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Do you exercise?


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Lately I have been making a bit more of an effort to get some exercise, however late in the day that may be. I cycle for half an hour, twice a day as often as possible, so that's 20kms a day - my target is a minimum of 400kms a month. I used to swim occasionally, and should really get back to that too. I'm not a fitness fanatic, I simply want to delay most of the aches and pains that come with advancing years, but perhaps I'm starting a bit late in the day, although it is surprising to see so many other farang in our mooban cycling, walking or jogging when I'm out on the bike.

Do you exercise? What do you do to keep reasonably healthy, or do you think it's a lost cause?

Edited by Rob8891
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5 popular exercises..

Jumping to conclusions.

Dodging responsibility.

Pushing my luck.

Carrying things too far.

Flying off the handle.

It is seeing comments like this on TV that helps me get through my days a little better.

K.eep it up mate, great to see people with a good sense of humor

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5 popular exercises..

Jumping to conclusions.

Dodging responsibility.

Pushing my luck.

Carrying things too far.

Flying off the handle.

Im too lazy for that malarkey. I just drive people (my wife) crazy.

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I know a few people that use a phone app called "steps" that measures how far you walk each day.

I know some who know exactly how many steps it is from their home to the bar or the nearest restaurant. That is their only exercise - well, that and weight lifting .... 500grams up, empty on the way down...change hands...Next pint please, barkeep!

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The problem I found was that most exercise things were just plain boring!

But shifting a pile of wood, or cutting down a load of trees by hand, digging something, or climbing up a hill was much more satisfying.

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My wife's brothers are all well defined, thin with six-pack stomachs. Occasionally I will tag along with them at the farm or building something and now I know why they look so healthy. Regardless of the heat they are go go go. It is all in the lifestyle.

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Work full time so 75 push ups a day. 1 hour at the fitness center on Saturday and Sunday mornings on 8 different weight machines (between 80 to 100 reps per machine and cycle there and back 6ms). Cycle whenever I get the fancy on the weekend usually twice a month and never less than 40 kms a time.

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I had a patient once who was a piano teacher and he counted his playing as exercise. Saying something like three hours of playing made him perform 200,000 motions......

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I go to the gym and pool about 4 days a week. 10 minutes lifting weights, 10 minutes in the pool swimming and doing exercises and 10 minutes laying in the sun getting my vitamin D. For me it's about keeping fit not about building big muscles. I also walk a lot and sometimes do 20 push-ups and 50 jumping jacks on the days I don't go to gym. I could do more but what I do now does make a difference and I never get bored or over work myself. Works for me !!!

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I swim at my condo. I try and swim at least 3-5 times a week, but I was lazy for several months and didn't swim at all. One lap is 500 meters and takes me about 15-20 minutes. After I get done swimming I usually do 50 curls or 50 push-ups. I used to like to weight train more, but the equipment here is too expensive and I don't have the room for it. I hate the gyms in Pattaya and would not set foot into those hot dirty places. I only use the gym at high end hotels while on vacation.

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I'm almost 60 and have always mucked about in, on, under and by the ocean - surfing, diving and fishing..., plus when It suits, mountain bike ride along forestry trails hereabouts. Also, I really like getting out on the Stand Up Paddle board (SUP)..., it's the ducks nuts !
When I'm in LOS..., April - Sept, I'll play in/on the ocean if I'm near one.., but generally in Bkk it's MTB ride, morning yoga(always)..., walking(lots of that, and briskly).

Edited by Sandy Freckle
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After close to 15 years with next to no exercise I began cycling in December and I now try and do 15km each day.

I struggled to start with to even do 5 km, but its surprising how quickly it gets easier and easier.

I can honestly say that its transformed my life, I highly recommend daily exercise to all.

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I run 10 - 20kms 2 or 3 times a week. Go to the gym to do weights twice a week. Cycle in the weekend. Try also to do some hiking when I can.

I wouldn't consider myself a fitness fanatic either. I enjoy drinking and eating well too. i think it's important for everyone to find their own balance. Those who sit on bar stools making idle comments and observations in their spare time are just biding their time until the inevitable happens in my opinion.

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I run 10 - 20kms 2 or 3 times a week. Go to the gym to do weights twice a week. Cycle in the weekend. Try also to do some hiking when I can.

I wouldn't consider myself a fitness fanatic either. I enjoy drinking and eating well too. i think it's important for everyone to find their own balance. Those who sit on bar stools making idle comments and observations in their spare time are just biding their time until the inevitable happens in my opinion.

Some of these guys are seriously unhealthy in my experience. Several friends do no exercise at all, some even say they don't have the time but you can bet that xx o'clock, there they all are, gathered at the same point swilling as usual.

I knew of one guy who exercised almost religiously every morning, in the gym for an hour or two, probably addicted to the adrenaline, but from 1pm until the bar shut he would be sitting in his usual seat getting absolutely pished: he wouldn't even leave his seat to go and eat a meal. All the good he did in his exercise was undone during the rest of the day/evening. blink.png That was just one example...there are legions out there!

I will never, ever, get fit - that isn't my intention, I just want to gain a little health benefit from the exercise, and improve my sleep pattern. Getting fitter (even a bit) is an added benefit, as is losing a few kgs.

Edited by Rob8891
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I play badminton 3 or 4 times a week, walk as much as possible and golf occasionally. I've seen too many friends who don't exercise turn into feeble old men, and it doesn't take long before they can barely walk or start having serious health issues. Use it or lose it, as "they" say.

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I exercise, 4 times or more a week, mainly weightlifting. I do got a rowing machine too that i should use more but I prefer the lifting. I do this because I have seen the difference between an older person 60+ who exercised and who did not. It clearly showed me that the one who exercised had far more energy and was far healthier.

I don't always like the exercise but just do it because its good, other times i like it and feel accomplishment when im done. I feel its healthy and I got loads more energy as I had before. Been doing this consistent for 5 years now with good results in how I look and feel. I also eat healthy as exercising is just 1 part of staying healthy.

Consistency rules, so find something you like (or at least don't hate), its not about having the perfect workout and the best there is because if you hate it you will stop. So doing it moderate is a good thing (im more extreme in what I do as I hate it when I just go through the motions without challenging myself) but for most others moderation is best.

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I made the mistake of trying to jog a couple of years ago...as a kid I injured my back, and the jogging really hurt it again. Now I make sure that I choose non-impact activities - cycling and swimming. People should make sure they choose sensible and appropriate types of exercise or they could suffer serious injury.

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I generally exercise at the gym every other day. I concentrate on cardio and do some limited free weights. My cardio consists of spending 30 minutes on an elliptical then 15 minutes on a recumbent bike. Then do some bicep curls and play with weights to varying degrees.

I usually go around noon to 1pm and I'm finished in an hour or so.

When I fall outside of this routine I begin to feel sluggish later in the day. I believe that the regular exercise improves my mood and aids my sleep.

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I just walk ( most ) mornings, anywhere from 2k to 5km depending on my mood , the weather etc.

Just started one day ....then each day set a target ( a building, the 7/11 or something) a bit further each week.

I see the same people thai and foreigner walking or cycling most mornings.

I have a few different routes to provide variety...................reach a corner ---do I turn left or right today.

Then when I get really serious I add 1/2hr at a steady 4km/hr pace on the treadmill in the afternoon working up to an hour per day.

But if Im not in the mood I dont do the walk. Oh gave up drinking beer also ...so that helps the waiste line

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I begin my exercise just before dawn every day...martial art style. The warm up and warm down (stretching etc.) are essential, especially as OAP (Ha!), but they do exercise inside too. These gently massage inner organs and so one gets an all round 'tune up'. Now don't get me wrong, any exercise is good but make sure you exercise the whole body. Swimming certainly does that! But peddling a bike alone leaves various parts lacking as does other one or two 'dimensional' sports. And don't forget the co-ruler the brain. Indulge in some chosen topic, research it and so on so as to exercise the mind too (mine is science and one or two other things). A friend of mine decided to learn as much as he could about the part of Thailand he lived in. He thoroughly enjoyed himself...he is approaching 90th birthday.

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