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Pope vs. Trump: 'Not Christian' to only build border walls


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""For a religious leader to question a person's faith is disgraceful," he said at a campaign stop in South Carolina"

Was it Christ who questioned peoples faith?

No. Jesus did not. It must be hard for you to accept, but Jesus was raised in accordance with Jewish customs and religious practices. Jewish religious beliefs do not question the faith of others. Rather, the questions are put towards themselves. They are not to judge others, only themselves. Where do you think Jesus got the notion of admonishing his apostles not to judge?

Must I provide you with a basic Sunday school class? The apostles in turn preached his gospel. Remember that guy James? He asked very clearly who are we to judge people? James 4-12.

The Pope is judging the Donald. He has erred and judged. Nothing new for an organization that spent centuries judging and then murdering millions. Maybe the Pope should take a refresher course in the history of Mexico and learn why the country is so screwed up. It started with the exploitation of the country by the Church. Let the Pope compensate for the abuse, theft of wealth and cultural genocide. And to all those who would judge the Donald, heed the words of Luke;

“Judge not, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven” (Luke 6:37)

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This is pretty funny because the Catholic Church has built plenty of walls, walled cities, etc. Protecting the border with a wall is like protecting the "church" with locked doors and bars on the windows. I notice that Trump does not advocate building a wall on the Canadian border, because there is no problem with illegals from that direction. Why? Because Canada regulates entry; is bordered by oceans and is funding and enforcing it's immigration laws.

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Papa Frank is obviously correct, and if the POPE don't know what's Christian, who does?

On the other hand, the USA is not a theocracy, Christian or otherwise.

Apparently not the Pope by some people's standards.. He lives in a walled city and isn't about to take in Muslim OR Hispanic refugees.

He's all hat and no cattle.


I'm not supporting or opposing the Pope. Simply saying that he should know what's Christian and what's not.

Well, he accused Trump of "not being very Christian" and criticized walls when he himself lives in a walled fortress that perhaps has the most restrictive immigration and citizenship rules in the world.

Is he opening up any spaces for Muslim "refugees" at the Vatican or is he just taking hypocritical pot shots at other people? Don't forget, the Vatican is its own "country". He should look in the mirror.

Now again, he has the balls to say that Trump is not very Christian when he presides over an entity that protects its own pedophiles.

And he should "know what's Christian and what's not?" I hardly think so.


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This is pretty funny because the Catholic Church has built plenty of walls, walled cities, etc. Protecting the border with a wall is like protecting the "church" with locked doors and bars on the windows. I notice that Trump does not advocate building a wall on the Canadian border, because there is no problem with illegals from that direction. Why? Because Canada regulates entry; is bordered by oceans and is funding and enforcing it's immigration laws.

Of course the Catholic church Christian was not always clear and sharp. But his great merit was precisely to gradually extricate archaisms.
Its subliminal message is known to all: "Love each other"
In this we can consider that the construction of walls to protect rich people of poor is exactly contrary to this basic principle.
So indeed your grotesque Trump is not a Chretien
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^^^ The Vatican is one of the wealthiest places on earth. They don't use their money to help the poor around them. They take money from the poorest 3rd world countries including Mexico, most of S. America and The Philippines. They protect their pedophiles while they live in highly walled and Swiss guarded luxury.

The Vatican made my skin crawl when I visited it. The only palatable thing in there is the ceiling in the Sistine Chapel and it's just too awesome not to distract.

They are NOTHING but <deleted> hypocrites who know NOTHING about being Christian.


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Spat between one faith based (beliefs without evidence, often beyond any reason) dude and another who also promises "return to paradise" without evidence, explanation or reason.

Trumpy not alone in being free of burden of reality: "Rubio said he has "tremendous respect and admiration" for the pope, but he added, "There's no nation on Earth that's more compassionate on immigration than we are."" Last sentence is fine example of the big lie

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The despots that run the countries of Russia, Syria, Venezuela, North Korea, etc etc continue to persecute, murder, IMprison and starve their people and the Pope worries about a Presidential candidacy that is not even through the primary stage. Incredible misuse of his bully pulpit. When the Catholic Chirch comes clean with the hundreds of guiltily child molesting priests, when the Catholic Church starts tackling immense human rights issues in the countries I mentioned and when the Pope opens up the Vatican to immigrants, then maybe he has some right to get involved in US politics......NOT

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Quite frankly, the pope should be condemning all of the Republican candidates, not just the one with the largest mouth. For the most part, they are all anti immigrant and also promise to dismantle social welfare programs for the poor. Helping the poor is a central doctrine of the Christian faith which every conservative likes to ignore. Every nation must protect their borders but can try to do so without being hateful.

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Every statement is a threat. If you don't elect me ISIS will attack the Pope. If you don't elect me China will devalue its currency, if you don't elect me Mexican rapists and murderers will flood into the states.

Trump is all about fear. It's all he has. No real policies. FEAR!

In a recent poll conducted of Trump supporters in the Palmetto State showed 38% of those who responded wished the Confederacy had won the Civil War, and that 70% wished the Confederate battle flag still flew over the South Carolina capitol. His people wish the Confederacy had won, means that slavery would’ve been kept alive, but either we call them racist or stupid, and neither one reflects well on the GOP and especially Trumps very stupid minions.

There’s also 62/23 support among Trump voters for creating a national database of Muslims and 40/36 support for shutting down all the mosques in the United States, something no one else’s voters back. Only 44% of Trump voters think the practice of Islam should even be legal at all in the United States, to 33% who think it should be illegal.

Trumps followers are knuckle-dragging idjets.

This is the xenophobic hatred the Pope (bless his heart) and Obama were railing against. It's unbelievable, it's so bad. All these truly terrible wingnut candidates are a disgrace.

Trump is a stain on America's heritage.

Get use to "Madame President" or Bernie. It doesn't matter. Republicans don't have a prayer.

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In a poll conducted of Trump supporters in the Palmetto State showed 38% of those who responded wished the Confederacy had won the Civil War, and that 70% wished the Confederate battle flag still flew over the South Carolina capitol.

Please provide some evidence of this from a CREDIBLE source. Your posts are usually hate-filled, partisan fantasies. I'm guessing this is another one of them.

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Here's today's line score...

Trump 0, Pope 1, Obama 1, Clinton 1, Republican Party -10.

The pope from Argentina siding with Mexicans and Hispanics against Donald Trump further seals the miserable electoral fate of the Republican nominee for potus come election day November 8th.

Really don't think for a moment that Americans throughout the land want to see their potus arguing with the pope too. Is the wall builder and Muslim ban man prezident Trump gonna deny the pope a visa next time or what.

Mr. Trump tear down those walls inside your head.

So you're just sure that "all" Catholics are in favor of unregulated immigration not to mention having their jobs shipped to China?

Good luck with that one. American Catholics are a lot more like secular than you think they are, with most not even attending church.

This is a big win for Trump because Americans aren't ready to have Rome tell them what to do. Are you?


I was raised Catholic and I have never let any Pope's opinion sway my vote.

If this Pope wants some credibility as to declaring who is Christian or not, let him criticize Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill whom he met last week. That guy is just another corrupt Russian oligarch using the Church to line his pockets with billion$$. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controversies_of_Kirill_I_of_Moscow

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I don't think religious extremists should be allowed to influence any government, look at history where it has been the case, few good outcomes. This applies to Christians, Muslims, Jews or Buddhists or anyone else that would like to coerce us all to follow their version of reality and empower their proselytizers.

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The US presidential candidates also have no business bringing religion into their campaigns!!!

If you want to open that can of worms then you are also open to criticism from religious leaders.

What ever happened the the part of your constitution that talks about separation of church and state?

Everyone seems to forget that but can't get past the 2nd amendment?

there is NO place for religion in politics. I can't think of many other developed nations where this is even an issue.

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The US presidential candidates also have no business bringing religion into their campaigns!!!

If you want to open that can of worms then you are also open to criticism from religious leaders.

What ever happened the the part of your constitution that talks about separation of church and state?

Everyone seems to forget that but can't get past the 2nd amendment?

there is NO place for religion in politics. I can't think of many other developed nations where this is even an issue.

That would be nice.

But in the U.S., SADLY, that is not the case.

Recently one of the horror show republican candidates Ted "the Canuck" Cruz make a big showy statement:

"It is exactly right that in terms of who I am, I am a Christian first," said Cruz. "I am an American second. I'm a conservative third. And I'm a Republican fourth. And I'll tell ya, there are a lot of Americans who feel the same way."

That kind of pandering statement gets him a win in the Iowa caucus.

As some have pointed out if another candidate said the same thing about any other religion, it would be GAME OVER instantly.

Don't believe me?

Imagine if Bernie Sanders make a big speech and said:

"It is exactly right that in terms of who I am, I am a Jew first,"w00t.gif

Ba bye Bernie!
Edited by Jingthing
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This will influence the outcome of the republican nomination. A lot of republicans especially evangelicals are hardcore when it comes to religion. Even someone running a casino is a no no for them. They are messed up in the head....

Ted Cruz is at an advantage now.

Even in the event that Trump gets nominated, his chances of becoming a president are slim to none.

Hispanics wont vote for him, blacks wont vote for him, muslims wont vote for him, most of asians wont vote for him. There goes 40% of the voters.

The only Republican nominees that stand a chance against a democrat candidate is Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush

If it goes down to Ted Cruz,Donald Trump,Kasich vs Democrat candidate, democrats will have the easiest victory in their life.

Edited by Lukecan
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Donald Trump praises Pope Francis after US-Mexico wall row

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has heaped praise on Pope Francis, hours after the pontiff questioned his Christian faith.

The Pope had said Mr Trump's proposal to build a wall on the US border with Mexico was not Christian, provoking a strong response from the businessman.

But hours later, at a town hall event in South Carolina, the billionaire hotel developer was more conciliatory.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-35610126

-- BBC 2016-02-19

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I'm not a Trump fan and I am not an atheist, but I have more respect for him after this. The Pope has no business questioning his faith over politics.

Which is not what the Pope did. He only said that building walls only is not Christian.

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It's a very interesting and unique foreign policy we see developing from Trump.

Compliment the Kremlin

Insult the Vatican and 1.25 billion Christians

Insult the British Parliament

Insult the Mexican Government*

**oh, yeah, forgot...insult 24% of the world's population, 1.57 billion Muslims.

What's next?

You forgot the Chinese.

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I'm not a Trump fan and I am not an atheist, but I have more respect for him after this. The Pope has no business questioning his faith over politics.

Which is not what the Pope did. He only said that building walls only is not Christian.

Yet he lives inside a big one.

Papal foot in mouth moment.

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A religious leader has no business interfering in politics.

Obviously Don had many worried and they are pulling out the religious cards to defeat him.

This could be true if the USA made a clear separation between religion and the politics. However as the politics have God and swear on the Bible it is normal for the Pope to speak.

Trump cannot pretend to be christian and at the same time spit on everybody who doesn't agree with him, and Christian fan of Trump should change their religion as it doesn't follow the Christian view of Love and all this sh.t

Edited by GeorgesAbitbol
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A religious leader has no business interfering in politics.

Obviously Don had many worried and they are pulling out the religious cards to defeat him.

Obama goes after him one day. The Pope the next. Any other big hitters left to take on The Donald?

I think all these attacks are just going to make him stronger. Like lopping the head off a hydra.

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A religious leader has no business interfering in politics.

Obviously Don had many worried and they are pulling out the religious cards to defeat him.

Obama goes after him one day. The Pope the next. Any other big hitters left to take on The Donald?

I think all these attacks are just going to make him stronger. Like lopping the head off a hydra.

I don't know what show you are watching but as each day goes by Trump looks sillier and sillier and to think I thought he had already reached the epitome of that position weeks ago.

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Trump is treating the presdential race like a reality show. But the real world is different. He will probably get the republican nomination with his trolling, but because of him Republicans will lose the election.The world needs a republican president but Trump will ruin everything. If Trump or Ted Cruz gets nominated, both hilary and bernie will destroy them.

Ted Cruz is too religious, Trump is too much of a troll. Border? Hispanic vote gone already.

Both Hilary and Bernie would make terrible presidents, the only sane person I see among the candidates are Jeb and Rubio. To be the president, you have to get the swing voters to vote for you, I dont see any swing voter voting for Trump or Cruz.

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I don't know what show you are watching but as each day goes by Trump looks sillier and sillier and to think I thought he had already reached the epitome of that position weeks ago.

He may look sillier to you, but his poll numbers keep going up.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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He may look sillier to you, but his poll numbers keep going up.

He will get the nomination. But becoming a president is a different story, but Bernie and Clinton will destroy him due to the Black and Hispanic vote. Election participation rate is higher among blacks and hispanics compared to whites!

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