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Bush is back: George W endorses brother Jeb in South Carolina

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Bush is back: George W endorses brother Jeb in South Carolina


SOUTH CAROLINA, USA -- Bush is back…

Just days ahead of the next primary vote, former US President George W Bush has come out in support of his brother Jeb. The move ahead of the South Carolina poll is an effort to get his Republican presidential campaign off the ground.

It could be a risky move. While he remains hugely popular in staunchly Republican South Carolina, nationally, views on the former leader are mixed due, in part, to the Iraq War which he launched in 2003.

But for now, the 69-year-old appears to have charmed the crowd. His speech started with jokes and ended with praise for “My big little brother, Jeb Bush.”

“There seems to be a lot of name-calling going on but I want to remind you what our good dad told me one time: labels are for soup cans. The presidency is a serious job that requires sound judgment and good ideas. And there’s no doubt in my mind that Jeb Bush has the experience and the character to be a great president.”

Source: http://www.euronews.com/2016/02/16/bush-is-back-george-w-endorses-brother-jeb-in-south-carolina/

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-02-16


His idiot, evil brother is the biggest thing working against Jeb

How could he think this could help?

Is he as stupid as his brother?


I know a lot of conservative Americans, but I don't know what that wants a re-visit to the George W. years. Although there were some positive things during his tenure, it is overwhelmingly remembered for bad things, mistakes and very poor grammar.

It's a little like people who survived the electric chair. I suspect there wasn't much about it that they remembered fondly, except maybe the last meal before the zap.


'W'!!! Hell no! What a can of worms, the GOP needs W to help combat the big 'D', what kind of help is that? Combined with Palin.....What is in the mind of GOP voters, this party isn't even close to the party of Lincon? sad.pngwai.gif


GW is a mixed bag. He's a really likable guy. Remember, when the US went to war in Iraq it hadn't been long since 9/11 and the people were shocked and mad as hell. It didn't take much to convince most people a war was appropriate. As time has gone by more and more people have come to think that war was a mistake. Of course there were those pesky WMD's and I don't know anyone who knows but what GW and Tony Blair actually believed they were there. The people I know just don't know... ?? The UK provided 1/3 of the troops for that invasion but of course GW gets all of the blame.

Bush presided over 9/11 and many rational people including some in the TSA said Bush was too afraid of not being PC and therefore security at the airports wasn't what it is now. Those killers might not get on the planes today or even later in Bush's presidency. It is very true that Bush tied the hands of the TSA though.

Then there was the financial collapse of 2008 in which both the run-up to it and the actual event were totally on Bush's watch.* Millions of Americans lost most of what they had from housing and stock collapses. I don't know how many people actively blame Bush for that but he was the Pres for that one. *Yes Bill Clinton signed the Community Reinvestment Act which made housing credit too loose and enabled... but Bush had the reigns for five years before the collapse.

After all of that, it seems to me that it was inevitable that the US would elect a Democrat and even one who promised "Hope and Change". So here we are today, with Obama almost doubling the national debt and the economy not that great and jobs not paying all that well and nothing being done about illegal immigration or jobs being shipped to China and Mexico and...

So now it's time for the Democrats to again be in jeopardy. The people I know view a Hillary win as another 8 years of Obama and they shudder about the things listed above.

We live in interesting times.



Scum + scum = double scum!

Just get Dick Cheney into the picture somehow, and you've got a new axis of evil.

Easy there your giving the word scum a bad name. A true sign of desperation. If you have any doubts about the Bush dynasty read up on Prescott Bush its all on Google and how he tried to overthrow Roosevelt and set up a neo con dynasty. A high ranking officer called Smedly no not the poster here caused it to fail and again sadly the cabal behind the the coup attempt were never punished.


GW is a mixed bag. He's a really likable guy. Remember, when the US went to war in Iraq it hadn't been long since 9/11 and the people were shocked and mad as hell. It didn't take much to convince most people a war was appropriate. As time has gone by more and more people have come to think that war was a mistake. Of course there were those pesky WMD's and I don't know anyone who knows but what GW and Tony Blair actually believed they were there. The people I know just don't know... ?? The UK provided 1/3 of the troops for that invasion but of course GW gets all of the blame.

Bush presided over 9/11 and many rational people including some in the TSA said Bush was too afraid of not being PC and therefore security at the airports wasn't what it is now. Those killers might not get on the planes today or even later in Bush's presidency. It is very true that Bush tied the hands of the TSA though.

Then there was the financial collapse of 2008 in which both the run-up to it and the actual event were totally on Bush's watch.* Millions of Americans lost most of what they had from housing and stock collapses. I don't know how many people actively blame Bush for that but he was the Pres for that one. *Yes Bill Clinton signed the Community Reinvestment Act which made housing credit too loose and enabled... but Bush had the reigns for five years before the collapse.

After all of that, it seems to me that it was inevitable that the US would elect a Democrat and even one who promised "Hope and Change". So here we are today, with Obama almost doubling the national debt and the economy not that great and jobs not paying all that well and nothing being done about illegal immigration or jobs being shipped to China and Mexico and...

So now it's time for the Democrats to again be in jeopardy. The people I know view a Hillary win as another 8 years of Obama and they shudder about the things listed above.

We live in interesting times.



Agree with most everything but a couple of minor points.

'*Yes Bill Clinton signed the Community Reinvestment Act which made housing credit too loose and enabled... but Bush had the reigns for five years before the collapse.

Jimmy Carter signed the Community Reinvestment Act into law, not Clinton. Clinton discovered it and put Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac on steroids to force the sub-prime loans on the lending institutions by introducing quotas.

Bush warned Congress about it in 2003 and later.

and the Democrats in Congress ignored him.


OMG, the last thing the world needs is another Bush as president. I wonder which country they're eyeing up now to go in to plunder the wealth and resources.


I did not care for many of GW's policies. Having worked in the Middle East, and spent a lot of time in Iraq, I can rather confidently say that the place is replete with conspiracies and rumors. The intelligence was faulty and the sources were largely untrustworthy. The people in the Department of Defense and the Department of State should have given better guidance on these issues. I suspect that the CIA had too much invested in their in-country operatives to be objective.

That said, getting trustworthy and reasonable intelligence out the ME is extremely difficult. Saddam was not very cooperative and he wished for Iran, whom he was scared of, to think he had WMD.

Hindsight is 20/20.

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