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Christie endorses Trump for president; 'Wow,' Trump says


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Vote for TRUMP!!!

If you want a con man and psychopathic demagogue to be your prez. Sure thing!

Trump is a better choice than that Felon or a Communist...thumbsup.gif

I'm just afraid that Jingthing might have a point, but I KNOW that you do!

There's no respectable basis or assertion to the post.

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I never expected Trump to get the support he does, I knew the American populous was stupid but I under estimated the extend of the problem.

Its human nature...when people dont see things your way, you call them stupid....if mr trump does that, he is evil....the people support him.....the people will decide.

Stupid is as stupid does

it is not me who is calling them stupid it is their actions

.I think the actions of the American voters have being pretty stupid, If you think their behavior is smart then Ok I am willing to reconsider

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I never expected Trump to get the support he does, I knew the American populous was stupid but I under estimated the extend of the problem.

Its human nature...when people dont see things your way, you call them stupid....if mr trump does that, he is evil....the people support him.....the people will decide.

Stupid is as stupid does

it is not me who is calling them stupid it is their actions

.I think the actions of the American voters have being pretty stupid, If you think their behavior is smart then Ok I am willing to reconsider


The two Obama elections prove your point.

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I never expected Trump to get the support he does, I knew the American populous was stupid but I under estimated the extend of the problem.

Its human nature...when people dont see things your way, you call them stupid....if mr trump does that, he is evil....the people support him.....the people will decide.

Stupid is as stupid does

it is not me who is calling them stupid it is their actions

.I think the actions of the American voters have being pretty stupid, If you think their behavior is smart then Ok I am willing to reconsider

Stupid or not ….history will be the judge of that. It is funny that when people start to tear down Mr. Trump, they begin to sound just like him….I guess tearing down someone requires you to be mean and nasty to them.

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Here is what I think is the only, albeit tiny, chance, for the republicans to stop Trump from defecating all over their party (and being nominated).

Cruz stays in and siphons off fundamentalist far right wing fanatics from Trump. Cruz has no chance, don't worry about that creepy WEIRDO.

Of course sleepy man Carson is just one big joke. He should stay in too.

Rubio loses in Florida, effectively dooming his dim chance.

Kasich goes on North and wins Ohio and Michigan.

Then Kasich and Rubio have a pow wow, Rubio drops out and agrees to be Kasich's running mate if Trump can be stopped. Kasich runs as the savior of the party, managing to never dirty himself with the idiotic schoolyard fighting, and Rubio stays on as the VP pick apparent to be the fighting monkey ... shouting TRUMP IS A CON MAN, TRUMP IS A FASCIST 24/7.

If all that happened, I think Trump can be stopped from the nomination.

Will it? Not bloody likely, but that's the only path I see.

Of course, personally, I have no problem with Trump being nominated and losing in the general. But I think that would be a disaster for the nation for Trump to actually be president. Kasich or Rubio would be less bad. If Trump is nominated, even though arguably that's who the democrats want to run against (rather than Rubio) yes he really COULD win.

I see no real path for Cruz or Carson so no comment on them as presidents. I know most have already written off Kasich and logically that makes sense, but I still see him as the ONLY slim chance of blocking Trump's nomination now. It's probably too late.

An interesting hypothetical; one I hadn't considered. Kasich is the ONLY marginally sane voice remaining on the clown bus, but he's still way too far to the right, IMHO. The man is determined to cut Social Security and Medicare. Your analysis is something the GOP establishment, who are desperately trying to find SOMETHING to stop Trump, ought to consider. Just read this morning where Mitch McConnell came out and said that the Republicans would go all out to help the Democrat get elected if Trump gets the nomination, knowing that Trump would likely have a huge negative impact on close down ticket Republican races (http://dailycaller.com/2016/02/27/mcconnell-tells-gop-senators-well-drop-trump-like-a-hot-rock/). Quite interesting when they start cannibalizing their own. But it does go to show how terrified the Republican establishment is of Trump, knowing what he is doing to the party.

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Here is what I think is the only, albeit tiny, chance, for the republicans to stop Trump from defecating all over their party (and being nominated).

Cruz stays in and siphons off fundamentalist far right wing fanatics from Trump. Cruz has no chance, don't worry about that creepy WEIRDO.

Of course sleepy man Carson is just one big joke. He should stay in too.

Rubio loses in Florida, effectively dooming his dim chance.

Kasich goes on North and wins Ohio and Michigan.

Then Kasich and Rubio have a pow wow, Rubio drops out and agrees to be Kasich's running mate if Trump can be stopped. Kasich runs as the savior of the party, managing to never dirty himself with the idiotic schoolyard fighting, and Rubio stays on as the VP pick apparent to be the fighting monkey ... shouting TRUMP IS A CON MAN, TRUMP IS A FASCIST 24/7.

If all that happened, I think Trump can be stopped from the nomination.

Will it? Not bloody likely, but that's the only path I see.

Of course, personally, I have no problem with Trump being nominated and losing in the general. But I think that would be a disaster for the nation for Trump to actually be president. Kasich or Rubio would be less bad. If Trump is nominated, even though arguably that's who the democrats want to run against (rather than Rubio) yes he really COULD win.

I see no real path for Cruz or Carson so no comment on them as presidents. I know most have already written off Kasich and logically that makes sense, but I still see him as the ONLY slim chance of blocking Trump's nomination now. It's probably too late.

An interesting hypothetical; one I hadn't considered. Kasich is the ONLY marginally sane voice remaining on the clown bus, but he's still way too far to the right, IMHO. The man is determined to cut Social Security and Medicare. Your analysis is something the GOP establishment, who are desperately trying to find SOMETHING to stop Trump, ought to consider. Just read this morning where Mitch McConnell came out and said that the Republicans would go all out to help the Democrat get elected if Trump gets the nomination, knowing that Trump would likely have a huge negative impact on close down ticket Republican races (http://dailycaller.com/2016/02/27/mcconnell-tells-gop-senators-well-drop-trump-like-a-hot-rock/). Quite interesting when they start cannibalizing their own. But it does go to show how terrified the Republican establishment is of Trump, knowing what he is doing to the party.

What Trump "is doing to the party" is giving it much needed new blood and vigour. Surely a presidential candidate who can alone get more votes in a caucas than last caucas entire voting number is a candidate that is very important to the party.

People just don't seem the get that Trump isn't running "as a republican", he is running as an american and he is saying most of the things the voters are thinking in their sofas.

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Here is what I think is the only, albeit tiny, chance, for the republicans to stop Trump from defecating all over their party (and being nominated).

Cruz stays in and siphons off fundamentalist far right wing fanatics from Trump. Cruz has no chance, don't worry about that creepy WEIRDO.

Of course sleepy man Carson is just one big joke. He should stay in too.

Rubio loses in Florida, effectively dooming his dim chance.

Kasich goes on North and wins Ohio and Michigan.

Then Kasich and Rubio have a pow wow, Rubio drops out and agrees to be Kasich's running mate if Trump can be stopped. Kasich runs as the savior of the party, managing to never dirty himself with the idiotic schoolyard fighting, and Rubio stays on as the VP pick apparent to be the fighting monkey ... shouting TRUMP IS A CON MAN, TRUMP IS A FASCIST 24/7.

If all that happened, I think Trump can be stopped from the nomination.

Will it? Not bloody likely, but that's the only path I see.

Of course, personally, I have no problem with Trump being nominated and losing in the general. But I think that would be a disaster for the nation for Trump to actually be president. Kasich or Rubio would be less bad. If Trump is nominated, even though arguably that's who the democrats want to run against (rather than Rubio) yes he really COULD win.

I see no real path for Cruz or Carson so no comment on them as presidents. I know most have already written off Kasich and logically that makes sense, but I still see him as the ONLY slim chance of blocking Trump's nomination now. It's probably too late.

An interesting hypothetical; one I hadn't considered. Kasich is the ONLY marginally sane voice remaining on the clown bus, but he's still way too far to the right, IMHO. The man is determined to cut Social Security and Medicare. Your analysis is something the GOP establishment, who are desperately trying to find SOMETHING to stop Trump, ought to consider. Just read this morning where Mitch McConnell came out and said that the Republicans would go all out to help the Democrat get elected if Trump gets the nomination, knowing that Trump would likely have a huge negative impact on close down ticket Republican races (http://dailycaller.com/2016/02/27/mcconnell-tells-gop-senators-well-drop-trump-like-a-hot-rock/). Quite interesting when they start cannibalizing their own. But it does go to show how terrified the Republican establishment is of Trump, knowing what he is doing to the party.

What Trump "is doing to the party" is giving it much needed new blood and vigour. Surely a presidential candidate who can alone get more votes in a caucas than last caucas entire voting number is a candidate that is very important to the party.

People just don't seem the get that Trump isn't running "as a republican", he is running as an american and he is saying most of the things the voters are thinking in their sofas.

So is it safe, then, to assume that you'd be fine with having the average voter sitting on their sofa thinking the kinds of things that Trump is saying run the country? Because they have about the same level of foreign policy experience that he has. He has admitted to not knowing much about foreign policy (http://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-foreign-policy-interview-hugh-hewitt), but don't worry. He's promised to brush up on it if elected. He knows little about economics, given his penchant for business failures...far more than his successes. He would have done far better financially if he'd put his inheritance into index funds and just let them sit (http://www.moneytalksnews.com/why-youre-probably-better-investing-than-donald-trump/). But don't worry. He's promised to brush up on it. He knows nothing about the military (http://www.politicususa.com/2015/08/16/donald-trump-falls-asked-turn-military-advice.html), especially given his four draft deferments, but, hey...he'll brush up on it. He has no problem insulting our allies, bullying anyone who disagrees with him, and walking away when he feels he's "not being treated fair". Since when is life fair? If he's that big a wus, what the hell is he going to do when confronted with a genuine crisis? I don't know about you, but I want someone in charge with some experience, someone who isn't going to start insulting everyone around him and think that that's the solution. You might recall what happened when the last two major crises hit the US...9/11 and Katrina? We had another guy in charge back then who didn't know shit from Shinola. How did those turn out for us?

What Trump is doing to the party is destroying it from the inside. He justifiably terrifies most level headed people. He adopts whatever position best suits him on any given day, and the bullshit he's saying that a frightened minority of uneducated white people are thinking is NOT what America has historically been about. The guy knows nothing about anything...but you're willing to let him rest his finger on the nuclear button? Come to think of it, the guy sitting on his sofa might do a better job.

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You simply have to laugh your tits off at the absurdity of a man who's spent months slagging off Trump only to suddenly announce that he has a thermonuclear reaction going on in his rectum.

Edited by Chicog
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Mr Trump is a bidnessman.

Who wants to be president.

I say kick that loud mouthed demagogic conman to the curb. Still plenty of time to get the word out on how DANGEROUS he is.


Instead of invectives... please tell us how he is dangerous.


The absolute refusal of Trump to admit error—ever; his insistence that something is true because he says it’s true; his dismissal of incontrovertible evidence to the contrary—is a recipe for disaster in the White House.


It would require retired military leaders to explain that Trump's ignorance about the world and the military would lead to disastrous decisions that would endanger the lives of countless men and women in uniform, and that his ludicrous proposal to ban Muslims threatens America’s strategic interests around the world. Their message must be: He says he will make America great; in fact, he will make America weaker. Then let him call the men and women who have spent their lives protecting America “dumb” and “losers.”

Edited by Jingthing
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The Trump outrages of the day:

-- He suggests the judge in his legal problem over the Trump University con job should recluse himself because he's a Latinio.

-- He refuses to condemn the support of the KU KLUX KLAN for his candidacy, claiming IGNORANCE of what that's about.

Trump has enjoyed support from white supremacists and American Nazis. No surprise for such a racist scapegoating campaign.

-- A few days ago Trump claimed he would make libel laws more severe against PRESS organizations. Yes, figure it out, he's threatening to be like PUTIN if he becomes the American Putin. Dictator types like him can't handle press criticism. They want to CRUSH it and if they get the power, that's exactly what they do.

Edited by Jingthing
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The Trump outrages of the day:

-- He refuses to condemn the support of the KU KLUX KLAN for his candidacy, claiming IGNORANCE of what that's about.

Trump has enjoyed support from white supremacists and American Nazis. No surprise for such a racist scapegoating campaign.

Not true. When first asked he didn't know the individual who had endorsed him. Then he got accused of refusing to repudiate what he didn't recognize. When he figured it out he said numerous times that he repudiated the endorsement. Shamestream media reporting - nothing to see here.

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Who wants to be president.

I say kick that loud mouthed demagogic conman to the curb. Still plenty of time to get the word out on how DANGEROUS he is.


Instead of invectives... please tell us how he is dangerous.


The absolute refusal of Trump to admit error—ever; his insistence that something is true because he says it’s true; his dismissal of incontrovertible evidence to the contrary—is a recipe for disaster in the White House.


It would require retired military leaders to explain that Trump's ignorance about the world and the military would lead to disastrous decisions that would endanger the lives of countless men and women in uniform, and that his ludicrous proposal to ban Muslims threatens America’s strategic interests around the world. Their message must be: He says he will make America great; in fact, he will make America weaker. Then let him call the men and women who have spent their lives protecting America “dumb” and “losers.”

Trump has more international experience than Obama ever had but that's OK because Obama is a Democrat... whistling.gif

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What Trump "is doing to the party" is giving it much needed new blood and vigour. Surely a presidential candidate who can alone get more votes in a caucas than last caucas entire voting number is a candidate that is very important to the party.

People just don't seem the get that Trump isn't running "as a republican", he is running as an american and he is saying most of the things the voters are thinking in their sofas.

So is it safe, then, to assume that you'd be fine with having the average voter sitting on their sofa thinking the kinds of things that Trump is saying run the country? Because they have about the same level of foreign policy experience that he has. He has admitted to not knowing much about foreign policy (http://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-foreign-policy-interview-hugh-hewitt), but don't worry. He's promised to brush up on it if elected. He knows little about economics, given his penchant for business failures...far more than his successes. He would have done far better financially if he'd put his inheritance into index funds and just let them sit (http://www.moneytalksnews.com/why-youre-probably-better-investing-than-donald-trump/). But don't worry. He's promised to brush up on it. He knows nothing about the military (http://www.politicususa.com/2015/08/16/donald-trump-falls-asked-turn-military-advice.html), especially given his four draft deferments, but, hey...he'll brush up on it. He has no problem insulting our allies, bullying anyone who disagrees with him, and walking away when he feels he's "not being treated fair". Since when is life fair? If he's that big a wus, what the hell is he going to do when confronted with a genuine crisis? I don't know about you, but I want someone in charge with some experience, someone who isn't going to start insulting everyone around him and think that that's the solution. You might recall what happened when the last two major crises hit the US...9/11 and Katrina? We had another guy in charge back then who didn't know shit from Shinola. How did those turn out for us?

What Trump is doing to the party is destroying it from the inside. He justifiably terrifies most level headed people. He adopts whatever position best suits him on any given day, and the bullshit he's saying that a frightened minority of uneducated white people are thinking is NOT what America has historically been about. The guy knows nothing about anything...but you're willing to let him rest his finger on the nuclear button? Come to think of it, the guy sitting on his sofa might do a better job.

Just a few quick words...

1. " He has admitted to not knowing much about foreign policy..."

Please detail Barack Obama's expertise in this area when he was elected.

2. " He knows nothing about the military..."

President Obama has nearly single handedly neutered the finest fighting force in the history of the world in his seven years. The US Navy, Army and Marines are at their lowest level in years in both equipment and personnel and the Officer corps is so decimated by his actions many have left the military. He is not popular with the military.

3. " He has no problem insulting our allies, bullying anyone who disagrees with him, and walking away when he feels he's "not being treated fair".

This one is a slam dunk. Think the Winston Churchill bust, treatment of our only real ally in the Middle East and Executive actions when Congress doesn't toe the line.

4. "If he's that big a wus, what the hell is he going to do when confronted with a genuine crisis?"

For the information of the world, please tell us what President Obama was doing while our Embassy in Benghazi was under attack for nearly 11 hours. Nobody knows where he was or what he was doing the entire period. He had retired to the family quarters not to be disturbed. How's that for acting under pressure?

How could Trump or any other Republican candidate possibly do any worse than the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?

Just some comments from a "frightened, uneducated white guy" for your consideration.

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What Trump "is doing to the party" is giving it much needed new blood and vigour. Surely a presidential candidate who can alone get more votes in a caucas than last caucas entire voting number is a candidate that is very important to the party.

People just don't seem the get that Trump isn't running "as a republican", he is running as an american and he is saying most of the things the voters are thinking in their sofas.

So is it safe, then, to assume that you'd be fine with having the average voter sitting on their sofa thinking the kinds of things that Trump is saying run the country? Because they have about the same level of foreign policy experience that he has. He has admitted to not knowing much about foreign policy (http://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-foreign-policy-interview-hugh-hewitt), but don't worry. He's promised to brush up on it if elected. He knows little about economics, given his penchant for business failures...far more than his successes. He would have done far better financially if he'd put his inheritance into index funds and just let them sit (http://www.moneytalksnews.com/why-youre-probably-better-investing-than-donald-trump/). But don't worry. He's promised to brush up on it. He knows nothing about the military (http://www.politicususa.com/2015/08/16/donald-trump-falls-asked-turn-military-advice.html), especially given his four draft deferments, but, hey...he'll brush up on it. He has no problem insulting our allies, bullying anyone who disagrees with him, and walking away when he feels he's "not being treated fair". Since when is life fair? If he's that big a wus, what the hell is he going to do when confronted with a genuine crisis? I don't know about you, but I want someone in charge with some experience, someone who isn't going to start insulting everyone around him and think that that's the solution. You might recall what happened when the last two major crises hit the US...9/11 and Katrina? We had another guy in charge back then who didn't know shit from Shinola. How did those turn out for us?

What Trump is doing to the party is destroying it from the inside. He justifiably terrifies most level headed people. He adopts whatever position best suits him on any given day, and the bullshit he's saying that a frightened minority of uneducated white people are thinking is NOT what America has historically been about. The guy knows nothing about anything...but you're willing to let him rest his finger on the nuclear button? Come to think of it, the guy sitting on his sofa might do a better job.

Just a few quick words...

1. " He has admitted to not knowing much about foreign policy..."

Please detail Barack Obama's expertise in this area when he was elected.

2. " He knows nothing about the military..."

President Obama has nearly single handedly neutered the finest fighting force in the history of the world in his seven years. The US Navy, Army and Marines are at their lowest level in years in both equipment and personnel and the Officer corps is so decimated by his actions many have left the military. He is not popular with the military.

3. " He has no problem insulting our allies, bullying anyone who disagrees with him, and walking away when he feels he's "not being treated fair".

This one is a slam dunk. Think the Winston Churchill bust, treatment of our only real ally in the Middle East and Executive actions when Congress doesn't toe the line.

4. "If he's that big a wus, what the hell is he going to do when confronted with a genuine crisis?"

For the information of the world, please tell us what President Obama was doing while our Embassy in Benghazi was under attack for nearly 11 hours. Nobody knows where he was or what he was doing the entire period. He had retired to the family quarters not to be disturbed. How's that for acting under pressure?

How could Trump or any other Republican candidate possibly do any worse than the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?

Just some comments from a "frightened, uneducated white guy" for your consideration.

Your arguments about Obama are nothing more than a straw man. Obama isn't running this time around, just in case you hadn't noticed. And even if he were, his prior experience, or lack thereof, has no bearing on Trump's suitability for the office. Just to remind you, this thread isn't about Obama's qualifications...we have been discussing Trump's qualifications...or lack thereof. Typical of the extreme right, you refuse to address my points, and rely on distraction. "You can't look at my guy's lack of qualifications because I think the current guy is more unqualified". Your post amounts to little more than, "Well, oh yeah? What about...?"

"How could Trump or any other Republican candidate possibly do any worse than the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?" Is that really your argument? "Vote for Trump! At least he's not as bad as Obama." Wow...what a ringing endorsement. So let's put a guy in the White House simply because he can't possibly do any worse. Yes...genuine hope for America.

Electing an incompetent, ineffectual, ignorant, racist, misogynistic buffoon on the basis of someone else's performance would be the height of stupidity...but, then, that's what this gerbil headed dreamsicle is counting on.

Edited by Traveler19491
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The Trump outrages of the day:

-- He refuses to condemn the support of the KU KLUX KLAN for his candidacy, claiming IGNORANCE of what that's about.

Trump has enjoyed support from white supremacists and American Nazis. No surprise for such a racist scapegoating campaign.

Not true. When first asked he didn't know the individual who had endorsed him. Then he got accused of refusing to repudiate what he didn't recognize. When he figured it out he said numerous times that he repudiated the endorsement. Shamestream media reporting - nothing to see here.

Sorry, but you are mistaken about Trump not knowing who had endorsed him...Trump was fully aware of Duke's ties to the KKK back in 2000 (http://fusion.net/story/274407/donald-trump-refuses-to-denounce-the-ku-klux-klan-repeatedly/?utm_campaign=Fusion&utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=social). But, then, lying is not something new to "the Donald". He's made a fortune off of the practice.

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Sorry, but you are mistaken about Trump not knowing who had endorsed him...

Donald has already denounced David Duke several days ago and several times in the past. He is probably sick of answering the same questions over and over again.


Edited by Ulysses G.
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What Trump "is doing to the party" is giving it much needed new blood and vigour. Surely a presidential candidate who can alone get more votes in a caucas than last caucas entire voting number is a candidate that is very important to the party.

People just don't seem the get that Trump isn't running "as a republican", he is running as an american and he is saying most of the things the voters are thinking in their sofas.

So is it safe, then, to assume that you'd be fine with having the average voter sitting on their sofa thinking the kinds of things that Trump is saying run the country? Because they have about the same level of foreign policy experience that he has. He has admitted to not knowing much about foreign policy (http://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-foreign-policy-interview-hugh-hewitt), but don't worry. He's promised to brush up on it if elected. He knows little about economics, given his penchant for business failures...far more than his successes. He would have done far better financially if he'd put his inheritance into index funds and just let them sit (http://www.moneytalksnews.com/why-youre-probably-better-investing-than-donald-trump/). But don't worry. He's promised to brush up on it. He knows nothing about the military (http://www.politicususa.com/2015/08/16/donald-trump-falls-asked-turn-military-advice.html), especially given his four draft deferments, but, hey...he'll brush up on it. He has no problem insulting our allies, bullying anyone who disagrees with him, and walking away when he feels he's "not being treated fair". Since when is life fair? If he's that big a wus, what the hell is he going to do when confronted with a genuine crisis? I don't know about you, but I want someone in charge with some experience, someone who isn't going to start insulting everyone around him and think that that's the solution. You might recall what happened when the last two major crises hit the US...9/11 and Katrina? We had another guy in charge back then who didn't know shit from Shinola. How did those turn out for us?

What Trump is doing to the party is destroying it from the inside. He justifiably terrifies most level headed people. He adopts whatever position best suits him on any given day, and the bullshit he's saying that a frightened minority of uneducated white people are thinking is NOT what America has historically been about. The guy knows nothing about anything...but you're willing to let him rest his finger on the nuclear button? Come to think of it, the guy sitting on his sofa might do a better job.

Just a few quick words...

1. " He has admitted to not knowing much about foreign policy..."

Please detail Barack Obama's expertise in this area when he was elected.

2. " He knows nothing about the military..."

President Obama has nearly single handedly neutered the finest fighting force in the history of the world in his seven years. The US Navy, Army and Marines are at their lowest level in years in both equipment and personnel and the Officer corps is so decimated by his actions many have left the military. He is not popular with the military.

3. " He has no problem insulting our allies, bullying anyone who disagrees with him, and walking away when he feels he's "not being treated fair".

This one is a slam dunk. Think the Winston Churchill bust, treatment of our only real ally in the Middle East and Executive actions when Congress doesn't toe the line.

4. "If he's that big a wus, what the hell is he going to do when confronted with a genuine crisis?"

For the information of the world, please tell us what President Obama was doing while our Embassy in Benghazi was under attack for nearly 11 hours. Nobody knows where he was or what he was doing the entire period. He had retired to the family quarters not to be disturbed. How's that for acting under pressure?

How could Trump or any other Republican candidate possibly do any worse than the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?

Just some comments from a "frightened, uneducated white guy" for your consideration.

Your arguments about Obama are nothing more than a straw man. Obama isn't running this time around, just in case you hadn't noticed. And even if he were, his prior experience, or lack thereof, has no bearing on Trump's suitability for the office. Just to remind you, this thread isn't about Obama's qualifications...we have been discussing Trump's qualifications...or lack thereof. Typical of the extreme right, you refuse to address my points, and rely on distraction. "You can't look at my guy's lack of qualifications because I think the current guy is more unqualified". Your post amounts to little more than, "Well, oh yeah? What about...?"

"How could Trump or any other Republican candidate possibly do any worse than the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?" Is that really your argument? "Vote for Trump! At least he's not as bad as Obama." Wow...what a ringing endorsement. So let's put a guy in the White House simply because he can't possibly do any worse. Yes...genuine hope for America.

Electing an incompetent, ineffectual, ignorant, racist, misogynistic buffoon on the basis of someone else's performance would be the height of stupidity...but, then, that's what this gerbil headed dreamsicle is counting on.

Since you Democrats seem hell-bent on electing Hillary Clinton for Obama's third term, my comparison is exactly on point. If she isn't indicted that is.

The Democrats have had their eight year run. It has been a miserable failure.

PS: Congratulations on that last sentence/paragraph. You have managed to cram more insults into it than any I have ever read on this forum. I envy your talent at sarcasm.

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The Trump outrages of the day:

-- He refuses to condemn the support of the KU KLUX KLAN for his candidacy, claiming IGNORANCE of what that's about.

Trump has enjoyed support from white supremacists and American Nazis. No surprise for such a racist scapegoating campaign.

Not true. When first asked he didn't know the individual who had endorsed him. Then he got accused of refusing to repudiate what he didn't recognize. When he figured it out he said numerous times that he repudiated the endorsement. Shamestream media reporting - nothing to see here.

He did not know who David Duke was? He certainly knew who he was when he refused to join the reform party because David Duke was a member.

And He did not know what the KKK was? are you for real?

If he does not know what the KKK is he needs to go back to school ,first grade

There is certainly something to see here

He is either ignorant, disingenuous, or suffers from dementia

Edited by sirineou
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Sorry, but you are mistaken about Trump not knowing who had endorsed him...

Donald has already denounced David Duke several days ago and several times in the past. He is probably sick of answering the same questions over and over again.


Yeah, that's probably it. rolleyes.gif

The Trump fanboys will come up with any excuse (no matter how absurd) to excuse his ignorance and fatuousness.

But wait, Trump has come out with his own (equally ridiculous) excuse:

Trump says it was all due to a "bad ear piece".


This is where the Trump fanboys claim that the ear piece was made in Mexico. coffee1.gif

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