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Are the good days in Pattaya gone for good?


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The good times in Pattaya ended for me when the 1980's were over.

Kinda makes impulse's point.

Yes, absolutely true. But people who are not aware of what the place was like prior to the end of the 1980s have no clue as to what you are saying. It is all about having a "reference point." The good news is that we experienced some great times in the past. I would extend the "good times" to about 2002. After that, it has been downhill in many ways (still, I like the new mall and Starbucks and some Western places to eat that we did not have in the past). It is sad that present and future generations will never know what the "good times" were really like. Those times are gone--forever.

To take that logic a bit further - the future generations would not appreciate what you called "good times" as they have a completely different outlook on life. It's not only the times that are a-changing - the people are a-changing too.

Off topic re Pattaya , but only 2 days ago I was saying to a mate up here in the far north " These will be the good old days for some so what does that say about the future , if these times are good the future looks very bleak " Up here in my provincial town folk are in debt places have closed , one bar open last week now has a gate across with phone numbers on . I did get beer in one place though , never ' No beer ' here.

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To people complaining about the traffic. Do you realize, that while a pain for the moment, it will be a big improvement for years to come. To people complaining about girl prices, that is inflation, bad luck. Good on them for getting more.

Thailand is the best city in the world, cheap public transport, great weather, cheap cold beer from the beach to the 2,500 beer bars to what are without a doubt the best gogos in the world, an array of fun nightclubs, great Thai pubs, Tomboy bars with girls who love girls, live music catering to all tastes, cheap tasty Thai food, cheap good quality food from an array of other countries, nice and compact where you can get pretty much anywhere in a car in about 15minutes outside of peak times, and if in a rush during peak times you can catch a cheap motorcycle, many world class golf courses near by. The party in pattaya goes 24/7/365

Go to the beach and the friendly locals will lay you out a chair, set up an umbrella, get you food and bring you icy beer, great shopping from an array of markets and more up market stuff also, cheap pool villas, beautiful pattaya bay, the long stretch of Jomtien Beach golden sands and the crystal clear waters of Koh Larn. Every single day the is someone having the best day of his life in Pattaya, whether he is a 20 year old, or a 80 year old, pattaya doesn't discriminate. Friendly happy people everywhere. I could go on.

No where on earth offers such a hedonistic lifestyle.

I would say God Bless Pattaya, but he already has.. I often wonder what I did to deserve him choosing me to live here. I often think I must have been Mother Thderesa in my last life. I am grateful for everyday in Paradise City.

The good days are not over, all days are good days in this great city.

If this is not a sendup please tell me where I can purchase a pair of the glasses you're wearing. smile.png

Did you read "Roomuck's previous post about the crime in Pattaya. He never locks his car, and has a dash cam..

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Bugger all to do with drinking, smoking, age, budget or whatever convenient pigeonhole springs to mind. There are the perpetual glass half empty guys; an attitude that probably comes from a life (still) unfulfilled. Then there are those that don't regret their past choices and embrace the life yet un-lived.

It has everything to do with all of the above. You're actually the one doing the pigeonholing here. Yes there's optimists and pessimists with their own spin on things but realists will clearly see Pattaya is no paradise and that was the topic l was commenting on.

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Whatever happened to Sihanoukville, Cambodia which was supposed to be the new Pattaya? Is it getting close yet?

well it has sure started in Ochutel Beach where just last week all the beach bars and other businesses were served with notices to vacate by a certain date otherwise the premises will be demolished With whatever contents happen to be inside.sad.png

Edited by Asiantravel
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To people complaining about the traffic. Do you realize, that while a pain for the moment, it will be a big improvement for years to come. To people complaining about girl prices, that is inflation, bad luck. Good on them for getting more.

Thailand is the best city in the world, cheap public transport, great weather, cheap cold beer from the beach to the 2,500 beer bars to what are without a doubt the best gogos in the world, an array of fun nightclubs, great Thai pubs, Tomboy bars with girls who love girls, live music catering to all tastes, cheap tasty Thai food, cheap good quality food from an array of other countries, nice and compact where you can get pretty much anywhere in a car in about 15minutes outside of peak times, and if in a rush during peak times you can catch a cheap motorcycle, many world class golf courses near by. The party in pattaya goes 24/7/365

Go to the beach and the friendly locals will lay you out a chair, set up an umbrella, get you food and bring you icy beer, great shopping from an array of markets and more up market stuff also, cheap pool villas, beautiful pattaya bay, the long stretch of Jomtien Beach golden sands and the crystal clear waters of Koh Larn. Every single day the is someone having the best day of his life in Pattaya, whether he is a 20 year old, or a 80 year old, pattaya doesn't discriminate. Friendly happy people everywhere. I could go on.

No where on earth offers such a hedonistic lifestyle.

I would say God Bless Pattaya, but he already has.. I often wonder what I did to deserve him choosing me to live here. I often think I must have been Mother Thderesa in my last life. I am grateful for everyday in Paradise City.

The good days are not over, all days are good days in this great city.

If this is not a sendup please tell me where I can purchase a pair of the glasses you're wearing. smile.png

Did you read "Roomuck's previous post about the crime in Pattaya. He never locks his car, and has a dash cam..

Good to see you paying attention. The dash cam only cost about 500 baht, so about 20 dollars. Part of the reason I don't bother to lock it most of the time is the drivers side door plays up a bit, and since the car is an import I don't want to wear it out further. It will be a hassle to get a new one. If someone pinches the dash cam I will just get another one. Cheaper than messing around ordering a new lock and finding a mechanic to fix it. I do sometimes lock it , just depends on the vibe.

Also because it is an rare import, no Thais really know what it is, so I don't think anyone will bother to steal it. Plus I have insurance. If it was a Toyota or something worth pinching for second hand parts I would probably lock it most of the time.

I was in a similar situation in oz and never locked the car there (people thought I was crazy, maybe I am ) and often used to leave the keys under the drivers side mat. Maybe one day I will regret it. Right now it is out the front, unlocked with the windows open.

But I am usually careful to close the windows overnight. Still sometimes forget and when I do it amazes me how mozzzies love my car so much.

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A bit off subject but there are temple parties with very loud music on all this long weekend. Will we have a whinge tomorrow about these noisy Thai people having fun and keeping the farangs awake? I reckon.

It doesn't always go that way... I have a Thai neighbour that complains about me keeping her awake at night... has even complained to the police about me. All unfounded complaints, but it's their country - we are mainly unwelcome guests unless there's a direct link from our bank account to their pockets.

Seriously, your claims that Pattaya is a (very) great city, Thailand is a (very) great country and Thais can do no wrong sound a bit naive to me. I may have said that 10 years ago too, after I just arrivedg, but I've wisened up since then.

What is it you drink (or smoke) which keeps you so upbeat?biggrin.png

Just about to head out today to get me those rose colored glasses.

I never said that Thai people can do know wrong, but by reading thaivisa you would be lead to believe all the women are prostitutes, all Thai blokes go around clubbing tourists to death and rent jet skis.

And yes I am rather upbeat with my life/lifestyle especially as I go back to dreary Oz every year and see how they live, I imagine the USA would be no better, and England a lot worse.

I also find many comments about Thai people here degrading and rude. Mum has always said if you haven't got anything nice to say, then shut the flick up. I am also a big believer in "if you don't like it here just flick off."

And despite many people here knocking me, many others agree. Thank you to all my fans out there, most of who were also chosen by God to live in Pattaya, Thailand. The have seen the light and are also enlightened.

And for all the knockers, and there have been many, not a single one has been able to give me a better city in which to live. Not one. One did say Portugal, but didn't give a city.

And I am deadest fairdinkum mate, if there is a better place, I will move there. Why wouldn't I? Hedonism is my religion. There is no afterlife, heaven is now, and the Holy City is Pattaya with the Heavenly Angels. (but, I haven't found the Virgin Mary yet).

And to the people who say I am only a newbie, I first came to the great city as an eight year boy in 1978, stayed at the newly opened Royal Cliff, came back as a kid and a young adult countless times. Lived here for seven years and can HONESTLY say I love Thailand and the Thais more every year.

I am here because of work, but to be fair i like it here. once you get over the negatives it is ok. Is the best place on earth? Is it "heaven" as you describe it, err, no.

It all depends what you want out of life and also how much money you have got. Lets be very honest, if money was not an issue Pattaya would not be number 1 choice on where to live.

There are many, many places I would rather live if i could. however, I prefer Hong Kong to Pattaya for sure, better food, better standards but property is pricey to rent and buy.

I love the algarve in Portugal, Santorini in the Cyclades even Lindos in Rhodes, all are prettier, more laid back and have amazing seafood. Plus people are friendly and love to live life and are open to foreigners.

I have travelled to many more places that are better then Pattaya, if you really want to know where I recommend you move to next then let me know..

in the meantime, glad you are happy, enjoy yourself. As much as i might not agree with you it's good to hear someone that has a positive attitude about their life.

Have a great day,,

Thank you.

And thanks for the tips, I have been to Hong Kong, but it doesn't suit me. Also not quite warm enough. I will check out the other places you said on the net, and maybe go there. I have plenty of spare time.

I agree with you about better places to visit, but to live for me, so far, Pattaya nails it. My original plan was actually to live in samui, but was lured to Pattaya by a dodgy businessman (not Thai), who promised the world but before I invested with him I realized that his figures just didn't add up and I was also warned about him. Then for various reasons, I just stayed here.

I still like visiting samui, but also like pretty much everywhere in Thailand, so Pattaya is a great base. Also easy when friends and family (mum, dad and brother come every year) visit being so close to swampy. When single mates visit Pattaya has enough to entertain us, when their wives and kids come usually a few days in Pattaya and head somewhere else to give them more of a balance.

You have a nice day.

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It doesn't always go that way... I have a Thai neighbour that complains about me keeping her awake at night... has even complained to the police about me. All unfounded complaints, but it's their country - we are mainly unwelcome guests unless there's a direct link from our bank account to their pockets.

Seriously, your claims that Pattaya is a (very) great city, Thailand is a (very) great country and Thais can do no wrong sound a bit naive to me. I may have said that 10 years ago too, after I just arrived, but I've wisened up since then.

What is it you drink (or smoke) which keeps you so upbeat?biggrin.png

Just about to head out today to get me those rose colored glasses.

I never said that Thai people can do know wrong,

Yes you did. When your helmut was stolen you said it was probably a farang. Sure no Thai would do that. You Thai apologists are pathetic.

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And yes I am rather upbeat with my life/lifestyle especially as I go back to dreary Oz every year and see how they live, I imagine the USA would be no better, and England a lot worse.

There's a bit of irony here, but it took years of living in Pattaya to realise how great Australia is. Climate should not be a concern because in Australia you can literally dial the climate of your choice - full tropical in the north, and temperate in the south. There aren't many countries where you can do this - tropical temps and snow available at same time of year... The ONLY concern for me is the cost of living in Australia, which has gone through the roof since I left.

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It doesn't always go that way... I have a Thai neighbour that complains about me keeping her awake at night... has even complained to the police about me. All unfounded complaints, but it's their country - we are mainly unwelcome guests unless there's a direct link from our bank account to their pockets.

Seriously, your claims that Pattaya is a (very) great city, Thailand is a (very) great country and Thais can do no wrong sound a bit naive to me. I may have said that 10 years ago too, after I just arrived, but I've wisened up since then.

What is it you drink (or smoke) which keeps you so upbeat?biggrin.png

Just about to head out today to get me those rose colored glasses.

I never said that Thai people can do know wrong,

Yes you did. When your helmut was stolen you said it was probably a farang. Sure no Thai would do that. You Thai apologists are pathetic.

Yes you are right I did say it was probably a farang. A bit tongue in cheek.

But I don't think I said " sure no Thai would do that," if I did I apologise in advance, I haven't got time now to check as I am heading out for dinner with freinds. I will check when I get back. And IF I said it I will concede that I am pathetic. And I will ban myself for 48 hours!

And to this day I don't know who stole it. Thai farang or whoever.

Part of the reason I do think it is usually fairly safe to leave cars unlocked etc is because of the warm weather and always people around, so thieves are nervous in these situations. It got pinched on a quiet part Pattaya nua, lots of cars going past but not much foot traffic and no shophouses etc.

Edited by Roomuck
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Yes you did. When your helmut was stolen you said it was probably a farang. Sure no Thai would do that. You Thai apologists are pathetic.

Part of the reason I do think it is usually fairly safe to leave cars unlocked etc is because of the warm weather and always people around,

Laughable,( "its safe to leave your car unlocked in Pattaya because of the warm weather".) Please remove the thick, heavy rose tints, and wise up.

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And yes I am rather upbeat with my life/lifestyle especially as I go back to dreary Oz every year and see how they live, I imagine the USA would be no better, and England a lot worse.

There's a bit of irony here, but it took years of living in Pattaya to realise how great Australia is. Climate should not be a concern because in Australia you can literally dial the climate of your choice - full tropical in the north, and temperate in the south. There aren't many countries where you can do this - tropical temps and snow available at same time of year... The ONLY concern for me is the cost of living in Australia, which has gone through the roof since I left.

I was wondering why Australia's high cost of living would bother you since you don't live there. But your earlier post where you say that you would leave Pattaya tonight but can't afford to indicates that you wish to go back home. I have to agree that Australia is buggered in that regard which is a great pity as I was eyeballing a property in Margaret River myself a few years back. But you can get temperate-to-tropical in America too and it's a whole lot cheaper. Buddy of mine is relocating back to to Florida after 10 years of 'living the dream' in Pattaya and he's only around 30 years old. From my globe trotting, Brazil also checks the climate boxes and life is cheaper there but I don't mean that in a good way.

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And yes I am rather upbeat with my life/lifestyle especially as I go back to dreary Oz every year and see how they live, I imagine the USA would be no better, and England a lot worse.

There's a bit of irony here, but it took years of living in Pattaya to realise how great Australia is. Climate should not be a concern because in Australia you can literally dial the climate of your choice - full tropical in the north, and temperate in the south. There aren't many countries where you can do this - tropical temps and snow available at same time of year... The ONLY concern for me is the cost of living in Australia, which has gone through the roof since I left.

I was wondering why Australia's high cost of living would bother you since you don't live there. But your earlier post where you say that you would leave Pattaya tonight but can't afford to indicates that you wish to go back home. I have to agree that Australia is buggered in that regard which is a great pity as I was eyeballing a property in Margaret River myself a few years back. But you can get temperate-to-tropical in America too and it's a whole lot cheaper. Buddy of mine is relocating back to to Florida after 10 years of 'living the dream' in Pattaya and he's only around 30 years old. From my globe trotting, Brazil also checks the climate boxes and life is cheaper there but I don't mean that in a good way.

I spend half the year in Oz and the other half in Pattaya on and off.

The main cost in Oz is housing so if you have your own place then it is not really that expensive.

Many of my friends do the same thing.

I wouldn't want to think I couldn't leave Pattaya because of the lack of funds or move back home because of lack of funds.

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On these posts people tend to forget that there are two Pattaya's ,the one where you go out every night to bars ,drinking smoking and taking hookers back to your room ,this is the Pattaya the tourists see as well , and then there is the Pattaya where family people live , where they cut the grass and wash the car and go shopping in Tesco and at night are home watching the tv .

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I came to Thailand in October 1999,Spent my first 2 years in Bangkok.In 2001 i moved to Pattaya.It seemed different then,maybe it was all in my mind,there didn't seem to be as many people getting killed,not so many girls getting raped,in fact crime seemed a lot less than it is today.But that's understandable because the kids that were kids then,are adults now.And there are many more drug related crimes.Kids grow up and look at the west and cant understand why they cant have and do the things that westerners have and do.The girls want European noses,big tit's,blue eyes, and blond hair.they see the European models,boys and girls alike in the magazines and they resent the fact that its because they've got no money,they will never have it.Resentment breeds jealousy and jealousy breeds anger.I stayed in Pattaya proper (visiting other places in between) I got a job and life was good.Girls came and went and it was,indeed,the best time of my life.it was about 5 years ago that i saw the first of the new style tourist.I was on soi Bukhouw sitting outside a bar when i saw him. A thug,about 5ft 9,bald,ugly,fat gutted,tattooed head to foot,he was wearing a filthy,Chang,wife beater vest and a pair pf cargo shorts that had the,unwashed for weeks,look about them.

Ok,we've all seen, it,but this was my first one.

It was what he was doing that drew my attention.he was standing in the middle of the road.teetering to and fro,holding a big bottle of Chang beer and swearing at a young Thai boy for nearly running him over.The kid was scared of this monster from another planet,you could see it on his face.And this disgusting animal was spitting such vile filth and vitriolic language(well,i think it was a language) telling him (the boy) 'That soon Pattaya would belong to the whites,and he had better look where he was driving' that was it for me.By then i had a regular gf and we decided to move out of the area to a few klms away,where we opened our own bar.We had it for 4 years and we made money.We decided to sell up when the thug tourists found the area we had moved to.The whole area changed within weeks,there were fights on the streets and all over bloody football.We moved to Khon kaen,to my wife's village 6 months ago.Ok! its not the most exciting place in the world but its safe and peaceful.However last Saturday,we went into the city and found the western bars.We played some pool and had a great time.

Is Pattaya finshed? No,i dont think so,but the writing is on the wall,which is a pity because it once was the greatest show in town.


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I think it peaked around 2005. Beach road sidewalk on the north side had flower beds. The walkway around to Naklua was passable. There was still a high and a low season traffic wise for sure. After the 2006 Thaksin coup, then the airport sit in, then the Bangkok riots, and the floods, Pattaya got jammed. Way too many Russian tour groups, improper businesses, gross abuse of the visa system that is now causing problems, passport and visa checks and blockades are becoming routine and an annoyance, etc. Local Police often don't do much because they have to go touchy feely with the military and other political officers that are monitoring things. Laws and contracts and buying a condo are high risk things given the constant takeovers. The tree hack job they did on Beach Road is a horror. Bright stadium lights just don't make it a pretty place. I still love the eating choices, german food for example. Don't have that readily available where I live and work in the USA. Still love the massages, all types from foot, oil to soapy.

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Reality is, as has been said, that Pattaya is larger than the tourist spots and is different things to different people and as it has evolved those things and those people change their relationship to each other. I can't compare the Pattaya of 40 or 50 years ago to today without taking into account my own aging and maturing and what it is I have looked for at different stages of my life. Pattaya is what it is today and will be different in a few years just as I will be and just as both of us were different some years back. The key to me is to find the balance and interests that suit you at your stage of life and try to avoid the things that don't suit you.

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So the Chinese will think of now as the good old times? Yep! What do they do in Pattaya anyway? I wonder what their average stay duration is.

I am much more discriminating in my choice of companion than in the old days. I like that. My % of good experiences is way up. And I like that Beer Lao is now widely available.

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I think it peaked around 2005. Beach road sidewalk on the north side had flower beds. The walkway around to Naklua was passable. There was still a high and a low season traffic wise for sure. After the 2006 Thaksin coup, then the airport sit in, then the Bangkok riots, and the floods, Pattaya got jammed. Way too many Russian tour groups, improper businesses, gross abuse of the visa system that is now causing problems, passport and visa checks and blockades are becoming routine and an annoyance, etc. Local Police often don't do much because they have to go touchy feely with the military and other political officers that are monitoring things. Laws and contracts and buying a condo are high risk things given the constant takeovers. The tree hack job they did on Beach Road is a horror. Bright stadium lights just don't make it a pretty place. I still love the eating choices, german food for example. Don't have that readily available where I live and work in the USA. Still love the massages, all types from foot, oil to soapy.

I remember the flowers on the winding walkway along with lots of shade trees and benches to sit down on (without metal poles sticking out of them). I was shocked when they started the tree hacking job back in 2002.....then again a couple of years after that.......then again.......and most recently the almost total slaughter of all of the remaining old-growth shade trees and removal of all places to sit.

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So the Chinese will think of now as the good old times? Yep! What do they do in Pattaya anyway? I wonder what their average stay duration is.

I am much more discriminating in my choice of companion than in the old days. I like that. My % of good experiences is way up. And I like that Beer Lao is now widely available.

It would be interesting to be a fly on the wall listening to what the Chinese tourists have to say about Pattaya. My guess is they are very underwhelmed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

They are starting to disappear, the Sth End of Walking Street is being over run by Arabs and a lot of bars are playing Arab music, sounds like a cat being strangled to a beat. I can handle any music, even Thai but Arsb music JUST SHOOT ME.

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They are starting to disappear, the Sth End of Walking Street is being over run by Arabs and a lot of bars are playing Arab music, sounds like a cat being strangled to a beat. I can handle any music, even Thai but Arsb music JUST SHOOT ME.

With the demise of shisha, even the Arabs will be feeling it.

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The idea is for you to take the sphincter, shut up and bugger off to find happiness in, say,

the paradise of Cambodia where you're wanted.

Can't be to another town in Thailand: you'll not get over your OCD and just have to keep bashing Pattaya from there. Then you can complain about that country..

If only! There is no known cure for PDS (Pattaya Derangement Syndrome), you'd think moving to Cambodia, and start bashing some Cambodian town would ease the pain associated with Pattaya, but no! Even formet Pattaya guys who have moved back to Europe and Australia keep telling us here how terrible life is for us here.

It seems unique to Pattaya, I never see former Phuket residents spam away at Phuket forum. And of course they don't post complaining about some Cambodian town cos no one is reading their valuable thoughts at Cambodia forum, while Pattaya forum is lively and PDS sufferers have captive audience here.

But the worst offendrs are often the unfortunate souls who made Isaan their home, you can just feel their pain while they type away what horror Pattaya is lol, often posted late at night, I imagine all dressed up but no where to go. I take some pleasure reading about their thoughts on Pattaya, and especially Pattaya expats, goes without saying most of us are internationally wanted arms dealers, or at the very least Russian mafia.

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I think it peaked around 2005. Beach road sidewalk on the north side had flower beds. The walkway around to Naklua was passable. There was still a high and a low season traffic wise for sure. After the 2006 Thaksin coup, then the airport sit in, then the Bangkok riots, and the floods, Pattaya got jammed. Way too many Russian tour groups, improper businesses, gross abuse of the visa system that is now causing problems, passport and visa checks and blockades are becoming routine and an annoyance, etc. Local Police often don't do much because they have to go touchy feely with the military and other political officers that are monitoring things. Laws and contracts and buying a condo are high risk things given the constant takeovers. The tree hack job they did on Beach Road is a horror. Bright stadium lights just don't make it a pretty place. I still love the eating choices, german food for example. Don't have that readily available where I live and work in the USA. Still love the massages, all types from foot, oil to soapy.

I remember the flowers on the winding walkway along with lots of shade trees and benches to sit down on (without metal poles sticking out of them). I was shocked when they started the tree hacking job back in 2002.....then again a couple of years after that.......then again.......and most recently the almost total slaughter of all of the remaining old-growth shade trees and removal of all places to sit.

Long Gone. And here are some photos from Pattaya Beach days of glory.What you have now is a seedy, third string, mass tourism, overly congested seaside resort.



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jomtien is still excellent. rompo market 60 bath beers and 1000thb beauties (ok not stunners but still possible to find good ones fresh to town if you are willing to take a walk) there are chinese whispers that the rompo market bars are closing and a tesco is opening. anyone else heard this?

Noooo.....that market and beer bars are a blast from the past that I like visiting now and then because it is cheap (and run down, and backwards, like how Pattaya used to be).

Can you imagine the traffic is a Tesco opens there? Madness.

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whistling.gif Funny, in 1980 I was told by friends not to bother going to Pattaya because the best times there were over then.

I've heard the same thing about every place from Patpong to Soi Cowboy at least once in the last 30 years or so.

But people still go there, don't they.

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I've only been here some 6 years. I've noticed huge changes. Massive development and massive traffic jams. Just seems to be getting worse and worse. I think traffic is 2-3 times worse than it was 6 years ago.

I basically don't go into Central Pattaya any more....

I first came in 95, traffic in Pattaya was messed up, beach road ripped up annually, but getting from pattaya to Bangkok could take 5 hours +, Think no Motorway, no expressway,we had to drive through Chon Buri. To get to work on a weekday morning could take 3 hours every morning.

Getting worse, YES. Getting better, YES

Just my opionion


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there are chinese whispers that the rompo market bars are closing and a tesco is opening. anyone else heard this?

Has anyone heard anything about that?

No, but about a year ago i heard Foodland was opening in Thepprasit Rd and everyone

got all excited about that too! biggrin.png

Still nothing happened.

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there are chinese whispers that the rompo market bars are closing and a tesco is opening. anyone else heard this?

Has anyone heard anything about that?

No, but about a year ago i heard Foodland was opening in Thepprasit Rd and everyone

got all excited about that too! biggrin.png

Still nothing happened.

They erected a big, expensive sign you know....

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