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173rd place: Bangkok ranks near bottom of 'safe city' list for expats


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yes. believe this story. don't come here. don't retire here. go away. i am tired of standing in line behind you in Tesco Lotus. :)

go to Cartagena Colombia and be safe.

Bangkok did beat out these fine cities:

"At the bottom of the list were mainly Middle Eastern and African countries, with Baghdad taking the bottom spot, followed by Central African Republic’s Bangui (229), Yemen’s Sana’a (228), Haiti’s Port-au-Prince (227) and Sudan’s Khartoum (226), which all ranked low for personal safety."

Edited by NCC1701A
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I have lived in BKK for 5 happy years.

The only time I felt unsafe, looked over my shoulder, in those 5 years .. was a one week trip ... to ... America.

This report is pure rubbish and like all "click bait" postings that claim a "finding" ... they do not furnish the criteria for the results.

FILED UNDER: Lies, damn lies ... and statistics.

I take it you don't cross the road.

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So 'Natural environment' is a measure .... and Shanghai rates high for quality of life.

The Mercer team need to get out more.

Shanghai is a great city. Nice streets, good sidewalks, good shopping, very nice apartments for rent. Mercer takes many different things into account when they do these ratings. And yes, they do have people living in Shanghai. They should know.

My friend was an expat there for 7 years. I visited him a few times and it's an OK city.

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Well I also think that there are others cities less safer than Bkk.

Just try to walk in Napoli after 22.00 expecially in some area close to San Giovanni aTeduccio

or even worst you can not even get inside Scampia

Same if you walk in some Milano areas like Quarto Giaro or Roma and Palermo too

Amsterdam and Paris as well feel not so safe

In my opinion Bangkok as metropolis is much more safer than europens capitals including Moskow Stocholm Madrid where i have been several times.

Anyways things happened everywhere but the perception of the safety here in Bkk where actually i am staying it' s pretty higher.

"Well I also think that there are others cities less safer than Bkk." - so does Mercer - read it first......

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I have lived in BKK for 5 happy years.

The only time I felt unsafe, looked over my shoulder, in those 5 years .. was a one week trip ... to ... America.

This report is pure rubbish and like all "click bait" postings that claim a "finding" ... they do not furnish the criteria for the results.

FILED UNDER: Lies, damn lies ... and statistics.

Am sure in your one week trip to the states you must have seen a great deal, as it is bigger than Europe enlighten me how you got around, pathetic post.

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Fascinating article, but I think it is primarily false. The conclusions are not very scientific. There are dangers in Bangkok and throughout Thailand. But, they have little to do with the Thai people. I feel very safe here. The Thai people are the last thing in the world I am fearful of. Most are lovely, peaceful, and kind. Sure, there were some dangers during the protests. But, I was wandering around during the height of the recent protests, during the Shutdown Bangkok campaign. I found nearly everyone to be friendly, warm, and gracious. I had no fear, and felt no danger anywhere.

The real dangers here are on the highway, on the sidewalks, on the seas, and most of the dangers here are from things the government could control, if they cared one iota about public safety, and tourist and ex-pat safety. But, they do not. They never have. It is all nothing but jawboning. All talk, and no action makes the little guy in charge, a very dull boy.

When you have places like Bangkok, or Samui, or Phuket, or Chiang Mai, with absolutely nothing in the way of proper zoning, safety standards, inspections, or even competent authorities, to make sure the public and the millions of tourists stay safe, you end up with accidents that could have been avoided. Up to 60 people a month die on the roads of Samui, on motorbikes! It is a very, very dangerous place to visit. That does not count electrocutions, death by "accident", "suicides", or "mysterious deaths". There are countless hazards, and the authorities not only do nothing to protect the tourists, they just don't care. Tourist deaths mean nothing to them. Just look at Dark Tao. All of the southern islands are very dangerous places to visit. The height of the signs on the sidewalks, the condition of the sidewalks, the electric issues, the waste water that is released into the Gulf, the electric wire issue, island wide, the traffic madness, and many more areas need to be addressed.

This goes for nearly all places in Thailand Are they authorities taking notice? No. Why? They just do not care. Their indifference and their callousness is an astonishing thing to witness. Their degree of incompetence with regard to leadership and policing is astonishing. It is all about the money in many areas. Very, very few local people care one iota about tourist safety. Very few. There are exceptions. But so much more could be done to address public safety, and traffic safety. The arrogance and indifference of the government when it comes to the average farang, or the average Thai, is shameful.

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yes. believe this story. don't come here. don't retire here. go away. i am tired of standing in line behind you in Tesco Lotus. smile.png

go to Cartagena Colombia and be safe.

Bangkok did beat out these fine cities:

"At the bottom of the list were mainly Middle Eastern and African countries, with Baghdad taking the bottom spot, followed by Central African Republic’s Bangui (229), Yemen’s Sana’a (228), Haiti’s Port-au-Prince (227) and Sudan’s Khartoum (226), which all ranked low for personal safety."

Such a pity General Gordon did not have a Mercer report!

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the roads aside, bangkok is a surprisingly safe city to live in

RIght. I've lived here 25 years and never had a problem. It's safer to walk the streets here late at night than in any British or Australian city.

While I agree with most responses to the topic .. I feel stating "any British or Australian city", might just be a bit of a stretch of your imagination.

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Bangkok streets are most probably safer than a lot of streets in the big cities of the United States. Just the same, it would be a good idea to be walking the streets with a friend in the evening and be aware of your surroundings. I was mugged on Soi Langsuan just a few blocks from the Rachaprasong intersection in February of 2005. As I was walking alone a little after 10 p,m. in the embassy area, I was knocked out and robbed of my wallet which contained a little money and drivers' licenses. Thank God I wasn't carrying a credit card.

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As many have pointed out, many other places feel quite a bit more dangerous than Thailand.

I think what is interesting about Thailand is that it feels so safe... until it does not. Thais are truly world expert at appearances. The beautiful smiles, the non-confrontational, dispassionate playfulness by which Thais live, the general physical attractiveness of the people, the lackadaisical pace of life, it all plays a trick on foreigners - especially westerners.

Thailand is safe for the average foreigner who does not drive, who does not enter into any disputes with Thais and especially important Thais, who is careful not to provoke Thais to a loss of face, who does not enter into business dealings or especially who does not become very successful in business dealings in Thailand where there is local Thai competition, etc.

In other words, as long as you remain insignificant and stay out of trouble and anyone's sights, Thailand is a very friendly place. Thais do not often perform randomized acts of violence as locals do in some other countries (like Brazil). However, Westerners can be instantly surprised by how violent and tragic life can become in Thailand.

One minute, you are are in a dream of paradise: being intimate with a beautiful, fit female not much more than half your age, eating fresh seafood on a tropical beach; the next minute, you've fallen off a balcony from 10 stories high, or been smashed in an auto accident, or murdered in a business dispute you thought was not so serious or been dissappeared or or or.

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Been to 48 countries.

Bangkok is the city I feel safest in.

My brother's friend was shot (and killed) in Sao Paulo

I was attacked by gypsy kids in Budapest

Car broken into in Philadelphia (I don't even lock it in Bangkok)

Maybe I've just been lucky (don't think so)

Which doesn't mean a lot if most of the 48 countries you've visited were dangerous too.

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the roads aside, bangkok is a surprisingly safe city to live in

RIght. I've lived here 25 years and never had a problem. It's safer to walk the streets here late at night than in any British or Australian city.

I'd rather walk around at night in an Australian city... but that also depends on what Australian city and where you walk.

These lists are not made by the odd person walking around for 25 years to see if they survive. They go on crime statistics in each city.

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What most posters fail to realize about this survey is that it is done for multi national companies that employee full package expats worldwide and they use comparative studies like this to determine what uplifts to give for working in various countries. They use surveys on safety, housing, education, transportation and other factors to determine the packages for each country.


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Try LA, Chicago, New York. Bangkok is nothing. Thailand has nothing on gang land America. My biggest fear in Thailand is getting hit by a tuk tuk.

Gang land New York LOL! Are you posting from the 19th Century?

Sorry. Would you rather me use other slang. "The hood", or is that to 80s for you? What about, "the other side of the tracks?". Maybe that is to metephorical. Thai visa trolls kill me. Sometimes I read through comments on this sight just to get a laugh at how rediculously negative some of you people are. No where on the internet can you see trolling as refined and consistent as it is here.

If anyone thinks Thailand is dangerous, then I challenge you to walk through some Neighbourhoods in Chicago or Oakland California. There are places here where to hear a gunshot a day Is not surprising. The difference is that you don't have a bunch of whining expats with money complaining on the Internet all day.

Grantid our gang members and inner city thugs actually know how to drive and the police do try to knock em back a bit, but that is quickly changing now that political correctness can land an officer in prison if the perp happens to have a heart attack while being tackled.

Edited by Hiyaall
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Try LA, Chicago, New York. Bangkok is nothing. Thailand has nothing on gang land America. My biggest fear in Thailand is getting hit by a tuk tuk.

Gang land New York LOL! Are you posting from the 19th Century?

Sorry. Would you rather me use other slang. "The hood", or is that to 80s for you? What about, "the other side of the tracks?". Maybe that is to metephorical. Thai visa trolls kill me. Sometimes I read through comments on this sight just to get a laugh at how rediculously negative some of you people are. No where on the internet can you see trolling as refined and consistent as it is here.

If anyone thinks Thailand is dangerous, then I challenge you to walk through some Neighbourhoods in Chicago or Oakland California. There are places here where to hear a gunshot a day Is not surprising. The difference is that you don't have a bunch of whining expats with money complaining on the Internet all day.

Grantid our gang members and inner city thugs actually know how to drive and the police do try to knock em back a bit, but that is quickly changing now that political correctness can land an officer in prison if the perp happens to have a heart attack while being tackled.

Huh? I don't care what terminology you use. I'm interested to know what neighborhoods in New York are dangerous or, if you prefer, "gang land."

When I lived there, I didn't see anything that fits that characterization. That's why I think it's funny. You apparently know nothing about the city and are just making up its dangerousity level.

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Try LA, Chicago, New York. Bangkok is nothing. Thailand has nothing on gang land America. My biggest fear in Thailand is getting hit by a tuk tuk.

Gang land New York LOL! Are you posting from the 19th Century?

Sorry. Would you rather me use other slang. "The hood", or is that to 80s for you? What about, "the other side of the tracks?". Maybe that is to metephorical. Thai visa trolls kill me. Sometimes I read through comments on this sight just to get a laugh at how rediculously negative some of you people are. No where on the internet can you see trolling as refined and consistent as it is here.

If anyone thinks Thailand is dangerous, then I challenge you to walk through some Neighbourhoods in Chicago or Oakland California. There are places here where to hear a gunshot a day Is not surprising. The difference is that you don't have a bunch of whining expats with money complaining on the Internet all day.

Grantid our gang members and inner city thugs actually know how to drive and the police do try to knock em back a bit, but that is quickly changing now that political correctness can land an officer in prison if the perp happens to have a heart attack while being tackled.

Huh? I don't care what terminology you use. I'm interested to know what neighborhoods in New York are dangerous or, if you prefer, "gang land."

When I lived there, I didn't see anything that fits that characterization. That's why I think it's funny. You apparently know nothing about the city and are just making up its dangerousity level.

Sigh......there are tons of bad neighborhoods in New York with gang activity. The same with nearly every major city in the US.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Mercer would not know if their arse was on fire , what a load of rubbish, how this even gets printed as a bonafide report , when not one South American country is on that list , Where the <deleted> is Mexico, ? So as a paper report i would suggest to Mercer that they install the printed copies in their hong nam!

Couldn't agree more. A friend from Brazil was visiting a while ago. He was comparing Thailand with his home country and was amazed how he could feel safe anywhere in Bangkok, even in the most impoverished of the city.

An other friend from Texas too told me once how he feel safe here, he even added : here you don't get shot at for a pair of shoes (??).

To finish, I've been an expat in Asia for more than 20 years. I've personally known two person who were killed in two separate criminal incidents in the Philippine and an other couple of people who were killed in traffic accident in China. Regarding Thailand it seems the principal cause of death here is old age ...

Actually, for foreigners, suicide and murder are the principle cause of death.

Not for Brit's here it's not:

The top 15 deadliest countries for British tourists and the number of people killed...

Pakistan - 37

Tunisia - 34

Jamaica - 18

America - 15

France - 14

South Africa - 11

Ukraine - 10

Australia - 7

Algeria - 7

Afghanistan - 6

Barbados - 6

Spain - 6

Brazil - 5

Egypt - 5

Bangladesh - 5


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173rd place, the same rank as the quality of "news" reported by Coconuts.

Not coconuts, that's spelled differently!

The numbers come from an FOI, aka, UK government numbers.

"The deadliest places for British tourists to visit around the world have been revealed.

Pakistan, Tunisia and Jamaica were the three top murder hotspots for holidaymakers, new figures have shown.

It comes after more than 250 Britons were killed while abroad in the last four years, according to a Freedom of Information request by MailOnline".

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The Thai apologists out in force here. I agree with the article.

There is no police force that enforces the law, Thais can get away with battery for a few hundred baht fine and in the tourist areas the locals no longer smile.

I've my Thai wife reading these posts from you guys about how safe it is and she just rolls her eyes.[emoji23]

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The Thai apologists out in force here. I agree with the article.

There is no police force that enforces the law, Thais can get away with battery for a few hundred baht fine and in the tourist areas the locals no longer smile.

I've my Thai wife reading these posts from you guys about how safe it is and she just rolls her eyes.[emoji23]

Why live here if you consider it so unsafe?

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The Thai apologists out in force here. I agree with the article.

There is no police force that enforces the law, Thais can get away with battery for a few hundred baht fine and in the tourist areas the locals no longer smile.

I've my Thai wife reading these posts from you guys about how safe it is and she just rolls her eyes.[emoji23]

Presenting factual numbers supplied by the UK government is hardly an apology for anyone or anything, except to a Thai basher I suppose!

Which ever way you want to cut it is fine with me and I'm sure your wife knows more about this than anyone else in the country, the fact remains the UK government confirms that less than five Brits. were murdered in Thailand in 2015, not 15, not 500, less than 5. BTW does your wife roll her eyes at everything you say!

Edited by chiang mai
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yes this report was based on hard facts and statistics, like it or not thailand is a dangerous destinations!

but old people here, (who dont speak/thai) because they feel safe, so its must be safe,cheesy.gif

People who works for embassy, knows that thailand is the country, where foreigners are murdered/assaulted/raped in huge numbers!!

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