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US VP slams campaign rhetoric about Mexico as “damaging” and “incrediby inaccurate”


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US VP slams campaign rhetoric about Mexico as “damaging” and “incrediby inaccurate”

By Catherine Hardy


Visiting Mexico, the US Vice-President has apologised for the tone of some of his country’s presidential campaign rhetoric.

Joe Biden told his audience in Mexico City that some comments about the Mexico and immigrants have been “damaging and incredibly inaccurate.”

“ I feel almost obliged to apologise for what some of my political colleagues have said. It is about Mexico, about the Mexican people.”

“It is a heated campaign season, and I just want you to know, Mr. President, that the heated rhetoric that you have heard from some of the competitors for the nomination for president, is not who we are as the American people.”

Biden also reassured officials that the comments are not an accurate reflection of progress in the countries’ bilateral relations.

Who is Biden referring to?

The US vice president did not name names.

However, several Republican presidential candidates have proposed measures including:

Building a wall along the entire US-Mexico border
Deporting the 11 million people estimated to be living in the US illegally.

Republican presidential nomination candidate Donald Trump has made his position clear.

“Mexico is just killing us at the border. At the border. And with trade. Mexico is killing us. Absolutely. We’ll do the wall, don’t worry, we’re going to do the wall. We’re going to do the wall and, by the way, who’s going to pay for the wall? Mexico.”

Biden’s business trip

Joe Biden was accompanied on his visit by US Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker, Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz and Interior Secretary Sally Jewell.

Trade between the US and Mexico topped 530 billion US dollars in 2015, according to the US Census Bureau.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-02-27

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What do you expect Joe ?

There'a a presidential race on and politics in full flow despite Trump claiming he's not a politician.

Irrespective of the presidential issue inaccurate and exaggerated claims, demagoguery etc are all part of the political circus yet politicians can't understand why there's so little respect for them.

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Trump is an embarrassment to all Americans.


Trump personifies everything the rest of the world despises about America: casual racism, crass materialism, relentless self-aggrandisement, vulgarity on an epic scale. He is the Ugly American in excelsis.

“The fact that so many Republicans are comfortable with the thought of this monumentally unqualified individual in the Oval Office shows how warped the party has become. To borrow the rhetoric of their candidates, the party is now an existential threat to America’s leadership of the global community.”
Edited by Jingthing
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" is not who we are as the American people "

In deed, that not who you're, you're a spineless president and VP who allowed millions of unchecked

illegals, many who are criminals, walk into your country freely and take resident there with almost

no hindrance, and you still groveling to the country who is refuses to take responsibility for it.......

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I think the influx of Mexican migrants to the USA affects the average taxpayer more than the average politician, maybe we should get cheaper candidates from india or China to Run the government , see how happy Politicians are losing their employment.

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" is not who we are as the American people "

In deed, that not who you're, you're a spineless president and VP who allowed millions of unchecked

illegals, many who are criminals, walk into your country freely and take resident there with almost

no hindrance, and you still groveling to the country who is refuses to take responsibility for it.......

Ridiculous. Illegals have been pouring into the US for decades, including during Republican administrations.

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" is not who we are as the American people "

In deed, that not who you're, you're a spineless president and VP who allowed millions of unchecked

illegals, many who are criminals, walk into your country freely and take resident there with almost

no hindrance, and you still groveling to the country who is refuses to take responsibility for it.......

Ridiculous. Illegals have been pouring into the US for decades, including during Republican administrations.

That's true, but at least two things have happened. First, the mass of those people has reached a point where it is really hurting the budget and American's wages. Second, mix in the possibility of terrorists slipping in among them unchecked and people are really concerned.

About the time people began to get really concerned, Obama pulled out all of the stops in trying to give a free pass to anyone and everyone. He stopped any type of law enforcement at the border on inside the country.

Now you have a perfect storm where people have had more than enough and want something done about it. Not only wouldn't Hillary do anything, most of the R candidates wouldn't either.

That leaves Trump.

Now add another critical mass where people are sick of losing to China and Mexico and Trump can reap the whirlwind that others before him planted.

That's not to mention that Obama has doubled the national debt in his short 7 years. He's added as much to the debt as all other US president combined did for 240 years.

There's more, but those issues are going to send people to the polls in record numbers to vote for Trump, just as there have been record numbers watching the debates and voting for Trump in primaries.

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