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173rd place: Bangkok ranks near bottom of 'safe city' list for expats


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You have been warned!!!! Don't come!!! You will be robbed, hurt, and get some lung cancer to top it all off.

BKK is the most dangerous city in the world!!!!! 1,000,000 stories not told the farangs, but i speak fluent Thai!!!!

so book a ticket elsewhere!!!!

try nigeria, mexico, el salvador, or the beautiful city of Detroit, USA

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I lived in Thailand for 14 years and on the surface it seems fine the TAT'Land of smiles' but underneath there is a lot of murder,violence and domestic knife crime plus trafficking and gun crime!!I have been pickpoketed in BKK and subject to appalling Road rage.

That is why I any many other farang prefer to live in Chiangmai -where the biggest dangers are the RTP and many Thai drivers.wai2.gif

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I don't feel unsafe in BKK except in traffic.

But what happened to those policemen who blackmailed a japanese clubowner some weeks ago. After he went to the police (at another policestation) they suddenly were on the run and i never heard of it again.

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Mercer would not know if their arse was on fire , what a load of rubbish, how this even gets printed as a bonafide report , when not one South American country is on that list , Where the <deleted> is Mexico, ? So as a paper report i would suggest to Mercer that they install the printed copies in their hong nam!

Or, as a famous composer once responded to a negative review in the local paper: "I am sitting in the smallest room in my house, I have your review in front of me. In just a moment it will be behind me."

Edited by Duvidl
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Mercer would not know if their arse was on fire , what a load of rubbish, how this even gets printed as a bonafide report , when not one South American country is on that list , Where the <deleted> is Mexico, ? So as a paper report i would suggest to Mercer that they install the printed copies in their hong nam!

Indeed. They point up riots and terrorist bombings as the leading areas of concern. However, apart from that Japanese photojournalist and a bunch of Chinese holidaymakers, I can't think of any other 'expat' being a victim of either. Now, reckless driving, balcony diving and lack of law enforcement against those with ill intent another matter.

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Here's a script that fit's this scene:

Phil: We’re looking for our friend, Teddy. Have you seen him?

Tattoo Joe: Not since last night. Why? What happened?

Stu: Yeah, I’m supposed to marry his sister tomorrow and we kinda’ lost him.

Tattoo Joe: Oh, well. Then, [bleep] it!

Stu: What? What do you mean, [bleep] it?

Tattoo Joe: Bangkok has him now, and she’ll never let him go.

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Mercer would not know if their arse was on fire , what a load of rubbish, how this even gets printed as a bonafide report , when not one South American country is on that list , Where the <deleted> is Mexico, ? So as a paper report i would suggest to Mercer that they install the printed copies in their hong nam!

Indeed. They point up riots and terrorist bombings as the leading areas of concern. However, apart from that Japanese photojournalist and a bunch of Chinese holidaymakers, I can't think of any other 'expat' being a victim of either. Now, reckless driving, balcony diving and lack of law enforcement against those with ill intent another matter.

You haven't been in the country long, have you.
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Vancouver is a Western European city? Gee, I thought it was Chinese.

I think they mean "White" (which should, of course, rule out Hongcouver).

VanKong ... renamed Hongcouver... another area in BC Canada that has a high crime area...seems the Asian Gangs fight with the East Indians on drug turf area. I would never travel at night in East Vancouver downtown...

where in BKK I do not see potential problems while traveling at night... I live in Pattaya and the main threat is high condo's with no swimming pool at bottom of fall... and people sleep walking or attempting to enter room from their balcony.

Road travel must have been in the equation in BKK rating 173rd place for safe city.

Have a safe and mindful day in and around your surroundings...

Edited by metisdead
Oversize font reset to normal, again.
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Regarding Thailand it seems the principal cause of death here is old age ...

and high rise buildings with balconies.

...balconies which are below the accepted international standard for height and construction.

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Mercer would not know if their arse was on fire , what a load of rubbish, how this even gets printed as a bonafide report , when not one South American country is on that list , Where the <deleted> is Mexico, ? So as a paper report i would suggest to Mercer that they install the printed copies in their hong nam!

Yup, what do they know... who cares about the fact that it's based on statistics of assault, robbery, rape, etc. Statistics don't matter, let's base it on our personal bias and our personal experience. You sir, are a dunce.

Having worked and lived and paid taxes in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Ghana, Zambia, South Africa, PNG , Irian jaya, USA, France , Italy, Holland, Germany, Indonesia Sumatra, Burkina Faso, India, Cyprus, Lao, Cambodia , China ,Australia, New Zealand, England, Japan, and Thailand , As you call me a "dunce" , From where i am coming from to reply to the heading of where it is safe to live in the world for an expat, I just have a small understanding of where it is safe! Only from my "personal experience."

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The comments about Mexico and South America are spot on. If you can FIND a website that honestly reports such things you will find those places at the top of the lists for murder and violence, ALL (DUH!!) due to the drug trade and the organized criminals. It's so bad in South America that children are fleeing their families in order to not be killed or forced to join gangs. Why do you think immigration across the US border is such a big deal? Because of these child refugees swarming over from Mexico. I've spent three winters in a row in Thailand and never once did I feel the least bit unsafe.

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I agree with all the foregoing, but I did I have a bit of a scrape 2 years ago with one of Suthep's thugs when I knocked down a ribbon along the sidewalk so that I could cross the street. At least one farang journalist/ photographer was beaten up, possibly more. Now that the Fascists no longer are marching in the streets, there remain the equally obnoxious motorbike taxi drivers driving on the sidewalks. I have gotten into scrapes with them a couple of times when they came too close to running into me. Both classes of morons are not seriously dangerous, but very obnoxious.

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Mercer would not know if their arse was on fire , what a load of rubbish, how this even gets printed as a bonafide report , when not one South American country is on that list , Where the <deleted> is Mexico, ? So as a paper report i would suggest to Mercer that they install the printed copies in their hong nam!

Couldn't agree more. A friend from Brazil was visiting a while ago. He was comparing Thailand with his home country and was amazed how he could feel safe anywhere in Bangkok, even in the most impoverished of the city.

An other friend from Texas too told me once how he feel safe here, he even added : here you don't get shot at for a pair of shoes (??).

To finish, I've been an expat in Asia for more than 20 years. I've personally known two person who were killed in two separate criminal incidents in the Philippine and an other couple of people who were killed in traffic accident in China. Regarding Thailand it seems the principal cause of death here is old age ...

Actually, for foreigners, suicide and murder are the principle cause of death.

Really?? Perhaps you would care to provide some proof to substantiate that seemingly ludicrous statement?

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Vancouver is a Western European city? Gee, I thought it was Chinese.

i see auckland has been moved to western eurpean also. must have happened during the christchurch earthquakes

What's this? "racism corner"?

yeah like im a white supremacisttongue.png

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This report is junk. The only dangerous thing about Bangkok is the traffic. It's very easy to get run over if you aren't watching where you're going.

and even Bangkok is no worse than any other city in that respect - if you aren't watching where you are going...

There should be a new worldwide offence of walking on the street whilst looking at social media on your smartphone!

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Mercer would not know if their arse was on fire , what a load of rubbish, how this even gets printed as a bonafide report , when not one South American country is on that list , Where the <deleted> is Mexico, ? So as a paper report i would suggest to Mercer that they install the printed copies in their hong nam!

Couldn't agree more. A friend from Brazil was visiting a while ago. He was comparing Thailand with his home country and was amazed how he could feel safe anywhere in Bangkok, even in the most impoverished of the city.

An other friend from Texas too told me once how he feel safe here, he even added : here you don't get shot at for a pair of shoes (??).

To finish, I've been an expat in Asia for more than 20 years. I've personally known two person who were killed in two separate criminal incidents in the Philippine and an other couple of people who were killed in traffic accident in China. Regarding Thailand it seems the principal cause of death here is old age ...

I was agreeing with you from the start but when you say the principal cause of death here is old age, it seems as if you are talking as a person who has never been here. The rate of foreigners who die here from accidents and suicides is alarmingly high.

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