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Save the environment or line the fat cats pocket?


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Save the environment or line the fat cats pocket ?

It is a good question to ask.

As a westerner we are always "trained" to protect the environment save the rain forest etc...

was on my monthly shopping trip, Tesco Lotus. just about to pick up some soap


cost 59 Baht

right next to it was the plastic bag refill, 49 Baht

and as a westerner i go on autopilot to pick up the refill........

But then hang on a minute it seemed very light.... so i stop and start looking more in details....

protex-family-liquid-hand-soap-250ml - 59 Baht

protex-family-liquid-hand-soap- Refill 200ml 49 Baht


So not only am i to save the environment i also have to line the fat cats pockets at the same time? By paying more per ml for the refill clap2.gif

so, sure, i got my 250ml - and most likely not going to buy a refill ever again....



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Every time anyone buys into the Environment scam they line the pockets of the fat cats involved. Al Gore has made BILLIONS from these suckers.

Here's a little experiment for you all. Ask your friends, especially those that buy into this crap how much CO2 we have in our atmosphere. The answers will amaze you. They certainly did me. I have never bought into the scam but even I was wrong when I looked into it. One thing that got me was that in all the reports you read or see on TV they never tell you the amount they simply say it is rising. When you actually know the figure you realise why they never tell you wink.png

Oh and if you want a good giggle at these morons just google Penn and Teller " Ban water petition " to see just how easy it is to get people to sign a petition to ban something without lying if you simply word it in the same alarmist way the Eco Nazis do with CO2

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The greater cost per unit (kg/L/whatever) scam is a global phenomenon, be it in a refill as per the OP, in the large 'economy' packs or multi packs (3 cans of beans).

The fat-cats know that many of us were conditioned in the past that bigger packs, refills or bulk buying was cheaper. Now they're cashing in on it.

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Sorry for being pedantic here.

protex-family-liquid-hand-soap-250ml - 59 Baht = 4.24 baht/ml

protex-family-liquid-hand-soap- Refill 200ml - 49 Baht = 4.10 baht/ml

It is not much, but the re-fill is cheaper per ml.

FD smile.png

Not quite sure how you got your figures, but my calculations per ml:

59/250 = 0.236 baht per ml

49/200 = 0.245 baht per ml

The refill is definitely more expensive.

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With regard to the refills/big packs being more expensive, I got stung a couple of times when I first started buying here.

Floor paint at a big diy store in Udon was my wake up call. Found the small tin (5 litres) and clocked the price.

When I found the 20 litre and checked the price, I got my phone out 'cos I figured my mental arithmetic had gone out the window.

Buying 4 tins of 5 litres was nearly 400 baht cheaper than buying 1 big tin of 20 litres.

Like the op, I now check everything before I buy.

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Makro is entirely based on the principle of "bigger packs" everything by the carton/case/ 3's etc but in many instances they are not cheaper at all. The only convenience for the vat reg "business" customer is having the vat split out on the items on a different style bill/invoice.

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Saving the environment is a total joke, if they really want to save it youd have to go back to the stone age ban all air travel car travel stop breeding etc etc etc like all overpopulation the bubble will burst at some point as nature deals us a deadly blow, all species have been wiped at at some point in their life we will be NO different

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