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Are the good days in Pattaya gone for good?


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Hi guys I might just have to find a new place in Thailand to move to Pattaya is wearing me out.

The traffic feels like it is way worse endless buses loaded with tourists.

What is it with all the families walking around at night when girls are calling. "Hey sexy man." Seems like there are better places to take a family.

The tunnel on sukhumvit is taking forever to be built so the traffic is just madness.

It feels like every year it just gets a little worse.

Are the good days in Pattaya gone for good?

Thanks just wanted to vent.

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The good times in Pattaya ended for me when the 1980's were over.

Kinda makes impulse's point.

Yes, absolutely true. But people who are not aware of what the place was like prior to the end of the 1980s have no clue as to what you are saying. It is all about having a "reference point." The good news is that we experienced some great times in the past. I would extend the "good times" to about 2002. After that, it has been downhill in many ways (still, I like the new mall and Starbucks and some Western places to eat that we did not have in the past). It is sad that present and future generations will never know what the "good times" were really like. Those times are gone--forever.

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Sihanoukville is a much much better option than Pattaya depending on your needs/wants...

The beaches are most certainly better 10 fold. Its basically Pattaya 20 years ago. Its got some catching up to do but the VISA is probably its greatest asset and you can work on it if you choose...

I spent the last 6 months there and regret coming back... The casinos are lots of fun and there are more and more quality restaurants opening all the time.

50 cents US for a beer is hard to beat anywhere in the world... A far friendlier place than Pattaya also..

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The good times in Pattaya ended for me when the 1980's were over.

Kinda makes impulse's point.

Yes, absolutely true. But people who are not aware of what the place was like prior to the end of the 1980s have no clue as to what you are saying. It is all about having a "reference point." The good news is that we experienced some great times in the past. I would extend the "good times" to about 2002. After that, it has been downhill in many ways (still, I like the new mall and Starbucks and some Western places to eat that we did not have in the past). It is sad that present and future generations will never know what the "good times" were really like. Those times are gone--forever.

True, but 100 or 10,000 miles away in S. Thailand, or Cambodia, or Myanmar, or Vietnam, or Yucatan, or Baja, or ???, there's a sleepy beach/fishing town in exactly the same stage of development as Pattaya was when you came to love it. And just like the Pattaya of old, it's out of the way, inconvenient to get to, perhaps a little bit dodgy, and you'll have to scrounge a little bit to find all the comforts of home.

But we're getting old and fat and spoiled so we'll stay in our comfort zone, even as it goes to seed around us. It's that boiling frog thing.

Or, maybe not. It is up to us, after all.

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I've only been here some 6 years. I've noticed huge changes. Massive development and massive traffic jams. Just seems to be getting worse and worse. I think traffic is 2-3 times worse than it was 6 years ago.

I basically don't go into Central Pattaya any more....

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The good times in Pattaya ended for me when the 1980's were over.

Kinda makes impulse's point.

Yes, absolutely true. But people who are not aware of what the place was like prior to the end of the 1980s have no clue as to what you are saying. It is all about having a "reference point." The good news is that we experienced some great times in the past. I would extend the "good times" to about 2002. After that, it has been downhill in many ways (still, I like the new mall and Starbucks and some Western places to eat that we did not have in the past). It is sad that present and future generations will never know what the "good times" were really like. Those times are gone--forever.

To take that logic a bit further - the future generations would not appreciate what you called "good times" as they have a completely different outlook on life. It's not only the times that are a-changing - the people are a-changing too.

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Sihanoukville is a much much better option than Pattaya depending on your needs/wants...

The beaches are most certainly better 10 fold. Its basically Pattaya 20 years ago. Its got some catching up to do but the VISA is probably its greatest asset and you can work on it if you choose...

I spent the last 6 months there and regret coming back... The casinos are lots of fun and there are more and more quality restaurants opening all the time.

50 cents US for a beer is hard to beat anywhere in the world... A far friendlier place than Pattaya also..

Sokha beach is nice, but i haven't seen so much garbage all over the town anywhere else! Plastic food containers and other crap everywhere. Dining and entertainment options are just a small fraction of what Pattaya offers. Sihanoukville is a dirty dump! Edited by pmugghc
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Wow, pmugghc, ouch you must walk around Pattaya with your eyes closed... Its a much bigger dump. Everything you say about the rubbish in Snooky is 10 times worse here.

Like i said its got some catching up to do.

WILEYCOYOTE:- Sihanoukville is in the midst of building or has just finished an airport 10 minutes out of town. Once its up and operational with regular flights the skies the limit there.

Again if its the beaches and actually swimming in them that you like then Sihanoukville wins hands down.

If they ever build some golf courses then look out.

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The good times in Pattaya ended for me when the 1980's were over.

Kinda makes impulse's point.

Yes, absolutely true. But people who are not aware of what the place was like prior to the end of the 1980s have no clue as to what you are saying. It is all about having a "reference point." The good news is that we experienced some great times in the past. I would extend the "good times" to about 2002. After that, it has been downhill in many ways (still, I like the new mall and Starbucks and some Western places to eat that we did not have in the past). It is sad that present and future generations will never know what the "good times" were really like. Those times are gone--forever.

To take that logic a bit further - the future generations would not appreciate what you called "good times" as they have a completely different outlook on life. It's not only the times that are a-changing - the people are a-changing too.

I agree with that view. They do not have the same reference point that, perhaps, we have. They do not know anything different from what they see today. They -- young generations -- actually think total crap is a 5-star gourmet dish. How else can you explain what is considered by them as good "music" these days. The fact that they are clueless about the past is what keeps the "Pattaya ship" above water, even though it should have gone under a long time ago. And so it goes....

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Wow, pmugghc, ouch you must walk around Pattaya with your eyes closed... Its a much bigger dump. Everything you say about the rubbish in Snooky is 10 times worse here.

Like i said its got some catching up to do.

WILEYCOYOTE:- Sihanoukville is in the midst of building or has just finished an airport 10 minutes out of town. Once its up and operational with regular flights the skies the limit there.

Again if its the beaches and actually swimming in them that you like then Sihanoukville wins hands down.

If they ever build some golf courses then look out.

Sounds like you have some vested business interests there. The aiport is 20km out of town, forget about any 10 min transit. Have you even been there? The only regular flights are to Siem Reap, maybe PP.

Pattaya has vastly better and more wide-ranging offerings of hotels, shops, restaurants, attractions, entertainment. Pattaya is not very clean but Sihanoukville? Jeez.....

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The good times in Pattaya ended for me when the 1980's were over.

Kinda makes impulse's point.

Yes, absolutely true. But people who are not aware of what the place was like prior to the end of the 1980s have no clue as to what you are saying. It is all about having a "reference point." The good news is that we experienced some great times in the past. I would extend the "good times" to about 2002. After that, it has been downhill in many ways (still, I like the new mall and Starbucks and some Western places to eat that we did not have in the past). It is sad that present and future generations will never know what the "good times" were really like. Those times are gone--forever.

Who care about "The good old days" ? Take it as it is to day or leave it !

We all have a free choise...

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10 years ago i was totally spoilt for choice regarding the ladies, and they were all slim, 20 something and very pleasant. "whats your name, where you come from, how long your holiday in thailand?"

there was a cold towel in every bar and a massage. barfines were 200bt and there was the 500bt quickie.a lot of places were still built of bamboo.

now its "wat u wan drink? you buy me drink" then back off to the corner to play on the phone. the available starfish are mid 30's+, flabby and very disinterested in the whole deal.......but want 1-2000bt to lie on a bed and snore.

pattayas not changed at all!.....i just stopped paying for <deleted> service.

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No, there will always be good days, but the "best days" are gone. I am one of those old timers who saw it 30 years ago. Same for Sihanoukville. One day, McDonald's "golden arches" will interupt the view of Angkor Wat. But, if you are young, and it is your firdt time, you will love it. Come back in 2045, and you be nostalgic for what it all once was. Kinda' like Sweden 10 years ago...Allahu Ahkbar, if you get my drift...

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Wow, pmugghc, ouch you must walk around Pattaya with your eyes closed... Its a much bigger dump. Everything you say about the rubbish in Snooky is 10 times worse here.

Like i said its got some catching up to do.

WILEYCOYOTE:- Sihanoukville is in the midst of building or has just finished an airport 10 minutes out of town. Once its up and operational with regular flights the skies the limit there.

Again if its the beaches and actually swimming in them that you like then Sihanoukville wins hands down.

If they ever build some golf courses then look out.

Sounds like you have some vested business interests there. The aiport is 20km out of town, forget about any 10 min transit. Have you even been there? The only regular flights are to Siem Reap, maybe PP.

Pattaya has vastly better and more wide-ranging offerings of hotels, shops, restaurants, attractions, entertainment. Pattaya is not very clean but Sihanoukville? Jeez.....

OOps my bad a whole 20kms..... No vested interest but I would invest there before here...

Please tell us something we don't know. No shit it has all the things you quote...

Does Sihanoukville have a bigger chance of becoming something Pattaya has failed miserably to become.. ABSOLUTELY..

Is it there yet.. If you cared to read my post IT HAS SOME CATCHING UP TO DO...

At least they are smart enough to put in place laws that restrict the height of buildings.. Something Pattaya and its government cronies should have done a long time ago.... Anyone in Pattaya will tell you it has been over developed 10 fold and will never ever recover now.. Did you catch the mayhem over the weekend with traffic etc... That will be Pattaya 24/7 365 within 5 years,,,, sadly.. I'll take Sihanoukville over that coming mess any day of the week...

Double JEEZ..

Edited by Johnsen
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