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Donald Trump falls to 2nd place in new national poll


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I would rather George Bush do a third term than Cruz. I think the GOP establishment

should think long and hard between Cruz and Trump. Trump may be a bit of a buffoon

but Cruz is truly a loony. So between those two for me it is TRUMP. thumbsup.gif

I've never felt that Cruz was a loony, so must be something going on I don't know about.

However, he's a professional politician, so bought and sold, bought and sold. Trump is the only candidate that can't be bought.

Trump is funding his own campaign, because he has the wealth. Remind me again...from where is Sanders campaign funds being raised? Only candidate addressing the wealth gap which has destroyed the social fabric of the US. The working American citizen sees that they can no longer hope to be better off through their work and yet a minority at the top have reaped tremendous wealth.

Here's what Bernie's all about. http://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/bernie-sanders-the-bum-who-wants-your-money/

Read the opinionated conservative article which starts out by calling Sanders a, "Bum". I agree wholeheartedly with the ending paragragh, with my parentheses included. "... a battle between those who create and produce wealth (for themselves) and those who take it and redistribute it (for the benefit of working American families). We need to deal with the reason that Trump and Sanders are attracting so much popular support. The wealth gap is destroying the American social fabric (although a case can be made that this is not solely and American problem in global wealth distribution. Damn those poor people will just not die quietly!

Agree Bernie is a bum. Definitely.

Good luck with your alternative getting your vote.

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He has negotiated his way around several bankruptcies, shouting at bankers, "you can't foreclose on me. I'm too big!" -snip-

Why does this silly and false story keep getting repeated? Trump has never gone bankrupt. He has, as a lot of investors including hedge funds do, bought companies that are poorly run and broke. He turns them around and makes money which takes a lot of talent.

The business is bankrupt before he buys it but it just hasn't filed. He takes it through Chapter 11 bankruptcy which is the type of bankruptcy that saves the company, the landlord's tenant and the employee's jobs. The losers if any are big banks that shouldn't have made the loans in the first place and remember, it wasn't Trump who borrowed the money. They weren't his loans.

It takes a lot of talent and knowledge to turn a loser around and make it profitable and he's done it a number of times. The guy has the Midas touch when it comes to running a business.


People who like to say how often Trump has declared bankruptcy forget he is a multi-billionaire now. That's the kind of recovery our country needs.

After SC, I am finding myself having to get used to the near fact that Trump will be the nominee. In the general election (don't waste time posting poll results from 9 months before the election) he will destroy Clinton or Sanders.

Trump will also make Hillary or Sanders looks like Mondale in 1984. Bernie would win only Vermont and Wash DC. Hillary would do better, more like Carter in 1980 winning a handful of states.

The Democrats only hope is for Biden to enter the race. He's a gaffe machine, but a lovable gaffe machine.

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Hey, the pope himself is an immigrant in the Vatican given he's from Argentina.

Lotsa other immigrants there too called cardinals, bishops, monsignors, regular priests from all around and about the globe. The percentage of immigrants and foreign passport holders (clergy) in the Vatican is probably higher than there are immigrants in New York and its five boroughs. wink.png

Only Londonistan or France might have a greater percentage per capita of immigrants than the Vatican. gigglem.gif

How many of these "immigrants" in the Vatican wear Burkas? How many are ME Muslims?


The Vatican is the most exclusive club on the planet. I actually don't recall seeing a black man there, and I've spent several days there. I suspect you'd have to be Catholic to live there. I'm glad I'm not but rather visited as a tourist. I did see an incredible fortune in artwork not to mention the elaborate architecture.

Stop your equivalency shit if you please. The Pope made an idiot out of himself by calling Trump's proposals "not Christian" when he is the blackest of the kettles. Trump handled him wonderfully by forgiving him for "not understanding".


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Trump is a billionaire because his dad was a rich real estate mogul. Trump has been marginally successful in real estate. However, has failed in business overall. If he had simply invested his money in the S&P 500 instead of all of his business deals, he would be worth more than he is today.

Overall, Trump has been successful in two things. One is some success in the Manhattan real estate market (but a lot of this is because of his dad, who actually created the real estate empire). The other is in building "Trump" as a brand an licensing the name.

Outside of this, when Trump has actually tried to run a business, he has failed frequently. Trump airlines, Trump mortgage, and the Trump branded casinos would be some examples. Trump airlines is a good example because is was a successful regional airline that Trump ran into the ground because he had a very expensive vision of what an airline should be that was far from the reality of what the traveling public wanted.

Interestingly, when confronted with these failures, Trump's response seems to generally be to pass blame. If there is a reason he should not be president, this is it. The president is ultimately responsible for his decisions, and he cannot excuse them by saying he only held a 30% stake in the company.

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Trump is a billionaire because his dad was a rich real estate mogul. Trump has been marginally successful in real estate. However, has failed in business overall. If he had simply invested his money in the S&P 500 instead of all of his business deals, he would be worth more than he is today.

Overall, Trump has been successful in two things. One is some success in the Manhattan real estate market (but a lot of this is because of his dad, who actually created the real estate empire). The other is in building "Trump" as a brand an licensing the name.

Outside of this, when Trump has actually tried to run a business, he has failed frequently. Trump airlines, Trump mortgage, and the Trump branded casinos would be some examples. Trump airlines is a good example because is was a successful regional airline that Trump ran into the ground because he had a very expensive vision of what an airline should be that was far from the reality of what the traveling public wanted.

Interestingly, when confronted with these failures, Trump's response seems to generally be to pass blame. If there is a reason he should not be president, this is it. The president is ultimately responsible for his decisions, and he cannot excuse them by saying he only held a 30% stake in the company.

While the current President is still blaming his predecessor seven years into his Presidency?

That is also called passing the blame.

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Interestingly, when confronted with these failures, Trump's response seems to generally be to pass blame. If there is a reason he should not be president, this is it. The president is ultimately responsible for his decisions, and he cannot excuse them by saying he only held a 30% stake in the company.

He could always claim that he first heard about these failures on the news like everyone else.

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Trump is a billionaire because his dad was a rich real estate mogul. Trump has been marginally successful in real estate. However, has failed in business overall. If he had simply invested his money in the S&P 500 instead of all of his business deals, he would be worth more than he is today.

As would most people. I would too, although that would have left me nothing to live on all these decades.
But who would just put daddy's money in the stock market and do nothing but sit home for 30 years? It's admirable that he has taken chances and despite what his critics say he has achieved much success and was known the world over long before this election campaign. Oh, and he is also a multi-billionaire.
Trying to paint Trump as a loser in business would be a losing bet for the Democrats. I wonder what kind of odds they could get on that in one of Trump's casinos?
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Trump is a billionaire because his dad was a rich real estate mogul. Trump has been marginally successful in real estate. However, has failed in business overall. If he had simply invested his money in the S&P 500 instead of all of his business deals, he would be worth more than he is today.

As would most people. I would too, although that would have left me nothing to live on all these decades.

But who would just put daddy's money in the stock market and do nothing but sit home for 30 years? It's admirable that he has taken chances and despite what his critics say he has achieved much success and was known the world over long before this election campaign. Oh, and he is also a multi-billionaire.

Trying to paint Trump as a loser in business would be a losing bet for the Democrats. I wonder what kind of odds they could get on that in one of Trump's casinos?

Not a loser, but certainly not the success he would have you believe he is. He doesn't even realise his privilege, he claims his early business venture was difficult because his father expected him to repay the $1,000,000 loan, whereas anyone without a rich daddy wouldn't even be considered for such a loan by the banks.

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Bernie is not a bum. He is an honest well intentioned guy who happens to be incredibly naive. No way can a socialist government support people from birth to the grave. Hillary is still Hillary. The same liar, thief and maybe murderer that she has always been. The former assumed republican front runner, Jeb Bush would have meant business exactly as usual. Rubio may be a bit better but he is still an establishment politician. Cruz, in my opinion, just seems to be sleazy. That leaves the Donald. People are sick of business as usual and want a change whether that is right or wrong. It will take a very astute businessman to tackle the huge twenty one trillion dollar national debt.

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Bernie is not a bum. He is an honest well intentioned guy who happens to be incredibly naive. No way can a socialist government support people from birth to the grave. Hillary is still Hillary. The same liar, thief and maybe murderer that she has always been. The former assumed republican front runner, Jeb Bush would have meant business exactly as usual. Rubio may be a bit better but he is still an establishment politician. Cruz, in my opinion, just seems to be sleazy. That leaves the Donald. People are sick of business as usual and want a change whether that is right or wrong. It will take a very astute businessman to tackle the huge twenty one trillion dollar national debt.

In case you missed it... http://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/bernie-sanders-the-bum-who-wants-your-money/

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The scary thing about the elections is that it doesn't matter who the candidates are. Democrats will vote for whoever the democrat candidate is even if she is in jail. The democrats have half the vote already. Unneeded government employees, welfare professionals, dead people and illegal voters will never bite the hands that feed them.

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Trump has negotiated his way into countless big deals with politicians at the state and city hall, with bankers, real estate people, big companies that lease from him, etc. etc. He's negotiated those landmines and he can take care of himself just fine, thank you. Cheers.

He has negotiated his way around several bankruptcies, shouting at bankers, "you can't foreclose on me. I'm too big!"

Yes, Trump rubs shoulders with big shots who, like him, lust after amassing wealth, but those are about .02% of the people who will vote in November. The majority of American voters are struggling to make ends meet, and they don't like being called 'losers' due to the fact they're not rich.

^^^ Trump just keeps winning. Big.

....yes, among rednecks. Wait until he has to contend in the arena of voters of all stripes. The American public is composed of gays, scientists, poor people, overweight women, Catholics, humble people, Mexican-Americans, Islamists, and many other sub-groups that Trump has offended recently. Thus far, Trump hasn't been tested by the vast majority of American voters, ....only a small slice.

It's interesting that the top 3 Republicans are anathema to the average American voter. It's hard to pick who is best or who is worst among the top 3. They're all anti-science, prejudiced, rich-coddling, empathyless, joyless, self-enamored braggarts. It will be v. interesting to see who will be put up to lose against Hillary or Bernie. It could well be like the trouncing of Goldwater in the 1960's. I'm actually enjoying this election cycle. It's odd though, we don't hear of candidates for other offices.

Also: None of the 3 top Reps respects what 96% of top scientists assert re; climate change. They all think they know better than experts. Meanwhile, the effects of global warming are evident already: flooding cities, drier-than-usual deserts, floods of desperate migrants, smog-choked cities, disease and insects and other species spreading to places where it used to be too cold for them to thrive, etc......

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...... It will take a very astute businessman to tackle the huge twenty one trillion dollar national debt.

....like a businessman who filed for bankruptcy at least 4 times? ...like a businessman who would put a 25% added tariff (on top of other tariffs and duties) on all products from US companies which have the audacity to open plants outside the US? ....like a businessman who relishes firing people right and left, while keeping minimum wage as low as possible?

Note to Trump: when minimum wage is raised, workers have more money. They're probably low income, so they're going to spend all the money they make (maybe they'll buy some Trump ties which are made-in-China). It's been shown that; each dollar spent in a community usually circulates at least 6x before it's stashed away by some bank or rich person.

In contrast, when rich people get money, they often try to hide it overseas in a numbered account. That hidden money doesn't benefit Americans and also doesn't generate any taxes - because a big reason it's hidden overseas is to avoid taxes. Trump wants the rich to get richer, and the poor to get poorer. If for no other reason, that should be reason enough to drop The Donald like a burnt twinkie.

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...... It will take a very astute businessman to tackle the huge twenty one trillion dollar national debt.

....like a businessman who filed for bankruptcy at least 4 times? ...like a businessman who would put a 25% added tariff (on top of other tariffs and duties) on all products from US companies which have the audacity to open plants outside the US? ....like a businessman who relishes firing people right and left, while keeping minimum wage as low as possible?

Note to Trump: when minimum wage is raised, workers have more money. They're probably low income, so they're going to spend all the money they make (maybe they'll buy some Trump ties which are made-in-China). It's been shown that; each dollar spent in a community usually circulates at least 6x before it's stashed away by some bank or rich person.

In contrast, when rich people get money, they often try to hide it overseas in a numbered account. That hidden money doesn't benefit Americans and also doesn't generate any taxes - because a big reason it's hidden overseas is to avoid taxes. Trump wants the rich to get richer, and the poor to get poorer. If for no other reason, that should be reason enough to drop The Donald like a burnt twinkie.

The minimum wage concept is a joke. Why not raise it to $500/hr? Then we'd all be rich.

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...... It will take a very astute businessman to tackle the huge twenty one trillion dollar national debt.

....like a businessman who filed for bankruptcy at least 4 times? ...like a businessman who would put a 25% added tariff (on top of other tariffs and duties) on all products from US companies which have the audacity to open plants outside the US? ....like a businessman who relishes firing people right and left, while keeping minimum wage as low as possible?

Note to Trump: when minimum wage is raised, workers have more money. They're probably low income, so they're going to spend all the money they make (maybe they'll buy some Trump ties which are made-in-China). It's been shown that; each dollar spent in a community usually circulates at least 6x before it's stashed away by some bank or rich person.

In contrast, when rich people get money, they often try to hide it overseas in a numbered account. That hidden money doesn't benefit Americans and also doesn't generate any taxes - because a big reason it's hidden overseas is to avoid taxes. Trump wants the rich to get richer, and the poor to get poorer. If for no other reason, that should be reason enough to drop The Donald like a burnt twinkie.

The minimum wage concept is a joke. Why not raise it to $500/hr? Then we'd all be rich.

It wouldn't be a joke if you were trying to raise a family doing a menial job. Or if you were a factory worker where your boss is making 330 times more than you for sitting on his butt and reading newspapers.

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Trump has negotiated his way into countless big deals with politicians at the state and city hall, with bankers, real estate people, big companies that lease from him, etc. etc. He's negotiated those landmines and he can take care of himself just fine, thank you. Cheers.

He has negotiated his way around several bankruptcies, shouting at bankers, "you can't foreclose on me. I'm too big!"

Yes, Trump rubs shoulders with big shots who, like him, lust after amassing wealth, but those are about .02% of the people who will vote in November. The majority of American voters are struggling to make ends meet, and they don't like being called 'losers' due to the fact they're not rich.

^^^ Trump just keeps winning. Big.

Trump got 33 percent of the R party vote in South Carolina. While he won by 10 percentage points, 33% of the total vote is not big.

There are several wild cards and Ben Carson is one. If Carson pulls out the conventional wisdom is Cruz benefits. (I think Trump benefits, but let's go with the conventional wisdom.) Carson out and his voters going to Cruz would keep Trump in the mid 30s percentile and increase Cruz's percentage of the vote in each state. Carson won't pull out however cause he keeps getting bucks and he wants a big speech at the national convention in August to help sell more of his asinine books.

Kasich is another wild card. If Kasich pulls out, the wisdom is Rubio benefits. Kasich is determined to hang in there to March 15 when Ohio votes, but it's unlikely he'll be able to keep at it. He's on the ballot in Ohio as the favorite son governor whether he's still in the race or not. Kasich voters however won't go to Trump or Cruz. Only Rubio. If so, Trump loses again cause he still has his iron ceiling.

Bush voters will not vote for Trump no matter what. Rubio gets that benefit; Kasich somewhat too. The bottom line is the fewer votes Trump inherits and the more Rubio and Cruz inherit, the less likely Trump can go into the August nominating convention with it in the bag. It then would be a convention fight among Trump, Rubio, Cruz.

In short the country is looking at a Republican circular firing squad convention event. Very bloody. Breaks my heart. biggrin.png

33% is massive when there's 6 runners.

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I watched Trump being interviewed for a solid hour last night on MSNBC which definitely leans left. He answered everything they asked him. There was a studio audience that repeatedly applauded Trump.

Watch out. This guy is really good. He's punching the main tickets that Americans are really concerned about. Even the talking heads at MSNBC wound up showing him respect.


I just watched the entire interview - and I gotta agree. Trump clearly was not everyone's favourite - but after a slow start (he is not a 'smooth' politician) he won the interviewers and audience over by providing non-nonsense sensible and clearly genuine answers. Quite impressive - he has a lot of substance. Not everyone agreed with everything he said - but they all saw he was speaking the truth, and not just giving 'correct' answers in order to get elected. Trump has absolutely nothing to lose, but is totally committed to winning. He is gonna be hard to beat, as long as he doesn't say something stupid - like 'I will nuke Mecca'.

My bold. I think if he say's something like your last sentence, however stupid you may think that would be, he would probably secure 90% of the votes in the USA :D

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Also: None of the 3 top Reps respects what 96% of top scientists assert re; climate change. They all think they know better than experts. Meanwhile, the effects of global warming are evident already: flooding cities, drier-than-usual deserts, floods of desperate migrants, smog-choked cities, disease and insects and other species spreading to places where it used to be too cold for them to thrive, etc......

Have you called Bruce to see if he's available for Armageddon II?

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I watched Trump being interviewed for a solid hour last night on MSNBC which definitely leans left. He answered everything they asked him. There was a studio audience that repeatedly applauded Trump.

Watch out. This guy is really good. He's punching the main tickets that Americans are really concerned about. Even the talking heads at MSNBC wound up showing him respect.


I just watched the entire interview - and I gotta agree. Trump clearly was not everyone's favourite - but after a slow start (he is not a 'smooth' politician) he won the interviewers and audience over by providing non-nonsense sensible and clearly genuine answers. Quite impressive - he has a lot of substance. Not everyone agreed with everything he said - but they all saw he was speaking the truth, and not just giving 'correct' answers in order to get elected. Trump has absolutely nothing to lose, but is totally committed to winning. He is gonna be hard to beat, as long as he doesn't say something stupid - like 'I will nuke Mecca'.

My bold. I think if he say's something like your last sentence, however stupid you may think that would be, he would probably secure 90% of the votes in the USA biggrin.png

He's getting there.

Trump Endorses Mass Execution (With Pigs’ Blood-Dipped Bullets) to Fight Terrorism

It seems nothing he says hurts him.

The USA in self destruct mode:


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^^^ Bush dropped out. Even his mommy and huge insider donors couldn't save him.

There are two favorites of the big donor class - Bush and Rubio. Added together, their votes in S. Carolina would still have lost to Trump.

This is the year of the outsider.

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In contrast, when rich people get money, they often try to hide it overseas in a numbered account. That hidden money doesn't benefit Americans and also doesn't generate any taxes - because a big reason it's hidden overseas is to avoid taxes.

They "hide" money because of the government has made the USA a bad investment. Why not make America a place they want to invest in? A place where they want to keep their money? Instead some just want to try to punish them under the false belief that rich people can't afford accountants who will always find a way.

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Wow, this thread started out about how Trump had fallen to 2nd place in S. Carolina 555. Now the TVF pundits still have him as a loser even after he won it big.

Does no one think that there are Democrats in the wings who are tired of having jobs shipped to China and Mexico and... Thailand? None who are tired of having wages driven down by illegal immigrants who work under the table for less than minimum wage? None who don't want the country taken over by other cultures as they SEE happening in Europe? None who are tired of the big Wall Street and Pharma choosing their leaders?

People need to wake up. This is the revolution. Union workers I talk to want Trump because they've lost too many jobs overseas. Liberals care about their livelihoods too. They aren't immune to voting their pocketbooks.

Trump is the only viable candidate in 50 years who people believe will actually kick some ass on the insiders in DC.

Oh, and Obama's executive orders aren't popular will all Democrats either. Blacks and even well established Hispanics don't like illegals taking their jobs. Wait until you see Trump's executive orders which Obama greased the skids for.

You are right that those people haven't chosen yet but you may be really surprised what they chose. Yesterday in S. Carolina Trump got 2/3 of the Evangelical vote while the only Evangelicals in the race are Carson and Cruze. Cruze thought he had a lock on that but the voters are looking at the big picture.

Hillary would keep up the illegal immigration and make it worse. So would Sanders. They don't really care about the American workers and poor. They think they can pander to them and win. They are mistaken about what's finally happening.


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Wow, this thread started out about how Trump had fallen to 2nd place in S. Carolina 555. Now the TVF pundits still have him as a loser even after he won it big.

Does no one think that there are Democrats in the wings who are tired of having jobs shipped to China and Mexico and... Thailand? None who are tired of having wages driven down by illegal immigrants who work under the table for less than minimum wage? None who don't want the country taken over by other cultures as they SEE happening in Europe? None who are tired of the big Wall Street and Pharma choosing their leaders?

People need to wake up. This is the revolution. Union workers I talk to want Trump because they've lost too many jobs overseas. Liberals care about their livelihoods too. They aren't immune to voting their pocketbooks.

Trump is the only viable candidate in 50 years who people believe will actually kick some ass on the insiders in DC.

Oh, and Obama's executive orders aren't popular will all Democrats either. Blacks and even well established Hispanics don't like illegals taking their jobs. Wait until you see Trump's executive orders which Obama greased the skids for.

You are right that those people haven't chosen yet but you may be really surprised what they chose. Yesterday in S. Carolina Trump got 2/3 of the Evangelical vote while the only Evangelicals in the race are Carson and Cruze. Cruze thought he had a lock on that but the voters are looking at the big picture.

Hillary would keep up the illegal immigration and make it worse. So would Sanders. They don't really care about the American workers and poor. They think they can pander to them and win. They are mistaken about what's finally happening.


Swish all net...

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