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Pope vs. Trump: 'Not Christian' to only build border walls


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Many nonsensical replies in this thread

first let me say that I am an atheist , and consider all religion nonsense and the reason I am an atheist is just that, Reason

so lets apply reason on this issue

Can the Pope talk about building walls to separate people when he lives in a walled city state?

Ofcourse he can , the Vatican is a medievel city, ofcourse it is walled, most cities of that era ware walled.

Inclusiveness is a doctrine of the Christian faith.

Does the Pope have right to say that some one who does not adhere to the doctrines the Christian faith is not a Christian as much as a Republican would say that some one who does not adhere to the doctrine of the republican party is not a republican?

Trump said and I paraphrase, " a religious leader should not question his faith"

if not a religious leader, then Who?

and did the Pope question his Faith? or did he question the Brand of his faith?? he did not say Trump did not have Faith, he said Trump did not have Christian faith.

Edited by sirineou
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Whatever happened to the separation of Church and State

Well, the Pooe is in Rome, and can at most mian moan about things he considers "un-Christian". .... from what, six thousand miles away? How much separation does there have to be to satisfy you?!

PS "Separation of Church & State" is not a phrase you'll find anywhere in the US Constitution I don't think...

I fault the pope from for sticking a hypocritical nose in, but it's hardly a matter of church-state separation.

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It's a very interesting and unique foreign policy we see developing from Trump.

Compliment the Kremlin

Insult the Vatican and 1.25 billion Christians

Insult the British Parliament

Insult the Mexican Government*

**oh, yeah, forgot...insult 24% of the world's population, 1.57 billion Muslims.

What's next?

Insulting the Vatican and insulting Christians are two diametrically opposed ideas.

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Whatever happened to the separation of Church and State

Well, the Pooe is in Rome, and can at most mian moan about things he considers "un-Christian". .... from what, six thousand miles away? How much separation does there have to be to satisfy you?!

PS "Separation of Church & State" is not a phrase you'll find anywhere in the US Constitution I don't think...

I fault the pope from for sticking a hypocritical nose in, but it's hardly a matter of church-state separation.

Hypocritical how?

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Papa Frank is obviously correct, and if the POPE don't know what's Christian, who does?

On the other hand, the USA is not a theocracy, Christian or otherwise.

Apparently not the Pope by some people's standards.. He lives in a walled city and isn't about to take in Muslim OR Hispanic refugees.

He's all hat and no cattle.


I'm not supporting or opposing the Pope. Simply saying that he should know what's Christian and what's not.

This is silliness of the first order. The pope in Rome does NOT speak for Protestant Christianity, which took Europe out of the Dark Ages, with the Popes and Roman Church kicking and screaming all the way. The Roman Church = ISIS.

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It's a very interesting and unique foreign policy we see developing from Trump.

Compliment the Kremlin

Insult the Vatican and 1.25 billion Christians

Insult the British Parliament

Insult the Mexican Government*

**oh, yeah, forgot...insult 24% of the world's population, 1.57 billion Muslims.

What's next?

You forgot the Chinese.

The Chinese built the biggest wall ever.

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In the UK, trump is a widely used word

I have just discovered that this usage is unknown in the USA

Look it up, hours of mirth! Tee Hee!

Americans don't give a crap about what people think in some irrelevant minor island in the process of being taken over by Arabs.

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As acting President of the 'Atheists for the Separation of church and Planet Association' I am not sure whether the pope's statement was 'lost in translation' but to question Trump's christianity on the vilification and hate speech directed towards Mexicans is a little odd on the basis he has to be perceived to be a christian to acquire the looney far Right Wing Republican vote so there could be an argument there as to his held belief in christianity. Building walls to keep out criminal, rapist and 'job stealing' Mexicans is really just playing into the xenophobic and racist common 'garden variety' Republicans, not really a question of christian faith.

I think what set Trump off is he has to be perceived as having the biggest bible to thump compared to his other idot republican candidates.

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Well done Pope! That imbecile has got to go, he is one fake Christian.

You could argue that all non-Catholics are fake Christians.

Protestants were only invented so Henry 8th could change his wife as often as he liked without asking permission from the Pope.

Wrong. Protestantism was founded by Martin Luther before King Henry sought a divorce from his first wife.

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Papa Frank is obviously correct, and if the POPE don't know what's Christian, who does?

On the other hand, the USA is not a theocracy, Christian or otherwise.

Apparently not the Pope by some people's standards.. He lives in a walled city and isn't about to take in Muslim OR Hispanic refugees.

He's all hat and no cattle.


I'm not supporting or opposing the Pope. Simply saying that he should know what's Christian and what's not.

This is silliness of the first order. The pope in Rome does NOT speak for Protestant Christianity, which took Europe out of the Dark Ages, with the Popes and Roman Church kicking and screaming all the way. The Roman Church = ISIS.

So much for the Renaissance.

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Apparently not the Pope by some people's standards.. He lives in a walled city and isn't about to take in Muslim OR Hispanic refugees.

He's all hat and no cattle.


I'm not supporting or opposing the Pope. Simply saying that he should know what's Christian and what's not.

This is silliness of the first order. The pope in Rome does NOT speak for Protestant Christianity, which took Europe out of the Dark Ages, with the Popes and Roman Church kicking and screaming all the way. The Roman Church = ISIS.

So much for the Renaissance.

Ask Galileo.

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This is silliness of the first order. The pope in Rome does NOT speak for Protestant Christianity, which took Europe out of the Dark Ages, with the Popes and Roman Church kicking and screaming all the way. The Roman Church = ISIS.

So much for the Renaissance.

Ask Galileo.

I wonder what he would say to Leonardo, Brunelleschi, Michelangelo, etc...

And by the way, Martin Luther was a particularly vicious anti-semite.

And here is Martin Luther's opinion of Copernicus' work:

There is talk of a new astrologer who wants to prove that the earth moves and goes around instead of the sky, the sun, the moon, just as if somebody were moving in a carriage or ship might hold that he was sitting still and at rest while the earth and the trees walked and moved. But that is how things are nowadays: when a man wishes to be clever he must...invent something special, and the way he does it must needs be the best! The fool wants to turn the whole art of astronomy upside-down. However, as Holy Scripture tells us, so did Joshua bid the sun to stand still and not the earth.

Edited by stillbornagain
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In the UK, trump is a widely used word

I have just discovered that this usage is unknown in the USA

Look it up, hours of mirth! Tee Hee!

Americans don't give a crap about what people think in some irrelevant minor island in the process of being taken over by Arabs.

It was humour you silly person!

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In the UK, trump is a widely used word

I have just discovered that this usage is unknown in the USA

Look it up, hours of mirth! Tee Hee!

Americans don't give a crap about what people think in some irrelevant minor island in the process of being taken over by Arabs.

It was humour you silly person!

BTW, the U.K. Is 5th richest country in the World. Irrelevant? I think you need all the friends you can get right now. Read up a bit before starting unnecessary fights......

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This is silliness of the first order. The pope in Rome does NOT speak for Protestant Christianity, which took Europe out of the Dark Ages, with the Popes and Roman Church kicking and screaming all the way. The Roman Church = ISIS.

So much for the Renaissance.

Ask Galileo.

I wonder what he would say to Leonardo, Brunelleschi, Michelangelo, etc...

And by the way, Martin Luther was a particularly vicious anti-semite.

And here is Martin Luther's opinion of Copernicus' work:

There is talk of a new astrologer who wants to prove that the earth moves and goes around instead of the sky, the sun, the moon, just as if somebody were moving in a carriage or ship might hold that he was sitting still and at rest while the earth and the trees walked and moved. But that is how things are nowadays: when a man wishes to be clever he must...invent something special, and the way he does it must needs be the best! The fool wants to turn the whole art of astronomy upside-down. However, as Holy Scripture tells us, so did Joshua bid the sun to stand still and not the earth.

Those damn illuminati. Always causing trouble!

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^^^ Yeah, but the Pope ain't gonna be POTUS. Trump will be.


......in your wet dreams.

It's a very interesting and unique foreign policy we see developing from Trump.

Compliment the Kremlin

Insult the Vatican and 1.25 billion Christians

Insult the British Parliament

Insult the Mexican Government*

**oh, yeah, forgot...insult 24% of the world's population, 1.57 billion Muslims.

What's next?

I sort of agree with Trump.

As President of the USA, do you run the USA for the benefit of Americans,

Or is your job to appease every foreigner with an agenda?

The job description for POTUS is long. Trump wouldn't last 5 minutes in the Oval office without either wetting his pants or having an aneurism. The US would probably lose Hawaii to the Soviets or the Chinese before Trump could make a date with the first pretty blonde to sit on his lap and take shorthand.

Seriously tho, the job has many responsibilities, but it does not include offending everyone who doesn't bow at your feet and lick your shoes.

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He may look sillier to you, but his poll numbers keep going up.

He will get the nomination. But becoming a president is a different story, but Bernie and Clinton will destroy him due to the Black and Hispanic vote. Election participation rate is higher among blacks and hispanics compared to whites!

Actually, you're completely and utterly wrong. Turnout among blacks and hispanics, particularly hispanics is much lower.

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Even Joe Scarborough of the liberal MSNBC is calling Hillary's campaign a "train wreck". LINK

Come on, man. Scarborough is the resident wingnut over at MSNBC. He's been in Trump's hip pocket from the start. Of course he's going to spew that nonsense about HRC. Your comment is a train wreck.

It's been a long hot day here in Phuket but let me try and tackle those four sentences as I sip a Singha Light

1. Bernie doesn't have a communist past. He calls himself a democratic socialist, nothing to do with communism.

2. Even if he did, how would that tie in with being Hillary's rival today? I find no parallels there that tie the two absurd premises together.

3. Trump will absolutely destroy him... - that's just based on a wingnut gut feeling? Bernie and Hillary are well ahead of Trump in any poll. Independents, women, minorities, young voters will all run from Trump or any of the these right wing candidates.

4. Then, you completely change it up by saying he has a solid campaign behind Trump. Trump's campaign appeals to about 25% of Republican voters and way behind when matched up against Democrats, yeah, way behind Bernie, now. Trumps campaign has had no appeal outside of a crazed minority of tea party Republicans and every comedian.

5. The coup de gras, the free stuff, too tempting...blah, blah??? The last sentence is really where this post enters the twilight zone. Wingnut word salad but it would appear you're saying Bernie is...

Nope, can't do it. I don't know what you're talking about.

Edited by seedy
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In the UK, trump is a widely used word

I have just discovered that this usage is unknown in the USA

Look it up, hours of mirth! Tee Hee!

Americans don't give a crap about what people think in some irrelevant minor island in the process of being taken over by Arabs.

It was humour you silly person!

BTW, the U.K. Is 5th richest country in the World. Irrelevant? I think you need all the friends you can get right now. Read up a bit before starting unnecessary fights......

I 'liked' his post because I thought it was funny.

Then I read your post in which you state the UK is the 5th richest country in the world. Since you provided no link in support, I googled 'Richest countries in the World' and discovered...

The International Monetary Fund ranks the UK as 27th.

The World Bank has the UK as number 23.

The Central Intelligence Agency has the UK in the 28th slot.

Then I looked up a listing of nations according to GDP. Viola!! There is the UK in 5th place with $2.942 Trillion.

Just for comparison, California has a GDP of $2.424 Trillion with Texas coming in second at $1.648 Trillion.

The UK have been valuable friends of the US for years...and vice versa. We always appreciate your friendship. It is the continual snarky remarks made by many Brits on this forum that raise some hackles.


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Papa Frank is obviously correct, and if the POPE don't know what's Christian, who does?

On the other hand, the USA is not a theocracy, Christian or otherwise.

Apparently not the Pope by some people's standards.. He lives in a walled city and isn't about to take in Muslim OR Hispanic refugees.

He's all hat and no cattle.


I'm not supporting or opposing the Pope. Simply saying that he should know what's Christian and what's not.

This is silliness of the first order. The pope in Rome does NOT speak for Protestant Christianity, which took Europe out of the Dark Ages, with the Popes and Roman Church kicking and screaming all the way. The Roman Church = ISIS.

I don't agree with you.

Yes of course Catholicism is one sect of Christianity but there is no Pope role for all Protestants. As far as the world is concerned, mostly not a Christian world, the POPE in ROME is the most important, most visible, leader for ALL of Christianity. Technically, not, but in PR terms may as well be.

Sometimes I think Jews wish they had a Pope. Barbara Streisand doesn't count.

Edited by Jingthing
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Bernie and Clinton will destroy him due to the Black and Hispanic vote. Election participation rate is higher among blacks and hispanics compared to whites!

Maybe for a black candidate. Not for those two ghosts.

It's not a matter of voting for, it's a matter of voting against. And for blacks and latinos, especially latinos, there's a lot of motivation.

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In the UK, trump is a widely used word

I have just discovered that this usage is unknown in the USA

Look it up, hours of mirth! Tee Hee!

Americans don't give a crap about what people think in some irrelevant minor island in the process of being taken over by Arabs.

It was humour you silly person!

BTW, the U.K. Is 5th richest country in the World. Irrelevant? I think you need all the friends you can get right now. Read up a bit before starting unnecessary fights......

I 'liked' his post because I thought it was funny.

Then I read your post in which you state the UK is the 5th richest country in the world. Since you provided no link in support, I googled 'Richest countries in the World' and discovered...

The International Monetary Fund ranks the UK as 27th.

The World Bank has the UK as number 23.

The Central Intelligence Agency has the UK in the 28th slot.

Then I looked up a listing of nations according to GDP. Viola!! There is the UK in 5th place with $2.942 Trillion.

Just for comparison, California has a GDP of $2.424 Trillion with Texas coming in second at $1.648 Trillion.

The UK have been valuable friends of the US for years...and vice versa. We always appreciate your friendship. It is the continual snarky remarks made by many Brits on this forum that raise some hackles.


Absolutely no wish to cause offence!

I was indeed referring to GDP in response to the UK being irrelevant

On what basis are the other statistics based?

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In the UK, trump is a widely used word

I have just discovered that this usage is unknown in the USA

Look it up, hours of mirth! Tee Hee!

Americans don't give a crap about what people think in some irrelevant minor island in the process of being taken over by Arabs.

It was humour you silly person!

BTW, the U.K. Is 5th richest country in the World. Irrelevant? I think you need all the friends you can get right now. Read up a bit before starting unnecessary fights......

I 'liked' his post because I thought it was funny.

Then I read your post in which you state the UK is the 5th richest country in the world. Since you provided no link in support, I googled 'Richest countries in the World' and discovered...

The International Monetary Fund ranks the UK as 27th.

The World Bank has the UK as number 23.

The Central Intelligence Agency has the UK in the 28th slot.

Then I looked up a listing of nations according to GDP. Viola!! There is the UK in 5th place with $2.942 Trillion.

Just for comparison, California has a GDP of $2.424 Trillion with Texas coming in second at $1.648 Trillion.

The UK have been valuable friends of the US for years...and vice versa. We always appreciate your friendship. It is the continual snarky remarks made by many Brits on this forum that raise some hackles.


Absolutely no wish to cause offence!

I was indeed referring to GDP in response to the UK being irrelevant

On what basis are the other statistics based?

I note that Forbes has UK at number 4 in terms of per capita wealth

But does anyone care?

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Papa Frank is obviously correct, and if the POPE don't know what's Christian, who does?

On the other hand, the USA is not a theocracy, Christian or otherwise.

Non Christians can be expected to miss that this pope represents only approx 1/2 of the world's Christians. In fact, the majority of reformation was rejection of catholic papal excess. This is forever ago to social media minds today; it is only a nap ago to the Catholic Church, the oldest continuing institution in the West if not the world. Its been no more than an afternoon nap since the Catholic Church intruded as State in all affairs. The world just be alarmed, not incredulous like a drunken uncle acted the fool at holiday. This is a serious breach of long established protocol- you, papist, pulpit. You, politician, over there.

Its a curious development as this jesuit pope is a militant theologian, and kin with the modern Western left. But he is a religious icon. How does this work out, the Progressives and the Papacy? I am unsure how the left answers this.

Point 2 (unrelated to above post): This pope has variously been noted in TV forums as a uniter, Hope, divider, and other less polite titles by those like me. Whatever this pontiff is he is clearly no longer entitled to a wider berth as "religious leader" because he purports to represent unseen forces in the clouds. When religion acts on the secular it loses the former and has credibility with neither.

When this pope, fresh from his meeting with the leader of Byzantium Christianity, injects himself into the secular to condemn the proposed building of a wall (Context=Vatican and Byzantium), it reveals finally he has no clothes- no frock, no See, no Rock, nothing. He is just a man... just a socialist man with a white scapular. When this man leverages his personal politics to count christian souls in or count christian souls out of the Christian embrace with Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit, something even darker is defined.

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