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Merkel calls mob that screamed at migrants 'repulsive'


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I hope the UK votes to leave this shower of sh*t Europe has become.

No, The UK needs to stay in Europe and work with the millions of Germans, French, Danes, Poles, Hungarians etc etc that don't want or accept Merkel and her cronies "ideal" of some sort of federalist quasi communist social utopia where the state plans and controls everything for you, tells you what you are allowed to do and think, and removes any trappings of heritage and culture that might interfere with their progress.

I would imagine the quickest way for that to happen would be for the UK to vote to leave, leaving the rest if the EU in shambles. Perhaps then popular opinion could cause politicians to reflect the thoughts of the electorate.

I'm staggered that the vote in lot are accusing the vote outs of not knowing what will happen in the aftermath of a leave result as if this is a terrifying prospect, when the simple fact is that we already know what will happen to the UK should we choose to stay and this is indeed truly terrifying.

I'm also perplexed that so many of my countrymen are so willing to throw their heritage and sovereignty, in fact their entire country, away so easily.

I honestly cannot imagine this happening to any other major non European country.

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I hope the UK votes to leave this shower of sh*t Europe has become.

No, The UK needs to stay in Europe and work with the millions of Germans, French, Danes, Poles, Hungarians etc etc that don't want or accept Merkel and her cronies "ideal" of some sort of federalist quasi communist social utopia where the state plans and controls everything for you, tells you what you are allowed to do and think, and removes any trappings of heritage and culture that might interfere with their progress.

I would imagine the quickest way for that to happen would be for the UK to vote to leave, leaving the rest if the EU in shambles. Perhaps then popular opinion could cause politicians to reflect the thoughts of the electorate.

I'm staggered that the vote in lot are accusing the vote outs of not knowing what will happen in the aftermath of a leave result as if this is a terrifying prospect, when the simple fact is that we already know what will happen to the UK should we choose to stay and this is indeed truly terrifying.

I'm also perplexed that so many of my countrymen are so willing to throw their heritage and sovereignty, in fact their entire country, away so easily.

I honestly cannot imagine this happening to any other major non European country.

It boils my urine when I see or hear of people panicking about the repercussions of leaving the EU.We managed mighty fine before we joined, it ain't working (especially financially) so let's get out and start being in control of our own future again before it really is too late
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although it is a big mistake for EU to accept that many migrants, i applaud Merkel at least for waking up and doing something for those poor people where others dig their fascist brains into the sand.

Best solution was creating a no fly demilitarized zone in Syria and opening shelters and camps there and protect people. This way, when the war is over, those people had a chance to return back to their villages and land and businesses.

But they did not want it somehow for mysterious reasons so people there sold their lands and businesses and gold and used that money for running to Europe and now they will never be back to Syria as they have nothing back. no families no land no food.

maybe that was due to the fear of Turks getting some land there but anyway, even that is a good price to pay to prevent millions of uneducated migrants! but that opportunity is gone forever.

Bad policies of EU and world strike back Europe! nothing else. now, please pay the price EU.

Edited by Galactus
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Aaaaah, good to see the usual right(est) wing know-it-alls with their closed-borders-mentality are back in droves!

So...what is your solution guys?

Bomb the refugees boats in the Mediterranean Sea?

Or wait until the poorest of the poor, the ones who escaped with nothing more that their bare lives, make to the shore and then shoot them?

Humanitarians, the lot of you!


So why are 75% of refugees young men of military age leaving their women and children in war savaged countries?

There is a difference between economic migrants and real refugees.

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Real refugees might possibly prefer to stay closer to their own country in the hope of returning when safe to do so.

But it seems the modern definition of a refugee is someone who wants to travel through many safe countries, until they reach one that suits then best and then proceeds to complain about internet speed, boredom, the way the local women dress etc etc

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although it is a big mistake for EU to accept that many migrants, i applaud Merkel at least for waking up and doing something for those poor people where others dig their fascist brains into the sand.

Best solution was creating a no fly demilitarized zone in Syria and opening shelters and camps there and protect people. This way, when the war is over, those people had a chance to return back to their villages and land and businesses.

But they did not want it somehow for mysterious reasons so people there sold their lands and businesses and gold and used that money for running to Europe and now they will never be back to Syria as they have nothing back. no families no land no food.

maybe that was due to the fear of Turks getting some land there but anyway, even that is a good price to pay to prevent millions of uneducated migrants! but that opportunity is gone forever.

Bad policies of EU and world strike back Europe! nothing else. now, please pay the price EU.

I think you may have made a mistake? Maybe you meant to type 'patriotic' instead of facist? Or do you prefer to use words like this to make people who you don't agree with, look like racist or fascist bigots?

How many "refugees" have you opened your house to? Ya know, just out of interest?

Oh, and just so you don't get confused about where I stand, I'm for controlled immigration if said immigrants don't expect to get free everything when they arrive. They should benefit the country they apply to, not scrounge from the state, but all too often, they get free houses and immediate benefits that most citizens find abhorrent. Why should anyone not prepared to work be subsidised by working tax payers? Lazy citizens of said country should not get spoon fed, never mind these economic migrants (majority being young males too scared to defend their own nation/families but happy for us to protect them whilst taking everything they can and complaining about everything in the process)

I could go on, but I'm going out in a couple of days and by then, I'm sure my head will be sore from banging it against the brick wall

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Aaaaah, good to see the usual right(est) wing know-it-alls with their closed-borders-mentality are back in droves!

So...what is your solution guys?

Bomb the refugees boats in the Mediterranean Sea?

Or wait until the poorest of the poor, the ones who escaped with nothing more that their bare lives, make to the shore and then shoot them?

Humanitarians, the lot of you!


How many refugees are you supporting and how many live with you?

When Live Aid happened, how many sacks of anything, did you personally delivered to Africa?

Oh...wait...you just made some funny remarks about "African children on a strict diet, i bet!

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Aaaaah, good to see the usual right(est) wing know-it-alls with their closed-borders-mentality are back in droves!

So...what is your solution guys?

Bomb the refugees boats in the Mediterranean Sea?

Or wait until the poorest of the poor, the ones who escaped with nothing more that their bare lives, make to the shore and then shoot them?

Humanitarians, the lot of you!


So why are 75% of refugees young men of military age leaving their women and children in war savaged countries?

There is a difference between economic migrants and real refugees.

These so called facts have been debunked over and over again!

Where did you get them from?

Le Pen's Big Book of fake statistics?

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although it is a big mistake for EU to accept that many migrants, i applaud Merkel at least for waking up and doing something for those poor people where others dig their fascist brains into the sand.

Best solution was creating a no fly demilitarized zone in Syria and opening shelters and camps there and protect people. This way, when the war is over, those people had a chance to return back to their villages and land and businesses.

But they did not want it somehow for mysterious reasons so people there sold their lands and businesses and gold and used that money for running to Europe and now they will never be back to Syria as they have nothing back. no families no land no food.

maybe that was due to the fear of Turks getting some land there but anyway, even that is a good price to pay to prevent millions of uneducated migrants! but that opportunity is gone forever.

Bad policies of EU and world strike back Europe! nothing else. now, please pay the price EU.

I think you may have made a mistake? Maybe you meant to type 'patriotic' instead of facist? Or do you prefer to use words like this to make people who you don't agree with, look like racist or fascist bigots?

How many "refugees" have you opened your house to? Ya know, just out of interest?

Oh, and just so you don't get confused about where I stand, I'm for controlled immigration if said immigrants don't expect to get free everything when they arrive. They should benefit the country they apply to, not scrounge from the state, but all too often, they get free houses and immediate benefits that most citizens find abhorrent. Why should anyone not prepared to work be subsidised by working tax payers? Lazy citizens of said country should not get spoon fed, never mind these economic migrants (majority being young males too scared to defend their own nation/families but happy for us to protect them whilst taking everything they can and complaining about everything in the process)

I could go on, but I'm going out in a couple of days and by then, I'm sure my head will be sore from banging it against the brick wall

no i didnt make a mistake, i meant fascist not patriotic.

and not sure why you are offended, my post was not directed to you.

as i said in my post, big mistake to accept that many migrants but i stated a possible solution where europe and world missed the boat.

and how many migrants in my country? for your interest, 2,5 million officially and 1 million unofficially total of 3,5 million so please never speak like how many migrants blah blah and yes, my family back home supports some migrant right now.

and you? just controlled immigration?

Edited by Galactus
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Merkel has blown it, the desperation in her rhetoric can't hide the fact that coexistence with millions of third world Muslims is impossible. Germans will have to deport them or deport themselves.


Nope, the Germans will be in Gulags soon and build mosques, flying carpets and similar bs for them.

Once they're burned out they'll be send to the showers, which are actually gas chambers.German problem solved, then the UK......facepalm.gif

Alah Akbar.-thumbsup.gif

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Aaaaah, good to see the usual right(est) wing know-it-alls with their closed-borders-mentality are back in droves!

So...what is your solution guys?

Bomb the refugees boats in the Mediterranean Sea?

Or wait until the poorest of the poor, the ones who escaped with nothing more that their bare lives, make to the shore and then shoot them?

Humanitarians, the lot of you!


How many refugees are you supporting and how many live with you?

When Live Aid happened, how many sacks of anything, did you personally delivered to Africa?

Oh...wait...you just made some funny remarks about "African children on a strict diet, i bet!

I did nothing at all but I didn't crow about it. Also I made no funny remarks about African children on a strict diet so you would lose your bet.

You are the one that brought the subject up and you are the one that doesn't like the responses you got.

Would you like to respond to my reply about Live Aid and perhaps respond to some of the questions?

Now Live Aid started 31 years ago in aid of Ethiopia.

After 31 years of support from the west is Ethiopia any better off?

Do people flock there for holidays?

Are there no starving people any more?

Is it one of the safest and wealthiest countries in Africa?

Is everybody rich enough to have mobile phones and cars and live in luxury apartments?

So after 31 years are the Ethiopians really any better off?


Area • Total 1,104,300 km2 (27th)

426,371 sq mi • Water (%) 0.7 Population • 2015 estimate 99,465,819[2][3] (13th) • 2007 census 73,750,932[4] • Density 82.58/km2 (123rd)

213.89/sq mi GDP (PPP) 2015 estimate • Total $159.224 billion[5] • Per capita $1,773[5]GDP (nominal) 2015 estimate • Total $63.022 billion[5] • Per capita $702[5]Gini (2011) 33.6[6]

medium HDI (2014) 11px-Increase2.svg.png 0.442[7]

low · 174th

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Merkel has declared herself the mistress of the territorial sovereignty of the Federal Republic of Germany.
She has the prohibition of unauthorized border crossings for anyone from outside the Schengen area lifted, although the § 18 AsylVerfG forbids it.

This is not only repulsive, this is a clear breach of the law.
Hopefully soon charges are brought against her.

I hope this madness is deselected or overthrown as soon as possible.

Europe and Germany need quickly a new government - without Angela Merkel.

Edited by tomacht8
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Merkel has declared herself the mistress of the territorial sovereignty of the Federal Republic of Germany.

She has the prohibition of unauthorized border crossings for anyone from outside the Schengen area lifted, although the § 18 AsylVerfG forbids it.

This is not only repulsive, this is a clear breach of the law.

Hopefully soon charges are brought against her.

I hope this madness is deselected or overthrown as soon as possible.

Europe and Germany need quickly a new government - without Angela Merkel.

as far as i know ther are about 400 cases being brought up against her about breaching

the law..you really think it wil lever come to that...keep on wishing..i wish it would...

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'"Rules must be clear from the start," she said.' Rules? You think it needs rules to show immigrants, guilty of robbery and sexual assault, the error of their ways, Angela? Don't be so naïve. What it needs is for you to admit to the error of your open-door policy.

you wish.won`t happen..she is just as stubborn as her teacher who taugh hert...Herr Kohl...

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'"Rules must be clear from the start," she said.' Rules? You think it needs rules to show immigrants, guilty of robbery and sexual assault, the error of their ways, Angela? Don't be so naïve. What it needs is for you to admit to the error of your open-door policy.

you wish.won`t happen..she is just as stubborn as her teacher who taugh hert...Herr Kohl...

who taught her..sorry for the misspelling..sorry.gif

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Germans have to stop the CDU lead gov destroying their country and being over run by millions of migrants!

If you see the newest pictures from Greece Macedonian Boarders,

than you can see, this are not refugees which begging for a shelter,

There is a high percentage of radical moslems, supporters of ISIS,

future terrorists,

and Merkel have welcomed them;

Not to mention the hundred of tjousands economical refugees ,

All of them distroing the European developed social system and culture !

Stop that hordes !!

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If I was Merkel, I would let in and allow another 1 million refugees... just to annoy those hacklers

and show them who's boss..... why not? it didn't stop her the fist time, so why stop now?....

many EU countries will stop that stupporn decision from that Lady !!

And we have started already in our home and on " OUR " boarders !!

And if needed, we will also close the boarders to Germany !! :-)))

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Germans have to stop the CDU lead gov destroying their country and being over run by millions of migrants!

If you see the newest pictures from Greece Macedonian Boarders,

than you can see, this are not refugees which begging for a shelter,

There is a high percentage of radical moslems, supporters of ISIS,

future terrorists,

and Merkel have welcomed them;

Not to mention the hundred of tjousands economical refugees ,

All of them distroing the European developed social system and culture !

Stop that hordes !!

They were using battering rams tying to break down the fence. Probably just scientists and engineers showing off their skills.

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That's totally B.S. You have to make a difference between immigrants and refugees. And also there were 2 cases of rapes. 2 out of 1000000 in total. Compare it with the people you live here. This week already 6 as far as I know.

nonsense statistics. Hundreds of women were abused in Cologne by non europeans, african and middle east origin. So go and dream up another "2 out 1000000000000 " junk statistic. Even better , take in a "refugee/migrant" in your own home if you so inclined to accept!
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Germans have to stop the CDU lead gov destroying their country and being over run by millions of migrants!

If you see the newest pictures from Greece Macedonian Boarders,

than you can see, this are not refugees which begging for a shelter,

There is a high percentage of radical moslems, supporters of ISIS,

future terrorists,

and Merkel have welcomed them;

Not to mention the hundred of tjousands economical refugees ,

All of them distroing the European developed social system and culture !

Stop that hordes !!

They were using battering rams tying to break down the fence. Probably just scientists and engineers showing off their skills.

Here's their repulsive fluid mechanics at work.




Edited by Steely Dan
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Aaaaah, good to see the usual right(est) wing know-it-alls with their closed-borders-mentality are back in droves!

So...what is your solution guys?

Bomb the refugees boats in the Mediterranean Sea?

Or wait until the poorest of the poor, the ones who escaped with nothing more that their bare lives, make to the shore and then shoot them?

Humanitarians, the lot of you!


I'm surprised that you have not suffocated with your head so far in the sand! You left wing drum bangers are a big part of the problem.

Multiculturalism is NOT working, or are you too blind to see that? Oh, and you don't have to be right wing or racist to know this (just before you start playing the race card like lefty do-gooders do when the debate gets too much)

I'd rather suffocate with my head in the sand, then in the place where you have yours!

Multiculturalism works, will work and will have to work...unless you want to build a high wall around your country...Mr. Trump!

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That's totally B.S. You have to make a difference between immigrants and refugees. And also there were 2 cases of rapes. 2 out of 1000000 in total. Compare it with the people you live here. This week already 6 as far as I know.

nonsense statistics. Hundreds of women were abused in Cologne by non europeans, african and middle east origin. So go and dream up another "2 out 1000000000000 " junk statistic. Even better , take in a "refugee/migrant" in your own home if you so inclined to accept!

Read up on that incident again!

There where (born) Germans involved as well!

But that doesn't fit the narrative, does it now?!

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If it's the genuine refugees, including women and kids directly affected by the war they're screaming at, then she has a point. But what they should really be screaming at is Merkel herself and her government. There needs to be mass street protests by normal Germans to change this as it'll only get worse for Germany and Europe.

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