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Google is of no help. No matter what i type, no matter the language its all websites used for google adsense.

My dog gets the "4months" shots every month, he has a color as well. He's also mostly indoor. Sometimes he plays around the moobaan with us or walks in the garden. Our car has no ticks.

He still gets tick on his face, lots everyday and they appear everywhere in the house, not dead. I keep picking them off him, they are not dead as they should. He has them in his ears too. Less than when he got the shot but still many. Why isnt it working? Young Japanese spitz but really big (12.5kg)

I don't care for myself as theres no lyme disease here but i found some on my kid's head and im really worried now, also tired of killing 20-30 per day amd having to fondle his balls and anus for ticks.

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Ticks are the reason many dogs die here. They carry a parasite that can cause an early death in the form of shutting down the kidneys. It's a never ending war for alot of us dog owners. Lots of threads about this.

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No. Some dogs can handle it better than others. There is a spot anti-body test for it and its about 400 b. They like to under treat it in a lot of cases. The treatment is 100mg of doxy a day for two weeks but it should be a month to six weeks so it doesnt go chronic. Same med for humans or the dog meat flavored version is 400b a week. A simple blood test where I am to check all values the same print out ad a human is 500b.....many vets charge way more.

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Not looking good. Is that parasite harmful to humans, similar to lyme?

you need to read up on all the threads,mine expecially,hidden danger,blood tests are we being conned.

there is a multitude of information in this forum.on treatment,medication and most important BLOOD SUCKING VETS.

if you value your pet or should i say family member dont take this lightly.

at the moment this term with mine has gone on since last september.

doxy,predisolone,liver support,wbc and rbc support,platelet support with hepato tabs its endless.

sounds like you have an infestation in the house keep the dog away from others and where they wander loose[the park and bushes]

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Use the search facility in this forum, and read some of the threads about ticks. There is no agreement on how to deal with them; some say one thing, some say another.

If they're in the house, spray everywhere with Bayticol. I think you can use it on the dog, but you had better check this. This is made by Bayer, and is as reliable as any chemical spray. Many other 'remedies' are made locally, and one cannot always be sure of the constituent chemicals. My vet uses a powder called Tick-Tox as a topical remedy, but I don't know what it contains (I used some today, and found dead ticks on my dog, so it does seem to work).

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hmm could ticks live in the long grass int he common area that is unwatered? Right now it gets water once every 2weeks from little bit of rain?

I water my grass everyday, that could be the problem right? But my cat has no ticks and sleeps in our grass

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My dog has been tick free for a few months now. Im just not looking forward to tick season starting. Yeah Meatboy it sucks. I have mine on the hepatotaps and the glucothione tabs at 60b each.......

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My dog has been tick free for a few months now. Im just not looking forward to tick season starting. Yeah Meatboy it sucks. I have mine on the hepatotaps and the glucothione tabs at 60b each.......

that sounds a bit over the top NJ.we use the best hospital in korat and they only charge 20bht.a tab for hepato.

if you google doobie-dog pet shop they have the best prices in thailand,hepato 900bht.x 100tabs,we buy irosine dog blood support 180bht from them and some vitamins,one vet tried to charge us 390bht.for irosine dog.

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Ticks = just a normal daily routine of checking, always has been, been here 12 years this month, was not a lot of difference in Portugal used to check my dogs every day there..

Here every 3 months it off to the vet for the injections [have 10 dogs here live indoors, but free to run around the garden]

Also buy C1 [ I posted with picture in another Topic] it is very cheap mixed with water and use a pump up spray bottle for around the house... also buy the C1 dog Shampoo..

it goes in fits and starts, find the odd one, then suddenly will find 20+ on each of the dogs... for me when this happens will pull out the PC desk, [it is large 1.5 meter desk] find they like the back of this area to breed, also on the back of curtains, and on the bottom of the sofas = spray all with C1..

Do the same here as I did in Portugal use Alcohol, here is only 70% [ buy the big bottles and the full 12 bottle packs is far cheaper than one bottle at a time] pour some into cap use a cotton bud dab on tick = kills tick and they more or less fall off as said just a normal daily routine, simple.

Other things = for me normal routine, cushion covers, have throws over the 2 leather sofas are washed once a week, leave to soak in a bowl in C1, then use my high pressure water jet machine to clean, hang in sun to dry.

Guess if you don't want ticks then don't have any animals

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i bought that thing you mix with water from home pro with the number 20 in it i think

shit is toxic, sprayed the whole garden and tons of area in the house that could be infested.

2hrs later i checked my bush and all the goddamn little black flies and mosquitos were gone

dog vomited this morning, but not sick. probably tasted it and learned fast


Edited by bearpolar
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Ticks = just a normal daily routine of checking, always has been, been here 12 years this month, was not a lot of difference in Portugal used to check my dogs every day there..

Here every 3 months it off to the vet for the injections [have 10 dogs here live indoors, but free to run around the garden]

Also buy C1 [ I posted with picture in another Topic] it is very cheap mixed with water and use a pump up spray bottle for around the house... also buy the C1 dog Shampoo..

it goes in fits and starts, find the odd one, then suddenly will find 20+ on each of the dogs... for me when this happens will pull out the PC desk, [it is large 1.5 meter desk] find they like the back of this area to breed, also on the back of curtains, and on the bottom of the sofas = spray all with C1..

Do the same here as I did in Portugal use Alcohol, here is only 70% [ buy the big bottles and the full 12 bottle packs is far cheaper than one bottle at a time] pour some into cap use a cotton bud dab on tick = kills tick and they more or less fall off as said just a normal daily routine, simple.

Other things = for me normal routine, cushion covers, have throws over the 2 leather sofas are washed once a week, leave to soak in a bowl in C1, then use my high pressure water jet machine to clean, hang in sun to dry.

Guess if you don't want ticks then don't have any animals

Using alcohol or other chemicals is not a recommended way to remove ticks as it can cause the ticks to regurgitate which increases the risk of infection (see e.g. this link from a U.K. Lyme disease foundation).

As you say alcohol will kill the ticks or make them drop off, but if the aim is to protect your pet against tick diseases then the ticks should be quickly and carefully removed with tweezers or special tick removal tools such as this one:


Such tick removers can be had for as little as around 10 Baht.


Edited by Sophon
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Ticks = just a normal daily routine of checking, always has been, been here 12 years this month, was not a lot of difference in Portugal used to check my dogs every day there..

Here every 3 months it off to the vet for the injections [have 10 dogs here live indoors, but free to run around the garden]

Also buy C1 [ I posted with picture in another Topic] it is very cheap mixed with water and use a pump up spray bottle for around the house... also buy the C1 dog Shampoo..

it goes in fits and starts, find the odd one, then suddenly will find 20+ on each of the dogs... for me when this happens will pull out the PC desk, [it is large 1.5 meter desk] find they like the back of this area to breed, also on the back of curtains, and on the bottom of the sofas = spray all with C1..

Do the same here as I did in Portugal use Alcohol, here is only 70% [ buy the big bottles and the full 12 bottle packs is far cheaper than one bottle at a time] pour some into cap use a cotton bud dab on tick = kills tick and they more or less fall off as said just a normal daily routine, simple.

Other things = for me normal routine, cushion covers, have throws over the 2 leather sofas are washed once a week, leave to soak in a bowl in C1, then use my high pressure water jet machine to clean, hang in sun to dry.

Guess if you don't want ticks then don't have any animals

Using alcohol or other chemicals is not a recommended way to remove ticks as it can cause the ticks to regurgitate which increases the risk of infection (see e.g. this link from a U.K. Lyme disease foundation).

As you say alcohol will kill the ticks or make them drop off, but if the aim is to protect your pet against tick diseases then the ticks should be quickly and carefully removed with tweezers or special tick removal tools such as this one:

attachicon.gifTick removal tool.jpg

Such tick removers can be had for as little as around 10 Baht.


I do my dogs every day, so the ticks on them have never grown to that size, if they did the the Injections from the Vet would have kicked in and would be dead anyway. [The Vets injection is more to safe guard encase I missed one or one has got inside an opening]

Alcohol is not going to give the dogs any problems, mostly the ticks have not extended there fangs or started sucking any blood when i do the dogs, if one had then Alcohol would make the tick withdraw in fangs and drop off + sterilise that pin prick... been doing this since mid 1980, always worked fine for over 35 years

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I know MB.....way pricey I give her one every other day and half a hepatotab daily. The glucothione is a great supplement to support liver health as well as the milk thistle exract that is hepatotab. My girl will be 14 soon and still has great vision and hearing. aside from sleeping a bit more she still plays as she did when way younger. I manage her blood tests and act accordingly. Im a retired doc myself so understand physiology for the most part.Ticks the Bane of my Thai life.....

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i bought a flea collar for both of my mutts from a local vet.

it seems to have worked a treat.

vet also provided a bottle of liquid in a small bottle with a orange label, unfortunately written in thai, and mixing instructions, i sprayed the yard with the stuff and for the last month we have been flea and tick free.

try your vet.

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hmm could ticks live in the long grass int he common area that is unwatered? Right now it gets water once every 2weeks from little bit of rain?

I water my grass everyday, that could be the problem right? But my cat has no ticks and sleeps in our grass

Wet grass does seem to be a cause of ticks being able to attach themselves to passing dogs. If you water in the evening and wait until the grass is dry before letting the dogs out, that should help. Spraying with Bayticol over the grass area helps a lot as well as spraying where the dogs tend to rest during the daytime. I have occasionally sprayed inside the house with Bayticol although Chaindrite cockroach spray works also.

THERE IS NO MAGIC BULLET SOLUTION which is what people initially think they are going to find.

As I understand it, the injections are protecting your animal against tick born diseases, not killing ticks.

We have eight dogs, and as soon as it starts to rain, the problem increases but we manage to keep the beasts down to a manageable level. Some dogs are more susceptible.

Our dogs (curly haired) get a haircut about 6 times a year. Not really practicable with straight haired dogs.

They get a careful going over EVERY day. We pull them off with tweezers and squash them on a piece of newspaper. I have never seen infections in the skin due to bits of tick being left in the skin as is often claimed will happen if you do this.One large dog that was wished on us was having literally hundreds pulled off him every day, so to hell with advice about applying alcohol and the like for every single one. He is now the cleanest dog of the lot.

They get bathed in tick shampoo every week, followed by the application of Bayticol as necessary. Instructions in the attachment. We don't do this with the poodle, for a time we though she was dying until we stopped bathing her.

Tick and flea collars seem to have only a marginal effect on ticks in our case.

Bear in mind that an adult female tick may carry 5000 eggs (some sources state 20 000!) and that a dead tick laying on the gound is still carrying eggs. Eggs are the most difficult things to attack by any means and can remain viable for years. If an adult lays eggs on your dog you will have many happy months of work getting it clean.


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They'll be a lot who will disagree but for me IVERMECTIN is the ONLY solution to ticks. My 5 year old Labrador has been tick free for the last 4 years since I started using it, first in tablet form, now injecting. Wish I'd known about it when my Golden got a bad dose of ticks and eventually died from them despite regular vet administered preventative measures that were probably fake.

But do not use Ivermectin on herding breeds, collies etc. Check on Internet and you'll find out why.

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They'll be a lot who will disagree but for me IVERMECTIN is the ONLY solution to ticks. My 5 year old Labrador has been tick free for the last 4 years since I started using it, first in tablet form, now injecting. Wish I'd known about it when my Golden got a bad dose of ticks and eventually died from them despite regular vet administered preventative measures that were probably fake.

But do not use Ivermectin on herding breeds, collies etc. Check on Internet and you'll find out why.

Look, mate, what works for you might not work for other people, other dog breeds, other situations. . Alternating Ivermectin with Bayticol is a good idea, as I said above,


I should have added Ivermectin to the list above.

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Tall grass is indeed a main hideout for them.

Does your dog have long or long-ish hair? As that makes it a lot easier for the ticks to get on board and might explain why less on the cat. Also remember that cats groom themselves.

You can buy Advantage or frontline spot-on applications at any vet, apply monthly to the back of neck. Doesn't 100% prevent but will greatly cut down on ticks.

If the dog's hair is at all long, get it trimmed short - which should do anyhow now that the weather is getting hot.

Any grass on or immediately around your property, get it cut and keep it so. To the extent possible, keep the dog from wandering into areas with high grass.That's about all you can do, and he'll still get the odd tick, but these measures in combination will help a lot.

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They'll be a lot who will disagree but for me IVERMECTIN is the ONLY solution to ticks. My 5 year old Labrador has been tick free for the last 4 years since I started using it, first in tablet form, now injecting. Wish I'd known about it when my Golden got a bad dose of ticks and eventually died from them despite regular vet administered preventative measures that were probably fake.

But do not use Ivermectin on herding breeds, collies etc. Check on Internet and you'll find out why.

Look, mate, what works for you might not work for other people, other dog breeds, other situations. . Alternating Ivermectin with Bayticol is a good idea, as I said above,


I should have added Ivermectin to the list above.

You should read my post again. Never said it would work for all I said it works for me. I gave a warning about herding breeds so my post did not include all breeds especially as I mentioned my Labrador. Never said it was a silver bullet. Alternate if you like but I don't and that is my good idea, your entitled to yours allow me mine.. And yes you should have added Ivermectin. Any list of anti-tick products would be incomplete without it.

Lastly I did say that many would disagree with me and you have shown that you do.

All in all your post is a complete waste of time and offers no information at all.

Edited by Keesters
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They'll be a lot who will disagree but for me IVERMECTIN is the ONLY solution to ticks. My 5 year old Labrador has been tick free for the last 4 years since I started using it, first in tablet form, now injecting. Wish I'd known about it when my Golden got a bad dose of ticks and eventually died from them despite regular vet administered preventative measures that were probably fake.

But do not use Ivermectin on herding breeds, collies etc. Check on Internet and you'll find out why.

Look, mate, what works for you might not work for other people, other dog breeds, other situations. . Alternating Ivermectin with Bayticol is a good idea, as I said above,


I should have added Ivermectin to the list above.

You should read my post again. Never said it would work for all I said it works for me. I gave a warning about herding breeds so my post did not include all breeds especially as I mentioned my Labrador. Never said it was a silver bullet. Alternate if you like but I don't and that is my good idea, your entitled to yours allow me mine.. And yes you should have added Ivermectin. Any list of anti-tick products would be incomplete without it.

Lastly I did say that many would disagree with me and you have shown that you do.

All in all your post is a complete waste of time and offers no information at all.

Nice comment. I have seen various comments about combatting ticks on this forum and am doing all I can to put stop to the notion that there is a one stop solution to the ticks problem. Sorry about that, for myself I go out of my way to avoid offending people.

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Yeah i find that after he swims in the sea, theres almost no ticks for a bit. He plunges in so it even goes in his ears

wish i could shave his body but his double coat makes him handsome. Japanese Spitz

Goldens look way better with short hair

Edited by bearpolar
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They'll be a lot who will disagree but for me IVERMECTIN is the ONLY solution to ticks. My 5 year old Labrador has been tick free for the last 4 years since I started using it, first in tablet form, now injecting. Wish I'd known about it when my Golden got a bad dose of ticks and eventually died from them despite regular vet administered preventative measures that were probably fake.

But do not use Ivermectin on herding breeds, collies etc. Check on Internet and you'll find out why.

Look, mate, what works for you might not work for other people, other dog breeds, other situations. . Alternating Ivermectin with Bayticol is a good idea, as I said above,


I should have added Ivermectin to the list above.

You should read my post again. Never said it would work for all I said it works for me. I gave a warning about herding breeds so my post did not include all breeds especially as I mentioned my Labrador. Never said it was a silver bullet. Alternate if you like but I don't and that is my good idea, your entitled to yours allow me mine.. And yes you should have added Ivermectin. Any list of anti-tick products would be incomplete without it.

Lastly I did say that many would disagree with me and you have shown that you do.

All in all your post is a complete waste of time and offers no information at all.

Nice comment. I have seen various comments about combatting ticks on this forum and am doing all I can to put stop to the notion that there is a one stop solution to the ticks problem. Sorry about that, for myself I go out of my way to avoid offending people.

I had never said it was a one stop solution for all. I said it was what worked for me and my dog. Please stop twisting what is written.

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They'll be a lot who will disagree but for me IVERMECTIN is the ONLY solution to ticks. My 5 year old Labrador has been tick free for the last 4 years since I started using it, first in tablet form, now injecting. Wish I'd known about it when my Golden got a bad dose of ticks and eventually died from them despite regular vet administered preventative measures that were probably fake.

But do not use Ivermectin on herding breeds, collies etc. Check on Internet and you'll find out why.

Look, mate, what works for you might not work for other people, other dog breeds, other situations. . Alternating Ivermectin with Bayticol is a good idea, as I said above,


I should have added Ivermectin to the list above.

You should read my post again. Never said it would work for all I said it works for me. I gave a warning about herding breeds so my post did not include all breeds especially as I mentioned my Labrador. Never said it was a silver bullet. Alternate if you like but I don't and that is my good idea, your entitled to yours allow me mine.. And yes you should have added Ivermectin. Any list of anti-tick products would be incomplete without it.

Lastly I did say that many would disagree with me and you have shown that you do.

All in all your post is a complete waste of time and offers no information at all.

Nice comment. I have seen various comments about combatting ticks on this forum and am doing all I can to put stop to the notion that there is a one stop solution to the ticks problem. Sorry about that, for myself I go out of my way to avoid offending people.

I had never said it was a one stop solution for all. I said it was what worked for me and my dog. Please stop twisting what is written.

Does you Dog snap too.?.[emoji79]
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  • 2 weeks later...

On the new shark tank there's a company in the US that makes natural, eatable anti tick spray with a 100% mortality rate whitin 2mins that also works for bed bugs and tons more insects

online people talk of germanium rose oil

If anyone figures it out, good market. They had sold 4million $ worth in 1 year~, would be good here pretty much a 100% of expats with dogs would buy

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