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World considers a Trump presidency, and many shudder


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Just watched ITV's Piers Morgan interview with Trump.

1. Questions were not exactly hard, but Trump manages to waffle on and change the subject, so he does not really give any clear answers.

2. Piers Morgan does not challenge him at all, he is a very weak interviewer, actually quite hopeless!

I would love to see Jeremy Paxman interview Trump, he would be able to show him up for what he really is.

You'll be able to actually see what he really is, when he's President Trump biggrin.png

The only people who will be seeing President Trump will be those who have gone off their meds.

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I'm too old to really much care who is elected. If it happens to be a democrat, I'll be dead and gone before the country implodes. I will just feel sorry for my children and grandchildren who will have to try to pay the monstrous debt. If Trump gets the nomination and becomes president, I will take great pleasure in seeing you bleeding hearts squirm. Maggie said it best. Socialism is a great system until people with money run out of money. That may not be the most accurate quote but it is close enough.

Please do not bring up Thatcher without understanding the MASSIVE damage done to the UK because of her ludicrous infatuation with monetarist dogma. She directly caused manufacturing to fall from 25% of GDP to 10%. And laid to waste great swathes of Northern Britain. Even today's Conservatives yearn for a "balanced" economy. Is that what you want???

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I'm too old to really much care who is elected. If it happens to be a democrat, I'll be dead and gone before the country implodes. I will just feel sorry for my children and grandchildren who will have to try to pay the monstrous debt. If Trump gets the nomination and becomes president, I will take great pleasure in seeing you bleeding hearts squirm. Maggie said it best. Socialism is a great system until people with money run out of money. That may not be the most accurate quote but it is close enough.

Please do not bring up Thatcher without understanding the MASSIVE damage done to the UK because of her ludicrous infatuation with monetarist dogma. She directly caused manufacturing to fall from 25% of GDP to 10%. And laid to waste great swathes of Northern Britain. Even today's Conservatives yearn for a "balanced" economy. Is that what you want???

Whatever Thatcher's pro and cons she was adamantly opposed to Britain being locked into the European Union. With Brexit looming she may well have been right in not wanting to be ruled by Brussels. Sorry to get off topic but it is relevant to Trump's wish to be independent of NATO

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We USA Citizens are lucky we have the right to vote in the USA

We will vote for Trump and he will be another Reagan

Remember Reagan and USSR

Probably not, his own party will have it rigged against him or he will be shot or he meets an "accident" if it looks like he's too close and panic sets in. Your vote means jack sh-t in the american system

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We USA Citizens are lucky we have the right to vote in the USA

We will vote for Trump and he will be another Reagan

Remember Reagan and USSR

He'll never be president.

Maybe he'll be another Reagan if you're talking about Alzheimers.

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We USA Citizens are lucky we have the right to vote in the USA

We will vote for Trump and he will be another Reagan

Remember Reagan and USSR

He'll never be president.

Maybe he'll be another Reagan if you're talking about Alzheimers.

Trump doesn't remind me of Reagan, but he does remind me of Reagan's friend - Bonzo.



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We USA Citizens are lucky we have the right to vote in the USA

We will vote for Trump and he will be another Reagan

Remember Reagan and USSR

He'll never be president.

Maybe he'll be another Reagan if you're talking about Alzheimers.

If there was any intelligence , the delegates would not have voted so far and voted for Trump at all but they did , delivering win after win for him

For now the world lives in fear that democracy would become this dumb ....and he will be president and it will be a mockery of the word democracy

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Trump shoots from the hip on foreign policy proposals. He thinks if a foreign country is getting an advantage (like fair tariffs), then the US must be on the losing end. He can't fathom that international deals can be win-win for all parties involved. It also helps rile up his redneck-minded supporters, to continually painting a picture of America losing every deal and being pushed around as suckers. He loves to characterize all US negotiators are screw-ups, and that only he and his people are capable of bartering good deals.

Here's some expert commentary from NPR

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  • 2 weeks later...

Who is served? Too late for the Republicans and he's the savior of the Democats. He's the only impetus for a Democrat to even vote in the presidential election.

True for America, but don't forget the huge trade interests involved and the numerous foreign countries that would be negatively impacted if his rhetoric is believed.

Seems to be to be setting up a precarious security situation for him with lots of foreign countries and industries having a keen interest.

What are exports as percent of GDP? 13% ? Something like that. I imagine most of that is grain and weapons. None of that's going away.

US in 2013 exported $147.8 bn of IT and other high tech.

Unless Donald Trump is defeated somewhere along the line here, US is going to be using nuclear weapons in the ME (against Daesh). Trump won't rule it out, which means Trump is never going to get in. Goldwater talked this way in 1964 concerning the Vietnam war, on his way to getting crushed in the general election. Trump learns nothing nor does he care.

It's relevant and material that most US "arms" exports are high tech and high performance items such as Global Hawk Recon Drones to Japan, F-16 fighter jet contracting to Nato ally Turkey (blasted the Russian Su-24 fighter-bomber out of the sky)....in fact, most US "arms" exports are to treaty allies, to include Nato.

South Korea which has the FA-118 Super Hornet jet fighter has in recent months taken to actively and aggressively trying to also get the US Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) anti-ballistic missile system which is humongous bucks and a serious defense weaponry. US had also been ambiguous about it until very recently. Seems Washington doesn't much care any more what the CCP Dictators in Beijing say, like or dislike, to include the whackjobs in Pyongyang.

SecDef Ashton Carter is btw in the process of disinviting CCP from the 23-nation bi-annual Naval exercises off Hawaii. CCP has been saying their missiles and fighters on new islands in the SCS is the same as US military being in Hawaii. Minus one = 22 nations and that's just fine, if not perfect.

Now Trump has gone nuclear. The whole of the long term point of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was to never use the weaponry again. Imagine Mussolini with nuclear weapons and, moreover, a hostile Pentagon.

Apologies for being off topic but this has to be replied to

The whole of the long term point of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was to never use the weaponry again.

That is soooooooo made up. I don't know if they used the weapons to see if they would actually work ( which wasn't certain ) or if they just wanted to save thousands of American lives by not invading Japan. Whatever, having a "long term" plan is something I doubt they had in mind when they dropped the bombs. Back then, Russia was even an ally. Who knew what was to come?

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We USA Citizens are lucky we have the right to vote in the USA

We will vote for Trump and he will be another Reagan

Remember Reagan and USSR

He'll never be president.

Maybe he'll be another Reagan if you're talking about Alzheimers.

If there was any intelligence , the delegates would not have voted so far and voted for Trump at all but they did , delivering win after win for him

For now the world lives in fear that democracy would become this dumb ....and he will be president and it will be a mockery of the word democracy

News flash- democracy IS that dumb. It's the only explanation for two term G. W. Bush and two term Obama.

BTW, if you think that Trump is bad, just wait to see what a mess HRC makes of it.

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I'm too old to really much care who is elected. If it happens to be a democrat, I'll be dead and gone before the country implodes. I will just feel sorry for my children and grandchildren who will have to try to pay the monstrous debt. If Trump gets the nomination and becomes president, I will take great pleasure in seeing you bleeding hearts squirm. Maggie said it best. Socialism is a great system until people with money run out of money. That may not be the most accurate quote but it is close enough.

Please do not bring up Thatcher without understanding the MASSIVE damage done to the UK because of her ludicrous infatuation with monetarist dogma. She directly caused manufacturing to fall from 25% of GDP to 10%. And laid to waste great swathes of Northern Britain. Even today's Conservatives yearn for a "balanced" economy. Is that what you want???

My biggest beef with Thatcher is she gave away Hong Kong. The UK didn't have to. There were two treaties, the 2nd of which ceded the southern part of the colony (everything below Boundary Road) to the British "IN PERPETUITY" It was signed by Chinese royals. Google "Hong Kong, What if....?" for an ebook at Amazon on the topic. the real estate below Boundary Road constitutes about 97% of the value of the colony, and includes all its islands (including Victoria) and the airport.

We USA Citizens are lucky we have the right to vote in the USA

We will vote for Trump and he will be another Reagan

Remember Reagan and USSR

I remember Reagan, the puppet of his wife. I remember Reagan orchestrating a dirty little war that Congress expressly forbade. I remember Reagan getting excited about the US spending a trillion dollars on Star Wars (SDI) program which never worked. Reagan got jazzed about the idea after watching a B science fiction movie like War of the Worlds. His wife was behind it too, after gazing at horoscopes for hours. Reagan and Nancy were also jazzed about the War on Drugs which was a complete flop and which criminalized two generations of Americans for doing nothing more than smoking joints. Oh, the War on Drugs funneled hundreds of millions of dollars to police forces, but best of all, it made drug lords fabulously rich. Cali and Medellin cartel bosses would get on their knees and thank Reagan every day for instating the War on Drugs. Without it, they'd be sidewalk pickpockets. Reagan was the patron saint of big time drug dealers.

As for Gorbachov and the Berlin Wall. Gorby knew what he had to do. Reagan was just a bit actor on the scene. Just like Nixon 'opening up China.' All Nixon had to do was get on a plane and fly to China. Neither Reagan nor Nixon did anything extraordinary for Russia and China to change. They just put the toes of their shoes on the painted marks behind the podiums, and smiled and waved and said a few benign words.

Edited by boomerangutang
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I'm too old to really much care who is elected. If it happens to be a democrat, I'll be dead and gone before the country implodes. I will just feel sorry for my children and grandchildren who will have to try to pay the monstrous debt. If Trump gets the nomination and becomes president, I will take great pleasure in seeing you bleeding hearts squirm. Maggie said it best. Socialism is a great system until people with money run out of money. That may not be the most accurate quote but it is close enough.

Please do not bring up Thatcher without understanding the MASSIVE damage done to the UK because of her ludicrous infatuation with monetarist dogma. She directly caused manufacturing to fall from 25% of GDP to 10%. And laid to waste great swathes of Northern Britain. Even today's Conservatives yearn for a "balanced" economy. Is that what you want???

My biggest beef with Thatcher is she gave away Hong Kong. The UK didn't have to. There were two treaties, the 2nd of which ceded the southern part of the colony (everything below Boundary Road) to the British "IN PERPETUITY" It was signed by Chinese royals. Google "Hong Kong, What if....?" for an ebook at Amazon on the topic. the real estate below Boundary Road constitutes about 97% of the value of the colony, and includes all its islands (including Victoria) and the airport.

We USA Citizens are lucky we have the right to vote in the USA

We will vote for Trump and he will be another Reagan

Remember Reagan and USSR

I remember Reagan, the puppet of his wife. I remember Reagan orchestrating a dirty little war that Congress expressly forbade. I remember Reagan getting excited about the US spending a trillion dollars on Star Wars (SDI) program which never worked. Reagan got jazzed about the idea after watching a B science fiction movie like War of the Worlds. His wife was behind it too, after gazing at horoscopes for hours. Reagan and Nancy were also jazzed about the War on Drugs which was a complete flop and which criminalized two generations of Americans for doing nothing more than smoking joints. Oh, the War on Drugs funneled hundreds of millions of dollars to police forces, but best of all, it made drug lords fabulously rich. Cali and Medellin cartel bosses would get on their knees and thank Reagan every day for instating the War on Drugs. Without it, they'd be sidewalk pickpockets. Reagan was the patron saint of big time drug dealers.

As for Gorbachov and the Berlin Wall. Gorby knew what he had to do. Reagan was just a bit actor on the scene. Just like Nixon 'opening up China.' All Nixon had to do was get on a plane and fly to China. Neither Reagan nor Nixon did anything extraordinary for Russia and China to change. They just put the toes of their shoes on the painted marks behind the podiums, and smiled and waved and said a few benign words.

You are mistaken about Hong Kong. When the 99 year lease for the New Territories expired, Hong Kong was no longer viable. The Wikipedia article explains it better than I have time for.

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You are mistaken about Hong Kong. When the 99 year lease for the New Territories expired, Hong Kong was no longer viable. The Wikipedia article explains it better than I have time for.

You can accept the Wiki article as gospel, but it's opinion. I've studied the issue and I know, without doubt, that HK didn't have to be handed to China. Thatcher and the UK let down the HK people massively, and we read about it weekly in the newspapers. Plus, we don't have to agree. Some people think Crimea should be part of Russia, others don't think so. It's ok to disagree about HK, ....just don't state your opinion as inimitable fact.

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I'm too old to really much care who is elected. If it happens to be a democrat, I'll be dead and gone before the country implodes. I will just feel sorry for my children and grandchildren who will have to try to pay the monstrous debt. If Trump gets the nomination and becomes president, I will take great pleasure in seeing you bleeding hearts squirm. Maggie said it best. Socialism is a great system until people with money run out of money. That may not be the most accurate quote but it is close enough.

Please do not bring up Thatcher without understanding the MASSIVE damage done to the UK because of her ludicrous infatuation with monetarist dogma. She directly caused manufacturing to fall from 25% of GDP to 10%. And laid to waste great swathes of Northern Britain. Even today's Conservatives yearn for a "balanced" economy. Is that what you want???

My biggest beef with Thatcher is she gave away Hong Kong. The UK didn't have to. There were two treaties, the 2nd of which ceded the southern part of the colony (everything below Boundary Road) to the British "IN PERPETUITY" It was signed by Chinese royals. Google "Hong Kong, What if....?" for an ebook at Amazon on the topic. the real estate below Boundary Road constitutes about 97% of the value of the colony, and includes all its islands (including Victoria) and the airport.

We USA Citizens are lucky we have the right to vote in the USA

We will vote for Trump and he will be another Reagan

Remember Reagan and USSR

I remember Reagan, the puppet of his wife. I remember Reagan orchestrating a dirty little war that Congress expressly forbade. I remember Reagan getting excited about the US spending a trillion dollars on Star Wars (SDI) program which never worked. Reagan got jazzed about the idea after watching a B science fiction movie like War of the Worlds. His wife was behind it too, after gazing at horoscopes for hours. Reagan and Nancy were also jazzed about the War on Drugs which was a complete flop and which criminalized two generations of Americans for doing nothing more than smoking joints. Oh, the War on Drugs funneled hundreds of millions of dollars to police forces, but best of all, it made drug lords fabulously rich. Cali and Medellin cartel bosses would get on their knees and thank Reagan every day for instating the War on Drugs. Without it, they'd be sidewalk pickpockets. Reagan was the patron saint of big time drug dealers.

As for Gorbachov and the Berlin Wall. Gorby knew what he had to do. Reagan was just a bit actor on the scene. Just like Nixon 'opening up China.' All Nixon had to do was get on a plane and fly to China. Neither Reagan nor Nixon did anything extraordinary for Russia and China to change. They just put the toes of their shoes on the painted marks behind the podiums, and smiled and waved and said a few benign words.

Reagan also ran the debt up over 185%.

The first super debt. It was equal to all previous presidents combined.

We are still paying the interest.

Since 1960 there have been 5 democrats and 5 republicans serving as president.

Republicans raised the debt an average of 85%.

Democrats raised the debt by an average 29%

Now you know.

Edited by CousinEddie
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" Neither party proposes a reasonable plan to get rid of the national debt. The current system gives bankers incentives to take excessive risks, since profits are private and losses are socialized. Any reform has to start with changing those perverse incentives.

Underlying this election, largely unspoken, is the worry that the U.S. debt has become so large that the country’s future is endangered. The 2010 Simpson-Bowles report on fiscal reform predicts that if interest rates rise, which seems inevitable, our country’s annual interest payments could increase to $1 trillion, meaning our annual deficit will be $2 trillion. That will no doubt further lower the American standard of living and, according to the Congressional Budget Office, “weaken the United States’ international leadership.”

Forget shuddering under Trump, is it already too late?

Edited by Linzz
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Lets take a look at the Obama debt.

$20 trillion.

Lets subtract the $10.6 trillion that he started with. Fair?

Subtract $1.6 trillion. (the 7 years interest on that $10,6 trillion. $200 billion X 8 years)

Subtract $ 2 trillion the costs of the 2 Bush wars.

Subtract $2 trillion or so for the Financial crisis stimulus & extended unemployment.

Subtract $800 billion for the Obama tax relief for middle class and small business.

The true Obama debt is around $3.8 trillion.

For year 2015, The deficit is the smallest of Barack Obama’s presidency and the lowest since 2007 in both dollar terms and as a percentage of gross domestic product.

For the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30 the shortfall was $439 billion, a decrease of 9%, or $44 billion, from last year.

The deficit fell to 2.5% of GDP.

Now you know.

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Lets take a look at the Obama debt.

$20 trillion.

Lets subtract the $10.6 trillion that he started with. Fair?

Subtract $1.6 trillion. (the 7 years interest on that $10,6 trillion. $200 billion X 8 years)

Subtract $ 2 trillion the costs of the 2 Bush wars.

Subtract $2 trillion or so for the Financial crisis stimulus & extended unemployment.

Subtract $800 billion for the Obama tax relief for middle class and small business.

The true Obama debt is around $3.8 trillion.

For year 2015, The deficit is the smallest of Barack Obamas presidency and the lowest since 2007 in both dollar terms and as a percentage of gross domestic product.

For the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30 the shortfall was $439 billion, a decrease of 9%, or $44 billion, from last year.

The deficit fell to 2.5% of GDP.

Now you know.

Bush was a very bad president and ran up an unacceptable debt with his illegal war, however, that doesn't excuse Obama from not doing anything about it. Had he not thrown taxpayers money at companies like GM that should have been allowed to go bankrupt the situation might be different today.
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Lets take a look at the Obama debt.

$20 trillion.

Lets subtract the $10.6 trillion that he started with. Fair?

Subtract $1.6 trillion. (the 7 years interest on that $10,6 trillion. $200 billion X 8 years)

Subtract $ 2 trillion the costs of the 2 Bush wars.

Subtract $2 trillion or so for the Financial crisis stimulus & extended unemployment.

Subtract $800 billion for the Obama tax relief for middle class and small business.

The true Obama debt is around $3.8 trillion.

For year 2015, The deficit is the smallest of Barack Obamas presidency and the lowest since 2007 in both dollar terms and as a percentage of gross domestic product.

For the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30 the shortfall was $439 billion, a decrease of 9%, or $44 billion, from last year.

The deficit fell to 2.5% of GDP.

Now you know.

Bush was a very bad president and ran up an unacceptable debt with his illegal war, however, that doesn't excuse Obama from not doing anything about it. Had he not thrown taxpayers money at companies like GM that should have been allowed to go bankrupt the situation might be different today.

GM. Not a very good way to make your point.

GWBush bailed out GM 2 months before Obama took office.

7 million people had just lost their jobs so it was Republican policy to begin the bailouts.

It was in reality one of Bushes better moments. GM is again posting billions in profits.

Edited by CousinEddie
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Lets take a look at the Obama debt.

$20 trillion.

Lets subtract the $10.6 trillion that he started with. Fair?

Subtract $1.6 trillion. (the 7 years interest on that $10,6 trillion. $200 billion X 8 years)

Subtract $ 2 trillion the costs of the 2 Bush wars.

Subtract $2 trillion or so for the Financial crisis stimulus & extended unemployment.

Subtract $800 billion for the Obama tax relief for middle class and small business.

The true Obama debt is around $3.8 trillion.

For year 2015, The deficit is the smallest of Barack Obama’s presidency and the lowest since 2007 in both dollar terms and as a percentage of gross domestic product.

For the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30 the shortfall was $439 billion, a decrease of 9%, or $44 billion, from last year.

The deficit fell to 2.5% of GDP.

Now you know.

Please can you tell us why you keep saying "Now you know" ? Does sound a little arrogant like you naturally have the last word because you are you and because of that, you know.. Are you some authority on economics and finance? Please share your credentials.

However you want to dress it up as a rosy picture and whoever you wish to apportion blame, the National debt has just passed $19 Trillion. That is $58,000 for every man woman and child living in the US today. Growing federal spending is the reason, Social Security,Medicare, Obamacare, Medicaid, plus congress's debt limit suspension. That means there is no limit how much debt the US can take on.

Another issue is unfunded liabilities projection exceeding $86 Trillion? That is the difference between projected spending and projected tax revenue.That was in 2012. $8 trillion per year in tax is needed to cover that and there isn't that amount available.

Wall Street Journal http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424127887323353204578127374039087636

Forbes makes it $127 Trillion (2014) http://www.forbes.com/sites/realspin/2014/01/17/you-think-the-deficit-is-bad-federal-unfunded-liabilities-exceed-127-trillion/#7858f30510d3

Ratio of retirees to taxpayers in an aging population? A lot of reform is required for an very unsustainable future.


Any comments of your future here? Tell us what you "know."

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Debt now $19 Trillion and climbing. Perhaps numbers speak clearer than comparing inter party percentages?

Why are debt hawks such size queens? Really. All this alarmism about how big the number is. The US government is not run like your granny's checking account. The US dollar is a reserve currency. It underpins most of international trade. Debt is used to invest and facilitate economic growth. Such investments generate wealth. If these investments are not made correctly and do not stimulate growth the markets will quickly punish such policies. The total size of aggregate debt is irrelevant to the issue of the capacity of the market to manage the debt burden.

All these silly graphs and nonsense about debt during George Washington's Presidency. Load of rubbish.

You want a discussion about debt management. I'm up for it. You want to continue with economically illiterate scare tactics, then fine. Have at it.

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For year 2015, The deficit is the smallest of Barack Obama’s presidency and the lowest since 2007 in both dollar terms and as a percentage of gross domestic product.

For the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30 the shortfall was $439 billion, a decrease of 9%, or $44 billion, from last year.

The deficit fell to 2.5% of GDP.

Now you know.

Please can you tell us why you keep saying "Now you know" ?

"Now you know?" I borrowed that from Trink.

I say it for the benefit of our friends here that watch the fake conservative news. They just don't know. Clueless.

Over to you.

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"The World considers a Trump Presidency..." is OP and we have pages long discussion about Bush and Obama !?!? Amazing ..

Come on.

Trump is promising to undo everything Obama has done to repair all the damage Bush did.

"everything Obama has done to repair all the damage Bush did." You seriously believe this part -- Really ? Wow!

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For year 2015, The deficit is the smallest of Barack Obama’s presidency and the lowest since 2007 in both dollar terms and as a percentage of gross domestic product.

For the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30 the shortfall was $439 billion, a decrease of 9%, or $44 billion, from last year.

The deficit fell to 2.5% of GDP.

Now you know.

Please can you tell us why you keep saying "Now you know" ?

"Now you know?" I borrowed that from Trink.

I say it for the benefit of our friends here that watch the fake conservative news. They just don't know. Clueless.

Over to you.

Just for you and the lost boy

Fake? Illiterate? Clueless? 10 out of 10 for hyperbole. Careful those words don't turn around and bite you on the bum.

But don't worry about me, argue with the Congressional Budget Office, ("Non partisan" not "fake conservative news")

You believe that the US exists in a perpetual green zone

Your ideas assume there is no economic cost to carrying debt.
You assume that there will never be any upward pressure on interest rates.
https://www.cbo.gov/publication/50250 The 2015 Long-Term Budget Outlook
http://www.nber.org/papers/w19253 National Bureau of Economic Research Off Balance sheet Federal Liabilities
OK then
Don't worry, be happy
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"The World considers a Trump Presidency..." is OP and we have pages long discussion about Bush and Obama !?!? Amazing ..

Come on.

Trump is promising to undo everything Obama has done to repair all the damage Bush did.

"everything Obama has done to repair all the damage Bush did." You seriously believe this part -- Really ? Wow!

Perhaps amnesia is playing a factor here?

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