in office, traveling the world, setting up foundations, doing charity work, etc. What has this guy been doing? Is he really as popular as this post suggests? I have been seeing some polls that suggest he is more popular than at any time since he left office. Perhaps it took a decade for the collective memory to erode?

Georgie spends his days painting. Supposedly. Maybe trying to allay the memory of the horrors he brought to so many people. But of course we know he orchestrated nothing but was merely the front man for the evil cabal that runs US policy.

Couldn't agree more, any person with a modicum of sense knows George W was a puppet so it does make one think why yet another Bush would want a puppet to represent him, Mr. Trump is looking better & better each day..!!

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This begs the question, where on earth has Tiny George II been?

Georgie spends his days painting.
George W. Bush has been active in helping veterans, with projects such as golf outings and mountain bike rides. You people really don't know that? Edited by Ulysses G.
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This begs the question, where on earth has Tiny George II been?

Georgie spends his days painting.
George W. Bush has been active in helping veterans, with projects such as golf outings and mountain bike rides. You people really don't know that?

Right ! Because he needs to make up a little for the Walter Reed fiasco while he was the most pathetic POTUS in history. Good thing he is back to just being DUFUS.

Trump, are you still blaming Bush?

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This begs the question, where on earth has Tiny George II been?

Georgie spends his days painting.
George W. Bush has been active in helping veterans, with projects such as golf outings and mountain bike rides. You people really don't know that?

It's good to know he is giving a little back to some of the thousands whose lives he helped destroy.

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George W. Bush has been active in helping veterans, with projects such as golf outings and mountain bike rides. You people really don't know that?

Wow! Maybe he can teach them basket weaving too. I mean the ones who were crippled, who can't go on hikes or bike rides. The ones who lost limbs because of his vanity. He just couldn't acknowldege that he's made a mistake. Remember during the early stages of the Iraq War how soldiers were calling for their vehicles to be reinforced because of IED's? And how Bush resisted because to do that would mean that the insurgency was real and we were in there for the long haul? That man has so much blood- American blood - needlessly spilled on his hands. And yet it doesn't seem to arouse the ire of right wingers at all. At the very least he should sell up everything he owns and donate it to those veterans. And after that, if he wants to he can still play camp counselor.

Edited by stillbornagain
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This begs the question, where on earth has Tiny George II been? In my lifetime, I never remember a president hiding out like this guy has been, other than Nixon. Many presidents such as Carter and Clinton establish a real legacy after their time in office, traveling the world, setting up foundations, doing charity work, etc. What has this guy been doing? Is he really as popular as this post suggests? I have been seeing some polls that suggest he is more popular than at any time since he left office. Perhaps it took a decade for the collective memory to erode?

He has taken up painting and he is quite good. Not nearly as good as Prince Charles but he is really not bad for an amateur painter.

Edited by Ulic
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This begs the question, where on earth has Tiny George II been? In my lifetime, I never remember a president hiding out like this guy has been, other than Nixon. Many presidents such as Carter and Clinton establish a real legacy after their time in office, traveling the world, setting up foundations, doing charity work, etc. What has this guy been doing? Is he really as popular as this post suggests? I have been seeing some polls that suggest he is more popular than at any time since he left office. Perhaps it took a decade for the collective memory to erode?

He has taken up painting and he is quite good. Not nearly as good as Prince Charles but he is really not bad for an amateur painter.

These days, for between $10,000 and $50,000 you can hire a good PR firm, and they will feed any bit of information to the media you like. It is a way that guys like Trump, Bush, Soros, and several others have used to rehabilitate their reputations, which were in drastic need of repair. In the case of Trump, notice how many people are recently saying "I read a story about this woman who knows Trump, and she says he is a teddy bear. Such a nice guy. Not at all like the public persona". Well, this is PR. He is not a nice guy. Never has been. Never will be. As far as Bush the artist goes, I would need to witness that man demonstrating any sort of creativity, to believe it. I am very skeptical of the media. I believe very little of what I hear. Especially, when it is about hooligans and fools.

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This begs the question, where on earth has Tiny George II been? In my lifetime, I never remember a president hiding out like this guy has been, other than Nixon. Many presidents such as Carter and Clinton establish a real legacy after their time in office, traveling the world, setting up foundations, doing charity work, etc. What has this guy been doing? Is he really as popular as this post suggests? I have been seeing some polls that suggest he is more popular than at any time since he left office. Perhaps it took a decade for the collective memory to erode?

He is hiding, together with his known friends, because he knows the net is closing tighter and tighter around him.

" 9/11: A decade of deception".

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I think the American public has had enough of the Bush dynasty. Poor Jeb isn't getting any traction and GW can't help him. Neither did his mother. I guess I can't blame him for trying.

GW is wasting his time anyway. Trump is going to win on Saturday by a landslide.

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Cheny/Bush et al should have faced and still should face a Nuremberg Trial with the same outcome as the Nazi war criminals because they are war criminals. There are several countries they can not go to because of the threat of arrest. Keep GitMo open for those that really belong there.

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George W. Bush has been active in helping veterans, with projects such as golf outings and mountain bike rides. You people really don't know that?

Yes, this outstanding citizen now holds speeches for war veterans and has the gall to charge 100.000 dollars a pop for that. What a great guy!

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This begs the question, where on earth has Tiny George II been?

Georgie spends his days painting.
George W. Bush has been active in helping veterans, with projects such as golf outings and mountain bike rides. You people really don't know that?

Laying very very very low. A guy who was so incompetent he nearly destroyed the entire global financial system. Totally destabilised the entire middle east. The death and financial destruction W Bush imposed upon the world is absolutely incalculable. An endorsement from W Bush? You may as well capitulate the moment the thought enters your head. Seriously, give yourself an upper cut just for entertaining the thought. He is one of the main reasons the Republican Party is unelectable. I reckon if W Bush was engaged to speak at a kindergarten the little children would be smart enough to just keep playing with their building blocks and totally ignore him. Maybe slip him $50 on his way out to buy some lunch.

An endorsement from W Bush, Jeb really has lost his mind. Stupidity must be genetic.

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an act of desperation on JEB's part

Watch out for a rebranding again for the 4 or 5 time. The Bush bamboozling brothers tag team is coming to town. Of course they pick the spots one of the few spots where GWB was "understood" I think there are states where the feelings towards GWB are not so tolerant and of course he will not appear there. Bush needs all the help he can get. If Trump was smart he would delve back into history to the times of Prescott Bush who was a friend of the Fuhrer and Krupp. Read A BBC Radio 4 investigation sheds new light on a major subject that has received little historical attention, the conspiracy on behalf of a group of influential power brokers, led by Prescott Bush, to overthrow FDR and implement a fascist dictatorship in the U.S. based around the ideology of Mussolini and Hitler. The sad part was that nobody was ever brought to justice just like today. And you want to vote for a man whose ancestor wanted to overthrow the United States of America? Yeah sure.

Edited by elgordo38
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This begs the question, where on earth has Tiny George II been?

Georgie spends his days painting.
George W. Bush has been active in helping veterans, with projects such as golf outings and mountain bike rides. You people really don't know that?

Guilty conscience?

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'Noted South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham ... said: "The Bush name is golden in my state." And tarnished elsewhere.

'... Rubio ... "I thank God all the time it was George W. Bush in the White House on 9/11 and not Al Gore."' Yes, well, Richardhead Cheney wouldn't have been pulling the strings of a Gore presidency.

Edited by Jonmarleesco
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This begs the question, where on earth has Tiny George II been?

Georgie spends his days painting.
George W. Bush has been active in helping veterans, with projects such as golf outings and mountain bike rides. You people really don't know that?

Absolutely priceless, comment of the year as he created most of them! Did you also know that Hitler was an artist, perhaps we can forgive his genocide as well?

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I can just hear the conversation around the Bush dinner table

Jeb: But Mom, why cant I be president? George was president, I want o be presidet too.

Barbara : George , stop with your finger painting and help your brother be president

George: Ohh Mom, do I have to?

Edited by sirineou
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