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Donald Trump falls to 2nd place in new national poll


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A short video for liberals;

The right is always confused. Worse, confounded.

Liberals in the USA have nothing to gain or seek from the Peronist traditions of Argentina or any of 'em down there in the subcontinent. Rightwingers of the US far super right well know the tradition in Argentina is of fascism with a cedilla. Its having been put to music by Madonna can be confusing to the US right, but the US right needs to keep in mind that Madonna is a singer-actress and not a politician or an ideologue.

Argentina had been very closely associated with the now fallen Brics. No genuine or self-respecting US liberal would associate with that bunch of Brazil in its disastrous and deep recession, Russia currently going bankrupt under its sanctioned dictator, CCP China and its crumbling economy George Soros is shorting to the fury of the CCP Boyz of Beijing. The only Bricks survivor is India which has gone radical by currently and actively, openly, come over to the US side and against Beijing and the rest of the broken fascist Brics.

Do try to keep up plse thx.

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Just watching Trump on Fox News Hannity, if I was American and cared about my country I would be voting for him.

Makes so much scene no matter how eccentric people might think he is


Edited by donnybay
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One of my problems with Trump is, he relishes rubbing people the wrong way. It's the opposite of diplomacy. In contrast, Obama is adept at being gracious and making visitors feel comfortable and thereby able to speak their minds. Trump is the opposite, he puts people ill-at-ease, so they're less likely to speak what's on their minds. Trump often shouts people down. That also is anti-diplomatic. Shall I go on? Trump is the poster boy for blaming others instead of taking responsibility for things that go wrong. The sign of a really mature person, is to not always have to find fault with someone, when something goes wrong. Trump is the opposite of that, for example, when he blames GW Bush for 9-11.

There's a story of Mr. Westinghouse, the man who built up one of the largest corporations in America. Westinghouse was strolling in one of his giant shops, where hundreds of men were working on crafting metal. One worker, who didn't know Westinghouse was standing nearby, got very frustrated with his job, threw down the metal piece he was working on, and cursed out loud. Everyone in the building hushed, as they thought for sure the boss would fire the angry worker on the spot. (Trump would fire a person for a lot less than that). Instead, Westinghouse came to the worker's workplace, and gently showed him how to craft the piece he was having trouble crafting. Not in a hundred years could Trump do something decent like that with one of his underlings.

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Just watching Trump on Fox News Hannity, if I was American and cared about my country I would be voting for him.

Makes so much scene no matter how eccentric people might think he is


Did he mention how he thinks global warming is a hoax because NYC was cold? Did he mention that everyone who sees things differently than himself is either 'a loser' or 'the biggest liar', or 'fat and ugly' ? Did he say how all reporters are stupid idiots if they don't toss him softball questions?

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It appears that Ben Carson and John Kasich had better stay in the race. A constitutional law professor is now insisting that neither Cruz nor Rubio are eligible to be president. Neither are natural born citizens. Where were these experts when Obama was running for president. According to them, Obama is not a natural born citizen either.

What are you on about? Obama was born in Hawaii. There was never any question that he is a natural born citizen. But Cruz might have a problem. I agree Kasich still has a tiny chance if he can win in Michigan and Ohio, but his prospects are getting dimmer. Carson, I think no chance, but I can see he can take some of the Cruz religious fanatic votes if Cruz has to exit.

Only the few people, who like to call obama Hussein Obama, think he is muslim and not from USA..I think a couple of republicans are among them
........ Actually a whole bunch of Republicans truly believe that crock. Lies, easily followed by sheep population....much like elsewhere to mention?
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Just watching Trump on Fox News Hannity, if I was American and cared about my country I would be voting for him.

Makes so much scene no matter how eccentric people might think he is


Did he mention how he thinks global warming is a hoax because NYC was cold? Did he mention that everyone who sees things differently than himself is either 'a loser' or 'the biggest liar', or 'fat and ugly' ? Did he say how all reporters are stupid idiots if they don't toss him softball questions?

Just my opinion, as I say, I am not American, but he is heading for a landslide victory in the Presidential election after he is nominated, totally refreshing to have someone speak their mind, not affected by "lobbying" can surround himself with people he wants

He is not alone in thinking global warming is happening , just one i picked at random


Did you even watch it the interview?

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One of my problems with Trump is, he relishes rubbing people the wrong way. It's the opposite of diplomacy. In contrast, Obama is adept at being gracious and making visitors feel comfortable and thereby able to speak their minds. Trump is the opposite, he puts people ill-at-ease, so they're less likely to speak what's on their minds. Trump often shouts people down. That also is anti-diplomatic. Shall I go on? Trump is the poster boy for blaming others instead of taking responsibility for things that go wrong. The sign of a really mature person, is to not always have to find fault with someone, when something goes wrong. Trump is the opposite of that, for example, when he blames GW Bush for 9-11.

There's a story of Mr. Westinghouse, the man who built up one of the largest corporations in America. Westinghouse was strolling in one of his giant shops, where hundreds of men were working on crafting metal. One worker, who didn't know Westinghouse was standing nearby, got very frustrated with his job, threw down the metal piece he was working on, and cursed out loud. Everyone in the building hushed, as they thought for sure the boss would fire the angry worker on the spot. (Trump would fire a person for a lot less than that). Instead, Westinghouse came to the worker's workplace, and gently showed him how to craft the piece he was having trouble crafting. Not in a hundred years could Trump do something decent like that with one of his underlings.

Look what diplomacy brought us so far. Bad compromises and alot of back door deals all for the benifit of the elite.

And furthermore, how do you know about Trump. Were you ever an employee of his?

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Trump supporters.

Can you actually talk about the Trump plan for health care?

I see he said people wouldn't be dying in the streets under Trump.

That's just BS.

What are the details?

Of course you can't talk about the details because all he does is spout total BS platitudes.

I know American voters are very stupid. Trump is testing the limits of that.

He's an extreme case of a demagogue. He says whatever excites people. He represents nothing.

Non-Americans who like Trump, who cares what you think? Do you care what Americans think about your election choices? Well, you shouldn't.

On the status quo in U.S. health care.

It is not good.

It was not good before Obama.

Hillary Clinton has a plan to reform the rough edges of Obamacare in a gradual way. Not impressive but at least acknowledging the status quo still sucks and politically realistic as small changes are actually possible.

Bernie Sanders has the best plan ... transition to real universal nationalized health care. Exactly what we need. Realistically, can't ever happen unless the democrats take back the congress.

Trump ... no plan at all, so total fail.

Edited by Jingthing
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Trump supporters.

Can you actually talk about the Trump plan for health care?

I see he said people wouldn't be dying in the streets under Trump.

That's just BS.

What are the details?

Of course you can't talk about the details because all he does is spout total BS platitudes.

I know American voters are very stupid. Trump is testing the limits of that.

He's an extreme case of a demagogue. He says whatever excites people. He represents nothing.

Non-Americans who like Trump, who cares what you think? Do you care what Americans think about your election choices? Well, you shouldn't.

On the status quo in U.S. health care.

It is not good.

It was not good before Obama.

Hillary Clinton has a plan to reform the rough edges of Obamacare in a gradual way. Not impressive but at least acknowledging the status quo still sucks and politically realistic as small changes are actually possible.

Bernie Sanders has the best plan ... transition to real universal nationalized health care. Exactly what we need. Realistically, can't ever happen unless the democrats take back the congress.

Trump ... no plan at all, so total fail.

Hillary has no plan other than to continue to sit on the fence and fabricate her talking points based on what the supporters of her competitor seem to like that day. Bernie wants universal healthcare and says he will tax to make it happen. Fair enough but I would like to see where he will be making budget cuts in order to supplement the taxes and where he is going to find a Congress to approve his initiatives. I doubt he could even get unanimous Democratic support

That aside, I don't need details but first they need to outlaw congressional lobbying by the corporate healthcare cartel and others....then get real, non-politicized experts to develop some kind of cost model so the cartel isn't literally escalating their costs to the patient by 10x or more. Once the cost issue is addressed, then they can unwind the ACA and see if any of it is worth salvaging. No one knows what's in that Bill because the Democrats bum rushed it into law and the unintended consequences will continue to surface as it unwinds over time. Currently, the primary beneficiaries appear to be the more destitute medicaid demographic and the aforementioned cartel.

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The US spends billions of dollars on drugs from drug companies who charge however much they want. There is no bidding. I wonder how much that cost the drug companies for the lobbyists and politicians they had to buy. The taxpayers are still paying for the software errors to manage the whole nightmare. Most experts say that the entire scheme will collapse of its own weight sometime in 2017. You have to face facts, the entire system is corrupt.

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One of my problems with Trump is, he relishes rubbing people the wrong way. It's the opposite of diplomacy. In contrast, Obama is adept at being gracious and making visitors feel comfortable and thereby able to speak their minds. Trump is the opposite, he puts people ill-at-ease, so they're less likely to speak what's on their minds. Trump often shouts people down. That also is anti-diplomatic. Shall I go on? Trump is the poster boy for blaming others instead of taking responsibility for things that go wrong. The sign of a really mature person, is to not always have to find fault with someone, when something goes wrong. Trump is the opposite of that, for example, when he blames GW Bush for 9-11.

There's a story of Mr. Westinghouse, the man who built up one of the largest corporations in America. Westinghouse was strolling in one of his giant shops, where hundreds of men were working on crafting metal. One worker, who didn't know Westinghouse was standing nearby, got very frustrated with his job, threw down the metal piece he was working on, and cursed out loud. Everyone in the building hushed, as they thought for sure the boss would fire the angry worker on the spot. (Trump would fire a person for a lot less than that). Instead, Westinghouse came to the worker's workplace, and gently showed him how to craft the piece he was having trouble crafting. Not in a hundred years could Trump do something decent like that with one of his underlings.

Look what diplomacy brought us so far. Bad compromises and alot of back door deals all for the benifit of the elite.

And furthermore, how do you know about Trump. Were you ever an employee of his?

Diplomacy is a mixed bag. At least Obama and his crew are open and intelligent enough to discuss difficult issues. They got a somewhat workable understanding with Iran. Obama hasn't dragged the US into a new war, but instead spends most of his calories trying to get the US military out of places Bush put them. He's friends with many world leaders. In contrast, both Bushes got us going to wars, and didn't make any headway with Iran. Bush Sr. was bosom buddies with Saudi billionaires - and 19 out of 20 World Trade bombers were Saudis who got most of their funding from Saudis. Compromise is often as good as it gets with diplomacy. If a Republican gets the top job, expect wars, pre-conditions for any negotiations (which result in no negotiations), shouting, anger, temper tantrums and faulty intelligence - which are all Republican hallmarks. And expect rash action, like Cruz indicating he would nuke the Middle East. As quick-to-anger Trump and Cruz are, it's actually Rubio who worries me the most. He's even more rash than the other two, if that's possible, and that's partly because he's so quick to speak and act. Didn't his mom ever tell him, "Think before you act, dear."

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The US spends billions of dollars on drugs from drug companies who charge however much they want. There is no bidding. I wonder how much that cost the drug companies for the lobbyists and politicians they had to buy. The taxpayers are still paying for the software errors to manage the whole nightmare. Most experts say that the entire scheme will collapse of its own weight sometime in 2017. You have to face facts, the entire system is corrupt.

Which is why it needs to be nationalized system like Canada. Duh.
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Trump supporters.

Can you actually talk about the Trump plan for health care?

I see he said people wouldn't be dying in the streets under Trump.

That's just BS.

What are the details?

Of course you can't talk about the details because all he does is spout total BS platitudes.

I know American voters are very stupid. Trump is testing the limits of that.

He's an extreme case of a demagogue. He says whatever excites people. He represents nothing.

Non-Americans who like Trump, who cares what you think? Do you care what Americans think about your election choices? Well, you shouldn't.

On the status quo in U.S. health care.

It is not good.

It was not good before Obama.

Hillary Clinton has a plan to reform the rough edges of Obamacare in a gradual way. Not impressive but at least acknowledging the status quo still sucks and politically realistic as small changes are actually possible.

Bernie Sanders has the best plan ... transition to real universal nationalized health care. Exactly what we need. Realistically, can't ever happen unless the democrats take back the congress.

Trump ... no plan at all, so total fail.

Hillary has no plan other than to continue to sit on the fence and fabricate her talking points based on what the supporters of her competitor seem to like that day. Bernie wants universal healthcare and says he will tax to make it happen. Fair enough but I would like to see where he will be making budget cuts in order to supplement the taxes and where he is going to find a Congress to approve his initiatives. I doubt he could even get unanimous Democratic support

That aside, I don't need details but first they need to outlaw congressional lobbying by the corporate healthcare cartel and others....then get real, non-politicized experts to develop some kind of cost model so the cartel isn't literally escalating their costs to the patient by 10x or more. Once the cost issue is addressed, then they can unwind the ACA and see if any of it is worth salvaging. No one knows what's in that Bill because the Democrats bum rushed it into law and the unintended consequences will continue to surface as it unwinds over time. Currently, the primary beneficiaries appear to be the more destitute medicaid demographic and the aforementioned cartel.

Very Trumpy. No details needed. Others have benefited. The subsidies for lower income for private insurance. The end of preexisting condition exclusions was historic.
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Health care. Forget it if it is not a state responsability. Like in Holland all was well when rich people had to have a private insurance and the working class payed a percentage and was covered by the state as the resposible. All went well till the jerks decided that all people should be covered the same by insurance companies. Call it Obamacare if you like.

You can count on one finger what the result of that was to become. You know, the jerks are bought by the elite, so the pharma and themselves can make more money. There is not so much money involved in bribing the jerks. Many alternarives to feed the greedy jerks. You can come up with ideas yourself so I'd better not put it down here.

Prices went up, now people have a franchise to pay and the CEO's of the insurance companies bathe in their bonusses. And it goes up and up. Waiting lists as well.

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One of my problems with Trump is, he relishes rubbing people the wrong way. It's the opposite of diplomacy. In contrast, Obama is adept at being gracious and making visitors feel comfortable and thereby able to speak their minds. Trump is the opposite, he puts people ill-at-ease, so they're less likely to speak what's on their minds. Trump often shouts people down. That also is anti-diplomatic. Shall I go on? Trump is the poster boy for blaming others instead of taking responsibility for things that go wrong. The sign of a really mature person, is to not always have to find fault with someone, when something goes wrong. Trump is the opposite of that, for example, when he blames GW Bush for 9-11.

There's a story of Mr. Westinghouse, the man who built up one of the largest corporations in America. Westinghouse was strolling in one of his giant shops, where hundreds of men were working on crafting metal. One worker, who didn't know Westinghouse was standing nearby, got very frustrated with his job, threw down the metal piece he was working on, and cursed out loud. Everyone in the building hushed, as they thought for sure the boss would fire the angry worker on the spot. (Trump would fire a person for a lot less than that). Instead, Westinghouse came to the worker's workplace, and gently showed him how to craft the piece he was having trouble crafting. Not in a hundred years could Trump do something decent like that with one of his underlings.

Look what diplomacy brought us so far. Bad compromises and alot of back door deals all for the benifit of the elite.

And furthermore, how do you know about Trump. Were you ever an employee of his?

Diplomacy is a mixed bag. At least Obama and his crew are open and intelligent enough to discuss difficult issues. They got a somewhat workable understanding with Iran. Obama hasn't dragged the US into a new war, but instead spends most of his calories trying to get the US military out of places Bush put them. He's friends with many world leaders. In contrast, both Bushes got us going to wars, and didn't make any headway with Iran. Bush Sr. was bosom buddies with Saudi billionaires - and 19 out of 20 World Trade bombers were Saudis who got most of their funding from Saudis. Compromise is often as good as it gets with diplomacy. If a Republican gets the top job, expect wars, pre-conditions for any negotiations (which result in no negotiations), shouting, anger, temper tantrums and faulty intelligence - which are all Republican hallmarks. And expect rash action, like Cruz indicating he would nuke the Middle East. As quick-to-anger Trump and Cruz are, it's actually Rubio who worries me the most. He's even more rash than the other two, if that's possible, and that's partly because he's so quick to speak and act. Didn't his mom ever tell him, "Think before you act, dear."

Understand the retorics and keep cool.

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Trump supporters.

Can you actually talk about the Trump plan for health care?

I see he said people wouldn't be dying in the streets under Trump.

That's just BS.

What are the details?

Of course you can't talk about the details because all he does is spout total BS platitudes.

I know American voters are very stupid. Trump is testing the limits of that.

He's an extreme case of a demagogue. He says whatever excites people. He represents nothing.

Non-Americans who like Trump, who cares what you think? Do you care what Americans think about your election choices? Well, you shouldn't.

On the status quo in U.S. health care.

It is not good.

It was not good before Obama.

Hillary Clinton has a plan to reform the rough edges of Obamacare in a gradual way. Not impressive but at least acknowledging the status quo still sucks and politically realistic as small changes are actually possible.

Bernie Sanders has the best plan ... transition to real universal nationalized health care. Exactly what we need. Realistically, can't ever happen unless the democrats take back the congress.

Trump ... no plan at all, so total fail.

Hillary has no plan other than to continue to sit on the fence and fabricate her talking points based on what the supporters of her competitor seem to like that day. Bernie wants universal healthcare and says he will tax to make it happen. Fair enough but I would like to see where he will be making budget cuts in order to supplement the taxes and where he is going to find a Congress to approve his initiatives. I doubt he could even get unanimous Democratic support

That aside, I don't need details but first they need to outlaw congressional lobbying by the corporate healthcare cartel and others....then get real, non-politicized experts to develop some kind of cost model so the cartel isn't literally escalating their costs to the patient by 10x or more. Once the cost issue is addressed, then they can unwind the ACA and see if any of it is worth salvaging. No one knows what's in that Bill because the Democrats bum rushed it into law and the unintended consequences will continue to surface as it unwinds over time. Currently, the primary beneficiaries appear to be the more destitute medicaid demographic and the aforementioned cartel.

Very Trumpy. No details needed. Others have benefited. The subsidies for lower income for private insurance. The end of preexisting condition exclusions was historic.

Details? Until you do something to get the cycle of greed & graft currently benefitting the Corporate and political class under control first. Good luck there.

Where's Bernie's "details". He says he wants medicare for all. Ok, How is it going to be managed by the Govt so that it's fiscally workable? That is...assuming he gets Congress to buy it first and they are some of the primary beneficiaries of the current system..

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At least he states his target. Trump doesn't have a clue. He's a reality TV star. The idea of him being president is ridiculous.

What's it gonna be for you then JT? Only pissing on Trump polishes your opinion right?

I have no idea what it is that you're asking. So if you're going to take the trouble to post baiting questions, I suggest writing them more clearly.

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At least he states his target. Trump doesn't have a clue. He's a reality TV star. The idea of him being president is ridiculous.

I'm not endorsing Trump. Just trying to ask the questions people might ask when not blinded by the 'ol partisan left/right paradigm.

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The RNC is not going to give the nomination to Trump. No way. Trump will threaten to sue, the case probably won't reach the courts until after the general election. Hopefully he'll run 3rd party. Cruz will be eliminated with the citizenship thing.

On the Dem side there is paranoia of the Kochs coming up with a Gene McCarthy to run 3rd party to split the Dems. Oops, that would be a 4th party! Imagine that, an election with 4 (four) main contenders.

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As of today, the Washington Post is asserting that Trump will almost definitely be nominated. This in a context where not nearly 50 percent of republicans actually want him. Yes, this is a failure of the republican party.

It's time for democrats and opponents of dangerous demagogues to face this reality. Trump is the target. Time to get moving to destroy his chances of ever being president.

Edited by Jingthing
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