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World considers a Trump presidency, and many shudder


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The Trump vs Establishment has the conspiracy nut demographic circlejerking. Trump is their guy and he is getting cheated! You can see their wacky comments on the blogs and youtube videos.

This will be as big as the Kennedy assassination, moon landing hoax, Obamas birth certificate, or nano thermite!!! They are just lovin it. Sitting in their mums basement, wearing their tin foil hats, making a mess.

Actually..you are far off the mark.

If hating the status quo, and 8 years of insensitivity and non professional leadership (Obama), makes you crazy. Than I prefer to be a crazy, tin foil hat man.

When people start chanting "Hillary is our Choice", then all of us crazy people are going to make a big sign that says............."We are Crazy...but thank God we are not Stooooooooooopid"

Democrats..eat krap.

lying hillary and her crew are not welcome.

signed. #NoBitch

The world is watching this election. It boggles the mind how a clown like Trump can attract any voters.

These Trump fans are delusional. They can say anything, no matter how crazy. It wacky world. Like entering the Twilight Zone.

This Trump supporter is saying Ted Cruz is a cross dresser, peeping tom, that has left a trail of dead hookers..


Nobody cares a hoot about the world...as they care even less about us.

Thanks to your man...obama.

If a non performing, unpopular, guy like Obama can get elected twice....then there IS something wrong. Even George Bush Jr. was not qualified. He was an idiot.

Tell me they are any better. lol Americans want change. That is for sure. Sometimes it is the Times that make the Man....and not the Man that makes the Times.

It's Trump time. Stay tuned.

And let the rest of the world weep. I am quite tired of their whining, anti american rhetoric, anyways. Time they pulled their own weight, paid equal for their own defense, and surely........it's time to force american business back to american soil.......so more jobs are available for americans.

go trump....(fist pump) yeah.!!!!!!!!!! Making America Great Again.........hoooot. yehawwwwwww


Donald Trump supporters did not have a very flattering picture painted of them by a new CNN/ORC poll.

Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/2610326/donald-trump-supporters-mostly-uneducated-new-poll-finds/#ykJSjm6YmPtlkiDd.99

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There was another time when the USA was battling for its soul. Smack dab in the middle of 2 world wars. What we are experiencing today is remarkably similar to 1933. From an interview on Salon.com in 2014:


"That’s right. And Huey Long on the left and Father Coughlin on the right kind of symbolized that. Father Coughlin was rabidly anti-communist, and so even though they had some of the same complaints about the concentration of power in government, Coughlin thought that Huey Long had communist tendencies, which he saw as the most dangerous thing in the world. And Huey Long thought that Coughlin had fascist tendencies, which was really the extreme form of corporate capitalism with unfettered regulation.

There was a great intellectual pursuit on all sides about what the best form of government intervention was at this point. In 1933, there were thousands and thousands of unemployed and impoverished and hungry people roaming the streets of America. There was a great fear that there actually could be a revolution — that there could be violence."

Edit: Opps I left out a section I wanted to post:

"But I also explore the populism of Huey Long, who was approaching FDR from the left, and who thought he was not doing enough to redistribute the wealth. And then there was the right-wing populism of Father Coughlin. They led two very popular populist movements of the time, both of which were focused on this deep dissatisfaction with the role that government was playing — the role that Franklin Roosevelt wanted government to play — and they were equally vitriolic and angry from opposite sides. I found that fascinating."

Read the interview..it is awesome. And it parallels today in many ways.

Edited by jmd8800
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This is the kind on nonsense the Trump fans gobble up.

If they had a brain, they would take it out and play with it.

attachicon.gifObama Hates USA.png

Is Obama destroying the country intentionally? I'm not sure. Maybe he is just really ideological and really naïve. However, the rest of this is pretty much factual.

Actually, Iran is the major middle east power standing in Isil's way. And not just in Isil's way. It's in Saudi Arabia's way. And Saudi Arabia is the real father of Al Qaeda and Isil. The thing is, Saudi Arabia and Israel now have a de facto alliance. It isn't Iran Israel is directly afraid of, but Hezbollah. And Hezbollah's major supporter is Iran. So, of course, we have Israel's amen corner playing up the threat of Iran and downplaying the threat of the real villain in the Mideast - Saudi Arabia. Right now the US is aiding the Saudis in Yemen. Thanks to which, Al Qaeda now controls a big swathe of territory in the south of Yemen. And why? Because the Houthis are Shia and therefore it must be Iran that is responsible for their success. Remember the war in Vietnam and how its supporters said it came about because the communists wanted to rule the world and North Vietnam was just pawn.? And it wasn't primarily about local conditions? But the Soviet Union and Red China were pulling the strings? We see the exact same kind of "thinking" - if we want to dignify this Pavlovian response with that word - at work here.

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Thanks, stillbornagain, for shedding some light (post above) on the byzantine giordian knot known as the Middle east. What a bunch of quagmires. It's like when you take 12 different colored clays and start mixing them together by hand, you get marbelized mush. With so many adversaries, N war is almost inevitable, and it won't be pretty.

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This is the kind on nonsense the Trump fans gobble up.

If they had a brain, they would take it out and play with it.

attachicon.gifObama Hates USA.png

Is Obama destroying the country intentionally? I'm not sure. Maybe he is just really ideological and really naïve. However, the rest of this is pretty much factual.

Now see, this is an example of a post most of us just dismiss out of hand because it's so preposterously over the top. Quoting raving lunatics will do that to your credibility.

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and the hits keep coming.....

In a Fox News debate, Donald Trump said the TPP is "a horrible deal."
"It's a deal that was designed for China to come in as they always do through the back door and totally take advantage of everyone," he said.
But guess what; China isn't even part of the TPP deal. The TPP is actually seen as an attempt to limit China's power and influence in trade. So Trump's criticism there is "just off-the-scales wrong," says David Autor, a labor economist at MIT.
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and the hits keep coming.....

In a Fox News debate, Donald Trump said the TPP is "a horrible deal."
"It's a deal that was designed for China to come in as they always do through the back door and totally take advantage of everyone," he said.
But guess what; China isn't even part of the TPP deal. The TPP is actually seen as an attempt to limit China's power and influence in trade. So Trump's criticism there is "just off-the-scales wrong," says David Autor, a labor economist at MIT.

Proof Trump hasn't a clue when it comes to trade agreements.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) levels the playing field for American workers and American businesses by eliminating over 18,000 taxes that various countries impose on Made-in-America exports.

US Exports are at an all time high, $1.4 trillion last year... thanks to our trade agreements.



Trump cavalierly throws insults at our trade representatives that are highly educated, experienced professionals. These people sit on the Boards of Boeing, Fed Ex, Caterpillar, US Steel, .....

Trump says they are bozos! What afool he is.

Edited by CousinEddie
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and the hits keep coming.....

In a Fox News debate, Donald Trump said the TPP is "a horrible deal."
"It's a deal that was designed for China to come in as they always do through the back door and totally take advantage of everyone," he said.
But guess what; China isn't even part of the TPP deal. The TPP is actually seen as an attempt to limit China's power and influence in trade. So Trump's criticism there is "just off-the-scales wrong," says David Autor, a labor economist at MIT.

Proof Trump hasn't a clue when it comes to trade agreements.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) levels the playing field for American workers and American businesses by eliminating over 18,000 taxes that various countries impose on Made-in-America exports.

US Exports are at an all time high, $1.4 trillion last year... thanks to our trade agreements.



Trump cavalierly throws insults at our trade representatives that are highly educated, experienced professionals. These people sit on the Boards of Boeing, Fed Ex, Caterpillar, US Steel, .....

Trump says they are bozos! What afool he is.

On the other hand there is this:

"In February 2016, Lise Johnson and Lisa Sachs of the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment and Jeffrey Sachs of the Earth Institute said that the ISDS provision in the TPP was an expanded version of the ISDS in NAFTA, pointing out that more than 10 percent of foreign investors in the US could access ISDS under the TPP regime.[55] Under the ISDS mechanism, foreign corporations can sue a national government in international arbitration over a government's actions if the measures have a negative effect on their profits and economic interests. Various measures, including those for public health, national security, environment, food and drug, responses to economic crises, could be challenged by foreign corporations, regardless of whether the measures are for the public interest.[55]"


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Hillary Clinton and Trump RELATED?!?w00t.gif

OK, I do see a bit of the Trump ORANGE in Hillary ... wacko.png

Aaron Godfrey, vice president of marketing for the website, said that research performed by MyHeritage.com determined that Clinton and Trump are descendants from an adulterous tryst between John of Gaunt, son of King Edward III, and his mistress, Katherine Swynsord.


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The Trump vs Establishment has the conspiracy nut demographic circlejerking. Trump is their guy and he is getting cheated! You can see their wacky comments on the blogs and youtube videos.

This will be as big as the Kennedy assassination, moon landing hoax, Obamas birth certificate, or nano thermite!!! They are just lovin it. Sitting in their mums basement, wearing their tin foil hats, making a mess.

Actually..you are far off the mark.

If hating the status quo, and 8 years of insensitivity and non professional leadership (Obama), makes you crazy. Than I prefer to be a crazy, tin foil hat man.

When people start chanting "Hillary is our Choice", then all of us crazy people are going to make a big sign that says............."We are Crazy...but thank God we are not Stooooooooooopid"

Democrats..eat krap.

lying hillary and her crew are not welcome.

signed. #NoBitch

The world is watching this election. It boggles the mind how a clown like Trump can attract any voters.

These Trump fans are delusional. They can say anything, no matter how crazy. It wacky world. Like entering the Twilight Zone.

This Trump supporter is saying Ted Cruz is a cross dresser, peeping tom, that has left a trail of dead hookers..


There's always going to be whackjobs in every direction Cousin Eddie. Especially at election time, nothing new there because it gives opportunity to vent and rant and rave of which you are a typical exponent albeit from the liberal side. But that's OK it's part of the political landscape so no surprises there and it's your democratic right so to do.

"How a clown like Trump can attract any voters" is because the 'silent majority' is so disenchanted with corrupt insiders that they turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to stuff Trump says that even might make them cringe.They readily forgive him because they see Trump as a motormouth but not devious as other career politicians.The fact that he can change his mind is seen not so much as inconsistent but as a good thing in contrast to bought off politicians that can never change their stance on anything because it's all pre-paid. Trump supporters are happy to bring down the system. What have they to lose? They are not benefitting now.

But it's not just Trump supporters, it's Sander's supporters too. If we have 40% Trump supporters saying they would abandon the Rep party and 30% of Sanders voters saying they would never vote for Hillary, then there is a huge swathe of the voting population base that is disenchanted with American politics today. This is what has given rise to Trump and why he attracts voters. They are tired of the same old self serving political establishment running the show without any care for the American people.

That's how they see it so it's actually a waste of energy to be so dismayed with Trump as so many posters enjoy sounding off on here without understanding the underlying reasons why Trump can say virtually anything and his popularity does not decline.

Edited by Linzz
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Here's an interesting survey result done worldwide asking adults in all the G20 countries who they would prefer, Trump or Clinton:

If the US presidential election were held in Russia today, the next president would be … Donald Trump.

Those are the results of new survey research by YouGov. It found Russia is the only country in the G20, the international forum of 20 of the world's major economies, that prefers Trump to Hillary Clinton:

All the other great powers of the world, both close allies and not-so-close said no way to Trump.

All the brill Trumpers on this forum are always saying how Trump will bring China and Mexico in line. I guess he will basically bring everyone in line, except Putin, who will be his new bff. laugh.png


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Here's an interesting survey result done worldwide asking adults in all the G20 countries who they would prefer, Trump or Clinton:

If the US presidential election were held in Russia today, the next president would be … Donald Trump.

Those are the results of new survey research by YouGov. It found Russia is the only country in the G20, the international forum of 20 of the world's major economies, that prefers Trump to Hillary Clinton:

All the other great powers of the world, both close allies and not-so-close said no way to Trump.

All the brill Trumpers on this forum are always saying how Trump will bring China and Mexico in line. I guess he will basically bring everyone in line, except Putin, who will be his new bff. laugh.png


....that is until Trump and Putin hate each other's guts. Trump is famous for loving someone one day, and hating him/her the next. With Trump, all is great or horrible, love or hate. He used to like HRC (he contributed several times to her political campaigns) but now doesn't like her. He used to love Megan Kelly ("I could never do your job nearly as well as you.") and now hates her. ....but he may love her again tomorrow. All she'd have to do is file a report which praises Trump, and Trump will love her again. Regarding Trump and Putin: Trump thinks Putin respects him because he's a tough guy. But Putin is no dummy. He can easily see through Trump's bluster. It Putin pretends to like Trump now, it's probably because he sees a Trump presidency as debilitating for America. Whatever debilitates my adversary, makes me stronger. Don't forget, Russkies are darn good at chess. They're adept at strategic games where mental prowess counts. ...just what Trump is inept at.

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Here's an interesting survey result done worldwide asking adults in all the G20 countries who they would prefer, Trump or Clinton:

If the US presidential election were held in Russia today, the next president would be … Donald Trump.

Those are the results of new survey research by YouGov. It found Russia is the only country in the G20, the international forum of 20 of the world's major economies, that prefers Trump to Hillary Clinton:

All the other great powers of the world, both close allies and not-so-close said no way to Trump.

All the brill Trumpers on this forum are always saying how Trump will bring China and Mexico in line. I guess he will basically bring everyone in line, except Putin, who will be his new bff. laugh.png


....that is until Trump and Putin hate each other's guts. Trump is famous for loving someone one day, and hating him/her the next. With Trump, all is great or horrible, love or hate. He used to like HRC (he contributed several times to her political campaigns) but now doesn't like her. He used to love Megan Kelly ("I could never do your job nearly as well as you.") and now hates her. ....but he may love her again tomorrow. All she'd have to do is file a report which praises Trump, and Trump will love her again. Regarding Trump and Putin: Trump thinks Putin respects him because he's a tough guy. But Putin is no dummy. He can easily see through Trump's bluster. It Putin pretends to like Trump now, it's probably because he sees a Trump presidency as debilitating for America. Whatever debilitates my adversary, makes me stronger. Don't forget, Russkies are darn good at chess. They're adept at strategic games where mental prowess counts. ...just what Trump is inept at.

Already happened Boomer. Megyn Kelly already initiated a meeting and visited Trump Towers. Trump said it was a good meeting ...

“She called last week and they set up a meeting. They said can we come up and I said would you come to Trump Tower? Because I didn’t want any confusion,” Trump said. “And she did. And she was very, very nice."

“We had a meeting and she was very nice,” he repeated.

“Maybe it was time — or maybe she felt it was time,” Trump said, explaining why he thought Kelly had reached out. “And by the way I give her a lot of credit for doing what she did."

Read more: http://www.politico.com/blogs/on-media/2016/04/megyn-kelly-meets-with-donald-trump-221898#ixzz46F3Cf2hj

Follow us: @politico on Twitter | Politico on Facebook

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Here's an interesting survey result done worldwide asking adults in all the G20 countries who they would prefer, Trump or Clinton:

If the US presidential election were held in Russia today, the next president would be … Donald Trump.

Those are the results of new survey research by YouGov. It found Russia is the only country in the G20, the international forum of 20 of the world's major economies, that prefers Trump to Hillary Clinton:

All the other great powers of the world, both close allies and not-so-close said no way to Trump.

All the brill Trumpers on this forum are always saying how Trump will bring China and Mexico in line. I guess he will basically bring everyone in line, except Putin, who will be his new bff. laugh.png


....that is until Trump and Putin hate each other's guts. Trump is famous for loving someone one day, and hating him/her the next. With Trump, all is great or horrible, love or hate. He used to like HRC (he contributed several times to her political campaigns) but now doesn't like her. He used to love Megan Kelly ("I could never do your job nearly as well as you.") and now hates her. ....but he may love her again tomorrow. All she'd have to do is file a report which praises Trump, and Trump will love her again. Regarding Trump and Putin: Trump thinks Putin respects him because he's a tough guy. But Putin is no dummy. He can easily see through Trump's bluster. It Putin pretends to like Trump now, it's probably because he sees a Trump presidency as debilitating for America. Whatever debilitates my adversary, makes me stronger. Don't forget, Russkies are darn good at chess. They're adept at strategic games where mental prowess counts. ...just what Trump is inept at.

Already happened Boomer. Megyn Kelly already initiated a meeting and visited Trump Towers. Trump said it was a good meeting ...

“She called last week and they set up a meeting. They said can we come up and I said would you come to Trump Tower? Because I didn’t want any confusion,” Trump said. “And she did. And she was very, very nice."

“We had a meeting and she was very nice,” he repeated.

“Maybe it was time — or maybe she felt it was time,” Trump said, explaining why he thought Kelly had reached out. “And by the way I give her a lot of credit for doing what she did."

Read more: http://www.politico.com/blogs/on-media/2016/04/megyn-kelly-meets-with-donald-trump-221898#ixzz46F3Cf2hj

Follow us: @politico on Twitter | Politico on Facebook

There it is. In that scenario, the difference between someone like me and Trump is: I would have never been so rude to Kelly in the interim. If she shot some tough questions to me, I might be a bit annoyed, but I would never denigrate a woman doing her job, certainly not publicly, and certainly not so crudely, as Trump did ("....blood coming from her, ...whatever").

So apparently they've made up for now. What about in the future, if Kelly tosses another tough question at Trump? Is he going on the warpath again? .....or the next person? ....and the next? Maybe he's dog pound manager material, but definitely not chief executive material.

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....that is until Trump and Putin hate each other's guts. Trump is famous for loving someone one day, and hating him/her the next. With Trump, all is great or horrible, love or hate. He used to like HRC (he contributed several times to her political campaigns) but now doesn't like her. He used to love Megan Kelly ("I could never do your job nearly as well as you.") and now hates her. ....but he may love her again tomorrow. All she'd have to do is file a report which praises Trump, and Trump will love her again. Regarding Trump and Putin: Trump thinks Putin respects him because he's a tough guy. But Putin is no dummy. He can easily see through Trump's bluster. It Putin pretends to like Trump now, it's probably because he sees a Trump presidency as debilitating for America. Whatever debilitates my adversary, makes me stronger. Don't forget, Russkies are darn good at chess. They're adept at strategic games where mental prowess counts. ...just what Trump is inept at.

Already happened Boomer. Megyn Kelly already initiated a meeting and visited Trump Towers. Trump said it was a good meeting ...

“She called last week and they set up a meeting. They said can we come up and I said would you come to Trump Tower? Because I didn’t want any confusion,” Trump said. “And she did. And she was very, very nice."

“We had a meeting and she was very nice,” he repeated.

“Maybe it was time — or maybe she felt it was time,” Trump said, explaining why he thought Kelly had reached out. “And by the way I give her a lot of credit for doing what she did."

Read more: http://www.politico.com/blogs/on-media/2016/04/megyn-kelly-meets-with-donald-trump-221898#ixzz46F3Cf2hj

Follow us: @politico on Twitter | Politico on Facebook

There it is. In that scenario, the difference between someone like me and Trump is: I would have never been so rude to Kelly in the interim. If she shot some tough questions to me, I might be a bit annoyed, but I would never denigrate a woman doing her job, certainly not publicly, and certainly not so crudely, as Trump did ("....blood coming from her, ...whatever").

So apparently they've made up for now. What about in the future, if Kelly tosses another tough question at Trump? Is he going on the warpath again? .....or the next person? ....and the next? Maybe he's dog pound manager material, but definitely not chief executive material.

I saw that "debate" ( they are anything but debates ), and Kelly was way out of line with a personal attack on Trump. I don't blame him for attacking her back.

BTW, chivalry has no place in politics. If a woman can't stand the heat she should leave the kitchen. I'm not going to give a pass to someone because they have different genitalia if they want to play with the boys.

Trump can take the tough questions, but he doesn't need to take personal abuse from anyone.

He's already chief executive of a multi billion dollar corporation, so what's your point? Do dog pound managers have billions of dollars to use?

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Here's an interesting survey result done worldwide asking adults in all the G20 countries who they would prefer, Trump or Clinton:

If the US presidential election were held in Russia today, the next president would be … Donald Trump.

Those are the results of new survey research by YouGov. It found Russia is the only country in the G20, the international forum of 20 of the world's major economies, that prefers Trump to Hillary Clinton:

All the other great powers of the world, both close allies and not-so-close said no way to Trump.

All the brill Trumpers on this forum are always saying how Trump will bring China and Mexico in line. I guess he will basically bring everyone in line, except Putin, who will be his new bff. laugh.png


....that is until Trump and Putin hate each other's guts. Trump is famous for loving someone one day, and hating him/her the next. With Trump, all is great or horrible, love or hate. He used to like HRC (he contributed several times to her political campaigns) but now doesn't like her. He used to love Megan Kelly ("I could never do your job nearly as well as you.") and now hates her. ....but he may love her again tomorrow. All she'd have to do is file a report which praises Trump, and Trump will love her again. Regarding Trump and Putin: Trump thinks Putin respects him because he's a tough guy. But Putin is no dummy. He can easily see through Trump's bluster. It Putin pretends to like Trump now, it's probably because he sees a Trump presidency as debilitating for America. Whatever debilitates my adversary, makes me stronger. Don't forget, Russkies are darn good at chess. They're adept at strategic games where mental prowess counts. ...just what Trump is inept at.

Amazing how some people can evaluate someone's tendancies in a matter of minutes just by watching the mainstream media. Rather amazing.

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I saw that "debate" ( they are anything but debates ), and Kelly was way out of line with a personal attack on Trump. I don't blame him for attacking her back.

There was no "personal attack", there was no "personal abuse" and it's time you stopped repeating the lie that there was.

She simply quoted his OWN words in which he'd described women, and asked him how he responded to Clinton's accusation that he was "part of the war on women".

In the second question, she quoted his own words in which he said he had "identified as a Democrat", stated (accurately) that his critics had accused him of being a Democrat, and asked him when he actually became a Republican.

I suggest you watch it again and stop pointlessly repeating this falsehood.

Edited by Chicog
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God he's gormless.


“It’s very close to my heart because I was down there, and I watched our police and our firemen down at 7/11, down at the World Trade Center right after it came down, and I saw the greatest people I’ve ever seen in action,” Trump told the crowd.


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The Trump vs Establishment has the conspiracy nut demographic circlejerking. Trump is their guy and he is getting cheated! You can see their wacky comments on the blogs and youtube videos.

This will be as big as the Kennedy assassination, moon landing hoax, Obamas birth certificate, or nano thermite!!! They are just lovin it. Sitting in their mums basement, wearing their tin foil hats, making a mess.

Actually..you are far off the mark.

If hating the status quo, and 8 years of insensitivity and non professional leadership (Obama), makes you crazy. Than I prefer to be a crazy, tin foil hat man.

When people start chanting "Hillary is our Choice", then all of us crazy people are going to make a big sign that says............."We are Crazy...but thank God we are not Stooooooooooopid"

Democrats..eat krap.

lying hillary and her crew are not welcome.

signed. #NoBitch

Trump is the status quo. Definition of status quo = people who adhere to commonly held ways of doing things. Please name one thing which Trump does differently than the status quo. Note I used the word 'does' not 'says.' I can name hundreds of ways in which Trump is status quo.

If you want to look at people who are not status quo, you could look at the type of people who go to Burning Man, for example. Trump wears suits and ties, connives to make as much money as possible, lives in the 2nd biggest city in N.America. His wife wears jewelry, make-up, oversees maids and butlers, married for money. Trump's kids are all status quo also. They all live in houses which suck a whole lot of AC power to feed all their status quo electronic devices. They're as status quo as is humanly possible. About the only thing Trump doesn't do, which most of his peers do, is smoke and drink alcohol.

Status quo is the existing way of doing things

Status Quo is an old British rock band specialising in 8 bar blues

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There is a BBC video on Facebook that shows Trump confuse 9/11 with 7/11 in a broadcasted speech

Google it

Vote for this fool ...you will go down like many of his dumb business ideas

Lots of people voted for the fool 7+ years ago that said he had visited all 57 states.

Many fools running around lately and not all of them are Americans.

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Good on Peter King, however...

Perhaps the plain talking Republican Congressman Peter King of Staten Island in NYC could reconsider and send the vial to Trump or Cruz or both...

In a sign of Ted Cruz's unpopularity in New York - and among many Republicans - Congressman Peter King has said he will "take cyanide" if the Texas senator wins the Republican presidential nomination.

Mr King is the former chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee.

"I hate Ted Cruz," he said on MSNBC's Morning Joe.

Mr Cruz's campaign did not immediately respond to a comment request.

Mr King previously said that any New Yorker who thinks of voting for Cruz "should have their head examined."

Mr King says he voted for John Kasich in the primary.


King said anybody who comes to New York wearing cowboy boots deserves to lose.

We recall Cruz is the guy who ran a political ad of himself frying bacon on the barrel of his rifle after firing off a couple of hundred rounds. laugh.png

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Good on Peter King, however...

Perhaps the plain talking Republican Congressman Peter King of Staten Island in NYC could reconsider and send the vial to Trump or Cruz or both...

In a sign of Ted Cruz's unpopularity in New York - and among many Republicans - Congressman Peter King has said he will "take cyanide" if the Texas senator wins the Republican presidential nomination.

Mr King is the former chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee.

"I hate Ted Cruz," he said on MSNBC's Morning Joe.

Mr Cruz's campaign did not immediately respond to a comment request.

Mr King previously said that any New Yorker who thinks of voting for Cruz "should have their head examined."

Mr King says he voted for John Kasich in the primary.


King said anybody who comes to New York wearing cowboy boots deserves to lose.

We recall Cruz is the guy who ran a political ad of himself frying bacon on the barrel of his rifle after firing off a couple of hundred rounds. laugh.png

Publicus, you are against Trump, well, can you stop turning up here to put up posts that are in line with Trump's supporters.

YOU go and demonise China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, etc., well, this is what actually makes Americans vote FOR Trump.

And stop undermining Ted Cruz. Ted Cruz IS better than Trump. Ted had that video of himself with bacon and a rifle. Publicus, you're not exactly AGAINST America's Crusade against Iran and the other Muslims. Shut up being against Cruz. And anyway, it's not as if Hillary is AGAINST America's Crusade against the Arabs. Hillary is actually all FOR the Crusade against the Arabs. Hillary did actually back the Bush Crusade against Iraq back in 2003.

Publicus, be careful who you are against. It might come back to bite your bu_ later on. We've all seen that with America's foreign policy. :)

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Good on Peter King, however...

Perhaps the plain talking Republican Congressman Peter King of Staten Island in NYC could reconsider and send the vial to Trump or Cruz or both...

In a sign of Ted Cruz's unpopularity in New York - and among many Republicans - Congressman Peter King has said he will "take cyanide" if the Texas senator wins the Republican presidential nomination.

Mr King is the former chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee.

"I hate Ted Cruz," he said on MSNBC's Morning Joe.

Mr Cruz's campaign did not immediately respond to a comment request.

Mr King previously said that any New Yorker who thinks of voting for Cruz "should have their head examined."

Mr King says he voted for John Kasich in the primary.


King said anybody who comes to New York wearing cowboy boots deserves to lose.

We recall Cruz is the guy who ran a political ad of himself frying bacon on the barrel of his rifle after firing off a couple of hundred rounds. laugh.png

Ted Cruz says the universe was created in six historical days and is continuously sustained by God.

He is an educated man. He cant believe that.

Is he saying these things just to get the gullible, uneducated demographic?

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