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Donald Trump falls to 2nd place in new national poll


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The RNC is not going to give the nomination to Trump. No way. Trump will threaten to sue, the case probably won't reach the courts until after the general election. Hopefully he'll run 3rd party. Cruz will be eliminated with the citizenship thing.

On the Dem side there is paranoia of the Kochs coming up with a Gene McCarthy to run 3rd party to split the Dems. Oops, that would be a 4th party! Imagine that, an election with 4 (four) main contenders.

Trump and Sanders should be running as Indy'S on the general ballot. Anyone else? The more, the merrier

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Think about this. For the first time in any living American's life, we will wake up with a president who will actually enforce immigration law. We will wake up with a president who cares about shipping jobs to other countries. In the mid 1950's Volkswagen took over the small US car market followed shortly by Japan. The once proud auto manufacturing city of Detroit is in ruins.

The stores are stocked with items from China while minimum wage people sell them to Americans. The good jobs are in manufacturing but they went to China and Mexico and - Thailand. These other countries don't play fair by allowing US manufactured goods into their countries duty free. China requires Detroit to manufacture cars there to sell them there.

Illegals come over the border and work for less than minimum wage driving all wages down. They work under the table and don't pay taxes.

The world is in for a shock but it will just have to get used to it. Trump will get the nomination and then clobber HRC. All camps care about jobs and their pocketbooks.

Get used to saying President Trump. This is a multi-generational wipe-out for the establishment.


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Kids fresh out of college having trouble finding jobs. Their jobs are in China and Mexico and elsewhere. They are over burdened with college debt as college fees skyrocket. College fee can go up so much for only one reason. The government. The government makes these loans and gives grants to colleges. Colleges spend like drunken sailors without much need to watch their budgets.

A lot of these young people are going to vote for Trump. Watch one of Trump's town hall meetings. It isn't attended only by old white people. There are lots of young people and blacks there. They want jobs and Trump has promised to be "The greatest jobs creator that God ever made". This is resonating across the country as the bale of hay Hillary offers nothing but same ole and even more of it.


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Other historic demagogues have promised jobs before. Warning ... Trump is very dangerous. He just says what excites people. You have no idea what he's really about.

There's another aspect of this of concern to expats. The world is watching Trump and what they're seeing is an unspeakably extremist Islamophobe. You don't think the Muslim world is going to learn about his murder the Muslim prisoners with PIGS BLOOD bullets speech? They will learn. When people meet you as an American, they're going to wonder if you support such madness.


(BTW, apparently that disgusting story isn't ever TRUE.)

Edited by Jingthing
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If Trump is elected new president , I want him to nuke N-Korea. He's got the guts to do it.

Please, the poor downtrodden people of N-Korea do NOT deserved to be nuked, send in special forces(SAS probably best) and take the C... with the haircut outout and let the people be free

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^^^ You're worrying because someone wants to straighten out a MESS caused by 50 years of either inaction or stupid action? You're worried because someone will actually do something about illegal immigration and take on China and Mexico about unfair trade?

On a small scale, look at Thailand. They get to export things into the US with no trade duties, and then hammer anything that comes in by imposing huge taxes. You're all for that?

You're worried because someone with a proven track record of getting things done in the international business community wants to jump start the economy in a way that will work?

You're worried because someone has figured out how to bring jobs back from China? Also Mexico? You're worried because someone is sick of enriching China and at the expense of the USA?

You're worried because someone wants to put Americans first in America for the first time in 50 years?

What has this guy actually said he would do that worries you so much?

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What worries me is that even one American voter takes Trump seriously. He's a TROLL candidate. Nobody in their right mind believes he's going to build a wall and Mexico will pay for it but that's a core of his campaign big lies. It's madness. We've seen this before in history. It's not too late to nip this in the bud. Yes people are suffering and politicians haven't delivered ... but going with a demagogue like Trump would make things MUCH WORSE.

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If the majority shares your opinion, then you have nothing to worry about.

It's not that simple. Trump will get the republican nomination with not even close to the majority of the republican party even wanting him.

After that, anything could happen.

Edited by Jingthing
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If the majority shares your opinion, then you have nothing to worry about.

It's not that simple. Trump will get the republican nomination with not even close to the majority of the republican party even wanting him.

After that, anything could happen.

If Hillary is the juggernaut the DNC thinks she is, then you have nothing to worry about.

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Trump is definitely a new kind of political candidate. I just read where he's running into depositions for lawsuits for fraud on his Trump University in between his campaign stops.

Most politicos clean up all their affairs before entering politics, but this guy is doing things unlike any other candidate. By the way, being in lawsuits is a completely natural part of being a businessman, but these things give his opponents more sh*t to throw at him.

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Oh...I agree she is flawed.... But I clearly don't know the Hillary that the Party and media know and gush over. They have been prepping her, and her alone, for the White House since November 2008. I guess there was a bit of frustration that they felt in not being able to just hand her the keys to the White House the day Obama leaves

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Trump is definitely a new kind of political candidate. I just read where he's running into depositions for lawsuits for fraud on his Trump University in between his campaign stops.

Most politicos clean up all their affairs before entering politics, but this guy is doing things unlike any other candidate. By the way, being in lawsuits is a completely natural part of being a businessman, but these things give his opponents more sh*t to throw at him.

At the end of the day, this might seem kind of benign compared to an FBI investigation involving the potential compromising of national security.

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Trump is definitely a new kind of political candidate. I just read where he's running into depositions for lawsuits for fraud on his Trump University in between his campaign stops.

Most politicos clean up all their affairs before entering politics, but this guy is doing things unlike any other candidate. By the way, being in lawsuits is a completely natural part of being a businessman, but these things give his opponents more sh*t to throw at him.

At the end of the day, this might seem kind of benign compared to an FBI investigation involving the potential compromising of national security.

Well, arguably, one goes to character which is central to a President (allegations of fraud in Trump's case), and the other goes to carelessness in making mistakes in judgment in using communications (important but lacks specific intent to do harm).

You decide which alleged transgression reflects a more fatal flaw in the moral fabric of the person who will lead your country.

Edited by keemapoot
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Trump is definitely a new kind of political candidate. I just read where he's running into depositions for lawsuits for fraud on his Trump University in between his campaign stops.

Most politicos clean up all their affairs before entering politics, but this guy is doing things unlike any other candidate. By the way, being in lawsuits is a completely natural part of being a businessman, but these things give his opponents more sh*t to throw at him.

At the end of the day, this might seem kind of benign compared to an FBI investigation involving the potential compromising of national security.

Not to mention international influence peddling (via the Clinton Foundation) while Secretary of State.

Edited by mesquite
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Just watching Trump on Fox News Hannity, if I was American and cared about my country I would be voting for him.

Makes so much scene no matter how eccentric people might think he is


Did he mention how he thinks global warming is a hoax because NYC was cold? Did he mention that everyone who sees things differently than himself is either 'a loser' or 'the biggest liar', or 'fat and ugly' ? Did he say how all reporters are stupid idiots if they don't toss him softball questions?

Just my opinion, as I say, I am not American, but he is heading for a landslide victory in the Presidential election after he is nominated, totally refreshing to have someone speak their mind, not affected by "lobbying" can surround himself with people he wants

He is not alone in thinking global warming is happening , just one i picked at random


Did you even watch it the interview?

I am not American, but he is heading for a landslide victory in the Presidential election

Landslide loss.

If Trump gets the Republican nomination he'd need to win Blue states to be elected potus. To win in a landslide, Trump would need to win six to eight big Blue states, such as California, New York, Illinois and the like. Name just six Blue states Trump will carry to score your landslide win. Then state why the majority of Democrats in the six or eight big Blue states would reverse themselves to vote for Trump for potus. (Or for any Republican.)

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Think about this. For the first time in any living American's life, we will wake up with a president who will actually enforce immigration law. We will wake up with a president who cares about shipping jobs to other countries. In the mid 1950's Volkswagen took over the small US car market followed shortly by Japan. The once proud auto manufacturing city of Detroit is in ruins.

The stores are stocked with items from China while minimum wage people sell them to Americans. The good jobs are in manufacturing but they went to China and Mexico and - Thailand. These other countries don't play fair by allowing US manufactured goods into their countries duty free. China requires Detroit to manufacture cars there to sell them there.

Say Hi to globalization. That toothpaste won't go back into the tube...........no matter how much Donald Trump would like it to.

Edited by KarenBravo
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Where's Bernie's "details". He says he wants medicare for all. Ok, How is it going to be managed by the Govt so that it's fiscally workable? That is...assuming he gets Congress to buy it first and they are some of the primary beneficiaries of the current system..

I don't know the details of Sander's plans for universal health care, but here's a tidbit: He's the only candidate on either side who has specified that he will work to bring down crazy pharma prices. He would probably try to bring down other medical costs also. Currently the US has the highest medical costs in the world. One way to bring down pharma costs is to increase competition and allow competitive bidding for suppliers. Republicans can't do that (even if they wanted to) because they're all in bed with Big Pharma. Republicans talk about an open marketplace, but if you look at what they actually do, they shelter corporations from marketplace realities. Republicans favor PIK (and other socialist programs which give hand-outs to their rich buddies and corps). They favor slapping 25% added import duties on businesses which set up manufacturing outside the US (one of Trump's expressed ideas). In sum, Republicans favor coddling the very rich, and have no problem with astronomically rising prices for the little people - which ensue from such elitist policies.

But what Reps do better than anything else: delay and obstruct policies which could benefit the American people. Like Trump's new mantra; 'delay, delay, delay.'

Trumpies ... you underestimate the passion of the majority of Americans that hate his guts. Could he win? Yes but only because of the weaknesses of HRC.

No, because they hate Hillary more

I don't agree. Plus the Dems haven't even begun tearing in to Trump. They're waiting to see who will be the Rep contender. Trump has so many vulnerabilities. There are dozens of video pieces showing his screw-ups, temper-tantrums, flip-flops, ignorance of issues, inability to express himself eloquently, etc. He's a big target. I hope Trump does get the nod from Reps because it will be so entertaining to see him losing his temper and putting forth lame excuses/denials for things he's done and said.

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What worries me is that even one American voter takes Trump seriously. He's a TROLL candidate. Nobody in their right mind believes he's going to build a wall and Mexico will pay for it but that's a core of his campaign big lies. It's madness. We've seen this before in history. It's not too late to nip this in the bud. Yes people are suffering and politicians haven't delivered ... but going with a demagogue like Trump would make things MUCH WORSE.

Well, you'll get to find out if you're right. That's AFTER you get used to saying "President Trump". LOL.

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You're being ridiculous. Everyone knows HRC is a flawed candidate.

Yes, many flaws, not the least of which is she's going to be campaigning from jail.

Everyone needs to stop with this "jail stuff", it's complete right wing nonsense. Bush and Cheney long ago would have been in jail for crimes against humanity if this were indeed a legit process.

The email matter is nothing, the same people investigated and found the same (with no repercussions) on Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice. Non-issue to stop the momentum building leading to HRC as President.

The rest of them are not experienced enough and/or not fit to be President (i.e. horses rump Trump).

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Just my opinion, as I say, I am not American, but he is heading for a landslide victory in the Presidential election after he is nominated, totally refreshing to have someone speak their mind, not affected by "lobbying" can surround himself with people he wants

He is not alone in thinking global warming is happening , just one i picked at random


Did you even watch it the interview?

I am not American, but he is heading for a landslide victory in the Presidential election

Landslide loss.

If Trump gets the Republican nomination he'd need to win Blue states to be elected potus. To win in a landslide, Trump would need to win six to eight big Blue states, such as California, New York, Illinois and the like. Name just six Blue states Trump will carry to score your landslide win. Then state why the majority of Democrats in the six or eight big Blue states would reverse themselves to vote for Trump for potus. (Or for any Republican.)

Trump doesn't have to win those blue states. He just has to take enough delegates from them to add to the red states. California for instance proportions its delegates and Trump will get some.

I've been reading a lot of people who are trying to do the math. Some are on each side of the spectrum. Not one has concluded that if Trump keeps drawing record numbers of voters that he can't put the delegates he needs together. It's a matter of whether each math whiz thinks he will, not if he can.


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You're being ridiculous. Everyone knows HRC is a flawed candidate.

Yes, many flaws, not the least of which is she's going to be campaigning from jail.

Everyone needs to stop with this "jail stuff", it's complete right wing nonsense. Bush and Cheney long ago would have been in jail for crimes against humanity if this were indeed a legit process.

The email matter is nothing, the same people investigated and found the same (with no repercussions) on Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice. Non-issue to stop the momentum building leading to HRC as President.

The rest of them are not experienced enough and/or not fit to be President (i.e. horses rump Trump).

if she stays out for now Trump will decide whether or not to have his AG prosecute. He says he will. It's an open and shut case.
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You're being ridiculous. Everyone knows HRC is a flawed candidate.

Yes, many flaws, not the least of which is she's going to be campaigning from jail.

Everyone needs to stop with this "jail stuff", it's complete right wing nonsense. Bush and Cheney long ago would have been in jail for crimes against humanity if this were indeed a legit process.

The email matter is nothing, the same people investigated and found the same (with no repercussions) on Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice. Non-issue to stop the momentum building leading to HRC as President.

The rest of them are not experienced enough and/or not fit to be President (i.e. horses rump Trump).

if she stays out for now Trump will decide whether or not to have his AG prosecute. He says he will. It's an open and shut case.

Nonsense. Alternately, as soon as the Dems want to start banging on Trump's mafioso business associates doors regarding Atlantic City transactions, they are going to hang him out to dry rather than see jail time.

That'll wait until October November and then the horses' a** is cooked.

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Trump is definitely a new kind of political candidate. I just read where he's running into depositions for lawsuits for fraud on his Trump University in between his campaign stops.

Most politicos clean up all their affairs before entering politics, but this guy is doing things unlike any other candidate. By the way, being in lawsuits is a completely natural part of being a businessman, but these things give his opponents more sh*t to throw at him.

Unlike Hillary, who'e skirts are clean of course. whistling.gif

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