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Criminal court sentences Channel 3's TV host Sorayuth to 13 years


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Does this mean to say they have confirmed that there also exists corruption and lying and cheating and cooking the books within the Media and T.V. Business sectors ????

Gosh, who would have thought?


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I'd do 13 years for 138 million baht. Only 80,000 fine.

You'd have a very sore bottom when you got out!

No. Only the gays shag the gays in prisons here. There's plenty to go around so the straights get left alone. Besides most are 'bottom' and they wouldn't want foreign size.

Your response is based on what? and who is the "foreign size" here?

Based on the 50 days i spent in jail here. And do i really need to answer the next question or have u never seen a Thai penis?

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The courts no longer feel the need to cut Thaksinites any slack. I suppose he has to sit it out on bail until he can be acquitted on appeal under another Thaksin nominee government. The evidence seems rather clear though. His defence that it was a series of accounting errors that he rectified by repaying the money to MCOT after it was pointed out by the NACC was not really very convincing. So it's hard to feel any sympathy for him.

what has happened to the national forest reserve encroachment case against him. His explanation of that one aired on his TV program with the pretty "Ka, kai-ng" away was also not at all convincing. It was obvious from the map he showed that his plot of land was not part of the original title deed of the estate developer but was added on to the project afterwards.

While the media is focusing on him, the newspapers should lodge copyright infringement cases against him for using their content for commercial gain every morning without paying royalties or seeking permission in writing.

The fact that a dishonest eel of such proportions can be so popular on Thai TV, and the TV station has kept him to make them more money on in spite of his prosecution, speaks volumes about society's willingness to respect and adore people who accumulate wealth, no matter what corruption or other criminal activities it may spring from. No hope of any reform or reduction in corruption here.

Edited by Dogmatix
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You'd have a very sore bottom when you got out!

No. Only the gays shag the gays in prisons here. There's plenty to go around so the straights get left alone. Besides most are 'bottom' and they wouldn't want foreign size.

Your response is based on what? and who is the "foreign size" here?

Based on the 50 days i spent in jail here. And do i really need to answer the next question or have u never seen a Thai penis?

Read in Spectrum that some LBs enjoy their time in the men's prison so much, having so many men in love with them and making tons of money, that they quickly committed another crime on release to go back there as soon as possible. They either have HIV before they go in or get it early on, so have no more fear of catching it.

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But, will he ever serve a day in jail, I somewhat doubt it!

It's looking very much like he indeed will serve some significant time. Yeah, he may get a reduction in sentence, but for sure he'll serve time.

Yeah, maybe in 30 years his time will start.

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His Rai Som company was also ordered to pay fine of 80,000 baht.

If the embezzled money 138 Million Baht is parked in a simple savings account with 1.5% interest,
it brings over 2 million baht interest a year alone.
How many years has this eel could keep the money?

80.000 Baht is not a punishment, it is a real reward!

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I have mixed feelings about him. He's extremely popular because he brings out the little guy's side of the news. I like that. But he's also a shameless self-promoter. I never liked that. Also, what's with the young women sidekicks? They seem to leave and be replaced without any comment or explanation.

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I have mixed feelings about him. He's extremely popular because he brings out the little guy's side of the news. I like that. But he's also a shameless self-promoter. I never liked that. Also, what's with the young women sidekicks? They seem to leave and be replaced without any comment or explanation.

That's part of the reason he's in trouble -- he's always implying that the ordinary people are being let down by incompetent officialdom. As for being a self-promoter, it's hard to imagine anyone who chooses television as a career being a shy introvert. He has considerable influence in society, and enjoys it.

His offsider (nickname Bright, incidentally, not Bike) is a real trouper -- she apparently had to sign a contract which included the clause that she couldn't get married or have an obvious boyfriend throughout her stay on the show. Quite often, the show has to deal with English-language issues (such as reading out Asean Economic Community), and she carries the load for those bits.

It seems probable that the long sentence more reflects who he has upset rather than what he did. A modern Thai version of "who will rid me of this troublesome priest?"

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Though the authorities currently have no power to order Sorayuth off the air, one of the broadcasting commissioners, Supinya Klangnarong, said she believed Sorayuth should take a break.

Worse than any legal threat, Supinya said, will be the social pressure exerted on the broadcaster.

To quote the article in khaosod news.

Okay, now lets go back to 2003

2003, Thai media rights activist Supinya Klangnarong was sued by former Thai prime minister’s Thaksin Shinawatra’s Shin Corp over comments quoted in a Thai newspaper.

From - https://rodsjournal.wordpress.com/2008/05/03/thai-women-are-fighters-a-post-for-world-press-freedom-day-2008/

She's anti Thaksin, therefore anti Sorayuth.


Edited by Wilsonandson
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Wow the number of people in this thread who don't understand what actually happend is pretty shocking.

He didn't technically steal 138MB...he deprived a company the chance of earning it.

Is that worth 13yrs of his life? Considering he payed it all back id say he should only have to do 3-4 years.

Read the dam article guys!

Edited by maanoi
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I don't understand enough Thai language to be Fluent, but I did enjoy watching

Mr. Suthassanachinda do his news segments. I seen that he has been all over Thailand

with his news team.

I guess this is just another news day, and someone has to now spend their money to try

stay out of jail. It is a good think that he has plenty of money as he will likely have

a lot less for the next few months at least.

Good Luck.


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I have mixed feelings about him. He's extremely popular because he brings out the little guy's side of the news. I like that. But he's also a shameless self-promoter. I never liked that. Also, what's with the young women sidekicks? They seem to leave and be replaced without any comment or explanation.

That's part of the reason he's in trouble -- he's always implying that the ordinary people are being let down by incompetent officialdom. As for being a self-promoter, it's hard to imagine anyone who chooses television as a career being a shy introvert. He has considerable influence in society, and enjoys it.

His offsider (nickname Bright, incidentally, not Bike) is a real trouper -- she apparently had to sign a contract which included the clause that she couldn't get married or have an obvious boyfriend throughout her stay on the show. Quite often, the show has to deal with English-language issues (such as reading out Asean Economic Community), and she carries the load for those bits.

It seems probable that the long sentence more reflects who he has upset rather than what he did. A modern Thai version of "who will rid me of this troublesome priest?"

A very good post of yours, my missus thinks that Prayut has zeroed in on him and that one can hear the bulkheads crumbling already.

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Wow the number of people in this thread who don't understand what actually happend is pretty shocking.

He didn't technically steal 138MB...he deprived a company the chance of earning it.

Is that worth 13yrs of his life? Considering he payed it all back id say he should only have to do 3-4 years.

Read the dam article guys!

Had, could, would, should have. Nope, he got 13 years. It is worth of his life? Well, I don't care about his life.

Is the sentence fair? Different Point of Views. From a European PoV it is unfair but from Thailand's PoV it seems to be fair. But on the other side, in Europe he would probably see the inside of the prison for 3-4 years and in Thailand it is highly doubtful.

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From the OP

"No suspension of jail terms were given to the three after the rulings.

They have to serve the jail terms immediately."

so how's that going so far?

It's going like this- he was sentenced to 13 years jail, not suspended, but he appealed the sentence so he got bail until the case is heard by The Appeals Court.

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From the OP

"No suspension of jail terms were given to the three after the rulings.

They have to serve the jail terms immediately."

so how's that going so far?

It's going like this- he was sentenced to 13 years jail, not suspended, but he appealed the sentence so he got bail until the case is heard by The Appeals Court.

... probably in 10 years we will see an update on this one.

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