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British business bosses sign Brexit letter


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British business bosses sign Brexit letter
By Catherine Hardy | With REUTERS, APTN


36 FTSE 100 firms
Telecoms giant BT, retailers Marks and Spencer and oil firm BP included
Bank of England making ‘contingency plans’
Bookies say odds of leaving rose sharply after BoJo announcement

LONDON: -- The bosses of more than a third of Britain’s biggest companies have backed Prime Minister David Cameron’s call for the country to vote to stay in the European Union.

They say leaving the EU would put the economy at risk.


The leaders of almost 200 companies put their names to the letter, which was published in The Times newspaper.

It argued for the economic merits of EU membership.

However, some of Britain’s biggest employers refrained from signing the letter, which was organised by the Britain Stronger in Europe ‘In’ campaign.

Lessons from Scotland

Big business made a similar move in the run-up to the 2014 Scottish independence referendum.

However, some voters pledged to boycott firms considered to be wading into politics.

Analysts think this may have made executives wary this time around.

Some signed the letter in a personal capacity, making it clear their companies remained neutral.

Bank of England

Bank of England Governor Mark Carney says the central bank is not making judgements about the outcome of the referendum.

Carney said the bank is making contingency plans around the date on June the 23rd.

The recent moves in sterling have been influenced by the upcoming vote, he added:

“Our approach to forecasting events around the referendum is to take developments in markets and confidence indicators, survey indicators as given and to feed those through into the forecast.”

Bookies on the Brexit

Bookmakers say the chances of Britain voting to quit the EU have risen sharply since London Mayor Boris Johnson revealed he is backing the “Leave” campaign.

UK MPs – where they stand on Brexit

Source: BBC, update 23/2

Anti-EU campaigner and UKIP MP Douglas Carswell says Johnson’s decision was a turning point.

Rival politician and “In” campaigner Ben Gummer has denied claims Johnson’s decision will tear the governing Conservative Party in two.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-02-24

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Only one of the 190 companies whose bosses warned that Brexit would "risk the economy" has admitted to clear plans to cut jobs if the "Leave" campaign triumphs in June's referendum.

A survey conducted by Sky News on Tuesday suggests that while bosses are prepared to warn of general disruption to the economy in the event that the UK votes to exit the European Union (EU), they have yet to work out how their own business might be affected.


Sky News contacted the overwhelming majority of the companies which signed Tuesday's letter, which was orchestrated by Downing Street officials and Baroness Rock, a senior figure in the Conservative Party.


It is time for the lying, deceit and fear mongering to stop.

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Of course some jobs will be at risk. There are always winners

and losers in trade deals as well but the opportunity to grow with

a world growing economy verses a shrinking European economy

by voting out, have to be taken seriously. Regaining control of

boarders, immigration, laws and the democratic process as well as

saving billions a year in transfers to the EU is a bonus. coffee1.gif

Edited by Ulic
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A little background check and you may not have published this article.

It has already been trashed.

Underhand tactics by the IN Campaign that will come back and kick them in the swingers.

The stay in the UK crowd will come out with guns blazing to bamboozle people. The fear factor will be the one big trump card that is always played in these circumstances i.e. job losses. I doubt most people will understand the meaning of what DC has brought back in his small bag of goodies from Brussels. Its much like the fine print in insurance policies no doubt. DC and his cowboys will keep the herd moving in the right direction. Come on little doggies get along. Well back to watching Rawhide.

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A little background check and you may not have published this article.

It has already been trashed.

Underhand tactics by the IN Campaign that will come back and kick them in the swingers.

Like the term swingers. I understand they come in different sizes and also in brass.

Edited by elgordo38
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Only one of the 190 companies whose bosses warned that Brexit would "risk the economy" has admitted to clear plans to cut jobs if the "Leave" campaign triumphs in June's referendum.

A survey conducted by Sky News on Tuesday suggests that while bosses are prepared to warn of general disruption to the economy in the event that the UK votes to exit the European Union (EU), they have yet to work out how their own business might be affected.


Sky News contacted the overwhelming majority of the companies which signed Tuesday's letter, which was orchestrated by Downing Street officials and Baroness Rock, a senior figure in the Conservative Party.


It is time for the lying, deceit and fear mongering to stop.

Governments are all orchestrated get used to the idea. Orchestra's by their very makeup includes lots of brass, hot air and banging noises to deafen one. They and their business partners get together and figure out how they can throw the fear of God into their workers and its game over. Fear carries the day.

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Only one of the 190 companies whose bosses warned that Brexit would "risk the economy" has admitted to clear plans to cut jobs if the "Leave" campaign triumphs in June's referendum.

A survey conducted by Sky News on Tuesday suggests that while bosses are prepared to warn of general disruption to the economy in the event that the UK votes to exit the European Union (EU), they have yet to work out how their own business might be affected.


Sky News contacted the overwhelming majority of the companies which signed Tuesday's letter, which was orchestrated by Downing Street officials and Baroness Rock, a senior figure in the Conservative Party.


It is time for the lying, deceit and fear mongering to stop.

Governments are all orchestrated get used to the idea. Orchestra's by their very makeup includes lots of brass, hot air and banging noises to deafen one. They and their business partners get together and figure out how they can throw the fear of God into their workers and its game over. Fear carries the day.

What is it like living in delusional world of conspiracy theory ?

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So 200 bosses of major companies

And about 2/3 of MPs want to stay in compared to 1/3 outs and undecideds

Clearly these people are imbeciles

They are obviously not as educated and informed as TV contributors

God, it's embarrassing to be British sometimes

This why referenda are a mistake (as was universal suffrage for that matter!)

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Well if big business wants to stay in then the UK should stay in. Big business always does what's best for the country and the people. Who could be more trustworthy?

No doubt the UK businesses, unlike so many other western countries, haven't been outsourcing jobs overseas, pushing up management bonuses and setting themselves up to pay little or no tax. Also probably in UK it isn't small business that actually creates most of the jobs.

Yes, best to obey big business, remember the trickle down effect that keeps everyone wealthy.

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We are talking about politicians so lets not expect any unbiased or truthful statements. However we are living in interesting times with a world in various degrees of crisis. I have always been in the "in" camp, mainly for business and financial reasons but recently I am starting the question whether that is still the best option. I will sit on the fence for now but it raises some thought provoking questions, such as who will lose the most if the UK leaves? Will it be us or the EU? If we leave will it trigger others to opt out? If so will that mean that a new type of EU could evolve from that? Will the German, Indian and Japanese car manufacturing factories re-locate to mainland Europe?

I suspect that people will vote based on their own personal circumstances and interests no matter what BS is spouted by both sides. It is making some strange bedfellows out there with Cameron on the same side as Sturgeon and Corbin and Boris cuddling up with Farage and Galloway.

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It will be interesting to see how many of these Company Executives will appear in the Honours lists next year, as compared to the names of executives whose Company's have not signed up to this political stunt.

Edited by attento
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It will be interesting to see how many of these Company Executives will appear in the Honours lists next year, as compared to the names of executives whose Company's have not signed up to this political stunt.

However, the good news. If the country votes OUT then DC will find his position as PM very fragile indeed as BOJO will be after his job/head. That alone is a good reason to vote OUT.

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Funnily enough and by pure coincidence it appears that of the 35 companies to sign this letter 34 of them have received 94 MILLION pounds between them from the EU in grants. of course this huge amount of EU money and the unfettered cheap labour from Eastern Europe that free movement of labour that allows this has absolutely nothing to do with their decision to sign this letter telling the little people not to vote leave it is just the right decision for them. whistling.gif

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LONDON: -- The bosses of more than a third of Britains biggest companies have backed Prime Minister David Camerons call for the country to vote to stay in the European Union.

Therefore nearly two thirds haven't signed for staying in.

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Well if big business wants to stay in then the UK should stay in. Big business always does what's best for the country and the people. Who could be more trustworthy?

No doubt the UK businesses, unlike so many other western countries, haven't been outsourcing jobs overseas, pushing up management bonuses and setting themselves up to pay little or no tax. Also probably in UK it isn't small business that actually creates most of the jobs.

Yes, best to obey big business, remember the trickle down effect that keeps everyone wealthy.

Big Business always does what's best for Big Business (& in particular for the bosses of Big Business)

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As these UK Big Business are publically, effectively campaigning to stay in the EU. I think it is only fair that someone, like Boris Johnson, should ask them to publically declare:

  1. How much Government funds they have received over the past 5 years.
  2. How much EU funds they have received over the past 5 years.
  3. A list of ALL their employees in the UK, to include Nationality.

The howls of anguish would be deafening.

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LONDON: -- The bosses of more than a third of Britains biggest companies have backed Prime Minister David Camerons call for the country to vote to stay in the European Union.

Therefore nearly two thirds haven't signed for staying in.

Yes but you can not infer that they wish to leave. Many do not wish to make public their view

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If the EU's so wonderful and works so well, why is the UK having a referendum of membership in the first place?

Because DC was worried about UKIP and had to keep his right wing back biters on board. He therefore promised a referendum.

Now we have a referendum when the great unwashed will have their views taken into account. Who's idea was it to have universal suffrage?

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As these UK Big Business are publically, effectively campaigning to stay in the EU. I think it is only fair that someone, like Boris Johnson, should ask them to publically declare:

  • How much Government funds they have received over the past 5 years.
  • How much EU funds they have received over the past 5 years.
  • A list of ALL their employees in the UK, to include Nationality.
The howls of anguish would be deafening.

The first two are available from their accounts

It would be illegal to publish a list of employees including nationality ( or religion or sexual orientation or colour or weight)

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Funnily enough and by pure coincidence it appears that of the 35 companies to sign this letter 34 of them have received 94 MILLION pounds between them from the EU in grants. of course this huge amount of EU money and the unfettered cheap labour from Eastern Europe that free movement of labour that allows this has absolutely nothing to do with their decision to sign this letter telling the little people not to vote leave it is just the right decision for them. whistling.gif

3M each? Peanuts

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Big businesses say a Brexit will put the economy at risk?

What will 75,000,000 visa free Turks do to the economy if they all came to Britain on a free for all?

Anyway, they said one third of big businesses wrote letters? So that means two thirds of them are not freakin' stupid enough to stay in....also, most top 100 businesses in the UK are owned by foreigners anyway, they are bound to want us to stay in. David Cameron is only their puppet, so he says what he's told to say, whether he thinks its right or not.

Edited by Ghostnigel
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