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Sell some products from Thailand online

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Hello guys,

As in a previous post regarding to establish a business that belongs to a cousin, most of the replies and feedback telling negative advise,

the guy after hearing from me all these negative stories, seems became not really willing to go step further,

He is thinking of online store to sell some local products,

His idea like this:

will do the license of online service company, rent a space where to employ online sales staff, and partially to be a store where to keep the products for sale,

I told him this is Amazon or eBay alike style, but no idea in detail,

since a week and he telling about his idea and asking what to sell? where to buy cheap prices etc?,

Again, I came to ask here, any of you guys done like this before?

or heard about such idea? does it really pay? for a small online store as per his idea is safer then other option?

Any advise, or comment will be very much appreciated, as well thanks for to all previous advises, that possible prevented him from a lose deal.


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It's obvious that some make money doing it because there are millions of people doing it. His best bet is to use ebay or facebook. From my observation, it seems that the Thais are really into buying things on Facebook and there are no fees involved as with ebay.

As to what to sell - well let's face it, if he doesn't know what to sell, and doesn't know how to sell, he's on a bit of a rocky road to ruin. He should have those ideas himself shouldn't he? I mean, a budding entrepreneur should at least have a little bit of a clue. blink.png

You don't need to set up a company, doesn't need any licences, don't worry about tax or anything else as he will be well under the radar. His business will be along the lines of a street trader and not subject to obligations for VAT etc until turnover hits 1.8M baht, which he will struggle to ever get to.

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It's obvious that some make money doing it because there are millions of people doing it. His best bet is to use ebay or facebook. From my observation, it seems that the Thais are really into buying things on Facebook and there are no fees involved as with ebay.

As to what to sell - well let's face it, if he doesn't know what to sell, and doesn't know how to sell, he's on a bit of a rocky road to ruin. He should have those ideas himself shouldn't he? I mean, a budding entrepreneur should at least have a little bit of a clue. blink.png

You don't need to set up a company, doesn't need any licences, don't worry about tax or anything else as he will be well under the radar. His business will be along the lines of a street trader and not subject to obligations for VAT etc until turnover hits 1.8M baht, which he will struggle to ever get to.

I totally agree with you, for a reason he is new to here, and myself I am not involved in this kind of trades to give him my advise or recommendation, so I assumed that maybe of our Thai visa guys doing it, or his girlfriend or wife, to share some ideas,

However, will share what I heard, best wishes to all..

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Ok. we sell on Ebay now ,

but how do you "sell" on Facebook

All I see on Facebook is people taking selfies and pictures of Lunch :)

How can you sell stuff and get people who are not your followers to see what you are trying to sell ?

if there is a blog / webpage telling how to do it I would love to know


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