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Bloodied Brit bundled into back of pick-up in handcuffs after moped crash

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Why was Paul put in handcuffs and instead of being placed into an abmbulance, he goes into the flatbed of a police vehicle?

No arrest warrant outstanding, nobody injured in the accident except Paul, no complaints out against Paul.

Police actions here seem to follow a pattern of arbitrary and unprofessional behavior that borders on violation of human rights.

But then the police are under the jurisdiction of the junta, so the current standards are explainable. wai2.gif

And of course the police were impeccable professionals under the Shins. A model for the whole world. clap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gif

If you're constipated tomorrow you'd claim it was the Juntas fault.


Was he on his brother's stuff when he crushed ? and this is why the Thai police and immigrations

has to more ' crackdowns ' to weed out bozzos losers like this infantile....

Has he been found guilty of anything?

Is he guilty because his brother is accused of crimes in another country?

Is it illegal to ride his brothers bike, if indeed he was?

Crack down on what exactly?

Infantile? Your whole post was infantile.

The guy crashed his motorbike into a noodle cart. I'd say he is guilty of stupidity and negligence at the very least.

So does crashing into a noodle store warrant being handcuffed and thrown into the back of a pickup as photographed? If so i hope the Thai police start doing this at all traffic accidents from now on. The roads will soon be empty!

We don't know how he reacted when approached by the police and any rescue workers or first aid providers at the scene.

If he was mouthy, lippy, threatening, insulting or unpleasant, then they will react.

If they simply bundled him into the police truck with no thought as to the seriousness of his injuries then their own procedures and training needs looking at.

But, IME, pissed up Glaswegians, can be somewhat less than thankfully to those trying to provide assistance let alone the police.


What is missed in the article is that not only brit was badly hurt in this incident. Or this does not matter for British press?


It would seem the drunk driving British citizen was responsible for this person's injury. Something which you'd think the British press should have mentioned indeed.


Once again another idiot Brit coming over here an embarrassing our country. No wonder the Thais hate foreigners. I feel ashamed of being a Brit living over here.


The report is from an UK newspaper, all it says is that a man crashed into a noodle stall, was injured and was handcuffed in the back of a police truck.

Presumably a competent medical practitioner was able to identify his injuries (at what location? we don't know) which a previous poster has listed.

Is it not possible that he was "so out of it" that his natural sweet disposition failed to manifest itself and that, insensible to pain or his injuries (under the influence), he may have taken one or more "swings" at the attending police officers who then carted him off, "under restraint", to a hospital?

There was a case a few years ago when another Scot (also out of it) threw himself off the Bali Hai flyover, sustained some quite painful injuries, and yet fought against all attempts at medical attention. I believe they finally managed to get him to hospital but they couldn't get him in, so they let him hobble away.

Everyone jumping to conclusions as per usual.....

He should have been taken directly to the hospital..... Simple.

he got in a fight in a bar , he was fleeing on his bike however being intoxicated he hit a noodle vendor.

he should be taken directly to police station and cleaned up in the bathroom then processed.

The Sun reports ( yes I know the Sun )

Paul's other brother James Hagan today revealed Paul had suffered numerous injuries including a fractured skull.

On his public Facebook page he wrote: "Spoke to Paul just there. He has fractured skull, eye socket, broken jaw and fractured shoulder.

I think with those injuries he should go to hospital not the police station bathroom !!!

He probably got the swollen eye in that bar fight. Bib probably saw no credit cards when looking for licence so saved him the rejection at hospital

It would be nice to read that they have also arrested the wanted brother, pending deportation.

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk


Yes he should have been taken to the hospital, but there is more to the story than

reported. I am hopeful that the full story comes out. whistling.gif


Everyone jumping to conclusions as per usual.....

He should have been taken directly to the hospital..... Simple.

May be he was behaving aggressively...


Everyone jumping to conclusions as per usual.....

He should have been taken directly to the hospital..... Simple.

May be he was behaving aggressively...

Yes.... Maybe he wasn't? There doesn't seem to be any reports in the Thai media..... strange?


Everyone jumping to conclusions as per usual.....

He should have been taken directly to the hospital..... Simple.

May be he was behaving aggressively...

Yes.... Maybe he wasn't? There doesn't seem to be any reports in the Thai media..... strange?

and no reports to say he was not...


why do we have to put up with these kind of people these are some of the so called undesirables they don't serve any useful purpose here it is time the authorities sorted these people out and sent them back to where they came from.


How do they manage to enter Thailand in the first place ? He is a wanted drug dealer.


yes, the guy was wrong, he was drunk blah blah blah. so? his punishment is this? handcuffed while injured?

policemen have no right to handcuff an injured person and throw him to the bed of a truck even if he is guilty.

legally, they need to call an ambulance and he needs to be hospitalized.

what is he was dead on the back of the truck? Motorbike accidents are sly. you never know if it is serious or not as most die from internal trauma and hemorrhage. and this guy got a hit from his head!

i see riders woke up and walked home after an accident and die at home! due to high levels of adrenaline rush after an accident, you font feel the urgency or danger.

hope they punish the policemen doing this kind of treatment and yes, drunk farang endangering others' lives needs to be punished hard. no deportation but a good jail sentence in Thailand which is a lot worse!

Their country their rules, no kid gloves for western trouble makers and criminals here. If they don't like it they know where the airport is! No doubt his brother will now be selling drugs in Pattaya.


Looks like he wet his pants after the crash. I expect he was well pissed and probably abusive. There are no public ambulances in Thailand and private hospitals would have no interest in picking up foreign detritus of this type, as they are unlikely to get paid. The police probably did him a favour by scooping him up from the pavement and putting him their truck. I expect they made sure he got some medical attention eventually.after had booked him for drunken driving, reckless driving, damaging property and probably driving without a licence and insurance..


Why was Paul put in handcuffs and instead of being placed into an abmbulance, he goes into the flatbed of a police vehicle?

No arrest warrant outstanding, nobody injured in the accident except Paul, no complaints out against Paul.

Police actions here seem to follow a pattern of arbitrary and unprofessional behavior that borders on violation of human rights.

But then the police are under the jurisdiction of the junta, so the current standards are explainable. wai2.gif

Their standards were that long before the junta. And a good question, given there is seemingly no arrest warrant out for him.


Looks like he wet his pants after the crash. I expect he was well pissed and probably abusive. There are no public ambulances in Thailand and private hospitals would have no interest in picking up foreign detritus of this type, as they are unlikely to get paid. The police probably did him a favour by scooping him up from the pavement and putting him their truck. I expect they made sure he got some medical attention eventually.after had booked him for drunken driving, reckless driving, damaging property and probably driving without a licence and insurance..

You seem to have managed to deduce an awful lot from one picture and a brief report.


I heard about this several days ago from one of my staff. According to the police report he crashed into other parked motorcycles as well as the cart. They said he was drunk and tried to flee. The thai on the ground was seriously injured. They did not mention he was fleeing from another fight.

If you are in an accident and cause injury you are held by the police until you can show financial means to pay for the injured. The compulsory insurance does not cover this. For motorbikes you need 3rd class supplemental which includes a bail amount as well extra liability coverage. So when your in a accident they come to the scene and it becomes a Thai on Thai conversation. Its only about 1,600 per year and I cannot recommend it highly enough. If you are drunk I am not sure if it would cover though.


I think that the opening report has mislead a lot of posters here.

His treatment had nothing to do with his relationship to his criminal brother.

Rather it was all to do with what he actually did and if we are to believe the reports it seems that he well deserved the treatment he got from the BIB.

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